Reparations, Racism & Affirmative Action

I generally oppose AA in its current practice. It has created a culture of lowered expectations for blacks. It is all fine in theory, but mediocre grades and SAT's scores should get you mediocre returns.
The system is there to help them. Few avail themselves to it because of their shitty attitude towards education.

If a B average gets a black kid admission to a better college and a scholarship but not a white or Asian kid, then the system is telling the black kid they don't need to work as hard. In reality, blacks are going to have to work harder to get even due to racism in the real world, so letting them work less hard inside academia is not preparing them. It is coddling them and setting them up for less than they otherwise could be achieving.

AA is telling the black kid he's had a rougher go because of the racist pigs he's had to put up with.

My neighbors talk with me. I feel in the macro sense blacks do have it harder because of my racist pig neighborvs words and actions. the Mchael Brown stuff brought the Klansmen out of hiding.

When my neighbors learn to shut their mouths up I may tire of AA.

So you ar eilling to let blacks underachieve as pay back for a neighbor you don't like. That makes perfect you.
I generally oppose AA in its current practice. It has created a culture of lowered expectations for blacks. It is all fine in theory, but mediocre grades and SAT's scores should get you mediocre returns.
The system is there to help them. Few avail themselves to it because of their shitty attitude towards education.

If a B average gets a black kid admission to a better college and a scholarship but not a white or Asian kid, then the system is telling the black kid they don't need to work as hard. In reality, blacks are going to have to work harder to get even due to racism in the real world, so letting them work less hard inside academia is not preparing them. It is coddling them and setting them up for less than they otherwise could be achieving.

AA is telling the black kid he's had a rougher go because of the racist pigs he's had to put up with.

My neighbors talk with me. I feel in the macro sense blacks do have it harder because of my racist pig neighborvs words and actions. the Mchael Brown stuff brought the Klansmen out of hiding.

When my neighbors learn to shut their mouths up I may tire of AA.
Michael Brown?

So, when an enormous man grabs a store clerk around the knock and tosses him aside like a rag doll, and then advances on a policeman after already trying to overpower him in order to get his gun, if anybody refuses to join the group dedicated to lionizing the criminal, they are klansmen all of a sudden?

Control your anger. I in no way defended Michael Brown. The world isnot that black and white (pun intended).

Ita just all the closet racists came out of the shadows after the riots (that I am not defending).

Those formerly closet racists who every so often you heard something out of or were quick to over react were now vocal and proud of their racism.

And reminded me AA is necessary.
I expressed no anger towards ypu, son.

Black Lives Matter is a racist organization that seeks to create the notion that reacting to black criminality is racist.

You are free to support it, but characterizing people who oppose it as racists, themselves, is just dishonest.
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At a social event last night one of my NRA type friends brought politics into the conversation the other night and asked if I believed in Reparations for blacks. Slavery was terrible, the government should put a huge gold statue of Harriet Tubman stomping down a pig next to every crumbling Robert E Lee statue they can find, but I don't believe in Reparations. Sins of the past and all.

He then asked about Affirmative Action. I told him I will believe in Affirmative Action until the day I stop hearing racist comments and "jokes" from the ignorant masses. So this fellow who has let me shoot his Romanian AK said, "Guess we'll have Affirmative Action for awhile" and the mood got somber for a couple good reasons and everyone nodded.

Hopefully my fellow posters remember what they say goes into other's views on policy.

Hello. Regarding REPARATIONS for black or American citizens of African descent whose ancestors were harmed by our ever- evolving Nation's ignorant Culture of Slavery.

In the 1980s when I applied for a government job I WAS a supporter of Affirmative Action. So I was not upset when I scored 99% on the NYPD civil service exam and due to Affirmative Action policies at that time, I was placed at the bottom of the hiring list, while candidates who scored the minimum 75% were eligible to be placed at the top of the civil service hiring list.

AA policies delayed me being hired, as well as my ability to retire younger, by more than a year.

Frankly, I harbored no ill will because growing up in the 60s and witnessing fear, as well as hate leveled at fellow citizens who happened to be black, made me ill.

I had no problem with AA policies offering a helping hand to a population of fellow citizens who for generations were basically crapped on. Thankfully Mr. Berry Gordy, the father of Motown, promoted a positive HEALTHY image of my black or American neighbors of African descent, *convincing young developing me* my neighbors with big bushy or tight Afros are no different from anyone else.

Dr. Umar Johnson Ph.D, Dr. Boyce Watkins Ph.D, Tariq Nasheed7.jpg

Several years later AA policies within the NYPD delayed my promotion to detective investigator. Which kinda irked me because solely based on their complexions, a few officers were pushed ahead of me for promotion.

One was a female officer whose was assigned to write parking summons all day. While off-duty she learned some info that broke an important case. Good for her! Though I'm not certain this fortuitous act qualifies a uniform patrol officer for immediate promotion to detective investigator or specialist.

What really irked me, she was a slacker, and could not be promoted until she came off the department's "Chronic Sick List." When placed on the "Chronic Sick List" a cop was under extra scrutiny by the dept.

The summons officer was advised due to her good work in helping to solve an important case she was going to be promoted, receiving a nice little raise in pay along with a shiny new gold detective shield.

HOWEVER, before she could be promoted she would have to comply with dept rules, waiting until she was removed from the "Chronic Sick List".

Guess what the summons officer did two days after being told she was getting a pay raise if she stopped calling in sick....YUP, she called in sick...and believe it or not eventually she was promoted. :lol:

Frankly, I believe victims of crimes committed by troubled or mentally ill Americans raised and nurtured by SELFISH, immature, apathetic moms who failed to competently raise children maturing into reasonably responsible teen and adult citizens, SHOULD BE compensated for the emotional and/or physical PAIN they experienced when harmed by 'living wild' teens and adults who in many instances are peeved at the world for experiencing the UNHEALTHY, potentially life scarring situation their moms intentionally introduced them to.

Julie Dombo Gun Violence Victim_03.jpg
Among the COUNTLESS victims I'd like to see offered REPARATIONS is school guidance counselor Mrs. Julie Dombo.​

Another innocent VICTIM of generational black or African American Child Abuse I'd like to see compensated is a new Korean immigrant who in the mid-1980s opened a sneaker shop on Nostrand Ave.

Driving home one evening he became lost, stopping for gas at a station located across for Brooklyn's traumatized and battle scarred MARCY HOUSES.

While pumping gas he's approached by two young people in their teens displaying a handgun while demanding his wallet. He complies, they decide to discipline him with a bullet hole to his upper leg. He nearly bleeds out, though survives and while recuperating from the devastating injury, ends up losing the business he opened a few weeks earlier. His wife and partner was still learning the new language and could not operate the store by herself while he spent months recovering from the *HATE* and VIOLENCE he was targeted for.

"The *HATE* U Give Little Infants Fvvks *EVERYONE"* ~'Childhood Trauma' (#ACEs) victim Tupac Shakur

In this instance the *EVERYONE* was a soft, easy going gentleman who did not deserve to nearly lose his life because two apparent emotionally or mentally disturbed kids, whose mothers EMOTIONALLY FVVKED them up, wanted some cash to buy whatever...or perhaps they were just bored?

I'm serious, I want to see American society receive REPARATIONS for costs associated arresting, prosecuting and incarcerating UNTOLD NUMBERS of apparent emotionally or mentally ill Americans who THROUGH NO FAULT OF THEIR OWN, were IRRESPONSIBLY introduced to a traumatic, potentially life scarring childhood and teen upbringing fraught with Struggles, PAIN, Hardships, COMMUNITY FEAR, Frustrations, Uncertainty, Depression, Sorrow, Sadness, Torment, Demeaning Government Handouts, Resentment, COMMUNITY VIOLENCE and *HATE!*

The point of this writing, I believe I have already made Reparations via Affirmative Actions policies designed to assist my fellow citizens.

However, I believe REPARATIONS should be made to victims of US Government Sponsored Child Abuse & Poverty deserve REPARATIONS for being forced to experience, THROUGH NO FAULT OF THEIR OWN, a traumatic, potentially life scarring childhood and teen upbringing fraught with Struggles, PAIN, Hardships, COMMUNITY FEAR, Frustrations, Uncertainty, Depression, Sorrow, Sadness, Torment, Demeaning Government Handouts, Resentment, HATE and COMMUNITY VIOLENCE!
Introducing 'SOULutions' oriented Child Abuse Awareness, Education & PREVENTION Advocate, California Surgeon General Dr. Nadine Burke Harris, MD, FAAP, MPH, Founder and CEO of the 'Center for Youth Wellness'.

"Black Children Have Highest Abuse Rates" By Jazelle Hunt,

Black Children Have Highest Abuse Rates

Jazelle Hunt, a Washington correspondent for the National Newspaper Publishers Association News Service, recently completed week-long training at the University of Southern California as one of 14 journalists awarded a 2014 National Health Fellowship.

American *(Children)* Lives Matter; Take Pride In Parenting; *End Our Nation's *CHILD CARE* PUBLIC HEALTH CRISIS*; End Community Violence, Police Anxiety & Educator's Frustrations
If Blacks ever got reparations in the form of cash payments the majority of Americans would be appalled and disgusted...including most African Americans....
So bring it on....and watch the dems sink future into the abyss....
Why would African Americans who are the people asking for reparations be appalled and disgusted?

Why do you low rent, dumb, white racist imbeciles think you can speak for blacks?
At a social event last night one of my NRA type friends brought politics into the conversation the other night and asked if I believed in Reparations for blacks. Slavery was terrible, the government should put a huge gold statue of Harriet Tubman stomping down a pig next to every crumbling Robert E Lee statue they can find, but I don't believe in Reparations. Sins of the past and all.

They are sins that continue. But I also want to say that I agree with you about AA. I also think that people need to understand that AA is not just for blacks and in reality whites have benefitted the most.

White women benefit most from affirmative action — and are among its fiercest opponents

jjust more proof your a racist,,,

Lol! The white racists get more desperate every day.

we arent talking about them,,,its you thats a racist,,,

Post an example of my racism.
The system is there to help them. Few avail themselves to it because of their shitty attitude towards education.

If a B average gets a black kid admission to a better college and a scholarship but not a white or Asian kid, then the system is telling the black kid they don't need to work as hard. In reality, blacks are going to have to work harder to get even due to racism in the real world, so letting them work less hard inside academia is not preparing them. It is coddling them and setting them up for less than they otherwise could be achieving.

AA is telling the black kid he's had a rougher go because of the racist pigs he's had to put up with.

My neighbors talk with me. I feel in the macro sense blacks do have it harder because of my racist pig neighborvs words and actions. the Mchael Brown stuff brought the Klansmen out of hiding.

When my neighbors learn to shut their mouths up I may tire of AA.
Michael Brown?

So, when an enormous man grabs a store clerk around the knock and tosses him aside like a rag doll, and then advances on a policeman after already trying to overpower him in order to get his gun, if anybody refuses to join the group dedicated to lionizing the criminal, they are klansmen all of a sudden?

Control your anger. I in no way defended Michael Brown. The world isnot that black and white (pun intended).

Ita just all the closet racists came out of the shadows after the riots (that I am not defending).

Those formerly closet racists who every so often you heard something out of or were quick to over react were now vocal and proud of their racism.

And reminded me AA is necessary.
I expressed no anger towards ypu, son.

Black Lives Matter is a racist organization that seeks to create the notion that reacting to black criminality is racist.

You are free to support it, but characterizing people who oppose it as racists, themselves, is just dishonest.

BLM is not racist, but you are.
Affirmative Action- just one more leftyloon, racist policy that tells blacks (and the rest of the country) that blacks cannot make it without help.
Except AA is not just for blacks. And just what the fuck do you call the 189 years of racial exclusion of others by law favoring whites but help that whites would have never made it without?
Affirmative action has been the law of the land for 60 years. Blacks have received an advantage in schooling opportunities and jobs, yet racist blacks continue to whine.

Reparations will not stop the whining because it does not address why racist blacks whine. They whine because the whining, itself, gives them an advantage over whites as it allows them to act in any way they want while guilt-ridden white people treat them with kid gloves.

Non racist black people do not need reparations and racist blacks won't miss a beat when it comes to their whining, so why do it?

When the bully at school shakes you down for lunch money, does your handing it over to him make the bullying stop? No. It teaches him that bullying works.

Yeah, that's why whites have been the prime beneficiary of AA.
If Blacks ever got reparations in the form of cash payments the majority of Americans would be appalled and disgusted...including most African Americans....
So bring it on....and watch the dems sink future into the abyss....
AA is reparations. I think AA is fine if carefully targeted. Too much creates a backlash.
There must be a time limit to affirmative action or it quickly becomes a negative action that will need to be affirmed in the future....
No time limit but you need to justify why you should get preference. Just being a member of a group shouldn't be enough.

Why do you whites pretend you don't still get preferential treatment?

AA is not reparations. And why is there a backlash?

Are whites so delusional as to not even recognize the reality of American history?
I generally oppose AA in its current practice. It has created a culture of lowered expectations for blacks. It is all fine in theory, but mediocre grades and SAT's scores should get you mediocre returns.
The system is there to help them. Few avail themselves to it because of their shitty attitude towards education.

If a B average gets a black kid admission to a better college and a scholarship but not a white or Asian kid, then the system is telling the black kid they don't need to work as hard. In reality, blacks are going to have to work harder to get even due to racism in the real world, so letting them work less hard inside academia is not preparing them. It is coddling them and setting them up for less than they otherwise could be achieving.

AA is telling the black kid he's had a rougher go because of the racist pigs he's had to put up with.

My neighbors talk with me. I feel in the macro sense blacks do have it harder because of my racist pig neighborvs words and actions. the Mchael Brown stuff brought the Klansmen out of hiding.

When my neighbors learn to shut their mouths up I may tire of AA.
Michael Brown?

So, when an enormous man grabs a store clerk around the knock and tosses him aside like a rag doll, and then advances on a policeman after already trying to overpower him in order to get his gun, if anybody refuses to join the group dedicated to lionizing the criminal, they are klansmen all of a sudden?

Control your anger. I in no way defended Michael Brown. The world isnot that black and white (pun intended).

Ita just all the closet racists came out of the shadows after the riots (that I am not defending).

Those formerly closet racists who every so often you heard something out of or were quick to over react were now vocal and proud of their racism.

And reminded me AA is necessary.

Mike Brown did not grab a store clerk by the neck. He did not toss him around like a rag doll. He pushed him to the side. He took a box of swisher sweets. That is shoplifting, which is not a penalty requiring the death sentence. Wilson knew nothing about this when he told Brown and Johnson to get the fuck off the street. He could have used language that would not have caused an escalation, but the dogshit types dismiss this part in order to talk their racist shit about blacks. Nobody seemed to see Brown trying to overpower the cop. Darren Wilson was 6'4 220 pounds, he was no small man. He shot Brown 6 times and Brown was about 20 yards away from him.

What really caused those riots?
If Blacks ever got reparations in the form of cash payments the majority of Americans would be appalled and disgusted...including most African Americans....
So bring it on....and watch the dems sink future into the abyss....
AA is reparations. I think AA is fine if carefully targeted. Too much creates a backlash.
There must be a time limit to affirmative action or it quickly becomes a negative action that will need to be affirmed in the future....

When racist white preferences end AA can end. Seems like nobody is asking for time limits on that.
I generally oppose AA in its current practice. It has created a culture of lowered expectations for blacks. It is all fine in theory, but mediocre grades and SAT's scores should get you mediocre returns.
The system is there to help them. Few avail themselves to it because of their shitty attitude towards education.

If a B average gets a black kid admission to a better college and a scholarship but not a white or Asian kid, then the system is telling the black kid they don't need to work as hard. In reality, blacks are going to have to work harder to get even due to racism in the real world, so letting them work less hard inside academia is not preparing them. It is coddling them and setting them up for less than they otherwise could be achieving.

AA is telling the black kid he's had a rougher go because of the racist pigs he's had to put up with.

My neighbors talk with me. I feel in the macro sense blacks do have it harder because of my racist pig neighborvs words and actions. the Mchael Brown stuff brought the Klansmen out of hiding.

When my neighbors learn to shut their mouths up I may tire of AA.

So you ar eilling to let blacks underachieve as pay back for a neighbor you don't like. That makes perfect you.
I think you missed my point.

When my racist "friends" open their mouths THEY prove to me minorities have it rougher and AA is necessary.
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I generally oppose AA in its current practice. It has created a culture of lowered expectations for blacks. It is all fine in theory, but mediocre grades and SAT's scores should get you mediocre returns.
The system is there to help them. Few avail themselves to it because of their shitty attitude towards education.

If a B average gets a black kid admission to a better college and a scholarship but not a white or Asian kid, then the system is telling the black kid they don't need to work as hard. In reality, blacks are going to have to work harder to get even due to racism in the real world, so letting them work less hard inside academia is not preparing them. It is coddling them and setting them up for less than they otherwise could be achieving.

AA is telling the black kid he's had a rougher go because of the racist pigs he's had to put up with.

My neighbors talk with me. I feel in the macro sense blacks do have it harder because of my racist pig neighborvs words and actions. the Mchael Brown stuff brought the Klansmen out of hiding.

When my neighbors learn to shut their mouths up I may tire of AA.

So you ar eilling to let blacks underachieve as pay back for a neighbor you don't like. That makes perfect you.

And you are willing to continue letting whites underachieve and want to make that permanent.
I generally oppose AA in its current practice. It has created a culture of lowered expectations for blacks. It is all fine in theory, but mediocre grades and SAT's scores should get you mediocre returns.
The system is there to help them. Few avail themselves to it because of their shitty attitude towards education.

If a B average gets a black kid admission to a better college and a scholarship but not a white or Asian kid, then the system is telling the black kid they don't need to work as hard. In reality, blacks are going to have to work harder to get even due to racism in the real world, so letting them work less hard inside academia is not preparing them. It is coddling them and setting them up for less than they otherwise could be achieving.

AA is telling the black kid he's had a rougher go because of the racist pigs he's had to put up with.

My neighbors talk with me. I feel in the macro sense blacks do have it harder because of my racist pig neighborvs words and actions. the Mchael Brown stuff brought the Klansmen out of hiding.

When my neighbors learn to shut their mouths up I may tire of AA.

So you ar eilling to let blacks underachieve as pay back for a neighbor you don't like. That makes perfect you.

And you are willing to continue letting whites underachieve and want to make that permanent.

Some whites will underachieve. They just don't get scholarships for it generally. I want the playing field to be level. If Asian kids are smarter, then they should go to the front of the line. If a white kid is a dumbass he needs to go to the back of the line.
Why do you whites pretend you don't still get preferential treatment?

AA is not reparations. And why is there a backlash?

Are whites so delusional as to not even recognize the reality of American history?
Does every white always get preferential treatment?

What is AA if not a form of reparations? Human nature, we despise anything that we perceive treats us unfairly.

Of course they are, whites are no different from any other race.
At a social event last night one of my NRA type friends brought politics into the conversation the other night and asked if I believed in Reparations for blacks. Slavery was terrible, the government should put a huge gold statue of Harriet Tubman stomping down a pig next to every crumbling Robert E Lee statue they can find, but I don't believe in Reparations. Sins of the past and all.

They are sins that continue. But I also want to say that I agree with you about AA. I also think that people need to understand that AA is not just for blacks and in reality whites have benefitted the most.

White women benefit most from affirmative action — and are among its fiercest opponents

jjust more proof your a racist,,,

Lol! The white racists get more desperate every day.

we arent talking about them,,,its you thats a racist,,,

Post an example of my racism.

youve already posted them,,,

what you havent posted is proof of trrumps
The system is there to help them. Few avail themselves to it because of their shitty attitude towards education.

If a B average gets a black kid admission to a better college and a scholarship but not a white or Asian kid, then the system is telling the black kid they don't need to work as hard. In reality, blacks are going to have to work harder to get even due to racism in the real world, so letting them work less hard inside academia is not preparing them. It is coddling them and setting them up for less than they otherwise could be achieving.

AA is telling the black kid he's had a rougher go because of the racist pigs he's had to put up with.

My neighbors talk with me. I feel in the macro sense blacks do have it harder because of my racist pig neighborvs words and actions. the Mchael Brown stuff brought the Klansmen out of hiding.

When my neighbors learn to shut their mouths up I may tire of AA.

So you ar eilling to let blacks underachieve as pay back for a neighbor you don't like. That makes perfect you.

And you are willing to continue letting whites underachieve and want to make that permanent.

Some whites will underachieve. They just don't get scholarships for it generally. I want the playing field to be level. If Asian kids are smarter, then they should go to the front of the line. If a white kid is a dumbass he needs to go to the back of the line.

Legacy admissions and other similar things have allowed underachieving whites to enter colle. AA was created to fix damage ALL non white groups have experienced. Asians are admitted under AA. SAT score are NOT the only indicator of intelligence or college success. And I think that instead of talking out of our butts with no knowledge of the overall admission process because whites want to deny history.

A 189 year head start is what we are up against. Whites still are the major beneficiaries of AA meaning the field remains tilted.
They are sins that continue. But I also want to say that I agree with you about AA. I also think that people need to understand that AA is not just for blacks and in reality whites have benefitted the most.

White women benefit most from affirmative action — and are among its fiercest opponents

jjust more proof your a racist,,,

Lol! The white racists get more desperate every day.

we arent talking about them,,,its you thats a racist,,,

Post an example of my racism.

youve already posted them,,,

what you havent posted is proof of trrumps

Post evidence of my racism.
jjust more proof your a racist,,,

Lol! The white racists get more desperate every day.

we arent talking about them,,,its you thats a racist,,,

Post an example of my racism.

youve already posted them,,,

what you havent posted is proof of trrumps

Post evidence of my racism.


youve already posted them,,,

but you havent posted any of trumps,,

which of course is more proof youre a racist,,,

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