Republican Senators Blast Court Nominee for Remarks About Alito


Diamond Member
Sep 15, 2008
Republican senators called into question Goodwin Liu's temperament as a possible judge, blasting the controversial 9th Circuit Court of Appeals nominee during his confirmation hearing Friday over statements he made about Supreme Court Judge Samuel Alito's "vision of America."

At the time of Judge Alito's confirmation process Liu was quoted as saying that "in Judge Alito's America, the police may shoot unarmed Americans ... the FBI may install a camera where you sleep ... an all white jury may convict a black man to death."
:lol::lol::lol::lol::lol: - Republican Senators Blast Court Nominee for Remarks About Alito

so, obie wan messiah doesn't have racist tendencies huh?
Obama can't seem to separate himself from the most radical elements of society.
Republican senators called into question Goodwin Liu's temperament as a possible judge, blasting the controversial 9th Circuit Court of Appeals nominee during his confirmation hearing Friday over statements he made about Supreme Court Judge Samuel Alito's "vision of America."

At the time of Judge Alito's confirmation process Liu was quoted as saying that "in Judge Alito's America, the police may shoot unarmed Americans ... the FBI may install a camera where you sleep ... an all white jury may convict a black man to death."
:lol::lol::lol::lol::lol: - Republican Senators Blast Court Nominee for Remarks About Alito

so, obie wan messiah doesn't have racist tendencies huh?

What is thereto say? Obama *IS* a rascist, and he's going to nominate/appoint people of like mind.
Obama can't seem to separate himself from the most radical elements of society.

I see you don't know much about Alito and his rulings. That being said, saying that about Alito does call his temperment into question. A SUPREME has to be able to, at least, moderate his tongue.
Obama can't seem to separate himself from the most radical elements of society.

I see you don't know much about Alito and his rulings.

I'm not referring to Liu's statements on Alito, but his overall statements in general on a great many matters. The man is very much outside the mainstream of America and does not belong on any court.
Obama can't seem to separate himself from the most radical elements of society.

Obama supports Beck, Hannity, and Limbaugh?

I would hardly call Rush Limbaugh a radical element of society. Beck you might be able to make that case for. Hannity is just a partisan hack.
Obama can't seem to separate himself from the most radical elements of society.

I see you don't know much about Alito and his rulings.

I'm not referring to Liu's statements on Alito, but his overall statements in general on a great many matters. The man is very much outside the mainstream of America and does not belong on any court.

I dissagree. Liu should have jumped up and gone all Bruce Lee on those racist fucks!

At the time of Judge Alito's confirmation process Liu was quoted as saying that "in Judge Alito's America, the police may shoot unarmed Americans ... the FBI may install a camera where you sleep ... an all white jury may convict a black man to death."

is the bolded part not true? didn't judges vote for these the first two things in the patriot act and doesnt the third happen all the time?
Obama can't seem to separate himself from the most radical elements of society.

Obama supports Beck, Hannity, and Limbaugh?

I would hardly call Rush Limbaugh a radical element of society. Beck you might be able to make that case for. Hannity is just a partisan hack.

Limbaugh is not a radical element? He is always outraged and over the top. He used to do his whole show high on drugs while saying people like himself should be put to death or some such nonsense.

What is nice is that 75% of America realize that folks who talk like Rush, Sean, PI, Dude, and the other clowns are far outside of the mainstream.
Republican Senators are defending the right of the Wall Street and Bankers to be spared any regulations that might prevent another financial debacle.

Sounds to me that their united repudiation of anyone President Obama nominates to any position, is a high recomendation for that person.
I am a Republican who has no respect or allegiance to Comrades McConnell or Boehner as party leader.

We Republicans are in for a very rough ride this fall.

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