Republicans determined to start a war.

You don't read well. Just read the link. I don't have any desire to go off the rails with you. I said Ho Chi Minh defeated the French
You said Ho Chi Mihn initiated "the split". You can lie if you like but I am watching you.
.... they definitely were not one single country ...
You are an idiot. Vietnam was always been one country. This will explain most of it for you. If you have trouble understanding the "big words" just let me know and I'll be happy to give you a hand.

... I don't see spooks behind every tree.
Yes, you do. You think everyone who tells the truth about Vietnam is a Communist. It's interesting though that if it were true then Communists would have much to be proud of.

And how's your plan to invade Mexico coming? Are you going to attack from both Sonora and Yucatan simultaneously? What a dork you are. :auiqs.jpg:
Where have I denied that? I merely informed you the Rs want to invade Mexico and you not being informed, didn’t know they did. For this you called me a moron.

Not nice.

Be nice.

So you don't remember any of the conversation or why I called you a moron or what you were saying when I did. OK, but how does that make you NOT a moron?
Holy shit, you know absolutely NOTHING about the modern history of Vietnam.


NOTHING at all. Brain dead ..... :poke:

M'kay. Well, you just gave up you're the one who knows nothing. You can always tell because you don't know who does know more than you, that's the clearest indicator. I also know that you are a bitch. You serve your Marxist masters and will get nothing in return, but you don't care. At least you're a happy slave
So you don't remember any of the conversation or why I called you a moron or what you were saying when I did. OK, but how does that make you NOT a moron?
So even when you’re proven wrong, you refuse to accept being wrong. There must be a psychological term for your mental disorder.

Are you a narcissist or a sociopath? Lol.
So you don't remember any of the conversation or why I called you a moron or what you were saying when I did. OK, but how does that make you NOT a moron?
You use the term "moron" in most of your posts but I always assume you are talking to yourself. It's logical.
You said Ho Chi Mihn initiated "the split". You can lie if you like but I am watching you.

You are an idiot. Vietnam was always been one country. This will explain most of it for you. If you have trouble understanding the "big words" just let me know and I'll be happy to give you a hand.

Yes, you do. You think everyone who tells the truth about Vietnam is a Communist. It's interesting though that if it were true then Communists would have much to be proud of.

And how's your plan to invade Mexico coming? Are you going to attack from both Sonora and Yucatan simultaneously? What a dork you are. :auiqs.jpg:

Actually. South Vietnam was an Internationally recognized country from 1955 to 1975. They had diplomatic relations with many countries, not just the United States.


Actually. South Vietnam was an Internationally recognized country from 1955 to 1975.
Yeah sure, and the US found thousands upon thousands of WMDs all over Irak. That's the reason the United Nations hasn't put Bush, Cheney, or Rumsfeld behind bars. The same with the torture chambers at Abu Gaib and Guantanamo and the illegal invasions of Irak, Vietnam, Cambodia, Laos, Serbia, Afghanistan, Grenada, Panama, and Iran. There's no US extortion going on in the UN ... for sure. :rolleyes:

Oh, and your intro is false anyway.
So even when you’re proven wrong

Stopped reading here since it didn't happen. So sorry, apparently you are a moron. The only thing we need to defend ourselves from Mexican drug cartels is they threaten and attack us. They did that. We need to kill a whole lot of them so the rest are too busy hiding to threaten us.

You sure are just like a Democrat. That's not a compliment, FYI
The Queer Barry/Potatohead administration not only started a silly war with Libya, fought the war in Iraq for three years but the sonofabitches escalated the War in Afghanistan.

Who is the war monger?
Yeah sure, and the US found thousands upon thousands of WMDs all over Irak. That's the reason the United Nations hasn't put Bush, Cheney, or Rumsfeld behind bars. The same with the torture chambers at Abu Gaib and Guantanamo and the illegal invasions of Irak, Vietnam, Cambodia, Laos, Serbia, Afghanistan, Grenada, Panama, and Iran. There's no US extortion going on in the UN ... for sure. :rolleyes:

Oh, and your intro is false anyway.

I didn’t say it was a good war or that there were no lies told. I just corrected you on a single point. The Soviets recognized the North first. France recognized the South first.

My point was, and is limited to the fact that Vietnam was internationally recognized by many nations. They even had an ambassador at the UN.

Yes. The North won the war. Yes. We lost. Yes there were a lot of lies told. But one of those truths was that South Vietnam was a nation.
The USA is NOT the reason for the problems of Mexico.

Mexico's problem is an out of control gang situation, where criminals are ruling the roost and terrorizing the people.

The idea of any military actions would be to smash the cartels to both bring a more peaceful situation in the Land of Tacos, as well as stop these banditos from peddling their poison here in America.

Any military action would be on the side of Mexico, not against them. If the Mexican Army wants to fight on the side of cartels, the US military shouldn't move in.

Why does Mexico have a gang problem? Drugs? Where are the drugs going? The USA....

You can smash the cartels, and then what? More cartels will rise up to fill the void.
Why does Mexico have a gang problem? Drugs? Where are the drugs going? The USA....

You can smash the cartels, and then what? More cartels will rise up to fill the void.

So you don't see any benefit to society of getting rid of drug cartels, because others will always appear? I humbly disagree and would say that fighting gangs, not just because of their drugs, but their robberies, extortion, human trafficking and other despicable behaviors can help limit this kind of shenanigans.

Further, its more than just the USA that has drugs, Canada, Haiti, the UK, India, every nation around has people getting loaded on drugs.
You're right and the rest of the world is wrong.
"The rest of the world"? I think the Vietnamese know better than the CIA. Did you ask the Vietnam embassy as I told you to do? I have. Are you afraid?
SMFH. You're an idiot.
You are afraid. Very afraid. Run and hide now, baby boy ... :safetocomeoutff:

And if the Vietnamese themselves aren't credible enough for you then watch this:
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Sure, moron. You're right and the rest of the world is wrong. SMFH. You're an idiot.
The truth is still too scary for you, huh? Yeah, you must be shaking in your boots and it ain't easy to admit you've been duped all of your life. :crybaby: Here is more proof that there never was a real country called South Vietnam. You haven't seen this one yet so enjoy it. If this video seems too complicated for you, you can stop the film now and then to digest small parts before continuing. It's maybe your last chance to save yourself from "idiocy" and "moronic certification". :auiqs.jpg:


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