Report: Chelsea Clinton 'absolutely' would consider run for office


Diamond Member
Mar 9, 2014
Waiting on the Cowardly Dante!!
If her mother and father get sent to jail, she can run for president, and pardon them IF she won!

Chelsea Clinton, daughter of President Bill and former Secretary of State and possible presidential contender Hillary, told Sky News on Monday she wouldn't rule out a run for office if she ever felt compelled: "Absolutely, I'd consider it one day."

She told Sky News that as of now, she supports her elected officials, "But if that were to change and if at the same time I were to think that other people could be better advocates for (the issues I care about) then I'd have to ask and answer that question." .....

Report Chelsea Clinton absolutely would consider run for...
Awww shit , just kidding, but, please no more family dynasties like the Clintons and Bushes. i dont think thats what were supposed to be about. Being president is not a legacy
Why not? She has more qualifications then did Obama just being the daughter of an ex-president. I hope she was talking about congress not the WH.

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