Representative Cummings Has Passed Away

He was an obnoxious asshole in committee hearings. I agree...when’s the wake :beer:
Fuck off Trump boy.

Cummings fought for civil rights. You hate him for it.
That was the only good thing he did in his life when he allied with Republicans for Civil Rights. The rest of his life he became a loathsome bribe taking liar.

Well you have that in common, at least. Other than that, you and your orange faced baboon aren't fit to shine Elijah Cummings shoes. Cummings was born to wealth, you fool. You keep asking how he got rich - the same way Donald Trump did, he inherited the money.

You are insulting and demeaning a great man because he was black. Because he was a man of principle and you have none. And you hate him for it.
Still waiting for one single Trumper to give me one single quote Elijah made that is even remotely racist.....

What are you talking about !? Have you seen Baltimore?? That’s the definition of racism

  • a : a doctrine or politicalprogram based on the assumption of racism and designed to execute its principles
    b : a political or social systemfounded on racism
  • 3: racial prejudice or discrimination
Still waiting for you to provide me one single piece of evidence that he is racist....simply saying "Baltimore" doesn't prove anyone is racist -- but it does prove you are a dumb ass
He used a political position in power to destroy black lives in the city for years !

It’s the definition! Of racism
President Trump is the only president I have seen who looks more energetic and healthier and younger as his presidential term moves on.

I think These Commie Democrats give him energy. I think he loves fighting them. He's a Crusader!
Still waiting for one single Trumper to give me one single quote Elijah made that is even remotely racist.....
/———/ Just because no public racist remarks exist doesn’t prove anything. Read this: Elijah Cummings IS a Racist
Funny, a racist pretending to not know what racist means....

Because you still have failed to show me how Elijah was racist....

Can you tell me a law that he sponsored that called for whites to be singled out and oppressed??

Can you tell me how many so-called black racists stand up to defend white republicans in a congressional hearing as not being a racist??

Just shut the fuck up
He was an obnoxious asshole in committee hearings. I agree...when’s the wake :beer:
Fuck off Trump boy.

Cummings fought for civil rights. You hate him for it.
That was the only good thing he did in his life when he allied with Republicans for Civil Rights. The rest of his life he became a loathsome bribe taking liar.

Well you have that in common, at least. Other than that, you and your orange faced baboon aren't fit to shine Elijah Cummings shoes. Cummings was born to wealth, you fool. You keep asking how he got rich - the same way Donald Trump did, he inherited the money.

You are insulting and demeaning a great man because he was black. Because he was a man of principle and you have none. And you hate him for it.
Democrats kicking his ass for his entire life fighting Democrats most of his life then selling out to them using the Mlk movement to sell democratic policies to black people that have destroyed their neighborhoods is one of the worst things anybody’s ever done
He was an obnoxious asshole in committee hearings. I agree...when’s the wake :beer:
Fuck off Trump boy.

Cummings fought for civil rights. You hate him for it.
That was the only good thing he did in his life when he allied with Republicans for Civil Rights. The rest of his life he became a loathsome bribe taking liar.

Well you have that in common, at least. Other than that, you and your orange faced baboon aren't fit to shine Elijah Cummings shoes. Cummings was born to wealth, you fool. You keep asking how he got rich - the same way Donald Trump did, he inherited the money.

You are insulting and demeaning a great man because he was black. Because he was a man of principle and you have none. And you hate him for it.
There was nothing Great About Elijah Cummings once he let Evil, Graft, and Bribery run his life. He's no better than David Duke who I also despise.
Conservatives show so little class in celebrating the death of a long time Congressman

Must be their Christian upbringing
The major reason our nation is in insanity mode is because Christians let this happen. We have mixed freedom with personal irresponsible ways of living. That affects all of us. And it has. And it hurts.
Like cheating on all of your wives and paying off porn stars you had affairs with using campaign funds?? are those irresponsible ways of living??

Or are you talking about wanting equal rights for all Americans as being irresponsible?? But not one person has shown me how Cummings is racist aside from being black and not a Trump sycophant
Because we had to elect a man with his flaws because our nation is ph uked up! There is no way at that point with all of the illegals voting for Progs and blue dogs voters and religious voters to get together to vote out the insanity with any other candidate.
Hey, how did that "them damn illegals keep voting" committee work out?

Report: Trump commission did not find widespread voter fraud
This guy was crazy. Left Baltimore in the gutter.
He brought jobs and funding into Baltimore

It was the Capitalists who used up the city and abandoned it
Yeah... Funny how that happens so much more in Democrat run places.

I'm glad he's out of office, but sorry he's dead.

His biggest public accomplishments in life was to be elected. His only qualification was that he was hit in the face by a brick.

I hope he accomplishes more in death.
This guy was crazy. Left Baltimore in the gutter.
He brought jobs and funding into Baltimore

It was the Capitalists who used up the city and abandoned it
Yeah... Funny how that happens so much more in Democrat run places.

I'm glad he's out of office, but sorry he's dead.

His biggest public accomplishments in life was to be elected. His only qualification was that he was hit in the face by a brick.

I hope he accomplishes more in death.
what have you accomplished??
Conservatives show so little class in celebrating the death of a long time Congressman

Must be their Christian upbringing
The major reason our nation is in insanity mode is because Christians let this happen. We have mixed freedom with personal irresponsible ways of living. That affects all of us. And it has. And it hurts.
Like cheating on all of your wives and paying off porn stars you had affairs with using campaign funds?? are those irresponsible ways of living??

Or are you talking about wanting equal rights for all Americans as being irresponsible?? But not one person has shown me how Cummings is racist aside from being black and not a Trump sycophant
Because we had to elect a man with his flaws because our nation is ph uked up! There is no way at that point with all of the illegals voting for Progs and blue dogs voters and religious voters to get together to vote out the insanity with any other candidate.
Hey, how did that "them damn illegals keep voting" committee work out?

Report: Trump commission did not find widespread voter fraud
I don't care. I do not care about committees. Also all of the extra voters in inner city neighborhoods that are used in elections also. To much evidence of people involved cheating in the election process is the tip of the iceberg of what is going on. The city where I lived in has a big Prog to Repub advantage. And twice in close elections from the worst neighborhoods in the city all of these mysterious votes showed up a quarter century ago or so. It is so easy to see it. No one is going to accuse a minority of this. It would be hate. It is like passing Obama off as a Christian. We know of Trump. He at least has kept Christians from drowning like the Progs are doing to them. But the swamp conditions that gurgitated Obama is par for the course.
This guy was crazy. Left Baltimore in the gutter.
He brought jobs and funding into Baltimore

It was the Capitalists who used up the city and abandoned it
Yeah... Funny how that happens so much more in Democrat run places.

I'm glad he's out of office, but sorry he's dead.

His biggest public accomplishments in life was to be elected. His only qualification was that he was hit in the face by a brick.

I hope he accomplishes more in death.
what have you accomplished??
Well i didn’t destroyed a race! Look at the black fatherless rate when Cummings started out until today! Absolutely destroyed the black community
He defended fellow Rep. Mark Meadows over racism and said they were friends, and yet Trump attacked Cummings whenever he had the chance.
Trump would later take other shots at him about Baltimore and his home. Will he take the high road this morning? Or attack him in death like he did McCain?
He is in a bad mood right now.
Cummings was a crook, but now he is, hopefully, in the Bosom of Abraham.

We should show him some respect in death, IMO.
That’s shocking! 68 is rather young.
------------------------------------- I don't know , I don't dwell on it but I am 70 and while I don't communicate with old friends I sometimes look up old friend names on the internet . It surprises me to see that quite a few old buddies from the 60s and 70s have bitten the dust . Seems to me that the Bible mention or prediction of '3 score and 10 years' is for man is kinda true in lots of cases .
Because it was the territory of the likes of LBJ and other members of the KKK. That was why the blacks didnt like the Democrats, then this "supposed" switch happened, and those dumbass blacks started voting for the very people who wants to kill their babies, or keep them enslaved. Just too damn dumb, like Cummings...
"Supposed" switch? What? They didn't switch in your alternate reality? Do you live in 1959?
The Nixon 'Southern Strategy' was aimed at winning Southern Democrats on social issues, not by switching over to supporting Jim Crow.

The racist segregationists all remained Democrats til the day they died except for Thurman.
Trump had nice things to say about him in spite of the TDS deranged OP. The only thing I can add is that I'm glad he's dead and hope he fries in hell. I wonder what kind of garbage will replace him?
I'm sure his family is very sad.

The above represents the nicest possible thing I can say about him on his passing.
it also proves how racist he was.....

Most black racists try to defend white republicans against accusations of being racist....all part of the his diabolical plot to take over and oppress white Americans.....

Trump took him out and Pelosi is next....and Omar, AOC and those other darkies better tread lightly... MAGA!

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