Republican Aggression Paying Off In Spades

Boy, the radical left sure can whine when one of their icons gets in trouble. Republican aggression? You gotta be kidding.

yeah, that's what their Masters told them to push off on people. you know they be beating up a woman, waaa
I noticed no one challenged me when I called Hillary a liar.
It got awfully quiet didn't it? it might have been that Boom and the emails PROVING she LIED to us. I don't know what will come of this or her, I know what I'd like to see happen to her.
but they should start impeachment against Obama

So far she's looking like a wizard. 'Course being questioned by that bunch of right wing ignoramuses ain't much challenge. I've watched every minute and I could have torn their arses up!!

You are such a good little cult member/slave/tool/sheep. you don't care you look foolish. that is sad you would go down with the Lying right in FACE crooks on a sinking ship.
but wail on. you might need some tissues though

No Thanks....not my style
Trey You’re an errand boy, sent by grocery clerks, to collect a bill.
Hillary is eating their lunch. All they've done by continuing to hold hearings and press issues and kick the can further down the road is give the former secretary of state a soap box for her campaign. She's smarter than they are. She's more astute than they are. She is locking up new votes every hour this useless bullshit continues. Go Hillary Go!!!

You obviously didn't watch the same hearings I did.

I saw a Hilbat backing and filling and showing her incompetence as SOS.

Her State Department was grossly incompetent before, during and after the attack at Benghazi.

The buck for Benghazi stops at her desk and it always will.

If she's your idea of presidential material you are one dumb, partisan hack.
Hillary is eating their lunch. All they've done by continuing to hold hearings and press issues and kick the can further down the road is give the former secretary of state a soap box for her campaign. She's smarter than they are. She's more astute than they are. She is locking up new votes every hour this useless bullshit continues. Go Hillary Go!!!

You obviously didn't watch the same hearings I did.

I saw a Hilbat backing and filling and showing her incompetence as SOS.

Her State Department was grossly incompetent before, during and after the attack at Benghazi.

The buck for Benghazi stops at her desk and it always will.

If she's your idea of presidential material you are one dumb, partisan hack.
I suppose if one only watches Fox News you might think that. All the political commentators on other networks have been talking about what a good job she did ever since they finished grueling her. Something we should think about along about now. Hillary could potentially pick three or four supreme court justices if she serves two terms. I can hardly wait.

This is the way Yahoo News is reporting her day with the assholes:

ANALYSIS: Benghazi Committee Gives Hillary Clinton Presidential Platform
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Hillary is eating their lunch. All they've done by continuing to hold hearings and press issues and kick the can further down the road is give the former secretary of state a soap box for her campaign. She's smarter than they are. She's more astute than they are. She is locking up new votes every hour this useless bullshit continues. Go Hillary Go!!!

You obviously didn't watch the same hearings I did.

I saw a Hilbat backing and filling and showing her incompetence as SOS.

Her State Department was grossly incompetent before, during and after the attack at Benghazi.

The buck for Benghazi stops at her desk and it always will.

If she's your idea of presidential material you are one dumb, partisan hack.
I suppose if one only watches Fox News you might think that. All the political commentators on other networks have been talking about what a good job she did ever since they finished grueling her. Something we should think about along about now. Hillary could potentially pick three or four supreme court justices if she serves two terms. I can hardly wait.

Of course you can hardly wait. That's because you are a blind partisan hack.

The deaths of four good men mean nothing to you. Just like the total incompetence of Hillary Rodham Clinton and her State Department mean nothing to you.

You are willing to overlook that incompetence and the deaths of those four good men in your quest to see her as POTUS.

Just shows what a blind partisan hack you truly are.
Amazing how the different channels react, Fox is twisting, MSNBC is backing her......It is all about what channel you are watching. Hopefully people are getting their information from an objective source.
Looking forward to see this end.
I've had Fox on since it started. Other than a trip to the bathroom where I may have missed something not one person on Fox has interrupted the hearing to make a single statement.

I don't have the FOXNEWS entertainment network on my package, are you sure they went the ENTIRE day live with absolutely no commentary from the usual suspects?

Sent from my SM-N910T3 using Tapatalk
Amazing how the different channels react, Fox is twisting, MSNBC is backing her......It is all about what channel you are watching. Hopefully people are getting their information from an objective source.
Looking forward to see this end.
I've had Fox on since it started. Other than a trip to the bathroom where I may have missed something not one person on Fox has interrupted the hearing to make a single statement.

I don't have the FOXNEWS entertainment network on my package, are you sure they went the ENTIRE day live with absolutely no commentary from the usual suspects?

Sent from my SM-N910T3 using Tapatalk

One thing they're good at......they can get in 12 commercial advertisements in five minutes.
Amazing how the different channels react, Fox is twisting, MSNBC is backing her......It is all about what channel you are watching. Hopefully people are getting their information from an objective source.
Looking forward to see this end.
I've had Fox on since it started. Other than a trip to the bathroom where I may have missed something not one person on Fox has interrupted the hearing to make a single statement.

I don't have the FOXNEWS entertainment network on my package, are you sure they went the ENTIRE day live with absolutely no commentary from the usual suspects?

Sent from my SM-N910T3 using Tapatalk

One thing they're good at......they can get in 12 commercial advertisements in five minutes.

Sent from my SM-N910T3 using Tapatalk
Hillary is eating their lunch. All they've done by continuing to hold hearings and press issues and kick the can further down the road is give the former secretary of state a soap box for her campaign. She's smarter than they are. She's more astute than they are. She is locking up new votes every hour this useless bullshit continues. Go Hillary Go!!!

You obviously didn't watch the same hearings I did.

I saw a Hilbat backing and filling and showing her incompetence as SOS.

Her State Department was grossly incompetent before, during and after the attack at Benghazi.

The buck for Benghazi stops at her desk and it always will.

If she's your idea of presidential material you are one dumb, partisan hack.
I suppose if one only watches Fox News you might think that. All the political commentators on other networks have been talking about what a good job she did ever since they finished grueling her. Something we should think about along about now. Hillary could potentially pick three or four supreme court justices if she serves two terms. I can hardly wait.

Of course you can hardly wait. That's because you are a blind partisan hack.

The deaths of four good men mean nothing to you. Just like the total incompetence of Hillary Rodham Clinton and her State Department mean nothing to you.

You are willing to overlook that incompetence and the deaths of those four good men in your quest to see her as POTUS.

Just shows what a blind partisan hack you truly are.

I wonder if you would feel the same way if the table were turned. I never saw anything close to what she went through when Bush / Cheney were investigated..
I wonder if all her supporters would still supporting her if she were a Rep instead of a Dem??
Hillary could potentially pick three or four supreme court justices if she serves two terms. I can hardly wait.

Here's a great first nominee for her to consider:


Well...he graduated magna cum laude from Harvard's law school.

lol, so they say. but he also won LIE of the year. so who knows. they also claim he's a professor when really he's just a (Guest speaker) every now and then and he was BESTOYED the title professor. how freaking sad is that
oh and don't forget he won a Peace Prize and he's bombed more countries in the MIDDLE east than President Bush. so you all can still slobber over him. it's Jim Jones creepy, but have at it. we just laugh
I wonder if all her supporters would still supporting her if she were a Rep instead of a Dem??
Benghazi Chair Doesn’t Really Know If Clinton’s 11-Hour Hearing Turned Up Any New Info

House Select Committee on Benghazi Chairman Trey Gowdy (R-SC) struggled on Thursday night to explain what new information the panel received during former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton’s testimony.

“17 months and nearly $5 million in taxpayer money on this investigation.”
These idiots complain about giving money to the poor, while they sat on their asses to drum up their little scheme to bring down a candidate. Very Very upsetting ~

I wonder if all her supporters would still supporting her if she were a Rep instead of a Dem??
Benghazi Chair Doesn’t Really Know If Clinton’s 11-Hour Hearing Turned Up Any New Info

House Select Committee on Benghazi Chairman Trey Gowdy (R-SC) struggled on Thursday night to explain what new information the panel received during former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton’s testimony.

“17 months and nearly $5 million in taxpayer money on this investigation.”
These idiots complain about giving money to the poor, while they sat on their asses to drum up their little scheme to bring down a candidate. Very Very upsetting ~


And of course you forgive the shear incompetence of the Clinton State Department.

I mean really. They had warning and did nothing and four good men died.

Clinton's incompetence shown through on this one. Just think there are folks out there who think she'd make a great POTUS. Not fucking hardly.

I do agree though that the hearings are a waste of time and money as no one will be held accountable for Benghazi.

Incompetence isn't a crime even if that incompetence gets people killed.
And of course you forgive the shear incompetence of the Clinton State Department.

I mean really. They had warning and did nothing and four good men died.

Clinton's incompetence shown through on this one. Just think there are folks out there who think she'd make a great POTUS. Not fucking hardly.

I do agree though that the hearings are a waste of time and money as no one will be held accountable for Benghazi.

Incompetence isn't a crime even if that incompetence gets people killed.

I guess we learned that from Bush and Cheney.

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