Republican "Fibs".


The Big Bad Wolf.
Oct 4, 2010
New York City
There are some notable ones going on after the debate:

Rick Perry -
1.Stimulus created 0 jobs. Untrue - CBO scores 1 - 2.6 million jobs created and many more saved. Stimulus was responsible for helping Perry plug holes in the Budget.
2. Merck only gave Perry $5,000. Untrue - Over the years Merck has contributed over 20K to Perry and much more through PACs.
3. SSI is a ponzi scam. Untrue - SSI is a government funded program that tax payers pay for and draw when they retire. It's been solvent for 70 years and without adjustments will continue to be fine for another quarter century.

Michele Bachmann-
1. HPV injections were forced on 12 year olds by the government and this has never been done. Untrue - Government has had mandatory innoculations in the past.
2. The HPV injection caused retardation in a person. Untrue - No reported cases of retardation have been made to the Health Department.

Ron Paul -
1. The American Embassy in Iraq is bigger then the vatican and cost a billion dollars. Untrue - It cost over 780 million and is smaller.

Feel free to add your own.:doubt:
There are some notable ones going on after the debate:

Rick Perry -
1.Stimulus created 0 jobs. Untrue - CBO scores 1 - 2.6 million jobs created and many more saved. Stimulus was responsible for helping Perry plug holes in the Budget.
2. Merck only gave Perry $5,000. Untrue - Over the years Merck has contributed over 20K to Perry and much more through PACs.
3. SSI is a ponzi scam. Untrue - SSI is a government funded program that tax payers pay for and draw when they retire. It's been solvent for 70 years and without adjustments will continue to be fine for another quarter century.

Michele Bachmann-
1. HPV injections were forced on 12 year olds by the government and this has never been done. Untrue - Government has had mandatory innoculations in the past.
2. The HPV injection caused retardation in a person. Untrue - No reported cases of retardation have been made to the Health Department.

Ron Paul -
1. The American Embassy in Iraq is bigger then the vatican and cost a billion dollars. Untrue - It cost over 780 million and is smaller.

Feel free to add your own.:doubt:

Yo got some fibbing all by yourself. The best you can estimate is a margin of error a million and a half.

Then SS if the government doesnt borrow there is no SS.

You have some strange Ideas about solvency. The rest I could care less about. The left deserves it.
We know where the WMD's are ;)

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Maybe I'm naive, but I don't think a significant number of people who listen to Rick Perry believe that Social Security is *literally* a Ponzi scheme. I understand his claim to be that it is similar to Ponzi schemes in certain way. Similarly, Democrats have characterized Republicans in Congress as "hostage takers" not because they have people tied up in their basements but because their strategy is like that of a hostage taker in certain ways.

The stimulus creating zero jobs is a little harder to interpret generously. It seems to go along with the redefinition of "job" that some Republican office-seekers are pushing that any job the government creates is not a "job".
Barrack Obama "promised" unemployment wouldn't go above 8%.

Obama "threatened" the elderly when he said he couldn't guarantee their checks.

"Death panels."
Half of Americans pay no taxes.

Obama isn't an American citizen.

Obama is a socialist.
Basically looking for inaccuracies in the Republican debates.


Well, here's a link to the PolitiFact article on Perry's "0 jobs" lie: Link.

As our colleagues at PolitiFact Virginia have pointed out, in a report released March 18, 2011, the president’s Council of Economic Advisers estimated that between 2.5 million and 3.6 million jobs were created or saved by the stimulus through the fourth quarter of 2010.

Separately, the council’s report cited four independent analyses by the Congressional Budget Office and three private economic analysis companies. Here’s what the groups found:

• CBO: Between 1.3 million and 3.6 million jobs saved or created.

• IHS/Global Insight: 2.45 million jobs saved or created.

• Macroeconomic Advisers: 2.3 million jobs saved or created.

• Moody’s 2.5 million jobs saved or created.

PolitiFact's rating:
There are some notable ones going on after the debate:

Rick Perry -
1.Stimulus created 0 jobs. Untrue - CBO scores 1 - 2.6 million jobs created and many more saved. Stimulus was responsible for helping Perry plug holes in the Budget.
2. Merck only gave Perry $5,000. Untrue - Over the years Merck has contributed over 20K to Perry and much more through PACs.
3. SSI is a ponzi scam. Untrue - SSI is a government funded program that tax payers pay for and draw when they retire. It's been solvent for 70 years and without adjustments will continue to be fine for another quarter century.

Michele Bachmann-
1. HPV injections were forced on 12 year olds by the government and this has never been done. Untrue - Government has had mandatory innoculations in the past.
2. The HPV injection caused retardation in a person. Untrue - No reported cases of retardation have been made to the Health Department.

Ron Paul -
1. The American Embassy in Iraq is bigger then the vatican and cost a billion dollars. Untrue - It cost over 780 million and is smaller.

Feel free to add your own.:doubt:

As Adlai Stevenson said, "If the Republicans would stop lying about the Democrats, the Democrats would stop telling the truth about the Republicans."
The two Republican lies that won the Lie Of The Year award at were....

Sarah Palin's "death panels" and the ubiquitous Republican talking point "gubbermint takeover of healthcare."
Might I suggest you re-read Rules for Radicals. This constant whining about who lied about what is really dull now.

Rule 7: A tactic that drags on for too long becomes a drag. Commitment may become ritualistic as people turn to other issues.

See, even Saul recommends it.

On the downside, it does mean y'all have to start thinking. Which, from the evidence from the lefties on this board, is above your collective paygrade.

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