Resolution 242: It does NOT mean withdrawal to 1967 lines

Do you mean the media that tells us that Salam Fayyad is the prime minister of Palestine?

Or that Hamas violently took over Gaza?
Fayyed is the the most decent abnd Capable Palestinian leader of all time.
We realize you prefer the Jew-Genociding Hamas who doesn't want Pan-Palestinian elections.

Salam Fayyad has a long list of violations of both Palestinian and international law.

This appointment has been challenged as illegal, because while the Palestinian Basic Law permits the president to dismiss a sitting prime minister, the appointment of a replacement requires the approval of the Legislative Council. The law provides that after removal of the prime minister (in this case, Ismail Haniyeh), the outgoing prime minister heads a caretaker government. The current Legislative Council, in which Hamas holds a majority of seats, has not approved the appointments of Fayyad or the balance of his new government. Fayyad's appointment was never placed before, or approved by it.[11] Haniyeh continues to operate as prime minister in Gaza, and is recognized by a large number of Palestinians as the legitimate acting prime minister. Anis al-Qasem, a constitutional lawyer who drafted the Basic Law, is among those who publicly declared the appointment of Fayyad to be illegal.[12]

Salam Fayyad - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
You're an IDIOT and a bigot.

You support Hamas and make Fayyed into a criminal.
The only Honest leader in Palestine.
Fayyed is the the most decent abnd Capable Palestinian leader of all time.
We realize you prefer the Jew-Genociding Hamas who doesn't want Pan-Palestinian elections.

Salam Fayyad has a long list of violations of both Palestinian and international law.

This appointment has been challenged as illegal, because while the Palestinian Basic Law permits the president to dismiss a sitting prime minister, the appointment of a replacement requires the approval of the Legislative Council. The law provides that after removal of the prime minister (in this case, Ismail Haniyeh), the outgoing prime minister heads a caretaker government. The current Legislative Council, in which Hamas holds a majority of seats, has not approved the appointments of Fayyad or the balance of his new government. Fayyad's appointment was never placed before, or approved by it.[11] Haniyeh continues to operate as prime minister in Gaza, and is recognized by a large number of Palestinians as the legitimate acting prime minister. Anis al-Qasem, a constitutional lawyer who drafted the Basic Law, is among those who publicly declared the appointment of Fayyad to be illegal.[12]

Salam Fayyad - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
You're an IDIOT and a bigot.

You support Hamas and make Fayyed into a criminal.
The only Honest leader in Palestine.

Fayyad is a criminal. The Goldstone Report noted international law violations of the PA. Fayyad has been spending, and losing, Palestinian money since 2007. Like in the US, the executive is not authorized to spend money. That is the job given by their constitution to the PLC.

The security forces under his command are not authorized by, paid by, or under the control of the legal, elected government. They spy on people without court issued warrants. They arrest people who have broken no law and without court issued warrants. They detain people indefinitely without charge or legal council. Torture is common and several people have been tortured to death. All of this is in violation of Palestine's constitution and some is in violation of international law. There are other less significant violations also.

That is why Hamas and other factions, refuse to accept Fayyad as the PM of the new reconciliation government.
Fayyed's reliability is why the PA is getting Big time aid and turning the WB into a prosperous well run place.
You're a Hamas ASSHOLE who fancies himself a peanut gallery revolutionary.
A 'che' complex.
From the liberal Slate:

What Egypt Can Learn from Palestine
How Salam Fayyad is undermining Islamism in the West Bank.
By Michael Weiss
Friday, March 25, 2011
How Salam Fayyad is undermining Islamism in the West Bank. - By Michael Weiss - Slate Magazine

"....Egypt and other Arab countries struggling to prevent extremists from hijacking democracy should look to an unexpected place: Palestine.
The state-building program instituted by Palestinian Authority Prime Minister Salam Fayyad has focused not only on building up the West Bank economy
but also on the concomitant marginalization of cultural Islamism in advance of new elections.

Hamas, the Palestinian wing of the Muslim Brotherhood, won the 2006 parliamentary elections held throughout the occupied territories,
but it has controlled only the Gaza Strip since a bloody civil war a year later split the Palestinian government along geographical lines.
Every Palestinian legislator's term expired more than 400 days ago, and the Palestinian Authority, based in Ramallah, has called for new parliamentary elections at least THREE times since then,
the latest instance coming in response to the popular revolutions on its doorstep. Hamas has rejected each call, claiming that it doesn't recognize the legitimacy of Fayyad's premiership.

But Hamas' REAL FEAR is clear to anyone who studies the latest polls.
According to the Palestinian Center for Policy and Survey Research, if legislative elections were held today, 42% of Gazans and 39% of West Bankers would vote for Fatah,
while just 33% of Gazans and 21% of West Bankers would vote for Hamas.

Anyone taking the Pepsi Challenge of Palestinian self-determination can see Why this is so. The West Bank economy grew by 7% in the first Half of 2010, according to the World Bank.
Unemployment there fell from 20.1% in the third quarter of 2010 to 16.9% in the fourth.
Since Fayyad put his program into action, 1,100 miles of road have been laid, and more than 120 new schools and 11 new health clinics have been built throughout the West Bank.
The Nablus-based Palestine Stock Exchange hosts 40 publicly traded companies
, the largest of which, the Palestine Telecommunications Co., made a $122 million profit in 2010.
Knowing its credibility is evaporating, Hamas has begun to act desperately.
In recent weeks its agents have Stolen automobiles belonging to the Palestinian Central Elections Commission and medical supplies intended for Gazans.
And the party's politics, said to be divided between the Gaza regime and its exiled ideologists in Damascus, have grown manic-depressive.
When Hamas leader Ismail Haniyeh invited Palestinian Authority President Mahmoud Abbas to come to Gaza to discuss reconciliation,
Abbas surprised him by accepting. Having had its bluff called, Hamas responded to this acceptance by denouncing Abbas as a Mubarak-like dictator.

The Islamists clearly have little interest in reuniting the P.A. since they've been violently suppressing demonstrations in Gaza calling for exactly that.
They've also taken to targeting journalists.
Last weekend, Hamas security agents raided the offices of Reuters in Gaza, stealing cameras and wiping the data off other equipment used to document the regime's crackdown on pro-unity protests.
One Reuters employee was beaten with a metal bar and another was threatened with being thrown out of a window.
The offices of CNN and the Japanese network NHK were similarly ransacked, and a Palestinian Associated Press cameraman was assaulted.
When 100 reporters gathered on Saturday in front of a government building in Gaza in defiance of such media intimidation, Hamas attacked that demonstration, too.
Hamas has also escalated its military operations, launching as many as 60 mortars and rockets into southern Israel in a single day last weekend, and it took credit for the attacks—
the first time it has done so since Operation Cast Lead in 2008. The strategy is almost certainly intended to goad Israel into another war.
Fayyad, meanwhile, enjoys the fruits of a stable economy, a relatively calm populace, and strong international support.
And as a subtext to his own pioneering state-building effort, he can point to Hamas' mischief as proof of what Islamists will get up to before they even have a proper country to ruin.

PF Schmuck fancies himself an Islamic Che- with reports from the front... and Idiotic attitudes for a rational westerner... even a rational arab.
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There are fears these projects are attracting foreign speculators. “My message is very clear: there is an economic prize before us, there is a double dividend for you as companies” said British Prime Minister Gordon Brown to a conference of investors in Bethlehem. One such “prize” is the creation of a Palestinian equity market. The Palestine Investment Fund (PIF), the body leading such effort, expects to deliver an annual return of 15 percent. PIF plans to use cash deposits in local banks as well as money from investors to encourage growth in consumer spending. “Our banks have cash deposits of $7 billion, and they are saying there are not enough opportunities to invest,” said Mohammad Mustafa, the Fund’s chief executive and a former World Bank official.

Real Estate is the main target for foreign corporate investment. Rawabi, the first Palestinian planned city, is Fayyad’s flagship project. The Washington Post reported that Rawabi “is specifically designed for upwardly mobile families of a sort that in the United States might gravitate to places such as Reston, VA. The developments are also relying on another American import, the home mortgage, including creation of a Fannie Mae-style institution for the West Bank.” USAID, a branch of the American government, is funneling funds through nongovernmental organizations (NGOs) for the promotion of a mortgage culture in Palestine to support these initiatives from bottom-up. One such example is CHF International, a corporate-led development NGO, which is organizing community level focus groups and technical training as part of their “homebuyer education” program.

A year on, the cost of the Netanyahu-Fayyad plan is becoming clear. Low-income Palestinian families and small business are being encouraged to borrow to fuel a high-risk economy. Israel has proven time again that it won’t hesitate to strike a blow against Palestinian infrastructure should they dissent from the current consensus in its favor. Families are risking their possessions as collateral for their debts. Corporations responsible for the global financial collapse are applying their failed models in Palestine. Abraaj Capital, a Dubai-based investment fund that recently sparked fears for debt default, announced a $50 million private equity fund dedicated to “raising standards of living,” mirroring the predatory behavior that led to the collapse of the sub-prime mortgage system in the US.

The Netanyahu-Fayyad "economic peace" one year on | The Electronic Intifada
Another hit piece from a Radical/radical website. electronic-cacca.

Fayyed is the Best and most constructive Palestinian leader who has ever existed.
(Since Solomon)

PF Schmuck fancies himself an Islamic Che- with Radical reports. Idiotic attitudes for a rational westerner... even a rational arab.
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Another hit piece from a Radical/radical website. electronic-cacca.

Fayyed is the Best and most constructive Palestinian leader who has ever existed.
(Since Solomon)

PF Schmuck fancies himself an Islamic Che- with Radical reports. Idiotic attitudes for a rational westerner... even a rational arab.

Fayyad is a criminal. The Goldstone Report noted international law violations of the PA. Fayyad has been spending, and losing, Palestinian money since 2007. Like in the US, the executive is not authorized to spend money. That is the job given by their constitution to the PLC.

The security forces under his command are not authorized by, paid by, or under the control of the legal, elected government. They spy on people without court issued warrants. They arrest people who have broken no law and without court issued warrants. They detain people indefinitely without charge or legal council. Torture is common and several people have been tortured to death. All of this is in violation of Palestine's constitution and some is in violation of international law. There are other less significant violations also.

All the qualities you admire in a man.
You really want me to post the hundreds of Positive article that exist on this guy?
vs yours ... from Radical Genociders like yourself.
Mr. Tinmore would not know what the "truth" is. He needs to google from sites he likes. Hardly the approach of a academic or truth seeker. The "truth" is Mr. Goldstone is on record as recanting or redacting a lot of his report on op Cast Lead.
In March, Hakin Awad 18 years old stabbed to death a family of five whilst they slept, in Itmar. A three month old baby, two othwer children and their parents. Mr. Tinmore that is a terrorist , no matter what shite yopu peddle.
Indeed! UN resw 242 does not stipulate a return to pre "67" or the "auschwitz lines". For the most part participants here (some exceptions) are uneducated, uninformed and ignorant of the Middle East.

They google sites that reinforce their predujices and bigotry. They cite their opinions as fact. One indisputable fact is: "palestine" never existed as a sovereign nation-state, ever.

The Arabs of the former British Mandate in "palestine" are no more prepared for "statehood" now than they were in 1948. Upon termination of the British Mandate in Palestine Eretz Israel was proclaimed. Immediately the Arab League embarked on what the Secretaery General of that organization called..."A war of great slaughter and extermination of the Jews".

That was the end of the "two state solution". Even now polls conducted in Arabic just last week show Arabs in the PA are only desirous of eventually there being only a single "palestinian state".

Former US Ambassador to the UN John Bolton said: "The two state solution is dead as a dodo bird, HAMAS killed it. (referring to their violent take-over of Gaza) And even the Holy Land is good for only one ressurection."

Israel is NOT going to take chances for "peace" that risk our existance. We are being given the choice betwixt suicide and or taking over Yesha, period ....We gave land for didn't work
Former US Ambassador to the UN John Bolton said: "The two state solution is dead as a dodo bird, HAMAS killed it. (referring to their violent take-over of Gaza)

Do you realize how stupid one has to be to think that the elected government in office "violently" took over Gaza?
Hamas is the one preventing/refusing pan-Palestinian elections, while Fatah wants them.

we all know why too, Tinhead's heros are unpopular Islamists. Like him.
Hamas is the one preventing/refusing pan-Palestinian elections, while Fatah wants them.

we all know why too, Tinhead's heros are unpopular Islamists. Like him.

Abbas is holding up the elections. He illegally changed the election law. Basically, his law states that anyone who does not agree with the PLO will not be allowed to run .

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