Retail sales Plummet 20%


Diamond Member
May 20, 2014
This April's retail sales are down 21.6% compared to April 2019. US stocks traded lower following the dire news. The seasonally adjusted total dollar amount spent on goods dropped back to a level not seen since 2013. US retail sales collapse to record low in April
Of course the experts were shocked, dont ask me why. Perhaps there are no experts. Anyway bask in your salvation, shiver in place and above all dont ask questions.
Actually this just proves dems environmental policies are wrong. Before COVID, all the green energy crap and carbon just kept going up. After COVID, the rates started dropping. They cannot have it both ways. Either you have to commit to saving the planet or you have to commit to giving more people mo' money with which to trash the planet at a faster clip.
Half the people will continue to stay out of stores for the foreseeable future. And there's nothing wrong with that they should be encouraged to. They have online to get their necessities. We don't need them in the stores during this time.
People are going to start saving money across the board! This helicopter money is going to end up sitting in bank accounts, collecting 0.1% interest at best. Folks now have to hunker down financially, as the unemployment rate is going to be a huge risk for almost everyone's jobs.
Coming up may be a great time to purchase a used or new vehicle if you are in the market. Prices will be coming down. Low-ball the heck out of em. My son just purchased a used vehicle for less than bluebook value.
Isn't people spending less and saving more a good thing considering 90 percent live paycheck to paycheck barely hanging on?
Isn't people spending less and saving more a good thing considering 90 percent live paycheck to paycheck barely hanging on?
Are you really trying to argue the overall financial health of Americans is improving...…….
Well since wages were so stagnated while the cost of everything increased went up dramatically people simply were not getting ahead while working their tails off...until exhaustion. So it makes sense if people spend less and save more everyone wins. Even businesses.
It's all going according to plan. Millions of small businesses are failing while Jeff Bezos, Bill Gates and Mark Zuckerberg and being enriched.

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