Retired ICE Special Agent Victor Avila: No Rules Are Being Followed On Border…No ID’s Needed To Board Flights Taking Mostly Young Men To Destinations


Diamond Member
Mar 19, 2015
The deliberate spreading of diseases, etc., across America.

And the fucking Republicans refuse to put forth Articles of Impeachment against Traitor Joe for this insurrection.

Victor explained that in addition to COVID, the massive influx of illegal immigrants are bringing other dangerous viruses and diseases to the U.S. Thanks to Biden’s $86 million contribution that was allotted courtesy of the American taxpayer, to house tens of thousands of foreign invaders, the illegal aliens who are COVID positive are being shipped out to hotels or transported by plane to locations across America. Remember when Democrats accused Trump supporters who attended his rallies criminals for being part of his “super spreader” outdoor rallies?

Avila told us that he was furious to discover that the illegal aliens are not even being asked for identification before boarding a plane. When Avila asked the U.S. border agent at the airport in Arlington, Texas, who waived the ID requirement for illegal immigrants to fly, he was told they don’t know. He also explained that the consulates who would normally check to see if the individuals have criminal backgrounds are nowhere to be found. Avila explained that of the people being transported across America into small towns, mostly in Michigan, Virginia, and Maryland. He also revealed that the majority of illegal aliens are young men who are 22-25 years old and are posing as teenagers to get into America.

“A lot of these people are coming across, and they’ve never been vaccinated for tuberculosis and other diseases,” he said. Avila told us that many of the people coming across our border couldn’t even read or write Spanish. Yet, they will be placed into American schools, where the teachers will be forced to teach to the lowest common denominator, essentially stealing time away from children who are American citizens.

Avila also addresses drug cartels and how they are already operating in the U.S., and many of these illegal aliens they are helping to cross into the U.S. will be beholden to them even after they move into small towns across America.

Watch his incredible video here:

Articles of Impeachment start in the House which is majority communist. The upper end of the democrat Communist party is all corrupt and so corrupt that getting rid of Chicom Joe wouldn't help.
Great sources. How does a guy who's been retired for years know so much about what's going on right now? He wrote a book, been out since October, he's making the rightwing rounds on Newsmax, etc.

He holds no love for ICE or Democrats and I'd take this all with a very large grain of salt.
Ever since Obama took over and started ignoring our laws, the Democrat party has been steadily pulling away from Americanism and drawing toward Marxism. Democrats will never again be fit to rule America as evidenced by the disaster they have created at our border.
Great sources. How does a guy who's been retired for years know so much about what's going on right now? He wrote a book, been out since October, he's making the rightwing rounds on Newsmax, etc.

He holds no love for ICE or Democrats and I'd take this all with a very large grain of salt.
Your right, of course.

The only sources that can be trusted never say bad things about Biden or the democrats.

Now most would jump to the wild conclusion that it is because they are mere propaganda for them, but in reality they are the master race, the only ones with integrity on the planet.
The deliberate spreading of diseases, etc., across America.

you didn't care when the former President did it at his rallies, why care now?
The deliberate spreading of diseases, etc., across America.

And the fucking Republicans refuse to put forth Articles of Impeachment against Traitor Joe for this insurrection.

Victor explained that in addition to COVID, the massive influx of illegal immigrants are bringing other dangerous viruses and diseases to the U.S. Thanks to Biden’s $86 million contribution that was allotted courtesy of the American taxpayer, to house tens of thousands of foreign invaders, the illegal aliens who are COVID positive are being shipped out to hotels or transported by plane to locations across America. Remember when Democrats accused Trump supporters who attended his rallies criminals for being part of his “super spreader” outdoor rallies?

Avila told us that he was furious to discover that the illegal aliens are not even being asked for identification before boarding a plane. When Avila asked the U.S. border agent at the airport in Arlington, Texas, who waived the ID requirement for illegal immigrants to fly, he was told they don’t know. He also explained that the consulates who would normally check to see if the individuals have criminal backgrounds are nowhere to be found. Avila explained that of the people being transported across America into small towns, mostly in Michigan, Virginia, and Maryland. He also revealed that the majority of illegal aliens are young men who are 22-25 years old and are posing as teenagers to get into America.

“A lot of these people are coming across, and they’ve never been vaccinated for tuberculosis and other diseases,” he said. Avila told us that many of the people coming across our border couldn’t even read or write Spanish. Yet, they will be placed into American schools, where the teachers will be forced to teach to the lowest common denominator, essentially stealing time away from children who are American citizens.

Avila also addresses drug cartels and how they are already operating in the U.S., and many of these illegal aliens they are helping to cross into the U.S. will be beholden to them even after they move into small towns across America.

Watch his incredible video here:

What the hell are we doing flying illegals all across the country?? They should all be bussed back to the border and kicked out. Illegal is Illegal.

That stuttering fuck in insane.
Laws aren't being followed inside the borders either. They haven't been for years.
Remember when Democrats accused Trump supporters who attended his rallies criminals for being part of his “super spreader” outdoor rallies?

Yes, and Republicans and Trump ignored the Democrats...
Articles of Impeachment start in the House which is majority communist. The upper end of the democrat Communist party is all corrupt and so corrupt that getting rid of Chicom Joe wouldn't help.

Doesn't matter, the Republicans need to file Articles of Impeachment and make the insurrection on the border, and Biden's shipping these people all over America without ID's, etc., an issue now.

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