Report: Hamas Began Planning Attack on Israel Two Years Ago — After Afghanistan

Maybe Hamas was waiting until after the prisoner exchange grift, so as to not screw that up.

Who knows?
Well, I think they attacked when they did on direct orders from Iran and I also think that the peace talks with Saudi played a big role in the order being given.
The money is frozen and will not be released
You're even dumber than I think you are if you believe that. And trust me, I think you're really, really, really dumb. As in mouth-breather dumb, can't walk and chew gum, dumb. But I digress.

They'll freeze the money for 6 Months or so and then Iran will get it. When we bring it up in 6 Months, dirtbags like you will decry it as 'old news, let's move on' and you'll sweep it down the memory hole.

It's not that you're smart, it's instinct to you people. Like a Rat that can get into any crevice, into any cabinet -- Not smart, just instinctive. Difference being -- The Rat has more class.
You're even dumber than I think you are if you believe that. And trust me, I think you're really, really, really dumb. As in mouth-breather dumb, can't walk and chew gum, dumb. But I digress.

They'll freeze the money for 6 Months or so and then Iran will get it. When we bring it up in 6 Months, dirtbags like you will decry it as 'old news, let's move on' and you'll sweep it down the memory hole.

It's not that you're smart, it's instinct to you people. Like a Rat that can get into any crevice, into any cabinet -- Not smart, just instinctive. Difference being -- The Rat has more class.
To answer your question as to why Biden won’t announce that he is freezing the money - and instead gives the wish-washy statement that he might - is because it would be an admission that the incoming $6 billion, combined with the billions Iran has made off of oil since Biden has prohibited drilling on our own land - enabled the Iranian terror state to fund HAMAS in their massacre against Jews.

IOW, Biden aided a terrorist state to hunt down and murder 1,000 Jews.

Not a good look.
The very fact that this occurred three years into the Biden administration shows exactly where the blame lies.
Every Incident Becomes a Campaign Slogan

You gutless little bootlickers need to stop making political hay out of this. Your sissyboy draftdodger Bush called Islam "the religion of peace." And he is the one who lost the Afghan war; somehow Biden got stuck with being the fall guy. A real manly President would have nuked Tora Bora and not cared at all what the Taliban did to that worthless mountain-ape sanctuary.
This is just a report, not confirmation but it makes totes sense to me. Of course, The Usual Suspects™ will demand 'proof' - Whatever that is in their addled little minds

They saw Xiden’s surrender to terrorist as a green light to plan the beheading of babies
You're even dumber than I think you are if you believe that. And trust me, I think you're really, really, really dumb. As in mouth-breather dumb, can't walk and chew gum, dumb. But I digress.

They'll freeze the money for 6 Months or so and then Iran will get it. When we bring it up in 6 Months, dirtbags like you will decry it as 'old news, let's move on' and you'll sweep it down the memory hole.

It's not that you're smart, it's instinct to you people. Like a Rat that can get into any crevice, into any cabinet -- Not smart, just instinctive. Difference being -- The Rat has more class.

More alternate reality from Conservatives
Dont like the news, just make up your own
They saw Xiden’s surrender to terrorist as a green light to plan the beheading of babies
And it isn’t done in one clean sweep, either, like at the Tower of London. I will spare you the horrific details.
There were 15-20 threads started here claiming that.
Not in any one of them did I agree with that premise?

It is plain asinine to think that funds released three weeks ago that haven't even had a single withdrawal were responsible for an operation that was months, if not years, in the planning.

An argument that knowing the funds were soon to be available was motivation that they could recoup them in the future equally makes no sense.

The money had already been spent BEFORE the planned release of the Korean accounts.
This is just a report, not confirmation but it makes totes sense to me. Of course, The Usual Suspects™ will demand 'proof' - Whatever that is in their addled little minds
It figures , and I have been saying this from the outset . Except it has been organised not by Hamas but by Israel and the US .
Hamas was created by them and they are the stooges .
From the start we have heard about US ordnance abandoned In Afghanistan passing through Ukraine and now being used by Hamas .
Time will reveal all .

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