Respect for Marriage Act?

The Loving case back in the 1960's in Virginia did away with prohibiting interracial marriage. And I never had a problem with that to begin with, though I have met both white and black people who do not look kindly upon it to say the least.
Wow, BOTH of the only two races in the world?
For some it is religious. For many it is not. The religious do not get to define marriage for the rest of us. For that matter, not all of those who are religious define marriage as strictly between a man and a woman
Actually, yes we do. There is one and ONLY one proper definition of marriage and G-d spelled it out. One man-one woman. Nothing else is legitimate.
Oh wow.! Just fucking Wow!So now you're admitting io being so fucking stupid as to think you know something about my sexuality and my life? Normy, you are a fucking pathetic mess!

Then why are you so kean on excluding same sex straight couples.

Come on, admit it, you’re a heterophobe.

It’s ok, you’ll feel better once you fess up kid.
Speaking only for myself, If I were to be married, which I highly doubt I ever will be, I would not do so in a manner that granted the State jusirdiction over it.

I'm fully capable of managing a household without submitting to the State (License) that I am incapable and require its supervision.
Vows are meaningless? You must have had a bad experience with marriage. Just about taxes? Wow! That is sad if you really think so.

The fact is that marriage is making a comeback and gay marriage has helped. Same sex couples are less likely to divorce, and back when only some states had same sex marriage, opposite sex marriage divorce rates in those states went down also

Gay marriage has made marriage more inclusive and broadened its base. It has more legitimcacy and stabiity as an institution.

The only people who are still whining about gays being able to marry or lamenting the decline of marriage are those who are insecure in their own relationships or have issues with their own sexuality or gender identity. They are threatened by the changes in society that they don't understnd and can't controll. Therefore they have to either lash out at gays and gay marriage, or trivialise and debase the institution of marriage itself
Like I said, get married, I don’t really care. Whether someone gets married or not is not my business, go in peace. Marriage has been trivialized and debased long before gays started marrying. I am going by statistics. My wife and I took our vows and have lived by them. We have been married for decades and I love my wife. All but a few that married when we did are now divorced. People spend tens of thousands of dollars on weddings and the spectacle of getting married and little has been given to comittment. You can believe what you want however since the 70’s divorce seems the solution. 46% of people don’t see a need to marry, that is up significantly since the 70’s. Gay marriage isn’t part of the decline of marriage, it started long ago, long before gays started to marry. But you believe what you need to believe.
A man and a woman and the next woman and the next woman and maybe a porn star.

Any of which can make children. Be glad for that when you are in a hospital and the product of heterosexuality is saving your life.
Any of which can make children. Be glad for that when you are in a hospital and the product of heterosexuality is saving your life.

I saw no one advocating that people stop procreating so I have no idea what your rant has to do with the discussion.
I saw no one advocating that people stop procreating so I have no idea what your rant has to do with the discussion.

I’m not the one trivializing the importance of man/woman relationships. No other is anywhere close to that in importance.
Yes, but I don’t discriminate based on disability or age.
Buddy you're a bigot and a coward who's said some pretty inaccurate things in service of that bigotry. For instance the person working on you in the hospital could very well be the product of in vitro fertilization rather than a hero sex act. Biology and science aren't limited by your bigoted imagination.
I’m not the one trivializing the importance of man/woman relationships. No other is anywhere close to that in importance.

Trivializing? Men and women haven't had relationships without the governments involvement for centuries?

What marriage is, or was is something between a man and a woman and a government. Now it's between and man and a woman and the government or a man and a man and the government or a woman and a woman and the government.

While we would never be able to completely eliminate the government from the conversation, we could in some large parts.

It's none of the governments business IMO who a person decides to marry.
Buddy you're a bigot and a coward who's said some pretty inaccurate things in service of that bigotry. For instance the person working on you in the hospital could very well be the product of in vitro fertilization rather than a hero sex act. Biology and science aren't limited by your bigoted imagination.

I oppose same sex marriage regardless of the sexuality makeup of the couple.

Got it bigot.
Trivializing? Men and women haven't had relationships without the governments involvement for centuries?

What marriage is, or was is something between a man and a woman and a government. Now it's between and man and a woman and the government or a man and a man and the government or a woman and a woman and the government.

While we would never be able to completely eliminate the government from the conversation, we could in some large parts.

It's none of the governments business IMO who a person decides to marry.

The governmental portion of this is only in the section of the law requiring that the couple be not to closely related.

And what sense does that make with same sex couples. They can’t breed.

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