repubs going after retirement

The Social Security limit must be raised to at least $250,000. Throwing retired Americans living on SS and needing Medicare under the bus is evil. Of course callous conservatives don't really give a damn about anyone but themselves, so one might argue a callous conservative is not evil, rather they manifest characteristics of persons diagnosed with an antisocial personality disorder.
Such an honest and forthright OP... Very original and fact-based, well sourced and not a hint at all of false demagoguery or alarmist, dishonest nonsense. Very refreshing!


what alarmist it is happening , but you love your parents and taking them in is a tradition before SS
whats old is new again
Ending a worthless ponzi scheme such as SS is the least the repugs could do for this nation.

before SS family's touch their aging parents in , supported them , now we do it again , that means help with doctor bills , the hole thing , gram-ma gram-pa you and your kids , all under the same roof . it'll bring back family , you'll get along , and when your old you'll live with your kids , what ? no family ? shelters .
what alarmist it is happening , but you love your parents and taking them in is a tradition before SS
whats old is new again
Ending a worthless ponzi scheme such as SS is the least the repugs could do for this nation.

before SS family's touch their aging parents in , supported them , now we do it again , that means help with doctor bills , the hole thing , gram-ma gram-pa you and your kids , all under the same roof . it'll bring back family , you'll get along , and when your old you'll live with your kids , what ? no family ? shelters .

Right, someone else should pay for your parents, not you
I wonder if they will touch my military retirement?

from a teabagger? could , mite even go after disabled vets we just have to see , its not like we can do anything ,
Do you understand you're simply a run of the mill, dishonest partisan slug faithfully regurgitating dishonest talking points? Or do you really believe the pablum you post? I'm really curious now.

Does the tool know it's a tool?

its in the news , you can look it up , but that would take effort . but really what would be so bad ? we brought my mother in-law in she got a whopping 600 a month , lived with us till her death at 89 .
its fun
from a teabagger? could , mite even go after disabled vets we just have to see , its not like we can do anything ,
Do you understand you're simply a run of the mill, dishonest partisan slug faithfully regurgitating dishonest talking points? Or do you really believe the pablum you post? I'm really curious now.

Does the tool know it's a tool?

its in the news , you can look it up , but that would take effort . but really what would be so bad ? we brought my mother in-law in she got a whopping 600 a month , lived with us till her death at 89 .
its fun
It's your assertion, illiterate dunderhead. It's YOUR onus to back it, not ours to look it up.

Idiot stick.
The Social Security limit must be raised to at least $250,000. Throwing retired Americans living on SS and needing Medicare under the bus is evil. Of course callous conservatives don't really give a damn about anyone but themselves, so one might argue a callous conservative is not evil, rather they manifest characteristics of persons diagnosed with an antisocial personality disorder.

Why not a SS deduction on all income, no limit. How about a means test to qualify for SS. I know everyone pays' into the SS "trust fund", which is nothing more than another income tax, and SS could be there for those that need it. Now, people like warren buffet and other wealthy can collect SS but why? Just because they paid into it? I paid into a lot of things through income tax that I never was able to use. I never used un-employment, welfare, disability a lot of things I paid for. The wealthy would just include SS as something they paid for but will never use.
Ending a worthless ponzi scheme such as SS is the least the repugs could do for this nation.

before SS family's touch their aging parents in , supported them , now we do it again , that means help with doctor bills , the hole thing , gram-ma gram-pa you and your kids , all under the same roof . it'll bring back family , you'll get along , and when your old you'll live with your kids , what ? no family ? shelters .

Right, someone else should pay for your parents, not you

I never said that , we did our part with our parents they lived with us until they died , no rent no bills ,

your not saying you wouldn't welcome this are you ?

your right ever month wile they worked SS was taken out , its not Charity, its insurance .
but to inconvenient on us , well lets go back to the good old day like when I was a kid

so ka fuck you on your accusation , you talk out your ass as usual .
Social Security is like insurance. Look around, how many of the greatest generation were set up properly for retirement? I am willing to live with that little bit of redistribution of my wealth if it insures I will have SOME income in my old age. These 401k's, home investments and children aren't that reliable.
Yes its amazing how the Right is concerned about the SS which is failing and will fail once the full force of all the retiree's hit the system. Mean while the left continues the scream THERE IS NOTHING WRONG THERE IS NOTHING WRONG while doing absolutely nothing to help the system other then to continue defunding and it spending it.

One would think the left would be far more concerned about this subject given that it will impact the left more then any other demographic.

Yes its tragic the right cares about people who will have nothing when they are forced to retire.

the teabaggers are after mom and pop , they are going after cuts in social security ,

not worried , I'm sure kids will take their aging parents into their homes , make you the difference in what was cut,

it will bring families together , and get along fine .
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the teabaggers are after mom and pop , they are going after cuts in social security ,

not worried , I'm sure kids will take their aging parents into their homes , make you the difference in what was cut,

it will bring families together , and get along fine .

The hubris and willfull stupidity of today's republicans is breath taking. Speaking of which...I foresee a lot more "incidents" like in AZ to bring these ghouls back into check. They will push people to a critical mass that there will be no turning back from. Fortunately for them both my parents were well off throughout their lives and are both dead now. Had it been that they depended upon Social Security having paid into it for their whole lives like some ... I could see making some of these insects pay dearly for their actions against my kin.

And I seriously doubt I stand alone with these feelings.

Just sayin...:eusa_whistle:
Social Security is like insurance. Look around, how many of the greatest generation were set up properly for retirement? I am willing to live with that little bit of redistribution of my wealth if it insures I will have SOME income in my old age. These 401k's, home investments and children aren't that reliable.

cool but remember what happened to pensions in 08 , think your safe ? no real punishment handed out to wall street , in fact the people that caused the crash got hug bonuses .
so feel safe with banks holding your retirement .

but why are you people upset at your parents living with you ? they support you half your life , its your turn
the teabaggers are after mom and pop , they are going after cuts in social security ,

not worried , I'm sure kids will take their aging parents into their homes , make you the difference in what was cut,

it will bring families together , and get along fine .

Interesting how you think people taking care of their own families, rather than expecting Daddy Government to do it for them, is an unexpected side effect, rather than one of the primary points, of the conservative philosophy.
they manifest characteristics of persons diagnosed with an antisocial personality disorder.
That's the folks who want to keep this ponzi scheme going as long as possible.

Not true; I suggest you read the posts which preceded my post and look in a mirror. If you honestly don't give a damn about others, especially the poor, aged, young and infirm you maybe sociopathic, or may simply be an asshole.
they manifest characteristics of persons diagnosed with an antisocial personality disorder.
that's the folks who want to keep this ponzi scheme going as long as possible.

not true; i suggest you read the posts which preceded my post and look in a mirror. If you honestly don't give a damn about others, especially the poor, aged, young and infirm you maybe sociopathic, or may simply be an asshole.

and that spell teabagger
your right ever month wile they worked SS was taken out , its not Charity, its insurance

Really? Where is the money then? And by where is the money, I'm not asking where was it written down, I am asking where is the actual money?

the feds are like family , they never pay back what they borrow , same here , they dipped into it as often as they wanted and never put a dime back in it .
the teabaggers are after mom and pop , they are going after cuts in social security ,

not worried , I'm sure kids will take their aging parents into their homes , make you the difference in what was cut,

it will bring families together , and get along fine .

Interesting how you think people taking care of their own families, rather than expecting Daddy Government to do it for them, is an unexpected side effect, rather than one of the primary points, of the conservative philosophy.

you don't earn a salary do you ? or are you that stupid you don't know what's taken out and why ? look up FICA , unemployment is insurance as is SS both taken out without consent , it just is , but you still have problems reading , I post that you should take in your parents they support you through half your life now its your turn .
the teabaggers are after mom and pop , they are going after cuts in social security ,

not worried , I'm sure kids will take their aging parents into their homes , make you the difference in what was cut,

it will bring families together , and get along fine .

Interesting how you think people taking care of their own families, rather than expecting Daddy Government to do it for them, is an unexpected side effect, rather than one of the primary points, of the conservative philosophy.

you don't earn a salary do you ? or are you that stupid you don't know what's taken out and why ? look up FICA , unemployment is insurance as is SS both taken out without consent , it just is , but you still have problems reading , I post that you should take in your parents they support you through half your life now its your turn .

What the fuck are you babbling about? Does the concept of "linear conversation" ring any bells with you? What does "what's taken out and why" have to do with YOUR post suggesting that families taking over more of the care for their own members when SS is cut back is an unexpected side effect, rather than being intentional? What does any of this farrago you posted have to do with the post you're allegedly replying to? Or were you just hoping that if you threw out enough insults, it would look like you had a valid criticism of my post without you actually having one?

My parents did not "support me through half my life", you ignorant shithead, and no amount of inane, unrelated blather on your part about FICA and unemployment is going to change that, since I've never received either unemployment or Social Security checks, so those withdrawals from their checks had nothing to do with me. But as it happens, not that it's ANY of your goddamned business and not that you aren't an imbecilic, ill-mannered jerkwad for trying to make an issue discussion personal and offensive by dragging people's families into it, my siblings and I DID help to care for my father until he died, and we still do help out with my mother, who has her own income.

When I read your first post, I thought you were an illiterate jizzwad. Thanks for confirming it for me.

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