Republicans Are Evil

The left is also incapable of recognizing it's own intolerance.

These are the same idiots btw that accuse Republicans of being haters and robots without any evidence what so ever. Republicans are all over the ball park on a whole variety of issues. The left however is amazingly lockstep on almost everything. There are dozens of pro choice Republicans. Find me more than a couple of anti abortion leftists.

Screw Right -vs- Left - Most of us are liberal with alcohol and conservative with cash, among other things..... What does that say about closed mindedness -vs- open mindedness?

It says that leftist who wonder of the reservation are scarcer than hen's teeth and are in general far more robotized than Republicans ever dreamed of being.
You can't call Republicans evil. They do the things they do because they are "misled". It's got to be a gene or something. No single group can share so much hate without the reason being genetic.

Didn't read the article, did you?
Please inform yourself before commenting.

First of all, it's really insulting to refer to a political leader as the "Messiah". I don't know, maybe because George Bush talked to "God" and supposedly "God" talked back, Republicans think of their leaders as a "Messiah"? Is that the case? If it isn't then why insult Democrats that way?

Second, no school in the United States "promotes" same sex whatever it that was they were talking about. Conservatives have their heads buried so far up their butts that it's no wonder they can't see the truth.

Some gay couples have adopted unwanted children dropped from irresponsible breeding straights. Other gays have had themselves inseminated because they wanted to raise a child. Whatever the case, some children have two mommies or two daddies. There is absolutely no reason that these families should be held in contempt. Studies have shown that children raised in gay families are gay at EXACTLY THE SAME RATE AS CHILDREN BORN TO STRAIGHT COUPLES. Telling children that there is nothing wrong with having two mommies or two daddies. Saying that that will NEVER EVER turn a child gay. It's stupid. Totally stupid. No one can be turned gay. What is wrong with you people?
Where do you think gays come from? From American families with straight parents who never raised their child to be gay. THEY JUST ARE.

Saying schools "promote" gay is like saying that people are having "abortion parties". No one wants abortion. One of the evil things Republicans do is fight abortions but do nothing for the kid that is born. "Hey, it's not my baby" "That's what she gets for having sex"

So, are Republicans evil. Well, they most certainly DO EVIL in the name of good, BUT IT'S STILL EVIL.
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You can't call Republicans evil. They do the things they do because they are "misled". It's got to be a gene or something. No single group can share so much hate without the reason being genetic.

Didn't read the article, did you?
Please inform yourself before commenting.

First of all, it's really insulting to refer to a political leader as the "Messiah". I don't know, maybe because George Bush talked to "God" and supposedly "God" talked back, Republicans think of their leaders as a "Messiah"? Is that the case? If it isn't then why insult Democrats that way?

Second, no school in the United States "promotes" same sex whatever it that was they were talking about. Conservatives have their heads buried so far up their butts that it's no wonder they can't see the truth.

Some gay couples have adopted unwanted children dropped from irresponsible breeding straights. Other gays have had themselves inseminated because they wanted to raise a child. Whatever the case, some children have two mommies or two daddies. There is absolutely no reason that these families should be held in contempt. Studies have shown that children raised in gay families are gay at EXACTLY THE SAME RATE AS CHILDREN BORN TO STRAIGHT COUPLES. Telling children that there is nothing wrong with having two mommies or two daddies. Saying that that will NEVER EVER turn a child gay. It's stupid. Totally stupid. No one can be turned gay. What is wrong with you people?
Where do you think gays come from? From American families with straight parents who never raised their child to be gay. THEY JUST ARE.

Saying schools "promote" gay is like saying that people are having "abortion parties". No one wants abortion. One of the evil things Republicans do is fight abortions but do nothing for the kid that is born. "Hey, it's not my baby" "That's what she gets for having sex"

Gays, simply put, are genetically flawed individuals. When one is attracted to the same sex ones gene pool ceases to exist due to non procreation. This is a good thing. It's natures way of dealing with defects....much like the weak and sick are culled from herds by predatory animals in Africa leaving the strong and genetically sound members to breed.

and the second bold quote......all I can say is that you must be a pretty f*cked up individual to think that only Republicans don't do anything to help children. I will remind you that if it weren't for conservatives/republicans, charitable organizations would be nearly non existent. God knows you libtards will give the government every dime you make but won't give a plugged nickel to the kid with a UNICEF box.
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You can't call Republicans evil. They do the things they do because they are "misled". It's got to be a gene or something. No single group can share so much hate without the reason being genetic.

Didn't read the article, did you?
Please inform yourself before commenting.

First of all, it's really insulting to refer to a political leader as the "Messiah". I don't know, maybe because George Bush talked to "God" and supposedly "God" talked back, Republicans think of their leaders as a "Messiah"? Is that the case? If it isn't then why insult Democrats that way?

Second, no school in the United States "promotes" same sex whatever it that was they were talking about. Conservatives have their heads buried so far up their butts that it's no wonder they can't see the truth.

Some gay couples have adopted unwanted children dropped from irresponsible breeding straights. Other gays have had themselves inseminated because they wanted to raise a child. Whatever the case, some children have two mommies or two daddies. There is absolutely no reason that these families should be held in contempt. Studies have shown that children raised in gay families are gay at EXACTLY THE SAME RATE AS CHILDREN BORN TO STRAIGHT COUPLES. Telling children that there is nothing wrong with having two mommies or two daddies. Saying that that will NEVER EVER turn a child gay. It's stupid. Totally stupid. No one can be turned gay. What is wrong with you people?
Where do you think gays come from? From American families with straight parents who never raised their child to be gay. THEY JUST ARE.

Saying schools "promote" gay is like saying that people are having "abortion parties". No one wants abortion. One of the evil things Republicans do is fight abortions but do nothing for the kid that is born. "Hey, it's not my baby" "That's what she gets for having sex"

So, are Republicans evil. Well, they most certainly DO EVIL in the name of good, BUT IT'S STILL EVIL.
And there you go painting with that broad brush the writer of the article was talking about.
Tell you what, I have over 5000 post's on this board, how about if you find just one where I called Mr Obama "the messiah". You won't find it, in fact, almost every time I have refereed to the man I called him "Mr Obama".

After you fail at that attempt, find a post where I have said "schools promote same sex".

Then move on to your next overly general statement.
Then the next.

Finally, go read the entire article, it was about people just like you.
Hate gays? Sorry no. I haven't the time or the energy. Do I think there going to hell? Yes. But I don't think it's my job to send them there. As for gays raising kids please list the studies and who conducted them. By the way if Homosexuality is genetic please expalin to me why all identical twins with a gay sibling aren't gay instead of merely 50%.
You can't call Republicans evil. They do the things they do because they are "misled". It's got to be a gene or something. No single group can share so much hate without the reason being genetic.

Didn't read the article, did you?
Please inform yourself before commenting.

First of all, it's really insulting to refer to a political leader as the "Messiah". I don't know, maybe because George Bush talked to "God" and supposedly "God" talked back, Republicans think of their leaders as a "Messiah"? Is that the case? If it isn't then why insult Democrats that way?

Second, no school in the United States "promotes" same sex whatever it that was they were talking about. Conservatives have their heads buried so far up their butts that it's no wonder they can't see the truth.

Some gay couples have adopted unwanted children dropped from irresponsible breeding straights. Other gays have had themselves inseminated because they wanted to raise a child. Whatever the case, some children have two mommies or two daddies. There is absolutely no reason that these families should be held in contempt. Studies have shown that children raised in gay families are gay at EXACTLY THE SAME RATE AS CHILDREN BORN TO STRAIGHT COUPLES. Telling children that there is nothing wrong with having two mommies or two daddies. Saying that that will NEVER EVER turn a child gay. It's stupid. Totally stupid. No one can be turned gay. What is wrong with you people?
Where do you think gays come from? From American families with straight parents who never raised their child to be gay. THEY JUST ARE.

Saying schools "promote" gay is like saying that people are having "abortion parties". No one wants abortion. One of the evil things Republicans do is fight abortions but do nothing for the kid that is born. "Hey, it's not my baby" "That's what she gets for having sex"

So, are Republicans evil. Well, they most certainly DO EVIL in the name of good, BUT IT'S STILL EVIL.

Obama playing Hammurabi brought on his own criticism.

Harvey Milk High School is a high school in in the East Village of New York City designed to be a safe space for students regardless of sexual orientation. It was founded to be a safe space for lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender, and questioning (LGBTQ) young people. It is named after assassinated San Francisco, California supervisor Harvey Milk, the first openly gay man to be elected to office and one of the best known LGBT politicians of the 20th century. He was assassinated along with San Francisco Mayor George Moscone on November 27, 1978.

Harvey Milk High School - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Humans do Evil, in many names, Humans also do good.
As a fanatic Liberal, I do not believe that conservatives are evil. In fact the differences between a true conservative and a true liberal are minor. They are differences in degree rather than broad policy.

The problem with today's conservatives is that they are NOT TRUE Conservatives. The Republican party and most of those that call themselves conservatives are a potpourri of ideologies, most of which are so objectionable that they cannot publicly admit their true beliefs so they all join together under the umbrella of the republican party and call themselves conservatives.

Some of these so called conservatives are theocrats, some are monarchists, some are racists, some are homophobes, some are neo-nazis, some are free liberatarians and many are just plain thieves. Very, very few are true conservatives.

While most of the beliefs of the above mentioned are obvious, the most insidious of them are the thieves. They have perverted capitalism as free for all greed without any responsibility whatsoever. This has resulted in the current economic crisis.

My father, a retired Wall St. exec., believes that at the top of the capitalist system are multi-millionaires who are educated and socialized to an ethic of responsibilty as the economic leaders of a free society. He was beyond shock when the Enron collapsed. Nowadays he won't even discuss politics or economics because he feels that the 'capitalists' that caused the sub-prime and derivative failure have betrayed himself and everyone that believed in capitalism.

The last days of the WWII generation - those that supported and fought for capitalism - are being lived out in shame.

If the Republicans were true Conservatives, there would not be the partisanship that divides this country. But for as long as this potpourri of people whose REAL ideologies are nothing less than despicable continue to masquarade as conservatives, we will continue to see them for what they are: EVIL.
As a fanatic Liberal, I do not believe that conservatives are evil. In fact the differences between a true conservative and a true liberal are minor. They are differences in degree rather than broad policy.

The problem with today's conservatives is that they are NOT TRUE Conservatives. The Republican party and most of those that call themselves conservatives are a potpourri of ideologies, most of which are so objectionable that they cannot publicly admit their true beliefs so they all join together under the umbrella of the republican party and call themselves conservatives.

Some of these so called conservatives are theocrats, some are monarchists, some are racists, some are homophobes, some are neo-nazis, some are free liberatarians and many are just plain thieves. Very, very few are true conservatives.

While most of the beliefs of the above mentioned are obvious, the most insidious of them are the thieves. They have perverted capitalism as free for all greed without any responsibility whatsoever. This has resulted in the current economic crisis.

My father, a retired Wall St. exec., believes that at the top of the capitalist system are multi-millionaires who are educated and socialized to an ethic of responsibilty as the economic leaders of a free society. He was beyond shock when the Enron collapsed. Nowadays he won't even discuss politics or economics because he feels that the 'capitalists' that caused the sub-prime and derivative failure have betrayed himself and everyone that believed in capitalism.

The last days of the WWII generation - those that supported and fought for capitalism - are being lived out in shame.

If the Republicans were true Conservatives, there would not be the partisanship that divides this country. But for as long as this potpourri of people whose REAL ideologies are nothing less than despicable continue to masquarade as conservatives, we will continue to see them for what they are: EVIL.

And there are democrats and liberals that do the exact same things.
Didn't read the article, did you?
Please inform yourself before commenting.

First of all, it's really insulting to refer to a political leader as the "Messiah". I don't know, maybe because George Bush talked to "God" and supposedly "God" talked back, Republicans think of their leaders as a "Messiah"? Is that the case? If it isn't then why insult Democrats that way?

Second, no school in the United States "promotes" same sex whatever it that was they were talking about. Conservatives have their heads buried so far up their butts that it's no wonder they can't see the truth.

Some gay couples have adopted unwanted children dropped from irresponsible breeding straights. Other gays have had themselves inseminated because they wanted to raise a child. Whatever the case, some children have two mommies or two daddies. There is absolutely no reason that these families should be held in contempt. Studies have shown that children raised in gay families are gay at EXACTLY THE SAME RATE AS CHILDREN BORN TO STRAIGHT COUPLES. Telling children that there is nothing wrong with having two mommies or two daddies. Saying that that will NEVER EVER turn a child gay. It's stupid. Totally stupid. No one can be turned gay. What is wrong with you people?
Where do you think gays come from? From American families with straight parents who never raised their child to be gay. THEY JUST ARE.

Saying schools "promote" gay is like saying that people are having "abortion parties". No one wants abortion. One of the evil things Republicans do is fight abortions but do nothing for the kid that is born. "Hey, it's not my baby" "That's what she gets for having sex"

So, are Republicans evil. Well, they most certainly DO EVIL in the name of good, BUT IT'S STILL EVIL.

Obama playing Hammurabi brought on his own criticism.


"when the messiah speaks, the youth will hear, and the messiah is absolutly speaking"



obamas sunday school

its interesting to play these vids both at the same time, adjust your volume accordingly but you get the overall...very interesting indeed
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Stein asked a liberal editor at a publishing house he knows for "a candid, shorthand version of the assumptions she and her colleagues make about conservatives." Without missing a beat she replied, "Racist, sexist, homophobic, anti-choice fascists....They hate everyone who's not a rich white guy."

describes every wing nut leftie on this board.

That is probably the most inaccurate post I have ever seen. Seriously.

Written by the most inaccurate poster here.
As a fanatic Liberal, I do not believe that conservatives are evil. In fact the differences between a true conservative and a true liberal are minor. They are differences in degree rather than broad policy.

The problem with today's conservatives is that they are NOT TRUE Conservatives. The Republican party and most of those that call themselves conservatives are a potpourri of ideologies, most of which are so objectionable that they cannot publicly admit their true beliefs so they all join together under the umbrella of the republican party and call themselves conservatives.

Some of these so called conservatives are theocrats, some are monarchists, some are racists, some are homophobes, some are neo-nazis, some are free liberatarians and many are just plain thieves. Very, very few are true conservatives.

While most of the beliefs of the above mentioned are obvious, the most insidious of them are the thieves. They have perverted capitalism as free for all greed without any responsibility whatsoever. This has resulted in the current economic crisis.

My father, a retired Wall St. exec., believes that at the top of the capitalist system are multi-millionaires who are educated and socialized to an ethic of responsibilty as the economic leaders of a free society. He was beyond shock when the Enron collapsed. Nowadays he won't even discuss politics or economics because he feels that the 'capitalists' that caused the sub-prime and derivative failure have betrayed himself and everyone that believed in capitalism.

The last days of the WWII generation - those that supported and fought for capitalism - are being lived out in shame.

If the Republicans were true Conservatives, there would not be the partisanship that divides this country. But for as long as this potpourri of people whose REAL ideologies are nothing less than despicable continue to masquarade as conservatives, we will continue to see them for what they are: EVIL.

And there are democrats and liberals that do the exact same things.

Why buy into the One Size Fits All Pitfall? It's bullshit at Face Value, and it's depth is that of a puddle.
As a fanatic Liberal, I do not believe that conservatives are evil. In fact the differences between a true conservative and a true liberal are minor. They are differences in degree rather than broad policy.

The problem with today's conservatives is that they are NOT TRUE Conservatives. The Republican party and most of those that call themselves conservatives are a potpourri of ideologies, most of which are so objectionable that they cannot publicly admit their true beliefs so they all join together under the umbrella of the republican party and call themselves conservatives.

Some of these so called conservatives are theocrats, some are monarchists, some are racists, some are homophobes, some are neo-nazis, some are free liberatarians and many are just plain thieves. Very, very few are true conservatives.

While most of the beliefs of the above mentioned are obvious, the most insidious of them are the thieves. They have perverted capitalism as free for all greed without any responsibility whatsoever. This has resulted in the current economic crisis.

My father, a retired Wall St. exec., believes that at the top of the capitalist system are multi-millionaires who are educated and socialized to an ethic of responsibilty as the economic leaders of a free society. He was beyond shock when the Enron collapsed. Nowadays he won't even discuss politics or economics because he feels that the 'capitalists' that caused the sub-prime and derivative failure have betrayed himself and everyone that believed in capitalism.

The last days of the WWII generation - those that supported and fought for capitalism - are being lived out in shame.

If the Republicans were true Conservatives, there would not be the partisanship that divides this country. But for as long as this potpourri of people whose REAL ideologies are nothing less than despicable continue to masquarade as conservatives, we will continue to see them for what they are: EVIL.

And there are democrats and liberals that do the exact same things.

Why buy into the One Size Fits All Pitfall? It's bullshit at Face Value, and it's depth is that of a puddle.

That's exactly what the point of the article was. People that paint with such a broad brush are wrong.
Stein asked a liberal editor at a publishing house he knows for "a candid, shorthand version of the assumptions she and her colleagues make about conservatives." Without missing a beat she replied, "Racist, sexist, homophobic, anti-choice fascists....They hate everyone who's not a rich white guy."

describes every wing nut leftie on this board.

Well, such demonstrates the intellectual vacuum that is Left-think, PERIOD.

Leftism exists upon absolutely NOTHING but empty cliches and vaccuous platitudes... Strip them of such and the Left on the whole vanishes in that instant.

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