Republican Aggression Paying Off In Spades

She's smarter than they are. She's more astute than they are. .

I agree, Hillary is a professional crook and that "committee" are just a bunch of amateurs.......

Go Hillary Go!!!
Worship her any harder and you're going to go blind.

there's something wrong with a person when they worship some crooked, corrupted lying politician. they must be missing something in their lives .
Yep, I used to think people who tried to live out their fantasies through their children were seriously disturbed and then I ran across those that try to live them out through politicians, so now the first group doesn't seem so crazy anymore.
the problem is these people vote for the rest of our lives.
Which is just another piece in a long chain of evidence supporting my theory that I should be the only one allowed to vote. :D
I am watching the whole thing on a web feed, not any network "interpretations". HRC is not helping herself, she is continuing the lies and Gowdy is destroying what little credibility she had left.
If by responding to nearly every question with "I don't know" she is eating their lunch, then yeah, she is eating their lunch.

Where Hope Finally Made a Comeback
BOOM! Rep. Jim Jordan NAILS HILLARY CLINTON on BENGHAZI LIES with New Email Evidence! (VIDEO)

Jim Hoft Oct 22nd, 2015 11:56 am 11 Comments

Rep. Jim Jordan (R-OH) just nailed Hillary Clinton on her Benghazi lies!
This was devastating.

Hillary Clinton told the American people the night of the Benghazi attack that it was a reaction to a Youtube video.

At 11:00 that night after she told the public it was a reaction to a YouTube video she wrote her family and told them it was an Al-Qaeda attack.
She knew it was a terror attack from the start.

Hillary Clinton lied to the American public.
And now there is proof.


BOOM! Rep. Jim Jordan NAILS HILLARY CLINTON on BENGHAZI LIES with New Email Evidence! (VIDEO) - The Gateway Pundit
Hillary is eating their lunch. All they've done by continuing to hold hearings and press issues and kick the can further down the road is give the former secretary of state a soap box for her campaign. She's smarter than they are. She's more astute than they are. She is locking up new votes every hour this useless bullshit continues. Go Hillary Go!!!
Don't be a dumbass.
Hillary has had "scandals" even before Bill. Did the republicans hate her then, too?

Republicans have hated Hillary for almost three decades. They scare their kids with made up stories about Hillary.
Hillary is eating their lunch. All they've done by continuing to hold hearings and press issues and kick the can further down the road is give the former secretary of state a soap box for her campaign. She's smarter than they are. She's more astute than they are. She is locking up new votes every hour this useless bullshit continues. Go Hillary Go!!!
Don't be a dumbass.
Hillary has had "scandals" even before Bill. Did the republicans hate her then, too?

Republicans have hated Hillary for almost three decades. They scare their kids with made up stories about Hillary.

she is digging her own grave by continuing to lie. but its all she knows how to do.
Where Hope Finally Made a Comeback
BOOM! Rep. Jim Jordan NAILS HILLARY CLINTON on BENGHAZI LIES with New Email Evidence! (VIDEO)

Jim Hoft Oct 22nd, 2015 11:56 am 11 Comments

Rep. Jim Jordan (R-OH) just nailed Hillary Clinton on her Benghazi lies!
This was devastating.

Hillary Clinton told the American people the night of the Benghazi attack that it was a reaction to a Youtube video.

At 11:00 that night after she told the public it was a reaction to a YouTube video she wrote her family and told them it was an Al-Qaeda attack.
She knew it was a terror attack from the start.

Hillary Clinton lied to the American public.
And now there is proof.


BOOM! Rep. Jim Jordan NAILS HILLARY CLINTON on BENGHAZI LIES with New Email Evidence! (VIDEO) - The Gateway Pundit
The only boom is your head exploding.
Hillary is eating their lunch. All they've done by continuing to hold hearings and press issues and kick the can further down the road is give the former secretary of state a soap box for her campaign. She's smarter than they are. She's more astute than they are. She is locking up new votes every hour this useless bullshit continues. Go Hillary Go!!!
Don't be a dumbass.
Hillary has had "scandals" even before Bill. Did the republicans hate her then, too?

Republicans have hated Hillary for almost three decades. They scare their kids with made up stories about Hillary.
lol ok
Amazing how the different channels react, Fox is twisting, MSNBC is backing her......It is all about what channel you are watching. Hopefully people are getting their information from an objective source.
Looking forward to see this end.

well, i'm watching the so-called hearings... and it's clear that they are exactly what adam Schiff said they are.... a futile effort on the part of the right to pretend that Hillary Clinton somehow interfered with security in Benghazi.
Let's hear it for criminality, corruption and murder! Way to go!
I noticed no one challenged me when I called Hillary a liar.
It got awfully quiet didn't it? it might have been that Boom and the emails PROVING she LIED to us. I don't know what will come of this or her, I know what I'd like to see happen to her.
but they should start impeachment against Obama
You seem to appreciate Hillary's clever corruption. Why?
You righties keep accusing Clinton of being corrupt.

I'm sure the Republican Party would be willing to pay any one of you 5 million dollars if you gave them PROOF of any corruption on her part.

I said PROOF mother fuckers not smears / lies / innuendoes.

The Republicans have been investigating the Clintons since they were in Arkansas and have NEVER found one damn thing they could charge them with other than Bills blow job from a consensual adult.


Fuck off Willie, you're a lying little cvnt.

I went through minute detail of Castle Grande lot 17 that proved Hillary defrauded the SBA with Susan McDougal - who was convicted of the crime.
I can't stand Clinton, but I don't think she is one iota more corrupt than any other politician in DC, including the ones making hay out of Benghazi and her emails.

These email and Benghazi "scandals" may go down in history as the goddammdest, stupidest political haymakers of all time.

In the end, though, I think the American people are sick and tired of both the Bush and Clinton dynasties and would rather eat their dog's vomit than have to choose between another Clinton and another Bush in the voting booth.

Trump is a clown, but he could very well be the leading edge of a movement that could give birth to a new major party.

Yes, but you're a hack. You are a clown dancing for your party. YOU don't care what crimes Hillary commits, she has a (D) and that is the ONLY thing you care about.
I can't stand Clinton, but I don't think she is one iota more corrupt than any other politician in DC, including the ones making hay out of Benghazi and her emails.

These email and Benghazi "scandals" may go down in history as the goddammdest, stupidest political haymakers of all time.

In the end, though, I think the American people are sick and tired of both the Bush and Clinton dynasties and would rather eat their dog's vomit than have to choose between another Clinton and another Bush in the voting booth.

Trump is a clown, but he could very well be the leading edge of a movement that could give birth to a new major party.

Yes, but you're a hack. You are a clown dancing for your party. YOU don't care what crimes Hillary commits, she has a (D) and that is the ONLY thing you care about.
Are you in love with me or something?

This is getting beyond creepy.

Why don't you save up all your crush posts and do a big dump of them every six months?
because women, minorities and young people are going to vote for a bigot, anti-choice loud mouth?

You do grasp that Fiorina is VERY likely to be on the GOP ticket, whether the top or #2 slot is unsure. You are of the opinion that women are so stupid that they will vote for Hillary purely because she has a vagina. How will you counter Carley? Oh, I've seen the vile smears that Puddly Pillowbite is pushing, but do you think that will win you demagogues points?
The REPa are saving the best for last.
She can try to cackle and deflect and put the blame on others and put her hand over her heart all day.
The bombshell emails will come during the last fifteen minutes.
The FBI fucking HATE! Cankles and when it's over she'll be sleeping in Martha Stewarts old cell.

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