Reparations, Racism & Affirmative Action

Why do you whites pretend you don't still get preferential treatment?

AA is not reparations. And why is there a backlash?

Are whites so delusional as to not even recognize the reality of American history?
Does every white always get preferential treatment?

What is AA if not a form of reparations? Human nature, we despise anything that we perceive treats us unfairly.

Of course they are, whites are no different from any other race.

Yes whites get preferential treatment. Human nature should allow you to understand how laws gave whites exclusive advantages which extended into our life time and how long whites have been afforded preferential treatment. Instead you have purposefully ignored all that to incorrectly describe a policy as well as an incorrect perception of unfair treatment. AA is not reparations for blacks as whites are part of the policy and have benefited the most.
Lol! The white racists get more desperate every day.

we arent talking about them,,,its you thats a racist,,,

Post an example of my racism.

youve already posted them,,,

what you havent posted is proof of trrumps

Post evidence of my racism.


youve already posted them,,,

but you havent posted any of trumps,,

which of course is more proof youre a racist,,,

I have posted no racism and we all have seen Trumps.

So if I've already posted racism, you should be able to post a racist quote and calling Trump a racist without showing YOU an example is not racism.
All Affirmative Action, welfare aimed at Blacks, talk of Reparations, and other Identity Based policies do is create DIVISION. We should get back to the Founding Principles of Equality, and move on from be condescending to Blacks.
Life is NOT FAIR------I am short and left handed

So were laws and policies made for 189 years the excluded short left handed people from equal opportunity?


Yeah, that's what I thought.
All Affirmative Action, welfare aimed at Blacks, talk of Reparations, and other Identity Based policies do is create DIVISION. We should get back to the Founding Principles of Equality, and move on from be condescending to Blacks.
The founding principles was the original white affirmative action program.
we arent talking about them,,,its you thats a racist,,,

Post an example of my racism.

youve already posted them,,,

what you havent posted is proof of trrumps

Post evidence of my racism.


youve already posted them,,,

but you havent posted any of trumps,,

which of course is more proof youre a racist,,,

I have posted no racism and we all have seen Trumps.

So if I've already posted racism, you should be able to post a racist quote and calling Trump a racist without showing YOU an example is not racism.

your a racist,,,live with it,,,
All Affirmative Action, welfare aimed at Blacks, talk of Reparations, and other Identity Based policies do is create DIVISION. We should get back to the Founding Principles of Equality, and move on from be condescending to Blacks.
The founding principles was the original white affirmative action program.

see thats another racist comment,,,

Yes whites get preferential treatment. Human nature should allow you to understand how laws gave whites exclusive advantages which extended into our life time and how long whites have been afforded preferential treatment. Instead you have purposefully ignored all that to incorrectly describe a policy as well as an incorrect perception of unfair treatment. AA is not reparations for blacks as whites are part of the policy and have benefited the most.
I don't dispute there is racism and discrimination in our past and to this day and AA is meant to offset that, in other words, reparations. Blacks may be the victims but they are not the only victims so they are not the only group that should receive reparations so AA applies to all groups that were/are disadvantaged.
Yes whites get preferential treatment. Human nature should allow you to understand how laws gave whites exclusive advantages which extended into our life time and how long whites have been afforded preferential treatment. Instead you have purposefully ignored all that to incorrectly describe a policy as well as an incorrect perception of unfair treatment. AA is not reparations for blacks as whites are part of the policy and have benefited the most.
I don't dispute there is racism and discrimination in our past and to this day and AA is meant to offset that, in other words, reparations. Blacks may be the victims but they are not the only victims so they are not the only group that should receive reparations so AA applies to all groups that were/are disadvantaged.

when you say disadvantaged are you saying they are to dumb to do it on their own merits??

cause joe biden said poor people are just as smart as white and Asian people
At a social event last night one of my NRA type friends brought politics into the conversation the other night and asked if I believed in Reparations for blacks. Slavery was terrible, the government should put a huge gold statue of Harriet Tubman stomping down a pig next to every crumbling Robert E Lee statue they can find, but I don't believe in Reparations. Sins of the past and all.

He then asked about Affirmative Action. I told him I will believe in Affirmative Action until the day I stop hearing racist comments and "jokes" from the ignorant masses. So this fellow who has let me shoot his Romanian AK said, "Guess we'll have Affirmative Action for awhile" and the mood got somber for a couple good reasons and everyone nodded.

Hopefully my fellow posters remember what they say goes into other's views on policy.

Typical Race thread:

IM2: You're a racist!


IM2: Whites are shit! To blame for everything!


  1. Blacks have had equality for a long time if they only learn how to use it. Those that choose to have very good lives.
  2. We have long outgrown the idea of affirmative action! The very idea implies that some large groups of people in this country AREN'T equal and can only get there with the hand of government. Let everyone compete fairly in an open market.
  3. Truth is that most Whites have accepted Blacks long ago. It is truly an equal opportunity workforce. The main thing that keeps up the polarity, friction, tension and distance between Whites and Blacks is mostly the few who rather than taking advantage of opportunity and building a life for themselves and going about acting as an equal and just another person walking down the street constantly maintain this separate "culture" for Blacks as Blacks rather than just other Americans, and talk instead with anger and threats about injustice and demands with raised fists. People are frankly sick of it. It just polarizes society and keeps both people and police on edge that many Blacks simply aren't yet ready to join society at large as equals.
The race baiters just tune people out rather than bring them in. Want equality? Act equal. Go get an education, apply for loans, get a job and get a freeking life.
If Blacks ever got reparations in the form of cash payments the majority of Americans would be appalled and disgusted...including most African Americans....
So bring it on....and watch the dems sink future into the abyss....
AA is reparations. I think AA is fine if carefully targeted. Too much creates a backlash.
There must be a time limit to affirmative action or it quickly becomes a negative action that will need to be affirmed in the future....

When racist white preferences end AA can end. Seems like nobody is asking for time limits on that.

What racist white preferences? specific so we can all see how foolish your cries and complaints are....
If Blacks ever got reparations in the form of cash payments the majority of Americans would be appalled and disgusted...including most African Americans....
So bring it on....and watch the dems sink future into the abyss....
Why would African Americans who are the people asking for reparations be appalled and disgusted?

Why do you low rent, dumb, white racist imbeciles think you can speak for blacks?
Because most people black and white have too much pride to take it....guess that doesn't include you....
Yes whites get preferential treatment. Human nature should allow you to understand how laws gave whites exclusive advantages which extended into our life time and how long whites have been afforded preferential treatment. Instead you have purposefully ignored all that to incorrectly describe a policy as well as an incorrect perception of unfair treatment. AA is not reparations for blacks as whites are part of the policy and have benefited the most.
I don't dispute there is racism and discrimination in our past and to this day and AA is meant to offset that, in other words, reparations. Blacks may be the victims but they are not the only victims so they are not the only group that should receive reparations so AA applies to all groups that were/are disadvantaged.

when you say disadvantaged are you saying they are to dumb to do it on their own merits??

cause joe biden said poor people are just as smart as white and Asian people
I think we all know there are many ways to be disadvantaged that have nothing to do the merits of the individual.
If Blacks ever got reparations in the form of cash payments the majority of Americans would be appalled and disgusted...including most African Americans....
So bring it on....and watch the dems sink future into the abyss....
AA is reparations. I think AA is fine if carefully targeted. Too much creates a backlash.
There must be a time limit to affirmative action or it quickly becomes a negative action that will need to be affirmed in the future....
No time limit but you need to justify why you should get preference. Just being a member of a group shouldn't be enough.

Why do you whites pretend you don't still get preferential treatment?

AA is not reparations. And why is there a backlash?

Are whites so delusional as to not even recognize the reality of American history?
What preferential treatment? specific....simple minded envious fools like you will see the grass greener on your neighbors lawn and complain about it when you should be watering your own lawn....
Yes whites get preferential treatment. Human nature should allow you to understand how laws gave whites exclusive advantages which extended into our life time and how long whites have been afforded preferential treatment. Instead you have purposefully ignored all that to incorrectly describe a policy as well as an incorrect perception of unfair treatment. AA is not reparations for blacks as whites are part of the policy and have benefited the most.
I don't dispute there is racism and discrimination in our past and to this day and AA is meant to offset that, in other words, reparations. Blacks may be the victims but they are not the only victims so they are not the only group that should receive reparations so AA applies to all groups that were/are disadvantaged.

when you say disadvantaged are you saying they are to dumb to do it on their own merits??

cause joe biden said poor people are just as smart as white and Asian people
I think we all know there are many ways to be disadvantaged that have nothing to do the merits of the individual.

and yet you post none of them,,,
I think we all know there are many ways to be disadvantaged that have nothing to do the merits of the individual.
and yet you post none of them,,,
Apparently I gave you too much credit:
  • Not getting a job interview because your name 'sounds' Black
  • Not getting to attend a good school because your parents live in a poor neighborhood
  • Not getting a good education because your parents didn't get one and don't know the value of it
  • Not getting to inherit wealth because you family faced discrimination in the past
I think we all know there are many ways to be disadvantaged that have nothing to do the merits of the individual.
and yet you post none of them,,,
Apparently I gave you too much credit:
  • Not getting a job interview because your name 'sounds' Black
  • Not getting to attend a good school because your parents live in a poor neighborhood
  • Not getting a good education because your parents didn't get one and don't know the value of it
  • Not getting to inherit wealth because you family faced discrimination in the past

you just made those up didnt you???
you are losing it,

those are culture problems not black problems,,

and I as a white person lived with all of them except the black name
I think we all know there are many ways to be disadvantaged that have nothing to do the merits of the individual.
and yet you post none of them,,,
Apparently I gave you too much credit:
  • Not getting a job interview because your name 'sounds' Black
  • Not getting to attend a good school because your parents live in a poor neighborhood
  • Not getting a good education because your parents didn't get one and don't know the value of it
  • Not getting to inherit wealth because you family faced discrimination in the past

you just made those up didnt you???
you are losing it,

those are culture problems not black problems,,

and I as a white person lived with all of them except the black name

White racism exists and the fact that your name sounded whites so you had a better shot at getting a job seems to be a very important thing you dismiss.
I think we all know there are many ways to be disadvantaged that have nothing to do the merits of the individual.
and yet you post none of them,,,
Apparently I gave you too much credit:
  • Not getting a job interview because your name 'sounds' Black
  • Not getting to attend a good school because your parents live in a poor neighborhood
  • Not getting a good education because your parents didn't get one and don't know the value of it
  • Not getting to inherit wealth because you family faced discrimination in the past

you just made those up didnt you???
you are losing it,

those are culture problems not black problems,,

and I as a white person lived with all of them except the black name

White racism exists and the fact that your name sounded whites so you had a better shot at getting a job seems to be a very important thing you dismiss.

thats racist,,,and just more proof youre a racist,,,
If Blacks ever got reparations in the form of cash payments the majority of Americans would be appalled and disgusted...including most African Americans....
So bring it on....and watch the dems sink future into the abyss....
AA is reparations. I think AA is fine if carefully targeted. Too much creates a backlash.
There must be a time limit to affirmative action or it quickly becomes a negative action that will need to be affirmed in the future....

When racist white preferences end AA can end. Seems like nobody is asking for time limits on that.

What racist white preferences? specific so we can all see how foolish your cries and complaints are....

How far back to you want me to start? Because I can start with headrights.

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