Republicans or the Middle Class, who's "winning"?



I don't know exactly what the Republican's plans are. Their actions are huge tax cuts for the wealthiest Americans. Cut taxes for corporations.

They are working hard to pit one part of the Middle Class against another part.

I guess "jobs" are "out the window".

Stricter abortion laws.

Cut education, cut spending on research, cut spending on infrastructure, ignore energy as oil hits 100 dollars a barrel.

It's amazing looking at contributions to Republicans and to Democrats and where the money comes from. Without looking, where would Democrats money come from? Where would Republicans money come from?

Top Contributors | OpenSecrets

We already went through gays, Hispanics, Muslims, feminists and so on. I never thought I would see this much hate directed at "school teachers".

Who would want to go to school? Who wants to be a teacher?

Teachers cost so much, yet Wisconsin cuts corporate tax and taxes for rich people?

Wisconsin Legislature passes tax cut - U.S. news

Corporate taxes are completely cut for companies moving to Wisconsin. Sounds like a good idea. Still looking for that flood of companies wanting to move to Wisconsin. I wonder how many will move there now?

So, what is the Republicans goal? What is the plan? We are seeing the parts, but the overall plan is unclear.
I don't know exactly what the Republican's plans are. Their actions are huge tax cuts for the wealthiest Americans. Cut taxes for corporations.

They are working hard to pit one part of the Middle Class against another part.

I guess "jobs" are "out the window".

Stricter abortion laws.

Cut education, cut spending on research, cut spending on infrastructure, ignore energy as oil hits 100 dollars a barrel.

It's amazing looking at contributions to Republicans and to Democrats and where the money comes from. Without looking, where would Democrats money come from? Where would Republicans money come from?

Top Contributors | OpenSecrets

We already went through gays, Hispanics, Muslims, feminists and so on. I never thought I would see this much hate directed at "school teachers".

Who would want to go to school? Who wants to be a teacher?

Teachers cost so much, yet Wisconsin cuts corporate tax and taxes for rich people?

Wisconsin Legislature passes tax cut - U.S. news

Corporate taxes are completely cut for companies moving to Wisconsin. Sounds like a good idea. Still looking for that flood of companies wanting to move to Wisconsin. I wonder how many will move there now?

So, what is the Republicans goal? What is the plan? We are seeing the parts, but the overall plan is unclear.

Yet retired military on fixed income taxes can be raised based on Obama and the previous Congress's bullshit, huh?

Try again. As usual.
I don't know exactly what the Republican's plans are. Their actions are huge tax cuts for the wealthiest Americans. Cut taxes for corporations.

They are working hard to pit one part of the Middle Class against another part.

I guess "jobs" are "out the window".

Stricter abortion laws.

Cut education, cut spending on research, cut spending on infrastructure, ignore energy as oil hits 100 dollars a barrel.

It's amazing looking at contributions to Republicans and to Democrats and where the money comes from. Without looking, where would Democrats money come from? Where would Republicans money come from?

Top Contributors | OpenSecrets

We already went through gays, Hispanics, Muslims, feminists and so on. I never thought I would see this much hate directed at "school teachers".

Who would want to go to school? Who wants to be a teacher?

Teachers cost so much, yet Wisconsin cuts corporate tax and taxes for rich people?

Wisconsin Legislature passes tax cut - U.S. news

Corporate taxes are completely cut for companies moving to Wisconsin. Sounds like a good idea. Still looking for that flood of companies wanting to move to Wisconsin. I wonder how many will move there now?

So, what is the Republicans goal? What is the plan? We are seeing the parts, but the overall plan is unclear.

Yet retired military on fixed income taxes can be raised based on Obama and the previous Congress's bullshit, huh?

Try again. As usual.

Is that the goal?
If you listen to the radical revolutionary hope/change disappointed lefties you would assume that republicans dominated the world instead of having the majority in half of one of the three parts that constitute the federal government. What are the plans of the democrat majority? Obama told us that the Chamber of Commerce was evil. He hired a communist former leader of an arson and looting rampage to be on his "green jobs" panel. There are no "green jobs" but Obama tells us that we need to rely on windmills while he is held in contempt by a federal judge for his moratorium on oil drilling in the Gulf. What else do we have to look forward to in the Obama administration? High oil prices and continued instability in the world and convoluted support for unions?
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Republicans are middle, working class, rtard. The only class warfare going on is the commie revolution idiots like you are trying to start. Figure it out, there aren't enough takers.
There is no war between Republicans and the Middle class.

In fact, Middle class America is most likely to benefit on Conservative principles of limited government, fiscal responsibility, and lower taxation, then they will on the progressive ideas telling them they cant do a damn thing without government assistance.

Progressive income tax is one of the greatests tools the government has at keeping the middle class down because burdens the people who work for a living while not touching the people who don't. It was designed, not to punish the rich. The rich already have their money. It's designed to keep the poor and middle classes from ever becoming rich.

Which is the fundamental flaws with your idealogy. You refuse to acknowledge that people can change their "class". You divide people into groups and ignore that people aren't stagnant. They change their associations. They change their economic output and abilities. They learn. They grow. Sometimes they regress.

You want to base government on a complete misunderstanding of reality and you are confused and upset that your utopia never comes about. Of course there are going to be problems. You refuse to eliminate the flaws, lies, and corruptions from your thoughts and actions.

Personally, I'd rather be poor and free than have the government giving me handouts.
I don't know exactly what the Republican's plans are. Their actions are huge tax cuts for the wealthiest Americans. Cut taxes for corporations.

They are working hard to pit one part of the Middle Class against another part.

I guess "jobs" are "out the window".

Stricter abortion laws.

Cut education, cut spending on research, cut spending on infrastructure, ignore energy as oil hits 100 dollars a barrel.

It's amazing looking at contributions to Republicans and to Democrats and where the money comes from. Without looking, where would Democrats money come from? Where would Republicans money come from?

Top Contributors | OpenSecrets

We already went through gays, Hispanics, Muslims, feminists and so on. I never thought I would see this much hate directed at "school teachers".

Who would want to go to school? Who wants to be a teacher?

Teachers cost so much, yet Wisconsin cuts corporate tax and taxes for rich people?

Wisconsin Legislature passes tax cut - U.S. news

Corporate taxes are completely cut for companies moving to Wisconsin. Sounds like a good idea. Still looking for that flood of companies wanting to move to Wisconsin. I wonder how many will move there now?

So, what is the Republicans goal? What is the plan? We are seeing the parts, but the overall plan is unclear.

Yet retired military on fixed income taxes can be raised based on Obama and the previous Congress's bullshit, huh?

Try again. As usual.

Is that the goal?

Already happened. No cost of living raise since Obama took office, and a FICA increase this year to make it all better.
"So, what is the Republicans goal? What is the plan? We are seeing the parts, but the overall plan is unclear."

"it follows with them, of course, that government can be carried on only by the pageantry of rank, the influence of money and emoluments, and the terror of military force. Men of those sentiments must naturally wish to point the measures of government less to the interest of the many than of a few, and less to the reason of the many than to their weaknesses, hoping perhaps in proportion to the ardor of their zeal, that by giving such a turn to the administration, the government itself may by degrees be narrowed into fewer hands, and approximated to an hereditary form."
-- James Madison; 'A Candid State of Parties' (1792)
There is no war between Republicans and the Middle class.

In fact, Middle class America is most likely to benefit on Conservative principles of limited government, fiscal responsibility, and lower taxation, then they will on the progressive ideas telling them they cant do a damn thing without government assistance.
You keep an eye on Wisconsin and let us know what the citizens can do without government, ok? Apparently they already have retards screaming over teachers being in the streets instead of classrooms baby sitting their children. I think you have a Loser attitude and are picking the wrong side of the argument Avatar. When the garbage piles up in the streets the Wisconsin citizens will tell you what they think of you supporting Walker. LMAO!!!:lol: I think that boy is headed for impeachment.
Personally, I'd rather be poor and free than have the government giving me handouts.

Yep, but when that idea fails, what will you do?
If you listen to the radical revolutionary hope/change disappointed lefties you would assume that republicans dominated the world instead of having the majority in half of one of the three parts that constitute the federal government. What are the plans of the democrat majority? Obama told us that the Chamber of Commerce was evil. He hired a communist former leader of an arson and looting rampage to be on his "green jobs" panel. There are no "green jobs" but Obama tells us that we need to rely on windmills while he is held in contempt by a federal judge for his moratorium on oil drilling in the Gulf. What else do we have to look forward to in the Obama administration? High oil prices and continued instability in the world and convoluted support for unions?

High oil prices stem from the success of the Reagan Movement to convince the country that Carter was wrong about the eventual scarcity of oil and the need to build a moonshot around using less of it (through alternative energy, conservation, CAFE standards, and energy efficiency across every industry, from transportation to production). Reagan was funded heavily by big oil, which would go on to successfully crush not only the first electric car movement, but every effort at conservation and energy competition. After Reagan, America would become a much more oil-intensive society. Reagan's doubling down on oil tied us to unstable regions, where the cost of military-petroleum-extraction would sink us. This is what happens when corporations capture government.

Regarding the democratic majorities. You're missing the real numbers. Most senators and congressmen are put in office by big business. There is no left in this country. When Clinton sold labor down river for NAFTA and Wall Street, the Democratic Party became Republican Lite. Obama is merely keeping the seat warm for the next GOP President, who will fire up the War on Terrorism in order to distract people as they remove the final pieces of the American Middle Class: SS and Medicare. By 2020 we will have made the transition to a two-tier society. We will have small enclaves of wealth living in hyper-secure, self-sufficient neighborhoods (with their own schools, shopping, hospitals, entertainment, security), while everyone else will live outside the wall in 3rd world sewage.
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The retards are winning. Also, when did Republicans leave the middle class? For some reason I thought America was about being free and happy. I never understood why liberals want me living in a marxist class. Sounds like they want slavery for some reason. Probably why they don't know what to eat or watch without a puppet telling them something.
The retards are winning. Also, when did Republicans leave the middle class? For some reason I thought America was about being free and happy. I never understood why liberals want me living in a marxist class. Sounds like they want slavery for some reason. Probably why they don't know what to eat or watch without a puppet telling them something.

Newt Gingrich to Retards on what to tell their children about a BJ. LOL!!! :cuckoo:

Something about Retards, serious deficiency in memory loss, and nervous toe tapping River Dance in airport restroom stalls.:lol::lol:
Yet retired military on fixed income taxes can be raised based on Obama and the previous Congress's bullshit, huh?

Try again. As usual.

Is that the goal?

Already happened. No cost of living raise since Obama took office, and a FICA increase this year to make it all better.

Cry me a river. My bank didn't give out raises or bonuses the first year and a half after the Bush financial meltdown.
The retards are winning. Also, when did Republicans leave the middle class? For some reason I thought America was about being free and happy. I never understood why liberals want me living in a marxist class. Sounds like they want slavery for some reason. Probably why they don't know what to eat or watch without a puppet telling them something.

Newt Gingrich to Retards on what to tell their children about a BJ. LOL!!! :cuckoo:

Something about Retards, serious deficiency in memory loss, and nervous toe tapping River Dance in airport restroom stalls.:lol::lol:

Who do you think taught Monica what she knows? After all, the left is always begging for some welfare. What better example for welfare then some hand-me-down pussy. Believe it or not, she wasn't that bad when she was skinny. It just goes to show you that nothing stays skinny when you keep porking it in the ass. Hence, no more stimulas.
If you are a corporatist you are winning, there are corporatist types in both, so in theory both are so long as you believe that corporate domination and eventual total control of the government (and your life) is a good thing. :eusa_eh:

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