Report: Campaigns Ramping Up Opposition Research on Elizabeth Warren

The Purge

Platinum Member
Aug 16, 2018
Fauxahontas gonna getum scalped with what 100+ possible candidates all now looking at her as a front runner.... JoJo is DEAD MEAT.... Time to have the rest of the Douchebags PLUCK THE TURKEY!!!!#....Hildebeast is that you laughing in the cornor just waiting until the DNC convention to offer yourself as the only viable candidate....and holding hands with Oprah and the Mooocher Obuma?....Who of those 2 will be your VP pick????

Sen. Elizabeth Warren (D-MA) has had a relatively lax campaign as far as opposition goes, with ideological ally Sen. Bernie Sanders (I-VT) refusing to criticize her. However, other campaigns are ramping up their opposition research and planning to take Warren on in the next debate, according to campaign aides who spoke to Politico.

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