Republicans should listen to Rove on DHS funding Bill!


Platinum Member
Jun 6, 2007
This writer doesn't ordinarily agree with Karl Rove but he wrote an article in the Wall Street Journal this Thursday on the problem the Republicans face getting a Department of Homeland Security funding bill passed where Karl was right on the mark on what the Republican leadership should do. Karl's contention is that the current bill which passed the House but can't pass the Senate because no Democrat Senators will vote to bring the bill to the floor has too many riders in the bill which are restrictions on how the administration can spend money on Homeland Security matter. This laundry list of spending restrictions says Karl infringes on the President's legitimate constitutional authority to prioritize spending to address the country's illegal immigration problem. Karl's advice is the Republicans should pass a clean DHS funding bill with the exception of riders solely blocking President Obama's November 2014 Executive Order deferring deportation and giving work permits to millions of undocumented aliens in America; this should appeal to some Senate Democrats who have publicly acknowledged that the President does not have the constitutional authority to do these acts and this is a dangerous precedent the President is embarking on here and facilitate getting a DHS funding bill thru the Senate.

Karl is spot on with this bill's overkill on spending riders. In light of this bill getting three thumb down votes in the Senate I would like to see John Boehner send someone down to the House floor and defend this bill by going through this House bill and explaining the rationale for each provision in the House bill, it would only take that person at maximum two to three hours but what it would crystal clearly show is that the Republican House is way out of line they are trying to micromanage the Department of Homeland Security they are illegitimately tying the hands of the President. After hearing this defense, many Americans would be saying to themselves even a Republican President like George W. Bush would not accept such a restrictive bill.

There is another obvious way that Speaker Boehner and Majority Leader McConnell could look at this whole situation. They could view this whole matter as the court with its injunction on the President's Executive Order has given the country an opening to solve the immigration problem. The Republic Party has for many years now contended they have a solution to the illegal immigration problem. But for the President's executive order the Republican's would be in a position where they would be committed to showing the country what they got in a way with a solution. In light of the court injunction, Boehner and McConnell could negotiate with President Obama that even if the court case goes his way he will not start the program until October 1, 2015 and so this gives the Republican Party the time to deliver on its series of bills that will solve the immigration problem, in light of the negative development in the case so far Mr. Obama would not be giving up much and the country could really receive an outstanding blessing if the Republicans deliver on their promise!

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