Republican Aggression Paying Off In Spades

Amazing how the different channels react, Fox is twisting, MSNBC is backing her......It is all about what channel you are watching. Hopefully people are getting their information from an objective source.
Looking forward to see this end.
I've had Fox on since it started. Other than a trip to the bathroom where I may have missed something not one person on Fox has interrupted the hearing to make a single statement.


While I was watching ( abut an hour ago PST) they talked in the back round how Adam Smith's questions were soft on Hillary, and that the questions were set up to make her look good.

Must have been the one and only time I left the room. I'm still watching it and it hasn't even been interrupted for a commercial

Since that news show I haven't seen an interruption, I will try and find the show for you.

Not necessary. I'm not invested enough to care.
Amazing how the different channels react, Fox is twisting, MSNBC is backing her......It is all about what channel you are watching. Hopefully people are getting their information from an objective source.

If you ever find one, let me know.

As far as I can tell, everyone one of them is a propaganda channel, arrayed either for or against the current Administration.
Hillary is eating their lunch. All they've done by continuing to hold hearings and press issues and kick the can further down the road is give the former secretary of state a soap box for her campaign. She's smarter than they are. She's more astute than they are. She is locking up new votes every hour this useless bullshit continues. Go Hillary Go!!!

Every major Republican candidate polled except for Jeb is leading her in Pennsylvania, a state they haven't won since 1984.

Hillary is sure showing them, huh.

that poll was taken post hearing?

who knew. lol
You seem to appreciate Hillary's clever corruption. Why?
You righties keep accusing Clinton of being corrupt.

I'm sure the Republican Party would be willing to pay any one of you 5 million dollars if you gave them PROOF of any corruption on her part.

I said PROOF mother fuckers not smears / lies / innuendoes.

The Republicans have been investigating the Clintons since they were in Arkansas and have NEVER found one damn thing they could charge them with other than Bills blow job from a consensual adult.

You seem to appreciate Hillary's clever corruption. Why?
You righties keep accusing Clinton of being corrupt.

I'm sure the Republican Party would be willing to pay any one of you 5 million dollars if you gave them PROOF of any corruption on her part.

I said PROOF mother fuckers not smears / lies / innuendoes.

The Republicans have been investigating the Clintons since they were in Arkansas and have NEVER found one damn thing they could charge them with other than Bills blow job from a consensual adult.


tsk tsk

is it me or are these left-wing losers even more unhinged than usual???

You seem to appreciate Hillary's clever corruption. Why?
You righties keep accusing Clinton of being corrupt.

I'm sure the Republican Party would be willing to pay any one of you 5 million dollars if you gave them PROOF of any corruption on her part.

I said PROOF mother fuckers not smears / lies / innuendoes.

The Republicans have been investigating the Clintons since they were in Arkansas and have NEVER found one damn thing they could charge them with other than Bills blow job from a consensual adult.


you shut you little twerp. you don't come on here telling us to shut up. and do you kiss your mother with that vulgar mouth.
I can't stand Clinton, but I don't think she is one iota more corrupt than any other politician in DC, including the ones making hay out of Benghazi and her emails.

These email and Benghazi "scandals" may go down in history as the goddammdest, stupidest political haymakers of all time.

In the end, though, I think the American people are sick and tired of both the Bush and Clinton dynasties and would rather eat their dog's vomit than have to choose between another Clinton and another Bush in the voting booth.

Trump is a clown, but he could very well be the leading edge of a movement that could give birth to a new major party.
I can't stand Clinton, but I don't think she is one iota more corrupt than any other politician in DC, including the ones making hay out of Benghazi and her emails.

These email and Benghazi "scandals" may go down in history as the goddammdest, stupidest political haymakers of all time.

In the end, though, I think the American people are sick and tired of both the Bush and Clinton dynasties and would rather eat their dog's vomit than have to choose between another Clinton and another Bush in the voting booth.

Trump is a clown, but he could very well be the leading edge of a movement that could give birth to a new major party.

because women, minorities and young people are going to vote for a bigot, anti-choice loud mouth?
I can't stand Clinton, but I don't think she is one iota more corrupt than any other politician in DC, including the ones making hay out of Benghazi and her emails.

These email and Benghazi "scandals" may go down in history as the goddammdest, stupidest political haymakers of all time.

In the end, though, I think the American people are sick and tired of both the Bush and Clinton dynasties and would rather eat their dog's vomit than have to choose between another Clinton and another Bush in the voting booth.

Trump is a clown, but he could very well be the leading edge of a movement that could give birth to a new major party.

because women, minorities and young people are going to vote for a bigot, anti-choice loud mouth?
Trump is the "anybody but another Clinton or Bush" candidate.
Amazing how the different channels react, Fox is twisting, MSNBC is backing her......It is all about what channel you are watching. Hopefully people are getting their information from an objective source.
Looking forward to see this end.
I've had Fox on since it started. Other than a trip to the bathroom where I may have missed something not one person on Fox has interrupted the hearing to make a single statement.


While I was watching ( abut an hour ago PST) they talked in the back round how Adam Smith's questions were soft on Hillary, and that the questions were set up to make her look good.

Must have been the one and only time I left the room. I'm still watching it and it hasn't even been interrupted for a commercial

Since that news show I haven't seen an interruption, I will try and find the show for you.

Not necessary. I'm not invested enough to care.

Every time that there is a big political news story, or speech I jump around to all of the news channels. I find it interesting that each one sticks with what party they represent. Very
I can't stand Clinton, but I don't think she is one iota more corrupt than any other politician in DC, including the ones making hay out of Benghazi and her emails.

These email and Benghazi "scandals" may go down in history as the goddammdest, stupidest political haymakers of all time.

In the end, though, I think the American people are sick and tired of both the Bush and Clinton dynasties and would rather eat their dog's vomit than have to choose between another Clinton and another Bush in the voting booth.

Trump is a clown, but he could very well be the leading edge of a movement that could give birth to a new major party.

This reminds me of the 1940's / 50's communist McCarthyism witch hunt. Did they ever find 1 person who was 100% guilty?

I can't stand Clinton, but I don't think she is one iota more corrupt than any other politician in DC, including the ones making hay out of Benghazi and her emails.

These email and Benghazi "scandals" may go down in history as the goddammdest, stupidest political haymakers of all time.

In the end, though, I think the American people are sick and tired of both the Bush and Clinton dynasties and would rather eat their dog's vomit than have to choose between another Clinton and another Bush in the voting booth.

Trump is a clown, but he could very well be the leading edge of a movement that could give birth to a new major party.

because women, minorities and young people are going to vote for a bigot, anti-choice loud mouth?
Trump is the "anybody but another Clinton or Bush" candidate.

at some point people think about policy. and rightwingnut policy can't win a national election.
I can't stand Clinton, but I don't think she is one iota more corrupt than any other politician in DC, including the ones making hay out of Benghazi and her emails.

These email and Benghazi "scandals" may go down in history as the goddammdest, stupidest political haymakers of all time.

In the end, though, I think the American people are sick and tired of both the Bush and Clinton dynasties and would rather eat their dog's vomit than have to choose between another Clinton and another Bush in the voting booth.

Trump is a clown, but he could very well be the leading edge of a movement that could give birth to a new major party.

because women, minorities and young people are going to vote for a bigot, anti-choice loud mouth?
Trump is the "anybody but another Clinton or Bush" candidate.

at some point people think about policy.

Which is why Trump won't be the nominee. But in the meantime, he's spilling a lot of Clinton and Bush blood.

Even though he is not going to be the nominee, he is going to be a major influence on the outcome.
She's smarter than they are. She's more astute than they are. .

I agree, Hillary is a professional crook and that "committee" are just a bunch of amateurs.......

Go Hillary Go!!!
Worship her any harder and you're going to go blind.

there's something wrong with a person when they worship some crooked, corrupted lying politician. they must be missing something in their lives . the problem is these people vote for the rest of our lives.
I can't stand Clinton, but I don't think she is one iota more corrupt than any other politician in DC, including the ones making hay out of Benghazi and her emails.

These email and Benghazi "scandals" may go down in history as the goddammdest, stupidest political haymakers of all time.

In the end, though, I think the American people are sick and tired of both the Bush and Clinton dynasties and would rather eat their dog's vomit than have to choose between another Clinton and another Bush in the voting booth.

Trump is a clown, but he could very well be the leading edge of a movement that could give birth to a new major party.

because women, minorities and young people are going to vote for a bigot, anti-choice loud mouth?
Trump is the "anybody but another Clinton or Bush" candidate.

at some point people think about policy. and rightwingnut policy can't win a national election.
Rightwingnutpolicy won the house & senate in a landslide.
Derp along now, you're starting to sound like TDM
You seem to appreciate Hillary's clever corruption. Why?
You righties keep accusing Clinton of being corrupt.

I'm sure the Republican Party would be willing to pay any one of you 5 million dollars if you gave them PROOF of any corruption on her part.

I said PROOF mother fuckers not smears / lies / innuendoes.

The Republicans have been investigating the Clintons since they were in Arkansas and have NEVER found one damn thing they could charge them with other than Bills blow job from a consensual adult.


here learn something before you shoot your mouth off. this is very long, I hope you can read

Judicial Watch: New State Documents Show Quick White House Effort to Link Benghazi to Internet Video
OCTOBER 20, 2015


State Department documents detail delays and lack of support in hours after attack

(Washington, DC) – Judicial Watch today released new State Department documents that raise more questions about the September 11, 2012, terrorist attack on the U.S. Special Mission at Benghazi, Libya. The documents show the White House contacted YouTube over an Internet video as one of its first moves after the initial attack.

The documents, from the agency’s Bureau of Diplomatic Security, were provided to Judicial Watch in response to a court order in a Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) lawsuit filed in the U.S. District Court for the District of Columbia on October 16, 2014, (Judicial Watch v. U.S. Department of State (No. 1:14-cv-01733)). The lawsuit seeks “any and all logs, reports, or other records” the Washington-based Diplomatic Security Command Center produced between September 10, 2012, and September 13, 2012, relating to the terrorist attack on the U.S. compound in Benghazi, Libya.”

The documents detail that only three hours after the initial attack on U.S. personnel in Benghazi, the White House contacted YouTube in an apparent effort to initially blame the assault on an obscure “Pastor John video,” rather than filmmaker Nakoula “Mark” Basseley Nakoula. The administration falsely claimed that Nakoula’s video, “Innocence of Muslims,” provoked the attack. The email also references the involvement of then-Secretary of State Hillary Clinton (Judicial Watch, through separate litigation, previously uncovered documents that show Obama White House officials set Hillary Clinton’s Benghazi response):


Sent: September 11, 2012 9:11 PM

To: DSCC_Managment_Team; DSCC_Watch Team

Subject: (S//NF) [REDACTED] Libya

Per Ambassador Mull [Stephen Mull, then Executive Secretary of the State Department] after SVTS [Secure Video Teleconference System] conference:

DOD is looking at various resources.


S [then-Secretary of State Hillary Clinton] expected to make statements one of which may confirm KIA, notification of next of kin is pending confirmation. DCM The Hague was to call OPS when completed.

White House is reaching out to U-Tube to advise ramifications of posting of the Pastor Jon video.

(The “Pastor Jon” reference may have been to a rarely viewed video by Oregon-based Pastor Jon Courson entitled God vs. Allah, a low-key exposition of the Biblical book of Kings.)

The documents also include a previously Secret “Attack Timeline,” dated September 12, 2012, which raised additional questions about the Obama administration’s response to the attack. The State Department Bureau of Diplomatic Security makes no mention of any spontaneous demonstration or Internet video in describing the Benghazi assault:

Hillary is eating their lunch. All they've done by continuing to hold hearings and press issues and kick the can further down the road is give the former secretary of state a soap box for her campaign. She's smarter than they are. She's more astute than they are. She is locking up new votes every hour this useless bullshit continues. Go Hillary Go!!!

Every major Republican candidate polled except for Jeb is leading her in Pennsylvania, a state they haven't won since 1984.

Hillary is sure showing them, huh.

that poll was taken post hearing?

who knew. lol

If you really believe that matters, Jillian, okay, because everybody in America is watching the hearing, right?


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