Republicans already impeached a president for lying about an affair. Do it again.


Gold Member
May 8, 2017
I donā€™t understand the problem here. Republicans impeached Bill Clinton for lying about that affair. The entire lie was ā€œI did not have sex with that womanā€œ.

We know Donald Trump started a shell company so he could hide payments to a porn star and a playboy bunny he was having sex with. Heā€™s denied having sex with either one of them.
He signed multiple hush money payout checks while he was already a sitting president.

So whatā€™s the big deal? We already know Republicans believe itā€™s OK to impeach a president for lying about an affair. So naturally, we should get plenty of Republican support.


We have the signed checks. This is way more evidence than they had when Bill Clinton was on trial.
I donā€™t understand the problem here. Republicans impeached Bill Clinton for lying about that affair. The entire lie was ā€œI did not have sex with that womanā€œ.

We know Donald Trump started a shell company so he could hide payments to a porn star and a playboy bunny he was having sex with. Heā€™s denied having sex with either one of them.
He signed multiple hush money payout checks while he was already a sitting president.

So whatā€™s the big deal? We already know Republicans believe itā€™s OK to impeach a president for lying about an affair. So naturally, we should get plenty of Republican support.


We have the signed checks. This is way more evidence than they had when Bill Clinton was on trial.

Once again it doesn't matter, the left lowered the bar so low with Bill, that no one cares and no president will be impeached again...
I donā€™t understand the problem here. Republicans impeached Bill Clinton for lying about that affair. The entire lie was ā€œI did not have sex with that womanā€œ.

We know Donald Trump started a shell company so he could hide payments to a porn star and a playboy bunny he was having sex with. Heā€™s denied having sex with either one of them.
He signed multiple hush money payout checks while he was already a sitting president.

So whatā€™s the big deal? We already know Republicans believe itā€™s OK to impeach a president for lying about an affair. So naturally, we should get plenty of Republican support.


We have the signed checks. This is way more evidence than they had when Bill Clinton was on trial.




I donā€™t understand the problem here. Republicans impeached Bill Clinton for lying about that affair. The entire lie was ā€œI did not have sex with that womanā€œ.

We know Donald Trump started a shell company so he could hide payments to a porn star and a playboy bunny he was having sex with. Heā€™s denied having sex with either one of them.
He signed multiple hush money payout checks while he was already a sitting president.

So whatā€™s the big deal? We already know Republicans believe itā€™s OK to impeach a president for lying about an affair. So naturally, we should get plenty of Republican support.


We have the signed checks. This is way more evidence than they had when Bill Clinton was on trial.

Billy Clinton should NOT have been impeached because of some stupid sexual misdeeds, it doesn't reach the level of High Crimes and Misdemeanors at all. It was a political witch hunt, which is pathetic since it was a waste of time and money and a big embarrassing distraction for him.

He is the best Democratic President since Kennedy, yet because of the witch hunt and his garbage wife who damaged him internally in the White House, he will be remembered for his irrelevant sexual adventures with Monica.

Meanwhile your unsupported claim is as silly as it was last year, still no evidence they were illegal.
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I donā€™t understand the problem here. Republicans impeached Bill Clinton for lying about that affair. The entire lie was ā€œI did not have sex with that womanā€œ.

We know Donald Trump started a shell company so he could hide payments to a porn star and a playboy bunny he was having sex with. Heā€™s denied having sex with either one of them.
He signed multiple hush money payout checks while he was already a sitting president.

So whatā€™s the big deal? We already know Republicans believe itā€™s OK to impeach a president for lying about an affair. So naturally, we should get plenty of Republican support.


We have the signed checks. This is way more evidence than they had when Bill Clinton was on trial.

Republicans impeached Bill Clinton for lying about that affair. The entire lie was ā€œI did not have sex with that womanā€œ.

He lied under oath in a sexual harassment law suit.
He ended up paying Paula Jones nearly a million dollars and was disbarred.
I donā€™t understand the problem here. Republicans impeached Bill Clinton for lying about that affair. The entire lie was ā€œI did not have sex with that womanā€œ.

We know Donald Trump started a shell company so he could hide payments to a porn star and a playboy bunny he was having sex with. Heā€™s denied having sex with either one of them.
He signed multiple hush money payout checks while he was already a sitting president.

So whatā€™s the big deal? We already know Republicans believe itā€™s OK to impeach a president for lying about an affair. So naturally, we should get plenty of Republican support.


We have the signed checks. This is way more evidence than they had when Bill Clinton was on trial.

Billy Clinton should NOT have been impeached because of some stupid sexual misdeeds, it doesn't reach the level of High Crimes and Misdemeanors at all. It was a political witch hunt, which is pathetic since it was a waste of time and money and a big embarrassing distraction for him.

He is the best Democratic President since Kennedy, yet because of the witch hunt and his garbage wife who damaged him internally in the White House, he will be remembered for his irrelevant sexual adventures with Monica.

Meanwhile your unsupported claim is as silly as it was last year, still no evidence they were illegal.

He is the best Democratic President since Kennedy,

Better than LBJ and about a low bar. LOL!

Why do you feel he was a good President?
Because he was in office at the same time as the Internet Bubble?
Deanturd being they lying piece of shit he is wants to ignore the fact that Clinton was impeached for PERJURY, which is a felony.

Now because sniveling, servile pieces of shit like deanturd exist in a fantasy world of lies, in whatever orifice functions as his mind, that is the equivalent of impeaching his former dear leader for breathing.

Trump never testified or lied under oath about fucking anyone.

Fucking pieces of shit.

I donā€™t understand the problem here. Republicans impeached Bill Clinton for lying about that affair. The entire lie was ā€œI did not have sex with that womanā€œ.

We know Donald Trump started a shell company so he could hide payments to a porn star and a playboy bunny he was having sex with. Heā€™s denied having sex with either one of them.
He signed multiple hush money payout checks while he was already a sitting president.

So whatā€™s the big deal? We already know Republicans believe itā€™s OK to impeach a president for lying about an affair. So naturally, we should get plenty of Republican support.


We have the signed checks. This is way more evidence than they had when Bill Clinton was on trial.

Billy Clinton should NOT have been impeached because of some stupid sexual misdeeds, it doesn't reach the level of High Crimes and Misdemeanors at all. It was a political witch hunt, which is pathetic since it was a waste of time and money and a big embarrassing distraction for him.

He is the best Democratic President since Kennedy, yet because of the witch hunt and his garbage wife who damaged him internally in the White House, he will be remembered for his irrelevant sexual adventures with Monica.

Meanwhile your unsupported claim is as silly as it was last year, still no evidence they were illegal.

He is the best Democratic President since Kennedy,

Better than LBJ and about a low bar. LOL!

Why do you feel he was a good President?
Because he was in office at the same time as the Internet Bubble?

You forgot Obama.

I said
He is the best Democratic President since Kennedy,
I didn't say he was a good president, he lied under oath, sent missiles in the wrong place, too rapidly reduced the Military budget, followed his wife's absurd national health plan, and so on.
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Deanturd being they lying piece of shit he is wants to ignore the fact that Clinton was impeached for PERJURY, which is a felony.

Now because sniveling, servile pieces of shit like deanturd exist in a fantasy world of lies, in whatever orifice functions as his mind, that is the equivalent of impeaching his former dear leader for breathing.

Trump never testified or lied under oath about fucking anyone.

Fucking pieces of shit.

So because Trump didnā€™t lie about payouts violating campaign finance laws....I donā€™t know.
Only the payouts were evidence of violating campaign finance laws.....
So itā€™s OK to violate campaign finance laws as long as you donā€™t publicly lie about having multiple affairs..... I give up.

Trump is a criminal.
I donā€™t understand the problem here. Republicans impeached Bill Clinton for lying about that affair. The entire lie was ā€œI did not have sex with that womanā€œ.

We know Donald Trump started a shell company so he could hide payments to a porn star and a playboy bunny he was having sex with. Heā€™s denied having sex with either one of them.
He signed multiple hush money payout checks while he was already a sitting president.

So whatā€™s the big deal? We already know Republicans believe itā€™s OK to impeach a president for lying about an affair. So naturally, we should get plenty of Republican support.


We have the signed checks. This is way more evidence than they had when Bill Clinton was on trial.

Billy Clinton should NOT have been impeached because of some stupid sexual misdeeds, it doesn't reach the level of High Crimes and Misdemeanors at all. It was a political witch hunt, which is pathetic since it was a waste of time and money and a big embarrassing distraction for him.

He is the best Democratic President since Kennedy, yet because of the witch hunt and his garbage wife who damaged him internally in the White House, he will be remembered for his irrelevant sexual adventures with Monica.

Meanwhile your unsupported claim is as silly as it was last year, still no evidence they were illegal.

He is the best Democratic President since Kennedy,

Better than LBJ and about a low bar. LOL!

Why do you feel he was a good President?
Because he was in office at the same time as the Internet Bubble?

You forgot Obama.

I said
He is the best Democratic President since Kennedy,
I didn't say he was a good president, he lied under oath, sent missiles in the wrong place, too rapidly reduced the Military budget, followed his wife's absurd national health plan, and so on.
Obama. The best president in decades. Even with Republicans trying to fuck him over and screw the country to teach us a lesson about electing a black man, he was still a great president.
Deanturd being they lying piece of shit he is wants to ignore the fact that Clinton was impeached for PERJURY, which is a felony.

Now because sniveling, servile pieces of shit like deanturd exist in a fantasy world of lies, in whatever orifice functions as his mind, that is the equivalent of impeaching his former dear leader for breathing.

Trump never testified or lied under oath about fucking anyone.

Fucking pieces of shit.

So because Trump didnā€™t lie about payouts violating campaign finance laws....I donā€™t know.
Only the payouts were evidence of violating campaign finance laws.....
So itā€™s OK to violate campaign finance laws as long as you donā€™t publicly lie about having multiple affairs..... I give up.

Trump is a criminal.

Only the payouts were evidence of violating campaign finance laws.....

Paying off bimbos doesn't violate campaign finance laws.
I donā€™t understand the problem here. Republicans impeached Bill Clinton for lying about that affair. The entire lie was ā€œI did not have sex with that womanā€œ.

We know Donald Trump started a shell company so he could hide payments to a porn star and a playboy bunny he was having sex with. Heā€™s denied having sex with either one of them.
He signed multiple hush money payout checks while he was already a sitting president.

So whatā€™s the big deal? We already know Republicans believe itā€™s OK to impeach a president for lying about an affair. So naturally, we should get plenty of Republican support.


We have the signed checks. This is way more evidence than they had when Bill Clinton was on trial.

Billy Clinton should NOT have been impeached because of some stupid sexual misdeeds, it doesn't reach the level of High Crimes and Misdemeanors at all. It was a political witch hunt, which is pathetic since it was a waste of time and money and a big embarrassing distraction for him.

He is the best Democratic President since Kennedy, yet because of the witch hunt and his garbage wife who damaged him internally in the White House, he will be remembered for his irrelevant sexual adventures with Monica.

Meanwhile your unsupported claim is as silly as it was last year, still no evidence they were illegal.

He is the best Democratic President since Kennedy,

Better than LBJ and about a low bar. LOL!

Why do you feel he was a good President?
Because he was in office at the same time as the Internet Bubble?

You forgot Obama.

I said
He is the best Democratic President since Kennedy,
I didn't say he was a good president, he lied under oath, sent missiles in the wrong place, too rapidly reduced the Military budget, followed his wife's absurd national health plan, and so on.
Obama. The best president in decades. Even with Republicans trying to fuck him over and screw the country to teach us a lesson about electing a black man, he was still a great president.

Obama. The best president in decades.


Economically, he sucked ass.

Foreign policy, he sucked ass.

And he set back race relations decades.

He was the worst.
I donā€™t understand the problem here. Republicans impeached Bill Clinton for lying about that affair. The entire lie was ā€œI did not have sex with that womanā€œ.

We know Donald Trump started a shell company so he could hide payments to a porn star and a playboy bunny he was having sex with. Heā€™s denied having sex with either one of them.
He signed multiple hush money payout checks while he was already a sitting president.

So whatā€™s the big deal? We already know Republicans believe itā€™s OK to impeach a president for lying about an affair. So naturally, we should get plenty of Republican support.


We have the signed checks. This is way more evidence than they had when Bill Clinton was on trial.

Billy Clinton should NOT have been impeached because of some stupid sexual misdeeds, it doesn't reach the level of High Crimes and Misdemeanors at all. It was a political witch hunt, which is pathetic since it was a waste of time and money and a big embarrassing distraction for him.

He is the best Democratic President since Kennedy, yet because of the witch hunt and his garbage wife who damaged him internally in the White House, he will be remembered for his irrelevant sexual adventures with Monica.

Meanwhile your unsupported claim is as silly as it was last year, still no evidence they were illegal.

He is the best Democratic President since Kennedy,

Better than LBJ and about a low bar. LOL!

Why do you feel he was a good President?
Because he was in office at the same time as the Internet Bubble?

You forgot Obama.

I said
He is the best Democratic President since Kennedy,
I didn't say he was a good president, he lied under oath, sent missiles in the wrong place, too rapidly reduced the Military budget, followed his wife's absurd national health plan, and so on.
Obama. The best president in decades. Even with Republicans trying to fuck him over and screw the country to teach us a lesson about electing a black man, he was still a great president.


My goodness.

Republicans are much smarter than that. They learned long ago that democrats are like old, dumb dogs. You just can't teach them a thing.

Meanwhile back at the ranch... He is only half black. Do you love Obamas white as much as his black?
I donā€™t understand the problem here. Republicans impeached Bill Clinton for lying about that affair. The entire lie was ā€œI did not have sex with that womanā€œ.

We know Donald Trump started a shell company so he could hide payments to a porn star and a playboy bunny he was having sex with. Heā€™s denied having sex with either one of them.
He signed multiple hush money payout checks while he was already a sitting president.

So whatā€™s the big deal? We already know Republicans believe itā€™s OK to impeach a president for lying about an affair. So naturally, we should get plenty of Republican support.


We have the signed checks. This is way more evidence than they had when Bill Clinton was on trial.

Billy Clinton should NOT have been impeached because of some stupid sexual misdeeds, it doesn't reach the level of High Crimes and Misdemeanors at all. It was a political witch hunt, which is pathetic since it was a waste of time and money and a big embarrassing distraction for him.

He is the best Democratic President since Kennedy, yet because of the witch hunt and his garbage wife who damaged him internally in the White House, he will be remembered for his irrelevant sexual adventures with Monica.

Meanwhile your unsupported claim is as silly as it was last year, still no evidence they were illegal.

He is the best Democratic President since Kennedy,

Better than LBJ and about a low bar. LOL!

Why do you feel he was a good President?
Because he was in office at the same time as the Internet Bubble?

You forgot Obama.

I said
He is the best Democratic President since Kennedy,
I didn't say he was a good president, he lied under oath, sent missiles in the wrong place, too rapidly reduced the Military budget, followed his wife's absurd national health plan, and so on.
Obama. The best president in decades. Even with Republicans trying to fuck him over and screw the country to teach us a lesson about electing a black man, he was still a great president.

Your rancid partisanship bullcrap runs deep, since it is all you do here, I wasn't even attacking Obama at all, was defending Bill Clinton to some degree about the impeachment decision. He is a proven womanizer and was accused by many women, his own wife knows he has been cheating on her for years.

Take that pacifier out of your mouth, drop your irrational one sided attacks when your side is guilty of it too, I don't want partisan screaming, I want to debate on how to fix problems.

You are part of the problem on why Partisanship is so divisive to America, blaming each other endlessly over a 1000 things will never fix anything. It is a sign of immaturity and stupid too.
I donā€™t understand the problem here. Republicans impeached Bill Clinton for lying about that affair. The entire lie was ā€œI did not have sex with that womanā€œ.

We know Donald Trump started a shell company so he could hide payments to a porn star and a playboy bunny he was having sex with. Heā€™s denied having sex with either one of them.
He signed multiple hush money payout checks while he was already a sitting president.

So whatā€™s the big deal? We already know Republicans believe itā€™s OK to impeach a president for lying about an affair. So naturally, we should get plenty of Republican support.


We have the signed checks. This is way more evidence than they had when Bill Clinton was on trial.

Billy Clinton should NOT have been impeached because of some stupid sexual misdeeds, it doesn't reach the level of High Crimes and Misdemeanors at all. It was a political witch hunt, which is pathetic since it was a waste of time and money and a big embarrassing distraction for him.

He is the best Democratic President since Kennedy, yet because of the witch hunt and his garbage wife who damaged him internally in the White House, he will be remembered for his irrelevant sexual adventures with Monica.

Meanwhile your unsupported claim is as silly as it was last year, still no evidence they were illegal.

He is the best Democratic President since Kennedy,

Better than LBJ and about a low bar. LOL!

Why do you feel he was a good President?
Because he was in office at the same time as the Internet Bubble?

You forgot Obama.

I said
He is the best Democratic President since Kennedy,
I didn't say he was a good president, he lied under oath, sent missiles in the wrong place, too rapidly reduced the Military budget, followed his wife's absurd national health plan, and so on.
Obama. The best president in decades. Even with Republicans trying to fuck him over and screw the country to teach us a lesson about electing a black man, he was still a great president.

Your rancid partisanship bullcrap runs deep, since it is all you do here, I wasn't even attacking Obama at all, was defending Bill Clinton to some degree about the impeachment decision. He is a proven womanizer and was accused by many women, his own wife knows he has been cheating on her for years.

Take that pacifier out of your mouth, drop your irrational one sided attacks when your side is guilty of it too, I don't want partisan screaming, I want to debate on how to fix problems.

You are part of the problem on why Partisanship is so divisive to America, blaming each other endlessly over a 1000 things will never fix anything. It is a sign of immaturity and stupid too.

So you don't remember the Accent Hollywood tape and how all the republicans were against tramp and now they are afraid of him. The serial adulterer and serial assaulter is a sleaze and let not forget he was close friend with Epstein.
I donā€™t understand the problem here. Republicans impeached Bill Clinton for lying about that affair. The entire lie was ā€œI did not have sex with that womanā€œ.

We know Donald Trump started a shell company so he could hide payments to a porn star and a playboy bunny he was having sex with. Heā€™s denied having sex with either one of them.
He signed multiple hush money payout checks while he was already a sitting president.

So whatā€™s the big deal? We already know Republicans believe itā€™s OK to impeach a president for lying about an affair. So naturally, we should get plenty of Republican support.


We have the signed checks. This is way more evidence than they had when Bill Clinton was on trial.

Billy Clinton should NOT have been impeached because of some stupid sexual misdeeds, it doesn't reach the level of High Crimes and Misdemeanors at all. It was a political witch hunt, which is pathetic since it was a waste of time and money and a big embarrassing distraction for him.

He is the best Democratic President since Kennedy, yet because of the witch hunt and his garbage wife who damaged him internally in the White House, he will be remembered for his irrelevant sexual adventures with Monica.

Meanwhile your unsupported claim is as silly as it was last year, still no evidence they were illegal.

He is the best Democratic President since Kennedy,

Better than LBJ and about a low bar. LOL!

Why do you feel he was a good President?
Because he was in office at the same time as the Internet Bubble?

You forgot Obama.

I said
He is the best Democratic President since Kennedy,
I didn't say he was a good president, he lied under oath, sent missiles in the wrong place, too rapidly reduced the Military budget, followed his wife's absurd national health plan, and so on.
Obama. The best president in decades. Even with Republicans trying to fuck him over and screw the country to teach us a lesson about electing a black man, he was still a great president.


My goodness.

Republicans are much smarter than that. They learned long ago that democrats are like old, dumb dogs. You just can't teach them a thing.

Meanwhile back at the ranch... He is only half black. Do you love Obamas white as much as his black?

So you put a sleazy crook in the oval office.
I donā€™t understand the problem here. Republicans impeached Bill Clinton for lying about that affair. The entire lie was ā€œI did not have sex with that womanā€œ.

We know Donald Trump started a shell company so he could hide payments to a porn star and a playboy bunny he was having sex with. Heā€™s denied having sex with either one of them.
He signed multiple hush money payout checks while he was already a sitting president.

So whatā€™s the big deal? We already know Republicans believe itā€™s OK to impeach a president for lying about an affair. So naturally, we should get plenty of Republican support.


We have the signed checks. This is way more evidence than they had when Bill Clinton was on trial.

You know Clinton wasn't impeached for lying about an affair. He was impeached for committing perjury. That's when you're placed under oath in a court of law or deposition and you lie and you get caught. That's perjury. Clinton was a lawyer, he should have known better.

Now, was the whole thing pretty silly? You bet. But, that's politics today... in fact, that was probably the Waterloo that has led us to where we are now...

Put Trump under oath, get him to lie, then impeach him for perjury, just like Clinton. You'll get no protest from me...
Billy Clinton should NOT have been impeached because of some stupid sexual misdeeds, it doesn't reach the level of High Crimes and Misdemeanors at all. It was a political witch hunt, which is pathetic since it was a waste of time and money and a big embarrassing distraction for him.

He is the best Democratic President since Kennedy, yet because of the witch hunt and his garbage wife who damaged him internally in the White House, he will be remembered for his irrelevant sexual adventures with Monica.

Meanwhile your unsupported claim is as silly as it was last year, still no evidence they were illegal.

He is the best Democratic President since Kennedy,

Better than LBJ and about a low bar. LOL!

Why do you feel he was a good President?
Because he was in office at the same time as the Internet Bubble?

You forgot Obama.

I said
He is the best Democratic President since Kennedy,
I didn't say he was a good president, he lied under oath, sent missiles in the wrong place, too rapidly reduced the Military budget, followed his wife's absurd national health plan, and so on.
Obama. The best president in decades. Even with Republicans trying to fuck him over and screw the country to teach us a lesson about electing a black man, he was still a great president.


My goodness.

Republicans are much smarter than that. They learned long ago that democrats are like old, dumb dogs. You just can't teach them a thing.

Meanwhile back at the ranch... He is only half black. Do you love Obamas white as much as his black?

So you put a sleazy crook in the oval office.

Just like y'all did.

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