Republicans, And the Party of "NO!"

Absolutly HELL NO. I don't think this label of the party of no being played by the Progessives is going to fly much more. The Majority of people are Angry at this Government and the polls are showing it.
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Fine. According to Limbaugh? They should be the Party of "HELL NO" when it comes to the Progressive agenda. I concur.

What say YOU?

Mark Levin is a pussy and so are his what I say.
Sweet. The Republicans can adopt the "Know Nothing" party name, only in their case it will be the "Do Nothing" party.

You know what's really good for a country that's facing 2 wars and an economic crisis? Governmental paralysis.

Good work assholes! Way to ruin America.
Absolutly HELL NO. I don't think this label of the party of no being played by the Progessives is going to fly much more. The Majority of people are Angry at this Government and the polls are showing it.

They have tried to take this Republic down the road...ONCE and for all into the ABYSS of Socialism/Marxism. SO FAR...they have been stopped. The Party of HELL NO needs to be Continued.

SPREAD THE WORD. It's high TIME the People made the Government FEAR THE PEOPLE. THIS...Is the YEAR to do it. Time to tell the Statists/Progressives...HELL NO.
Fine. According to Limbaugh? They should be the Party of "HELL NO" when it comes to the Progressive agenda. I concur.

What say YOU?

Mark Levin is a pussy and so are his what I say.

And *YOU* project yourself very well Zona. YOU are the true PUSSY.
Sweet. The Republicans can adopt the "Know Nothing" party name, only in their case it will be the "Do Nothing" party.

You know what's really good for a country that's facing 2 wars and an economic crisis? Governmental paralysis.

Good work assholes! Way to ruin America.

They Should DO NOTHING but RESIST the Progressive Agenda that will WRECK what the Founders laid forth.

*I* Back the *HELL NO* Agenda for the Republicans.
Sweet. The Republicans can adopt the "Know Nothing" party name, only in their case it will be the "Do Nothing" party.

You know what's really good for a country that's facing 2 wars and an economic crisis? Governmental paralysis.

Good work assholes! Way to ruin America.

They Should DO NOTHING but RESIST the Progressive Agenda that will WRECK what the Founders laid forth.

*I* Back the *HELL NO* Agenda for the Republicans.

Blah blah, talking point blah blah.

The country is mired in 2 wars and the worst economic situation since the depression, and all you want to do is get in the way of doing anything at all.

We had a saying in the military: Lead, Follow, or get the fuck out of the way.

I don't give a shit what "agenda" the Republicans think they're blocking. They're paralyzing government for partisan reasons during a time of war.

Now, what did the right call people like that during the Bush administration? Hmmm, let me think....
It's a gift, and I for one, think its a good one.
The party of No.
Hell Yea!
No to spending.
No to growing govt.
No to nanny state.
No to more usless bills.
No to pork.
No to unionizing the entire US.
No to stimulus money going overseas.
No to stimulus money period.
I can think of a thousand ways to say no.
I said it to my kids plenty of times when they needed to learn the lesson of restraint.
I cant think of a better message to give our congress, who all need to go look up the word restraint in the dictionary.
Sweet. The Republicans can adopt the "Know Nothing" party name, only in their case it will be the "Do Nothing" party.

You know what's really good for a country that's facing 2 wars and an economic crisis? Governmental paralysis.

Good work assholes! Way to ruin America.

Thanks for showing how totally out to lunch the left us. When everything on the liberal agenda is fucking stupid, you're damn right Republican's should be saying no.

And have you ever considered that maybe the government not do stuff just because it thinks it needs to might not be such a bad thing?
Sweet. The Republicans can adopt the "Know Nothing" party name, only in their case it will be the "Do Nothing" party.

You know what's really good for a country that's facing 2 wars and an economic crisis? Governmental paralysis.

Good work assholes! Way to ruin America.

They Should DO NOTHING but RESIST the Progressive Agenda that will WRECK what the Founders laid forth.

*I* Back the *HELL NO* Agenda for the Republicans.

Blah blah, talking point blah blah.

The country is mired in 2 wars and the worst economic situation since the depression, and all you want to do is get in the way of doing anything at all.

We had a saying in the military: Lead, Follow, or get the fuck out of the way.

I don't give a shit what "agenda" the Republicans think they're blocking. They're paralyzing government for partisan reasons during a time of war.

Now, what did the right call people like that during the Bush administration? Hmmm, let me think....

There are no TALKING POINTS...the Government under this REGIME are trying to STEAL *YOUR LIBERTY*...and *YOU* Seem to be all FOR IT...WHY?

Do you valuue your liberty...or do you even KNOW what your liberties are?

Are YOU one of the stupid, VAPID ones that doesn't care of your own destiny on YOUR own accord other than Government telling you?
Fine. According to Limbaugh? They should be the Party of "HELL NO" when it comes to the Progressive agenda. I concur.

What say YOU?

Mark Levin is a pussy and so are his what I say.

Your opinion is about as important as your Eagles are now relevant to The NFL season! :eusa_whistle:

However, Michael Savage takes Mark Levins manhood from him if they were locked up in the same cell. :razz: ~BH
It's a gift, and I for one, think its a good one.
The party of No.
Hell Yea!
No to spending.
No to growing govt.
No to nanny state.
No to more usless bills.
No to pork.
No to unionizing the entire US.
No to stimulus money going overseas.
No to stimulus money period.
I can think of a thousand ways to say no.
I said it to my kids plenty of times when they needed to learn the lesson of restraint.
I cant think of a better message to give our congress, who all need to go look up the word restraint in the dictionary.

Yes, these things are in fact included when you say NO to everything. There's a lot of good productive stuff included also.
Sweet. The Republicans can adopt the "Know Nothing" party name, only in their case it will be the "Do Nothing" party.

You know what's really good for a country that's facing 2 wars and an economic crisis? Governmental paralysis.

Good work assholes! Way to ruin America.

They Should DO NOTHING but RESIST the Progressive Agenda that will WRECK what the Founders laid forth.

*I* Back the *HELL NO* Agenda for the Republicans.

Blah blah, talking point blah blah.

The country is mired in 2 wars and the worst economic situation since the depression, and all you want to do is get in the way of doing anything at all.

We had a saying in the military: Lead, Follow, or get the fuck out of the way.

I don't give a shit what "agenda" the Republicans think they're blocking. They're paralyzing government for partisan reasons during a time of war.

Now, what did the right call people like that during the Bush administration? Hmmm, let me think....

They are saying no on principle. The health care bill as it stands no is a piece of crap that will do more harm then good so you're damn right they should be saying no.

Paralyzing government in a time of war? That somehow implies that if they weren't the war would be going better. How so exactly?
They Should DO NOTHING but RESIST the Progressive Agenda that will WRECK what the Founders laid forth.

*I* Back the *HELL NO* Agenda for the Republicans.

Blah blah, talking point blah blah.

The country is mired in 2 wars and the worst economic situation since the depression, and all you want to do is get in the way of doing anything at all.

We had a saying in the military: Lead, Follow, or get the fuck out of the way.

I don't give a shit what "agenda" the Republicans think they're blocking. They're paralyzing government for partisan reasons during a time of war.

Now, what did the right call people like that during the Bush administration? Hmmm, let me think....

There are no TALKING POINTS...the Government under this REGIME are trying to STEAL *YOUR LIBERTY*...and *YOU* Seem to be all FOR IT...WHY?

Do you valuue your liberty...or do you even KNOW what your liberties are?

Are YOU one of the stupid, VAPID ones that doesn't care of your own destiny on YOUR own accord other than Government telling you?

The sheople are clueless my friend. They are too busy watching American Idol. ~BH
Sweet. The Republicans can adopt the "Know Nothing" party name, only in their case it will be the "Do Nothing" party.

You know what's really good for a country that's facing 2 wars and an economic crisis? Governmental paralysis.

Good work assholes! Way to ruin America.

They Should DO NOTHING but RESIST the Progressive Agenda that will WRECK what the Founders laid forth.

*I* Back the *HELL NO* Agenda for the Republicans.

Blah blah, talking point blah blah.

The country is mired in 2 wars and the worst economic situation since the depression, and all you want to do is get in the way of doing anything at all.

We had a saying in the military: Lead, Follow, or get the fuck out of the way.

I don't give a shit what "agenda" the Republicans think they're blocking. They're paralyzing government for partisan reasons during a time of war.

Now, what did the right call people like that during the Bush administration? Hmmm, let me think....

One other thing ? Think Bush was the bee's knees? NO Many Know this. Bush was AS BAD. Nice attempt at painting the Republicans. BUSH is GONE. Persona NON GRATA. Try something else.
It's a gift, and I for one, think its a good one.
The party of No.
Hell Yea!
No to spending.
No to growing govt.
No to nanny state.
No to more usless bills.
No to pork.
No to unionizing the entire US.
No to stimulus money going overseas.
No to stimulus money period.
I can think of a thousand ways to say no.
I said it to my kids plenty of times when they needed to learn the lesson of restraint.
I cant think of a better message to give our congress, who all need to go look up the word restraint in the dictionary.

Yes, these things are in fact included when you say NO to everything. There's a lot of good productive stuff included also.

The bitter fact is the only way we to keep government from spending itself into infinte debt and taxing people into oblivion is to say no because the government can't seem to do a damn thing without spending YOUR money to do it. This is not fucking rocket science.
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There are no TALKING POINTS...the Government under this REGIME are trying to STEAL *YOUR LIBERTY*...and *YOU* Seem to be all FOR IT...WHY?

Which is in itself another talking point. I don't think you people even know the meaning of the word "liberty" anymore. You use it so casually, in so many improper circumstances, that you've probably forgotten it's original definition.

Do you valuue your liberty...or do you even KNOW what your liberties are?

Seems like you have a whole lot of liberty, like the liberty to spout a bunch of crap like this on a posting board.

Are YOU one of the stupid, VAPID ones that doesn't care of your own destiny on YOUR own accord other than Government telling you?

No T, I'm afraid you have me confused with a fellow right-wing sheeple. Only, since the republicans are not currently in control, substitute the word "government" with "right-wing talking heads", although once the republicans have the majority again, it will be the same thing anyway.

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