Republicans took control because of American stupidity

With 75% disapproval ratings and policies that most Americans dislike, why on earth would republicans get elected? It's mind boggling.

The following issues are favored by the majority of Americans:

1) Raising the minimum wage
2) Raising taxes on the wealthy
3) Background checks for gun control
4) Gay marriage
5) Extending unemployment benefits

What's the real reason for republicans getting elected? American stupidity.

You should get the Democrats to run on that.

"Vote Democrat. Or you're stupid."

Go for it.

Or "Vote Democrat - because you're stupid."
With 75% disapproval ratings and policies that most Americans dislike, why on earth would republicans get elected? It's mind boggling.

The following issues are favored by the majority of Americans:

1) Raising the minimum wage
2) Raising taxes on the wealthy
3) Background checks for gun control
4) Gay marriage
5) Extending unemployment benefits

What's the real reason for republicans getting elected? American stupidity.
I'd like to see a link to back up this garbage.

I'd bet not one of these issues appear in a list of top ten concerns of the American people, according to any reputable pollster.
You're right. The issue is the failed policies of Pres Obama and the Democrats. Every policy foreign and domestic has been a failure. They cannot point to a single success. Afghanistan, Obamacare, jobs, ebola, just failure as fat as the eye can see.

I can't agree with all of that.

Afghanistan has been a success, it's just such a pyrrhic victory. That's not Obama's fault.

Obama's decision to get Bin Laden in Pakistan without permission was a success.

Obamacare is a disaster, but the institutionalization of consumer MOOP and removing pre-existing conditions is a success.

Obama's escalation of drone warfare has been a success.

QE is a success. The entire stimulus should have been done that way with one tweak - allocate the money to middle class credentialed investors and tie their gains or losses to future Social Security benefits. The premise was to prop up the stock market to ensure liquidity so in the aggregate it didn't matter what investments were made, what mattered is that money was being created to move through the market. That $3 Trillion would have better served the economy by distributing it to the middle class first and then having it filter to the large investors instead of it being used to prop up institutional investors first (because they are the only ones able to gain from bond purchases). The concept is simple - instead of having bond traders reap gains knowing that there will always be a market for their junk, give that money to middle class investors (savvy enough to understand the market) and let them do the speculation. The end result is the same (more liquidity in the market and low interest rates), but it benefits people who don't have the means to offshore much of those gains. We don't have a perfect market, so adjustments need to be made if we're going to prop it up.

Obama's call to assassinate a terrorist regardless of his American citizenship has been a success. It's a dangerous precedent, but this was a dangerous terrorist.
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OP- That guy is an idiot period. Americans were already paying for the uninsured's care, just in the stupidest, cruelest, deadliest way. A total canard. Nothing new, just stupid, for hater dupes only. And this "proves Dems thought voters were stupid". Just RW idiocy.

Just RW idiocy....

Low turnout from Dems, actually. Enjoy screwing up what little power you got. Just more disfunction.

Sucks to be you turdboy.

At least we got some power.

All you got is a cardboard cutout of your Affirmative Action Failure.
OP- That guy is an idiot period. Americans were already paying for the uninsured's care, just in the stupidest, cruelest, deadliest way. A total canard. Nothing new, just stupid, for hater dupes only. And this "proves Dems thought voters were stupid". Just RW idiocy.

Just RW idiocy....

Low turnout from Dems, actually. Enjoy screwing up what little power you got. Just more disfunction.

Dems not showing up IS their vote. They were as sick of the dem rule as anyone they just couldn't bring themselves to vote republican. But even at that I am not sure the whine of low turn out for the dems is true. PA voted in a democrat governor so there must have been some democrats voting, if they wanted.
With 75% disapproval ratings and policies that most Americans dislike, why on earth would republicans get elected? It's mind boggling.

The following issues are favored by the majority of Americans:

1) Raising the minimum wage
2) Raising taxes on the wealthy
3) Background checks for gun control
4) Gay marriage
5) Extending unemployment benefits

What's the real reason for republicans getting elected? American stupidity.
I'd like to see a link to back up this garbage.

I'd bet not one of these issues appear in a list of top ten concerns of the American people, according to any reputable pollster.
You're right. The issue is the failed policies of Pres Obama and the Democrats. Every policy foreign and domestic has been a failure. They cannot point to a single success. Afghanistan, Obamacare, jobs, ebola, just failure as fat as the eye can see.

I can't agree with all of that.

Afghanistan has been a success, it's just such a pyrrhic victory. That's not Obama's fault.

Obama's decision to get Bin Laden in Pakistan without permission was a success.

Obamacare is a disaster, but the institutionalization of consumer MOOP and removing pre-existing conditions is a success.

Obama's escalation of drone warfare has been a success.

QE is a success. The entire stimulus should have been done that way with one tweak - allocate the money to middle class credentialed investors and tie their gains or losses to future Social Security benefits. The premise was to prop up the stock market to ensure liquidity so in the aggregate it didn't matter what investments were made, what mattered is that money was being created to move through the market. That $3 Trillion would have better served the economy by distributing it to the middle class first and then having it filter to the large investors instead of it being used to prop up institutional investors first (because they are the only ones able to gain from bond purchases). The concept is simple - instead of having bond traders reap gains knowing that there will always be a market for their junk, give that money to middle class investors (savvy enough to understand the market) and let them do the speculation. The end result is the same (more liquidity in the market and low interest rates), but it benefits people who don't have the means to offshore much of those gains. We don't have a perfect market, so adjustments need to be made if we're going to prop it up.

Obama's call to assassinate a terrorist regardless of his American citizenship has been a success. It's a dangerous precedent, but this was a dangerous terrorist.

Obama's drone war is reportedly a very good recruiting tool. Obama's drone war is actually a war crime. Obama's drone war has, for the first time, targeted American citizens and killed them without due process. Obama's drone war sets the stage for the next president which you may not like so much.

OBL died at tora bora of kidney disease. His going in without permission was against international law, a violation of an ally country's sovereignty, and a war crime.
With 75% disapproval ratings and policies that most Americans dislike, why on earth would republicans get elected? It's mind boggling.

The following issues are favored by the majority of Americans:

1) Raising the minimum wage
2) Raising taxes on the wealthy
3) Background checks for gun control
4) Gay marriage
5) Extending unemployment benefits

What's the real reason for republicans getting elected? American stupidity.
"It's mind boggling."
only to you, the intelligent among us know why the demonRATS were thrown in the sewer, your 5 points above is proof of your stupidity, i would like to take on each and every point you pose, but it would be a total waste of time, as you have those 5 points engraved in that stone hard head of yours. :lmao:
With 75% disapproval ratings and policies that most Americans dislike, why on earth would republicans get elected? It's mind boggling.

The following issues are favored by the majority of Americans:

1) Raising the minimum wage
2) Raising taxes on the wealthy
3) Background checks for gun control
4) Gay marriage
5) Extending unemployment benefits

What's the real reason for republicans getting elected? American stupidity.
I'd like to see a link to back up this garbage.

I'd bet not one of these issues appear in a list of top ten concerns of the American people, according to any reputable pollster.
You're right. The issue is the failed policies of Pres Obama and the Democrats. Every policy foreign and domestic has been a failure. They cannot point to a single success. Afghanistan, Obamacare, jobs, ebola, just failure as fat as the eye can see.

I can't agree with all of that.

Afghanistan has been a success, it's just such a pyrrhic victory. That's not Obama's fault.

Obama's decision to get Bin Laden in Pakistan without permission was a success.

Obamacare is a disaster, but the institutionalization of consumer MOOP and removing pre-existing conditions is a success.

Obama's escalation of drone warfare has been a success.

QE is a success. The entire stimulus should have been done that way with one tweak - allocate the money to middle class credentialed investors and tie their gains or losses to future Social Security benefits. The premise was to prop up the stock market to ensure liquidity so in the aggregate it didn't matter what investments were made, what mattered is that money was being created to move through the market. That $3 Trillion would have better served the economy by distributing it to the middle class first and then having it filter to the large investors instead of it being used to prop up institutional investors first (because they are the only ones able to gain from bond purchases). The concept is simple - instead of having bond traders reap gains knowing that there will always be a market for their junk, give that money to middle class investors (savvy enough to understand the market) and let them do the speculation. The end result is the same (more liquidity in the market and low interest rates), but it benefits people who don't have the means to offshore much of those gains. We don't have a perfect market, so adjustments need to be made if we're going to prop it up.

Obama's call to assassinate a terrorist regardless of his American citizenship has been a success. It's a dangerous precedent, but this was a dangerous terrorist.

Obama's drone war is reportedly a very good recruiting tool. Obama's drone war is actually a war crime. Obama's drone war has, for the first time, targeted American citizens and killed them without due process. Obama's drone war sets the stage for the next president which you may not like so much.

OBL died at tora bora of kidney disease. His going in without permission was against international law, a violation of an ally country's sovereignty, and a war crime.

I'll like it under the next President way more than this idiot and I understand that it's a dangerous precedent, but this was a dangerous terrorist. When you are a military threat, due process doesn't apply in my opinion.

There is no credible evidence to refute the notion that Bin Laden died in Abbottabad. Making a surgical strike to take him out is not a war crime. It's bad for diplomacy, but it was Bin Laden for pete's sake.
With 75% disapproval ratings and policies that most Americans dislike, why on earth would republicans get elected? It's mind boggling.

The following issues are favored by the majority of Americans:

1) Raising the minimum wage
2) Raising taxes on the wealthy
3) Background checks for gun control
4) Gay marriage
5) Extending unemployment benefits

What's the real reason for republicans getting elected? American stupidity.
I'd like to see a link to back up this garbage.

I'd bet not one of these issues appear in a list of top ten concerns of the American people, according to any reputable pollster.
You're right. The issue is the failed policies of Pres Obama and the Democrats. Every policy foreign and domestic has been a failure. They cannot point to a single success. Afghanistan, Obamacare, jobs, ebola, just failure as fat as the eye can see.

I can't agree with all of that.

Afghanistan has been a success, it's just such a pyrrhic victory. That's not Obama's fault.

Obama's decision to get Bin Laden in Pakistan without permission was a success.

Obamacare is a disaster, but the institutionalization of consumer MOOP and removing pre-existing conditions is a success.

Obama's escalation of drone warfare has been a success.

QE is a success. The entire stimulus should have been done that way with one tweak - allocate the money to middle class credentialed investors and tie their gains or losses to future Social Security benefits. The premise was to prop up the stock market to ensure liquidity so in the aggregate it didn't matter what investments were made, what mattered is that money was being created to move through the market. That $3 Trillion would have better served the economy by distributing it to the middle class first and then having it filter to the large investors instead of it being used to prop up institutional investors first (because they are the only ones able to gain from bond purchases). The concept is simple - instead of having bond traders reap gains knowing that there will always be a market for their junk, give that money to middle class investors (savvy enough to understand the market) and let them do the speculation. The end result is the same (more liquidity in the market and low interest rates), but it benefits people who don't have the means to offshore much of those gains. We don't have a perfect market, so adjustments need to be made if we're going to prop it up.

Obama's call to assassinate a terrorist regardless of his American citizenship has been a success. It's a dangerous precedent, but this was a dangerous terrorist.

Obama's drone war is reportedly a very good recruiting tool. Obama's drone war is actually a war crime. Obama's drone war has, for the first time, targeted American citizens and killed them without due process. Obama's drone war sets the stage for the next president which you may not like so much.

OBL died at tora bora of kidney disease. His going in without permission was against international law, a violation of an ally country's sovereignty, and a war crime.

I'll like it under the next President way more than this idiot and I understand that it's a dangerous precedent, but this was a dangerous terrorist. When you are a military threat, due process doesn't apply in my opinion.

There is no credible evidence to refute the notion that Bin Laden died in Abbottabad. Making a surgical strike to take him out is not a war crime. It's bad for diplomacy, but it was Bin Laden for pete's sake.

I want you to present the evidence, other then Obama said so, that OBL died anywhere.

What military threat was an innocent 16 year old American boy posing as he ate dinner?

Osama Bin Laden died of natural causes according to former CIA agent
The Drone That Killed My Grandson
Dec 2013? Give me a break. In April, over 50% did not want it repealed, wanted it fixed.

Which is more unpopular Obamacare or repealing Obamacare PolitiFact

And of course my view is that what "needs to be fixed" is actually stopping Pub/insurer obstruction and/or waiting for it to be fully implemented, or just TOTAL Pubcrappe. ACTUAL prices for 2015 have gone DOWN in some blue states, and only rise 5% on average. A lot of people have gotten Medicaid and don't realize it's O-Care. Funny thing about those new health/dental clinics. Again, kudos to our disgrace of a coward/corporate media. Fox is total crap.

More blathering talking points.

Many of Ocare don't like it and are paying more for it.

They liked their junk plans, but Obama (the black Al Gore) knows what is better for us. Kiss my ass.

Then they kick 5 million off their plans.

What is the most ironic thing...most of the uninsured are still...wait for it......uninsured.

NOBODY in the Obama regime will even give us an estimate of how many previously uninsured bought insurance WITH THEIR OWN MONEY.
I'd like to see a link to back up this garbage.

I'd bet not one of these issues appear in a list of top ten concerns of the American people, according to any reputable pollster.
You're right. The issue is the failed policies of Pres Obama and the Democrats. Every policy foreign and domestic has been a failure. They cannot point to a single success. Afghanistan, Obamacare, jobs, ebola, just failure as fat as the eye can see.

I can't agree with all of that.

Afghanistan has been a success, it's just such a pyrrhic victory. That's not Obama's fault.

Obama's decision to get Bin Laden in Pakistan without permission was a success.

Obamacare is a disaster, but the institutionalization of consumer MOOP and removing pre-existing conditions is a success.

Obama's escalation of drone warfare has been a success.

QE is a success. The entire stimulus should have been done that way with one tweak - allocate the money to middle class credentialed investors and tie their gains or losses to future Social Security benefits. The premise was to prop up the stock market to ensure liquidity so in the aggregate it didn't matter what investments were made, what mattered is that money was being created to move through the market. That $3 Trillion would have better served the economy by distributing it to the middle class first and then having it filter to the large investors instead of it being used to prop up institutional investors first (because they are the only ones able to gain from bond purchases). The concept is simple - instead of having bond traders reap gains knowing that there will always be a market for their junk, give that money to middle class investors (savvy enough to understand the market) and let them do the speculation. The end result is the same (more liquidity in the market and low interest rates), but it benefits people who don't have the means to offshore much of those gains. We don't have a perfect market, so adjustments need to be made if we're going to prop it up.

Obama's call to assassinate a terrorist regardless of his American citizenship has been a success. It's a dangerous precedent, but this was a dangerous terrorist.

Obama's drone war is reportedly a very good recruiting tool. Obama's drone war is actually a war crime. Obama's drone war has, for the first time, targeted American citizens and killed them without due process. Obama's drone war sets the stage for the next president which you may not like so much.

OBL died at tora bora of kidney disease. His going in without permission was against international law, a violation of an ally country's sovereignty, and a war crime.

I'll like it under the next President way more than this idiot and I understand that it's a dangerous precedent, but this was a dangerous terrorist. When you are a military threat, due process doesn't apply in my opinion.

There is no credible evidence to refute the notion that Bin Laden died in Abbottabad. Making a surgical strike to take him out is not a war crime. It's bad for diplomacy, but it was Bin Laden for pete's sake.

I want you to present the evidence, other then Obama said so, that OBL died anywhere.

What military threat was an innocent 16 year old American boy posing as he ate dinner?

Osama Bin Laden died of natural causes according to former CIA agent
The Drone That Killed My Grandson

Here's the guy that killed him:

Former Navy SEAL Robert O Neill talks to CBS News about killing Osama bin Laden - CBS News

Al-Awlaki's son was not a threat. He was collateral damage.
No, thinking another race is inferior and discriminating against them is. You people just love bring up racism lol...I DIDN"T.

That is all your party does. Asshole. People that destroy peoples property and want to destroy our justice system are serious assholes. You people support serious assholes.

These people really do act inferior by their own actions.

Who is discriminating against them? Arresting them for comitting a crime is now discrimation???? What the fuck?

People like you are going to end up destroying America as you don't want to enforce our laws. You're a traitor.
So many are misinformed about it you mean, Pub dupe. ACTUAL prices going up 5.9% including red states run by scumbag Pubs. for example.

States suq- states rights is code for bigotry, and police messing with out-of-staters. Do away with state gov't would save how much?

Of course you had to play your pathetic RACE CARD.

What a tool.
There's all kinds of stupid bigotry. I'm shocked you made that jump...

And yet, I am not shocked that you play the Race Card when facts and logic back you into a corner.
You made it the race card, dingbat. Guilty conscience?

You're the one making it about race. Always dividing and worshiping thugs and criminals.
Sure. What happened to a jobs/infrasture bill, training for tech jobs going begging, economic jusice? Unfortunately, old thing, you're a racist which greedy idiot Pubs used to snap you back to supporting the country being screwed over AGAIN.
With 75% disapproval ratings and policies that most Americans dislike, why on earth would republicans get elected? It's mind boggling.

The following issues are favored by the majority of Americans:

1) Raising the minimum wage
2) Raising taxes on the wealthy
3) Background checks for gun control
4) Gay marriage
5) Extending unemployment benefits

What's the real reason for republicans getting elected? American stupidity.

Maybe this had something to do with it.

PRINCETON, N.J. -- Following the midterm election that some have termed a Republican wave, the majority of Americans want the Republicans in Congress -- rather than President Barack Obama -- to have more influence over the direction the country takes in the coming year. This is a switch from early 2012 when a slim plurality, 46%, wanted Obama to prevail in steering the nation.

Republicans' 17-percentage-point edge over Obama on this measure exceeds what they earned after the 2010 midterm, when Americans favored Republicans by an eight-point margin (49% to 41%)

Majority in U.S. Want GOP in Congress to Set Nation s Course
Sure. What happened to a jobs/infrasture bill, training for tech jobs going begging, economic jusice? Unfortunately, old thing, you're a racist which greedy idiot Pubs used to snap you back to supporting the country being screwed over AGAIN.

Can anyone translate stupid ?

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