Report~Manchurian muslim regime Spied on Israel, Prepared to Destroy Israeli Bombers to Protect Iran


Diamond Member
Mar 9, 2014
Waiting on the Cowardly Dante!!
Jewish Press ^
In an explosive report we learn that ever since 2012, the United States has been spying on Israel in order to prevent the Jewish State from attacking suspected Iranian nuclear sites, according to Friday’s Wall Street Journal. The White House had sent an additional aircraft carrier to the region after learning that Israeli aircraft had flown into Iranian airspace in what U.S. officials feared was a test run for an attack on Iran’s Fordow plant. The carriers had attack aircraft on board prepared to respond to any Israeli attack on Iran...

I'm not the least bit surprised and I would bet Obama's deceit goes much farther than that. He is a Jew hating, dog eating, treacherous POS and Hillary is no better, maybe even worse.
Two things -
1) the same article says says israel was spying on us (and bragging about it)
2) that carriers had attack craft ready to respond does not mean that we would shoot down israeli aircraft (although that would be justified)
Really read the wsj article. It's clear that bibi was the poison pill in the relationship

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