Report: Trump Insisted Crimea Is "Russian" Because Crimeans Speak "Russian" (G7)


  • Traitor

    Votes: 5 83.3%
  • Useful idiot

    Votes: 3 50.0%
  • Ukraine

    Votes: 2 33.3%
  • Muscovy

    Votes: 0 0.0%

  • Total voters


Platinum Member
Sep 3, 2017
New, Its clear , we have a traitor (not an useful idiot) in the white house. is it pee- tape or something else it doesn´t matter . Helping grandpa (Putler) Trumps goes against the UN resolutions and entire USA´s establishment, literally he risks everything for ex - KGB spy.

questions :
1) Trump is a traitor (not an useful idiot)
2) Crimea is Ukraine or Muscovy

"President Donald Trump told leaders at a G7 summit dinner that Crimea is Russian because its people speak Russian, diplomatic sources told Buzzfeed. Russia annexed Crimea from Ukraine in 2014, which led to sanctions and its removal from what was then the G8. Trump also told leaders at the dinner last Friday that “Ukraine is one of the most corrupt countries in the world,” according to a diplomat."
the same rule goes to east - central LA?

New, Its clear , we have a traitor (not an useful idiot) in the white house. is it pee- tape or something else it doesn´t matter . Helping grandpa (Putler) Trumps goes against the UN resolutions and entire USA´s establishment, literally he risks everything for ex - KGB spy.

questions :
1) Trump is a traitor (not an useful idiot)
2) Crimea is Ukraine or Muscovy

"President Donald Trump told leaders at a G7 summit dinner that Crimea is Russian because its people speak Russian, diplomatic sources told Buzzfeed. Russia annexed Crimea from Ukraine in 2014, which led to sanctions and its removal from what was then the G8. Trump also told leaders at the dinner last Friday that “Ukraine is one of the most corrupt countries in the world,” according to a diplomat."
/----/ no one cares .JPG
New, Its clear , we have a traitor (not an useful idiot) in the white house. is it pee- tape or something else it doesn´t matter . Helping grandpa (Putler) Trumps goes against the UN resolutions and entire USA´s establishment, literally he risks everything for ex - KGB spy.

questions :
1) Trump is a traitor (not an useful idiot)
2) Crimea is Ukraine or Muscovy

"President Donald Trump told leaders at a G7 summit dinner that Crimea is Russian because its people speak Russian, diplomatic sources told Buzzfeed. Russia annexed Crimea from Ukraine in 2014, which led to sanctions and its removal from what was then the G8. Trump also told leaders at the dinner last Friday that “Ukraine is one of the most corrupt countries in the world,” according to a diplomat."
/----/ View attachment 199390
Putler for sure, and Trump helps him as much as he can ...
New, Its clear , we have a traitor (not an useful idiot) in the white house. is it pee- tape or something else it doesn´t matter . Helping grandpa (Putler) Trumps goes against the UN resolutions and entire USA´s establishment, literally he risks everything for ex - KGB spy.

questions :
1) Trump is a traitor (not an useful idiot)
2) Crimea is Ukraine or Muscovy

"President Donald Trump told leaders at a G7 summit dinner that Crimea is Russian because its people speak Russian, diplomatic sources told Buzzfeed. Russia annexed Crimea from Ukraine in 2014, which led to sanctions and its removal from what was then the G8. Trump also told leaders at the dinner last Friday that “Ukraine is one of the most corrupt countries in the world,” according to a diplomat."
Maybe, it is possible that Russia and the USA are trading the Crimea for eastern Syria. A filthy deal.
New, Its clear , we have a traitor (not an useful idiot) in the white house. is it pee- tape or something else it doesn´t matter . Helping grandpa (Putler) Trumps goes against the UN resolutions and entire USA´s establishment, literally he risks everything for ex - KGB spy.

questions :
1) Trump is a traitor (not an useful idiot)
2) Crimea is Ukraine or Muscovy

"President Donald Trump told leaders at a G7 summit dinner that Crimea is Russian because its people speak Russian, diplomatic sources told Buzzfeed. Russia annexed Crimea from Ukraine in 2014, which led to sanctions and its removal from what was then the G8. Trump also told leaders at the dinner last Friday that “Ukraine is one of the most corrupt countries in the world,” according to a diplomat."
Maybe, it is possible that Russia and the USA are trading the Crimea for eastern Syria. A filthy deal.
only in your wet - dreams
United Nations General Assembly Resolution 68/262 was adopted on March 27, 2014 by the sixty-eighth session of the United Nations General Assembly in response to the Russian annexation of Crimea and entitled "Territorial integrity of Ukraine". The non-binding resolution, which was supported by 100 United Nations member states, affirmed the General Assembly's commitment to the territorial integrity of Ukraine within its internationally recognized borders and underscored the invalidity of the 2014 Crimean referendum. ...
The resolution was introduced by Canada, Costa Rica, Germany, Lithuania, Poland and Ukraine.[1] The adoption of the resolution was preceded by the unsuccessful attempts of the United Nations Security Council, which convened seven sessions to address the Crimean crisis, only to face a Russian veto[2] of draft resolution S/2014/189,[3] sponsored by 42 countries.

The UN General Assembly also passed the related Resolution 71/205 in December 2016, entitled "Situation of human rights in the Autonomous Republic of Crimea and the city of Sevastopol (Ukraine)".[4]2
New, Its clear , we have a traitor (not an useful idiot) in the white house. is it pee- tape or something else it doesn´t matter . Helping grandpa (Putler) Trumps goes against the UN resolutions and entire USA´s establishment, literally he risks everything for ex - KGB spy.

questions :
1) Trump is a traitor (not an useful idiot)
2) Crimea is Ukraine or Muscovy

"President Donald Trump told leaders at a G7 summit dinner that Crimea is Russian because its people speak Russian, diplomatic sources told Buzzfeed. Russia annexed Crimea from Ukraine in 2014, which led to sanctions and its removal from what was then the G8. Trump also told leaders at the dinner last Friday that “Ukraine is one of the most corrupt countries in the world,” according to a diplomat."
Maybe, it is possible that Russia and the USA are trading the Crimea for eastern Syria. A filthy deal.
only in your wet - dreams
United Nations General Assembly Resolution 68/262 was adopted on March 27, 2014 by the sixty-eighth session of the United Nations General Assembly in response to the Russian annexation of Crimea and entitled "Territorial integrity of Ukraine". The non-binding resolution, which was supported by 100 United Nations member states, affirmed the General Assembly's commitment to the territorial integrity of Ukraine within its internationally recognized borders and underscored the invalidity of the 2014 Crimean referendum. ...
The resolution was introduced by Canada, Costa Rica, Germany, Lithuania, Poland and Ukraine.[1] The adoption of the resolution was preceded by the unsuccessful attempts of the United Nations Security Council, which convened seven sessions to address the Crimean crisis, only to face a Russian veto[2] of draft resolution S/2014/189,[3] sponsored by 42 countries.

The UN General Assembly also passed the related Resolution 71/205 in December 2016, entitled "Situation of human rights in the Autonomous Republic of Crimea and the city of Sevastopol (Ukraine)".[4]2
"the non-binding resolution", yeah, yeah. And since when does the US care about international law? But maybe Trump is really serving Russia. The recent history in Syria proves that everyone can bomb and kill Russia´s allies and Russia doesn´t react. So why giving something in return, when you just can take what you want?
New, Its clear , we have a traitor (not an useful idiot) in the white house. is it pee- tape or something else it doesn´t matter . Helping grandpa (Putler) Trumps goes against the UN resolutions and entire USA´s establishment, literally he risks everything for ex - KGB spy.

questions :
1) Trump is a traitor (not an useful idiot)
2) Crimea is Ukraine or Muscovy

"President Donald Trump told leaders at a G7 summit dinner that Crimea is Russian because its people speak Russian, diplomatic sources told Buzzfeed. Russia annexed Crimea from Ukraine in 2014, which led to sanctions and its removal from what was then the G8. Trump also told leaders at the dinner last Friday that “Ukraine is one of the most corrupt countries in the world,” according to a diplomat."
Maybe, it is possible that Russia and the USA are trading the Crimea for eastern Syria. A filthy deal.
only in your wet - dreams
United Nations General Assembly Resolution 68/262 was adopted on March 27, 2014 by the sixty-eighth session of the United Nations General Assembly in response to the Russian annexation of Crimea and entitled "Territorial integrity of Ukraine". The non-binding resolution, which was supported by 100 United Nations member states, affirmed the General Assembly's commitment to the territorial integrity of Ukraine within its internationally recognized borders and underscored the invalidity of the 2014 Crimean referendum. ...
The resolution was introduced by Canada, Costa Rica, Germany, Lithuania, Poland and Ukraine.[1] The adoption of the resolution was preceded by the unsuccessful attempts of the United Nations Security Council, which convened seven sessions to address the Crimean crisis, only to face a Russian veto[2] of draft resolution S/2014/189,[3] sponsored by 42 countries.

The UN General Assembly also passed the related Resolution 71/205 in December 2016, entitled "Situation of human rights in the Autonomous Republic of Crimea and the city of Sevastopol (Ukraine)".[4]2
"the non-binding resolution", yeah, yeah. And since when does the US care about international law? But maybe Trump is really serving Russia. The recent history in Syria proves that everyone can bomb and kill Russia´s allies and Russia doesn´t react. So why giving something in return, when you just can take what you want?

Like it or nor but its a law, and its great, in 5 years Muscovy will be like Bangladesh or P-stan today , but in total isolation . for how long Moscow can keep its colony , what do you think? do you remember year 1991?
Trump is absolutely right.

Western audience hasn't been told that when Ukraine was exiting USSR she annexed whole bunch of lands which USSR "gave" to her as a Ukrainian Socialist Republic within USSR.

Russia must have made Ukraine to exit with the lands she entered USSR only, it means: without Crimea, without Donbass, Kharkov, Odessa, Kherson, Nickolaev and other major cities and areas. Also Kiev is called "Mother of Russian cities" since 988 when knyaz Vladimir baptized Russia.

Ukraine has never been a country, it's been an anti-Russian Washington project. Millions of people in Uktaine are hostages of this project, hate it and want to be WITH Russia just like Crimea.


BTW, Litwin, it was sooo nice to have a month vacation from your non-stop trolling this forum.
Last edited:
New, Its clear , we have a traitor (not an useful idiot) in the white house. is it pee- tape or something else it doesn´t matter . Helping grandpa (Putler) Trumps goes against the UN resolutions and entire USA´s establishment, literally he risks everything for ex - KGB spy.

questions :
1) Trump is a traitor (not an useful idiot)
2) Crimea is Ukraine or Muscovy

"President Donald Trump told leaders at a G7 summit dinner that Crimea is Russian because its people speak Russian, diplomatic sources told Buzzfeed. Russia annexed Crimea from Ukraine in 2014, which led to sanctions and its removal from what was then the G8. Trump also told leaders at the dinner last Friday that “Ukraine is one of the most corrupt countries in the world,” according to a diplomat."
Obama spent 8 years financing, supplying, arming, training, supporting, defending, protecting, and even Un-Constitutionally to war to help TERRORISTS, to include the group that slaughtered 3,000 Americans on one day...and it is amazing how not one d@mn vile snowflake gave a sh!t....

Obama himself sent the signal that he believed Crimea belonged to Russia by refusing to keep the US' PROMISE to help defend the sovereignty of the Ukraine's border! As Russian troops were amassing on Crimea's border Obama issued no warning, issued no 'Red Line' to Putin, and even refused to send weapons to the Ukraine to help defend themselves / their sovereign border.

Obama was too busy 'pleasing' Vlad from down on his knees, attempting to win Vlad's favor, granting him permission to Un-Constitutionally drag the US into ANOTHER one of HIS wars, this time in Syria. Russia was also just starting to commence its interference in the US...which he correctly knew Obama would also do nothing about. Vlad saw Obama's refusal to keep the US' promise to help defend Ukraine's border as his weakness - KNEW Barry would do NOTHING as he moved to seize Crimea.

....and your pathetic ass has the ignorance and nerve to put up this ridiculous poll / thread suggesting it was TRUMP who is to blame for Vlad annexing / SEIZING Crimea.

It was done on BARRY's watch, in front of BARRY's face, while BARRY did absolutely NOTHING about it.

So, in closing, considering ALL the fact and details about how Vlad was ALLOWED to seize Crimea, your thread is another product of propaganda and butt-hurt.

Trump is absolutely right.

Western audience hasn't been told that when Ukraine was exiting USSR she annexed whole bunch of lands which USSR "gave" to her as a Ukrainian Socialist Republic within USSR.

Russia must have made Ukraine to exit with the lands she entered USSR only, it means: without Crimea, without Donbass, Kharkov, Odessa, Kherson, Nickolaev and other major cities and areas.

View attachment 199397

BTW, Litwin, it was sooo nice to have a month vacation from your non-stop trolling this forum.
so you are not just a putlerist ( you are Trumpist as well, read United Nations General Assembly Resolution 68/262, no one is interested in your narratives and pictures . yeh, nice to see you again
New, Its clear , we have a traitor (not an useful idiot) in the white house. is it pee- tape or something else it doesn´t matter . Helping grandpa (Putler) Trumps goes against the UN resolutions and entire USA´s establishment, literally he risks everything for ex - KGB spy.

Here are the FACTS about Crimea. Crimea was part of Russia for centuries, until Ukrainian Strongman Nikita Khrushchev grabbed it for Ukraine during his reign of terror.

Most people in Crimea are Russians and are pleased with the idea of being reunited under the Russian Federation.
Putin stated in an interview that one of his biggest regrets was watching the USSR dissolve into the many nations that use to make up the great nation of the USSR...and stated he intended to reverse that. The media gave almost NO air time / publicity to these they were made around the time Barry was making his pathetic '1980s Policy' Joke, which has come back to bite him in the ass as Russia did whatever they wanted to do to and got whatever they wanted from Barry during his Presidency.
New, Its clear , we have a traitor (not an useful idiot) in the white house. is it pee- tape or something else it doesn´t matter . Helping grandpa (Putler) Trumps goes against the UN resolutions and entire USA´s establishment, literally he risks everything for ex - KGB spy.

questions :
1) Trump is a traitor (not an useful idiot)
2) Crimea is Ukraine or Muscovy

"President Donald Trump told leaders at a G7 summit dinner that Crimea is Russian because its people speak Russian, diplomatic sources told Buzzfeed. Russia annexed Crimea from Ukraine in 2014, which led to sanctions and its removal from what was then the G8. Trump also told leaders at the dinner last Friday that “Ukraine is one of the most corrupt countries in the world,” according to a diplomat."
Maybe, it is possible that Russia and the USA are trading the Crimea for eastern Syria. A filthy deal.
only in your wet - dreams
United Nations General Assembly Resolution 68/262 was adopted on March 27, 2014 by the sixty-eighth session of the United Nations General Assembly in response to the Russian annexation of Crimea and entitled "Territorial integrity of Ukraine". The non-binding resolution, which was supported by 100 United Nations member states, affirmed the General Assembly's commitment to the territorial integrity of Ukraine within its internationally recognized borders and underscored the invalidity of the 2014 Crimean referendum. ...
The resolution was introduced by Canada, Costa Rica, Germany, Lithuania, Poland and Ukraine.[1] The adoption of the resolution was preceded by the unsuccessful attempts of the United Nations Security Council, which convened seven sessions to address the Crimean crisis, only to face a Russian veto[2] of draft resolution S/2014/189,[3] sponsored by 42 countries.

The UN General Assembly also passed the related Resolution 71/205 in December 2016, entitled "Situation of human rights in the Autonomous Republic of Crimea and the city of Sevastopol (Ukraine)".[4]2
"the non-binding resolution", yeah, yeah. And since when does the US care about international law? But maybe Trump is really serving Russia. The recent history in Syria proves that everyone can bomb and kill Russia´s allies and Russia doesn´t react. So why giving something in return, when you just can take what you want?

Like it or nor but its a law, and its great, in 5 years Muscovy will be like Bangladesh or P-stan today , but in total isolation . for how long Moscow can keep its colony , what do you think? do you remember year 1991?
Washington took over the Ukraine in a de facto nazi putsch. What about law here? Russia will not go down but it is already recovering from the sanctions. While EU slave governments are still attacking their own economies, Russia has developed new trade partnerships.
Trump is absolutely right.

Western audience hasn't been told that when Ukraine was exiting USSR she annexed whole bunch of lands which USSR "gave" to her as a Ukrainian Socialist Republic within USSR.

Russia must have made Ukraine to exit with the lands she entered USSR only, it means: without Crimea, without Donbass, Kharkov, Odessa, Kherson, Nickolaev and other major cities and areas. Also Kiev is called "Mother of Russian cities" since 988 when knyaz Vladimir baptized Russia.

Ukraine has never been a country, it's been an anti-Russian Washington project. Millions of people in Uktaine are hostages of this project, hate it and want to be WITH Russia just like Crimea.

View attachment 199397

BTW, Litwin, it was sooo nice to have a month vacation from your non-stop trolling this forum.
Maybe he was banned from Russia due to violations during the cup?
New, Its clear , we have a traitor (not an useful idiot) in the white house. is it pee- tape or something else it doesn´t matter . Helping grandpa (Putler) Trumps goes against the UN resolutions and entire USA´s establishment, literally he risks everything for ex - KGB spy.

questions :
1) Trump is a traitor (not an useful idiot)
2) Crimea is Ukraine or Muscovy

"President Donald Trump told leaders at a G7 summit dinner that Crimea is Russian because its people speak Russian, diplomatic sources told Buzzfeed. Russia annexed Crimea from Ukraine in 2014, which led to sanctions and its removal from what was then the G8. Trump also told leaders at the dinner last Friday that “Ukraine is one of the most corrupt countries in the world,” according to a diplomat."
Crimea did not want to be part of the EU... So shut the fuck up
New, Its clear , we have a traitor (not an useful idiot) in the white house. is it pee- tape or something else it doesn´t matter . Helping grandpa (Putler) Trumps goes against the UN resolutions and entire USA´s establishment, literally he risks everything for ex - KGB spy.

Here are the FACTS about Crimea. Crimea was part of Russia for centuries, until Ukrainian Strongman Nikita Khrushchev grabbed it for Ukraine during his reign of terror.

Most people in Crimea are Russians and are pleased with the idea of being reunited under the Russian Federation.
so south of Texas is Mexican as well, USA belongs to UK , right? by the way forget about Lviv Loser , bye bye

BTW, Litwin, it was sooo nice to have a month vacation from your non-stop trolling this forum.
Maybe he was banned from Russia due to violations during the cup?
I was sure Litwin was sent to Russia for provocations. For example to beat gays (whom he posted his silly thread about) and to put the blame on Russia. :badgrin:

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