Republican representative explodes at reporter asking if GOP have any evidence for Biden impeachment

Tommy Troll.... trolling again... nobody is this dumb
So what evidence do you have Biden is corrupt?

And it's funny. Let's say Hunter did get some business from China once in exchange for Biden passing favorable legislation for China. Let's say they did that. Trump did that out in the open. He was so good to Saudi Arabia. And Saudi was so good to Trump Corp. During and after his time in office.

Anyways, I want to see what evidence they have that Biden did something illegal. Not we'll look into it or we need to look into it. What do you have? That hasn't already been debunked. Don't keep using bad info.
Trump wasnt impeached for his collusion with Russia. Lots of his close friends went to jail over that though.

I sya they could easily have trump pardoning people that were involved in a investigation of him as obstruction of justice....

PResidents have generally not pardoned people that were close to them and especially where they were involved in the investigation...

Clinton pardoned a donor and Bush pardoned a guy in his administration. They weren't great but not the worst..

Trump pardoned everyone, he was passing out pardons without even knowing the crimes... Trump was all about keeping there loyality...

Basically Perry just repeats the allegations. Maybe the question was too complicated ?

It doesnt look good. Maybe they are keeping the good stuff for prime time ? It must comfort the President to be facing such low quality opposition.
The list should be just tattooed on their backs. When reports ask, they can just turn around and point to their back. The down side is they will have to take off their shirt.

reports can ask relevant question then such as " do you ever work out?." They would say no and then the report can report the truth. No, but this is what congress does (filter BS for payback)
I sya they could easily have trump pardoning people that were involved in a investigation of him as obstruction of justice....

PResidents have generally not pardoned people that were close to them and especially where they were involved in the investigation...

Clinton pardoned a donor and Bush pardoned a guy in his administration. They weren't great but not the worst..

Trump pardoned everyone, he was passing out pardons without even knowing the crimes... Trump was all about keeping there loyality...
Pardoning or commuting Kwami Kilpatrick's sentence, a guy who ran Detroit like a mafia don, I can only believe this was

a. To win favor with blacks (win more Detroit votes)
b. As a political favor.
c. Do this and they'll go along with fake electors plot?
I sya they could easily have trump pardoning people that were involved in a investigation of him as obstruction of justice....

PResidents have generally not pardoned people that were close to them and especially where they were involved in the investigation...

Clinton pardoned a donor and Bush pardoned a guy in his administration. They weren't great but not the worst..

Trump pardoned everyone, he was passing out pardons without even knowing the crimes... Trump was all about keeping there loyality...
We dont have pardons over here unless there is a miscarriage of justice. Its quaint.
We dont have pardons over here unless there is a miscarriage of justice. Its quaint.
The last time Republicans caught a Democrat doing something wrong it was in the 90's and it was about lying about a bj. Because he was under oath. As if Trump wouldn't lie under oath. Clinton should have done what Trump did. Plead the fifth.

Carter, Clinton, Obama, Biden. The worst thing they've found is Bill got a bj.

Trump's a rapist, liar, said anyone who pleads the 5th is guilty ,then later plead the 5th. And Trump had his own Monica. Her name was Stormy. My how Republicans have lowered the bar.
Scott Perry is nervous because of this....

WASHINGTON − A federal appeals court ruled Rep. Scott Perry’s communications with other lawmakers are off-limits to Justice Department special counsel Jack Smith, but that a federal judge must review whether to grant prosecutors access to hundreds of records dealing with people outside the House of Representatives.

Smith subpoenaed Perry’s phone records in August 2022 as part of his investigation into Donald Trump. A grand jury indicted the former president on conspiracy charges he tried to overturn the 2020 election and Trump has pleaded not guilty.

The records could reveal more information about what Perry, R-Pa., and others did while pursuing claims of election fraud after the 2020 election.

Perry had met with Trump and questioned election results in the months after the 2020 election. Perry fought the subpoena by arguing the Constitution’s speech-and-debate clause protected his legislative communications from an executive branch prosecutor.

U.S. District Judge Beryl Howell ruled that 2,055 records could be released to Smith, while 161 records were properly withheld. Perry appealed, seeking broad protection for all of his phone's records.

The case has been largely fought behind closed doors. But a decision unsealed Wednesday by a three-judge panel of the D.C. Circuit Court of Appeals ruled that Perry sought too broad a protection, but deserved to keep his legislative messages confidential.

Circuit Judge Neomi Rao wrote the decision for Circuit Judges Gregory Katsas and Karen Henderson, ruling that Howell must review Perry's communications with executive branch officials and others outside Congress before releasing them to Smith.

“When evaluating whether something is a ‘legislative act,” Rao wrote, “the Court will often consider whether protection of the privilege is 'necessary to preserve the integrity of the legislative process.'”

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