Restaurant owner kicks Sarah Sanders party out on moral grounds



Comment From their FB page:

According to Virginia Department of Health’s Inspection database, Red Hen has had multiple health code violations since opening: two critical violations in 2014 and one priority violation in 2017.

The 2014 critical violations, dated April 8, dealt with storage of raw beef and dating issues with packaging. Red Hen was sited for storing raw beef above ready-to-eat food in one refrigerator unit, and storing thawing meat above cookie bars in another refrigerator. Red Hen was also cited for not properly labeling ready-to-eat grits in the refrigerator. Both violations were corrected at the time.
guess what, Trump administration people: NO PEACE, NO SLEEP FOR YOU! NO PEACE, NO SLEEP!

you're already getting your butt kicked out of restaurants, and you ain't seen nothin yet. we're gonna stay the course and we're gonna defeat you. and tell Jeff Sessions that God is on OUR side!
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Comment From their FB page:

According to Virginia Department of Health’s Inspection database, Red Hen has had multiple health code violations since opening: two critical violations in 2014 and one priority violation in 2017.

The 2014 critical violations, dated April 8, dealt with storage of raw beef and dating issues with packaging. Red Hen was sited for storing raw beef above ready-to-eat food in one refrigerator unit, and storing thawing meat above cookie bars in another refrigerator. Red Hen was also cited for not properly labeling ready-to-eat grits in the refrigerator. Both violations were corrected at the time.

Only 3 violations in 4 years? That is actually kinda impressive. Here in Amarillo, once a week, the local news tells us how the eateries that were inspected that week did on their health inspections. Some of those places had more than 5 violations in just one inspection!

And, because I worked in the bar/restaurant business, I had to go through those inspections as well. If it is something small that can be corrected at the time of the inspection, they will note it, and that you corrected it when you found out about it. It won't count against your overall grade, but it will be noted.
Political affiliation needs to be a protected class. Just like your sex, race, religion, queerness, handicap, etc. it’s all part of what you are and no one deserves this restaurant bullshit that has suddenly sprung to life

I disagree. Soon everything will be a protected class, and we will then have government and the courts dictating on everything from our hair color, to how many breaths we can take a day.

We also have private property rights. The restaurant owner had EVERY RIGHT to tell Sanders to leave. However, people also have a right to comment, and not patronize her business.
There are many illegalities committed when you ask someone to leave your business because they are black,Muslim, female, handicapped, queer, etc. Because you own it Does Not Mean you can do absolutely what you wish with it
Sanders was politely informed that the things she says are offensive to her employees and they do not wish to serve her
She is a pig and she should be treated as one. I would not welcome her or any trump supporter into my business. And I'm not even a liberal....sick and tired of the fake compassion, bunch of liars and crooks.

You're not a liberal? You're not a business owner either....what a shock.
Sanders was politely informed that the things she says are offensive to her employees and they do not wish to serve her
Politely inform Al Sharpton that he must leave because you do not like what he thinks, says and believes and you will have WWIII on your hands
One way street of liberal ideology in Full display
Sarah has openly supported the rights of businesses to deny service to gays

That restaurant had gay employees who wanted to deny service to her

One of life’s little ironies

So has the Supreme Court you fucking moron.

You didn't really read the ruling that the USSC did on the baker, did you? Because if you had, you would have seen that the ruling is for the BAKER CASE ONLY AND HAS NO BEARING ON OTHER CASES THAT MAY COME UP.

No, the USSC did not rule in favor of discriminating against gays.
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Comment From their FB page:

According to Virginia Department of Health’s Inspection database, Red Hen has had multiple health code violations since opening: two critical violations in 2014 and one priority violation in 2017.

The 2014 critical violations, dated April 8, dealt with storage of raw beef and dating issues with packaging. Red Hen was sited for storing raw beef above ready-to-eat food in one refrigerator unit, and storing thawing meat above cookie bars in another refrigerator. Red Hen was also cited for not properly labeling ready-to-eat grits in the refrigerator. Both violations were corrected at the time.
Oh? You have a link to their report?
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Comment From their FB page:

According to Virginia Department of Health’s Inspection database, Red Hen has had multiple health code violations since opening: two critical violations in 2014 and one priority violation in 2017.

The 2014 critical violations, dated April 8, dealt with storage of raw beef and dating issues with packaging. Red Hen was sited for storing raw beef above ready-to-eat food in one refrigerator unit, and storing thawing meat above cookie bars in another refrigerator. Red Hen was also cited for not properly labeling ready-to-eat grits in the refrigerator. Both violations were corrected at the time.

Only 3 violations in 4 years? That is actually kinda impressive. Here in Amarillo, once a week, the local news tells us how the eateries that were inspected that week did on their health inspections. Some of those places had more than 5 violations in just one inspection!

And, because I worked in the bar/restaurant business, I had to go through those inspections as well. If it is something small that can be corrected at the time of the inspection, they will note it, and that you corrected it when you found out about it. It won't count against your overall grade, but it will be noted.
There’s actually no evidence of any such violations. All there is, is s photograph some conservative took of a piece of paper after printing out the violations they claim were really by the Department of Health.
View attachment 201040


Comment From their FB page:

According to Virginia Department of Health’s Inspection database, Red Hen has had multiple health code violations since opening: two critical violations in 2014 and one priority violation in 2017.

The 2014 critical violations, dated April 8, dealt with storage of raw beef and dating issues with packaging. Red Hen was sited for storing raw beef above ready-to-eat food in one refrigerator unit, and storing thawing meat above cookie bars in another refrigerator. Red Hen was also cited for not properly labeling ready-to-eat grits in the refrigerator. Both violations were corrected at the time.

Only 3 violations in 4 years? That is actually kinda impressive. Here in Amarillo, once a week, the local news tells us how the eateries that were inspected that week did on their health inspections. Some of those places had more than 5 violations in just one inspection!

And, because I worked in the bar/restaurant business, I had to go through those inspections as well. If it is something small that can be corrected at the time of the inspection, they will note it, and that you corrected it when you found out about it. It won't count against your overall grade, but it will be noted.
There’s actually no evidence of any such violations. All there is, is s photograph some conservative took of a piece of paper after printing out the violations they claim were really by the Department of Health.

Even if it is fake, I can tell you that only 3 violations in 4 years is pretty freaking good. I worked as a bartender/cook for a biker bar here in Amarillo, and I can tell you that under their grading, you could have up to 5 violations that are correctable on the spot, and still get a pretty decent grade. This place had 2 that were corrected on site (no violation), and one major one that obviously was corrected or else they wouldn't still be in business.

Nope, this is a made up outrage because they are pissed Sanders got kicked out.
Sarah has openly supported the rights of businesses to deny service to gays

That restaurant had gay employees who wanted to deny service to her

One of life’s little ironies

So has the Supreme Court you fucking moron.

You didn't really read the ruling that the USSC did on the baker, did you? Because if you had, you would have seen that the ruling is for the BAKER CASE ONLY AND HAS NO BEARING ON OTHER CASES THAT MAY COME UP.

No, the USSC did not rule in favor of discriminating against gays.

You failed to realize that the ruling found in favor of a guy that refused to cater a queer wedding meaning he was justified in the discrimination against the queer shitheads

That case will be used for precedent in other cases.

However, that has nothing to do with the point that I made that the queer in the restaurant and the stupid hate mongering Moon Bat manager were fucking assholes for not accommodating a family dinner for no other reason than divisive hate politics.

If you filthy ass Liberals cared as much about intelligent successful women like Sarah who are working to make this country great again as you do your fudge packing queer buddies then maybe you would be a little more civilized.
View attachment 201040


Comment From their FB page:

According to Virginia Department of Health’s Inspection database, Red Hen has had multiple health code violations since opening: two critical violations in 2014 and one priority violation in 2017.

The 2014 critical violations, dated April 8, dealt with storage of raw beef and dating issues with packaging. Red Hen was sited for storing raw beef above ready-to-eat food in one refrigerator unit, and storing thawing meat above cookie bars in another refrigerator. Red Hen was also cited for not properly labeling ready-to-eat grits in the refrigerator. Both violations were corrected at the time.

Only 3 violations in 4 years? That is actually kinda impressive. Here in Amarillo, once a week, the local news tells us how the eateries that were inspected that week did on their health inspections. Some of those places had more than 5 violations in just one inspection!

And, because I worked in the bar/restaurant business, I had to go through those inspections as well. If it is something small that can be corrected at the time of the inspection, they will note it, and that you corrected it when you found out about it. It won't count against your overall grade, but it will be noted.
There’s actually no evidence of any such violations. All there is, is s photograph some conservative took of a piece of paper after printing out the violations they claim were really by the Department of Health.

Even if it is fake, I can tell you that only 3 violations in 4 years is pretty freaking good. I worked as a bartender/cook for a biker bar here in Amarillo, and I can tell you that under their grading, you could have up to 5 violations that are correctable on the spot, and still get a pretty decent grade. This place had 2 that were corrected on site (no violation), and one major one that obviously was corrected or else they wouldn't still be in business.

Nope, this is a made up outrage because they are pissed Sanders got kicked out.

Would you eat in a restaurant where the staff didn't even know that chicken needs to be cooked to 165F? Because if you did you would stand a good chance of getting the shits something fierce. No thank you for me.
View attachment 201040


Comment From their FB page:

According to Virginia Department of Health’s Inspection database, Red Hen has had multiple health code violations since opening: two critical violations in 2014 and one priority violation in 2017.

The 2014 critical violations, dated April 8, dealt with storage of raw beef and dating issues with packaging. Red Hen was sited for storing raw beef above ready-to-eat food in one refrigerator unit, and storing thawing meat above cookie bars in another refrigerator. Red Hen was also cited for not properly labeling ready-to-eat grits in the refrigerator. Both violations were corrected at the time.

Only 3 violations in 4 years? That is actually kinda impressive. Here in Amarillo, once a week, the local news tells us how the eateries that were inspected that week did on their health inspections. Some of those places had more than 5 violations in just one inspection!

And, because I worked in the bar/restaurant business, I had to go through those inspections as well. If it is something small that can be corrected at the time of the inspection, they will note it, and that you corrected it when you found out about it. It won't count against your overall grade, but it will be noted.
There’s actually no evidence of any such violations. All there is, is s photograph some conservative took of a piece of paper after printing out the violations they claim were really by the Department of Health.

Even if it is fake, I can tell you that only 3 violations in 4 years is pretty freaking good. I worked as a bartender/cook for a biker bar here in Amarillo, and I can tell you that under their grading, you could have up to 5 violations that are correctable on the spot, and still get a pretty decent grade. This place had 2 that were corrected on site (no violation), and one major one that obviously was corrected or else they wouldn't still be in business.

Nope, this is a made up outrage because they are pissed Sanders got kicked out.

Would you eat in a restaurant where the staff didn't even know that chicken needs to be cooked to 165F? Because if you did you would stand a good chance of getting the shits something fierce. No thank you for me.

No, I wouldn't eat at a place that doesn't train their staff properly. And, I can tell you that EVERY place I ever worked as a short order cook put me through anywhere from 3 days to a weeks worth of training.

But that isn't what this is about. It is about the allegations of health code violations. All total, there were 3. One was a major one but was obviously corrected because they are still in business, and the other 2 were minor violations that were corrected on the spot.

Interestingly enough, Trump's Mar a Lago resort has had 78 violations in 3 years. Red Hen has only had 3 over a 4 year period.

Trump slams Red Hen for being 'filthy,' but Mar-a-Lago was cited 78 times in 3 years

Trump slams Red Hen for being 'filthy.' Inspectors found no violations but Mar-a-Lago was cited 78 times in three years
  • President Trump lashes out at a Virginia restaurant that refused to serve White House press secretary Sarah Huckabee Sanders.
  • Trump says the Red Hen restaurant is "filthy" and "badly needs a paint job."
  • Critics were quick to point out that some of the president's own establishments have not performed well in their own inspections.
  • The Associated Press found the president's Mar-a-Lago resort in Florida was cited 78 times over three years for health code violations, including cooking staff not washing their hands and the “accumulation of black/green mold-like substance” on an ice machine.
Apparently the supreme court says they can do just what they did….
No. SCOTUS only ruled for the baker. The judgement can't be used to protect the The Red Shithouse restaurant from a PA violation. Trump supporters should invade the restaurant, taking up all the seats and ordering only water.

There is no violation. PA Laws don't protect common whores with political affiliations.

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