Reparations…Or, How To Grow The Republican Party


Diamond Member
Oct 6, 2008
Brooklyn, NY
Democrats need the black vote, so they pretend they favor reparations. The funny thins is, agreeing to reparations for black Americans will supersize the Republican Party! I'll explain why.....

1.We, on the Right, always know more than our Leftist pals, because we read, and that means both sides, our authors, and theirs. I just began this book on reparations for black Americans. The very first thing that occurred to me, is that it is the path to a far larger Republican Party….and the end for the Democrat Party.

You’ll see why it is obvious.


2. This is what it is all about:

Reparations for slavery is a proposal that some type of compensation should be provided to the descendants of slaves from the Atlantic slave trade.

This idea has been recurring in the politics of the United States, from the 1865 Special Field Orders No. 15 ("Forty acres and a mule") to the 2020 Democratic Party presidential primaries.[1] This compensation has been proposed in a variety of forms, from individual monetary payments to land-based compensation related to independence. The idea remains highly controversial and no consensus exists as to whether and how it could be implemented.” Reparations for slavery debate in the United States - Wikipedia

3. Well….I don’t see why it shouldn’t be dealt with in a court of law, just like any tort is.
A tort is an act or omission that gives rise to injury or harm to another and amounts to a civil wrong for which courts impose liability.
Tort | Wex | US Law | LII / Legal Information Institute

In order to prevail, the plaintiff in the lawsuit, commonly referred to as the injured party, must show that the actions or lack of action was the legally recognizable cause of the harm. The equivalent of tort in civil law jurisdictions is "delict".
Tort - Wikipedia › wiki › Tort

4. Now…..reduce the discussion to it’s simplest terms.

Say two men are waiting on line in a bakery, and the one second in line attacks the man ahead of him. A third man intercedes to protect the man being attacked.

Police detain all three, sorting out the details, and the result is a civil suit for damages.

Who has damages?

Who is responsible for those damages?

Who is blameless, and/or should receive a commendation?

Can you guess where this is going?
The Republicans cant grow off Leftwing stupidity if the dont have the backbone to disagree with the Left in public.

The Republicans have certainly been a disappointment as you note.....

....but that is not the import of this thread.

Even if they do nothing, if the Reparations discussion follows the path outlined in the next few posts of mine...... will redound to the hugggggge growth of the Republican Party.

The essential point is exactly which party is responsible for the situation in which the black population finds itself.

Stay tuned.
5. First, the slavery thing. No society in history has been free of slavery, and let’s include the form for indentured servants…..that’s what the first blacks who came to our mainland were.

The first Africans brought in captivity to colonial Virginia in 1619 became indentured servants, like the white indentured servants who were common at that time. Both were released as free people after a set number of years. Maldwyn Allen Jones, “American Immigration,” p. 13, 32.

Let’s keep in mind that the ancient beginnings of economic systems, the poorest sold the only thing they owned…..themselves.

6. Biblical slavery was not the Democrat/Simon Legree variety one envisions in the Democrat controlled South. The aspects that identify what we call 'slavery' today, the colloquial meaning, are the following:

a. permanence of bondage

b. treatment as material assets

c. control of the life and death of the slave: the slave could be beaten to death

d. an escaped slave had to be returned to his master….as decreed in the Dred Scott Democrat Supreme Court decision.

None of the above are allowed to the 'slave owner' by the Bible.
It's simply the Democrat Party version of slavery.
Democrats need the black vote, so they pretend they favor reparations. The funny thins is, agreeing to reparations for black Americans will supersize the Republican Party! I'll explain why.....

1.We, on the Right, always know more than our Leftist pals, because we read, and that means both sides, our authors, and theirs. I just began this book on reparations for black Americans. The very first thing that occurred to me, is that it is the path to a far larger Republican Party….and the end for the Democrat Party.

You’ll see why it is obvious.

View attachment 361268

2. This is what it is all about:

Reparations for slavery is a proposal that some type of compensation should be provided to the descendants of slaves from the Atlantic slave trade.

This idea has been recurring in the politics of the United States, from the 1865 Special Field Orders No. 15 ("Forty acres and a mule") to the 2020 Democratic Party presidential primaries.[1] This compensation has been proposed in a variety of forms, from individual monetary payments to land-based compensation related to independence. The idea remains highly controversial and no consensus exists as to whether and how it could be implemented.” Reparations for slavery debate in the United States - Wikipedia

3. Well….I don’t see why it shouldn’t be dealt with in a court of law, just like any tort is.
A tort is an act or omission that gives rise to injury or harm to another and amounts to a civil wrong for which courts impose liability.
Tort | Wex | US Law | LII / Legal Information Institute

In order to prevail, the plaintiff in the lawsuit, commonly referred to as the injured party, must show that the actions or lack of action was the legally recognizable cause of the harm. The equivalent of tort in civil law jurisdictions is "delict".
Tort - Wikipedia › wiki › Tort

4. Now…..reduce the discussion to it’s simplest terms.

Say two men are waiting on line in a bakery, and the one second in line attacks the man ahead of him. A third man intercedes to protect the man being attacked.

Police detain all three, sorting out the details, and the result is a civil suit for damages.

Who has damages?

Who is responsible for those damages?

Who is blameless, and/or should receive a commendation?

Can you guess where this is going?
Your propaganda mill fails to realize that it is minorities(blacks) that are holding an elected office that are Democrats that are calling for reparations...It is time to pay the labor bill that some folks thought they could get out of. It is a shame that humans do this to each other but your denial of the facts only makes you the racist you are.
Your propaganda mill fails to realize that it is minorities(blacks) that are holding an elected office that are Democrats that are calling for reparations...It is time to pay the labor bill that some folks thought they could get out of. It is a shame that humans do this to each other but your denial of the facts only makes you the racist you are.
How racist might you be if you deny the reparationss$$ damages bill that should be paid to white Americans, for the racial discrimination perpetrated upon them by race-based Affimative Action, for 56 years ?

Your propaganda mills chose to leave that out ?
Your propaganda mill fails to realize that it is minorities(blacks) that are holding an elected office that are Democrats that are calling for reparations...It is time to pay the labor bill that some folks thought they could get out of. It is a shame that humans do this to each other but your denial of the facts only makes you the racist you are.
How racist might you be if you deny the reparationss$$ damages bill that should be paid to white Americans, for the racial discrimination perpetrated upon them by race-based Affimative Action, for 56 years ?

Your propaganda mills chose to leave that out ?
You'll need to show yer scars from being whipped first. We know you don't have any since you enjoy robbing humans of their wages from labor.
Democrats need the black vote, so they pretend they favor reparations. The funny thins is, agreeing to reparations for black Americans will supersize the Republican Party! I'll explain why.....

1.We, on the Right, always know more than our Leftist pals, because we read, and that means both sides, our authors, and theirs. I just began this book on reparations for black Americans. The very first thing that occurred to me, is that it is the path to a far larger Republican Party….and the end for the Democrat Party.

You’ll see why it is obvious.

View attachment 361268

2. This is what it is all about:

Reparations for slavery is a proposal that some type of compensation should be provided to the descendants of slaves from the Atlantic slave trade.

This idea has been recurring in the politics of the United States, from the 1865 Special Field Orders No. 15 ("Forty acres and a mule") to the 2020 Democratic Party presidential primaries.[1] This compensation has been proposed in a variety of forms, from individual monetary payments to land-based compensation related to independence. The idea remains highly controversial and no consensus exists as to whether and how it could be implemented.” Reparations for slavery debate in the United States - Wikipedia

3. Well….I don’t see why it shouldn’t be dealt with in a court of law, just like any tort is.
A tort is an act or omission that gives rise to injury or harm to another and amounts to a civil wrong for which courts impose liability.
Tort | Wex | US Law | LII / Legal Information Institute

In order to prevail, the plaintiff in the lawsuit, commonly referred to as the injured party, must show that the actions or lack of action was the legally recognizable cause of the harm. The equivalent of tort in civil law jurisdictions is "delict".
Tort - Wikipedia › wiki › Tort

4. Now…..reduce the discussion to it’s simplest terms.

Say two men are waiting on line in a bakery, and the one second in line attacks the man ahead of him. A third man intercedes to protect the man being attacked.

Police detain all three, sorting out the details, and the result is a civil suit for damages.

Who has damages?

Who is responsible for those damages?

Who is blameless, and/or should receive a commendation?

Can you guess where this is going?


It sure takes you a long time to get to the point
Most people could have done it in a sentence or two
Your propaganda mill fails to realize that it is minorities(blacks) that are holding an elected office that are Democrats that are calling for reparations...It is time to pay the labor bill that some folks thought they could get out of. It is a shame that humans do this to each other but your denial of the facts only makes you the racist you are.
How racist might you be if you deny the reparationss$$ damages bill that should be paid to white Americans, for the racial discrimination perpetrated upon them by race-based Affimative Action, for 56 years ?

Your propaganda mills chose to leave that out ?

You know......that is an interesting point.

We should investigate it in light of the fact that there is no equal treatment under affirmative action.

But......I do want to include an eloquent description of affirmative action.

“FREEDOM IS NOT ENOUGH But freedom is not enough. You do not wipe away the scars of centuries by saying: Now you are free to go where you want, and do as you desire, and choose the leaders you please.

You do not take a person who, for years, has been hobbled by chains and liberate him, bring him up to the starting line of a race and then say, "you are free to compete with all the others," and still justly believe that you have been completely fair.” Lyndon Johnson, June 4, 1965

But the plan should never have been permanent.
Your propaganda mill fails to realize that it is minorities(blacks) that are holding an elected office that are Democrats that are calling for reparations...It is time to pay the labor bill that some folks thought they could get out of. It is a shame that humans do this to each other but your denial of the facts only makes you the racist you are.
How racist might you be if you deny the reparationss$$ damages bill that should be paid to white Americans, for the racial discrimination perpetrated upon them by race-based Affimative Action, for 56 years ?

Your propaganda mills chose to leave that out ?

You know......that is an interesting point.

We should investigate it in light of the fact that there is no equal treatment under affirmative action.

But......I do want to include an eloquent description of affirmative action.

“FREEDOM IS NOT ENOUGH But freedom is not enough. You do not wipe away the scars of centuries by saying: Now you are free to go where you want, and do as you desire, and choose the leaders you please.

You do not take a person who, for years, has been hobbled by chains and liberate him, bring him up to the starting line of a race and then say, "you are free to compete with all the others," and still justly believe that you have been completely fair.” Lyndon Johnson, June 4, 1965

But the plan should never have been permanent.
The plan can be changed at anytime it is not set in stone in God's heaven like the Bible.
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7. So, ancient slavery of the indentured variety was not a motivation for reparations for the American version of slavery.

August 31, 1619
The first 20 blacks are purchased as indentured servants by Jamestown colonists from a dutch man of warre”-from John Rolfe’s diary. The first people of African heritage were brought to Virginia by the Dutch. A Dutch ship which either traded for the slaves or stole them from the Spanish entered Chesapeake Bay and sold 20 slaves in August of1619. Virginia's first white settlers did not automatically assume that the Africans were to be slaves always. They treated some blacks as indentured servants, which would grant them personal freedom after 4 to 7 years.

How and when this changed to perpetual slavery for blacks is unclear, but by the 1640’s, Africans brought to Virginia no longer had indenture contracts. Yet as late as 1651, some Negroes whose period of indenture expired were still being assigned land for themselves, as were the white indentured servants.
Franklin, “From Slavery to Freedom,” p. 71-72.

However it morphed into the Democrat’s version, a brutal, life-long, and total slavery. If it can be shown that current black Americans have, and are currently suffering from the events some eight generations since the freedom that resulted from Republican efforts, then reparations from the Democrats are in order.

Certainly, some infractions of the RICO Act can be found to apply against the Democrat Party.
Democrats need the black vote, so they pretend they favor reparations. The funny thins is, agreeing to reparations for black Americans will supersize the Republican Party! I'll explain why.....

1.We, on the Right, always know more than our Leftist pals, because we read, and that means both sides, our authors, and theirs. I just began this book on reparations for black Americans. The very first thing that occurred to me, is that it is the path to a far larger Republican Party….and the end for the Democrat Party.

You’ll see why it is obvious.

View attachment 361268

2. This is what it is all about:

Reparations for slavery is a proposal that some type of compensation should be provided to the descendants of slaves from the Atlantic slave trade.

This idea has been recurring in the politics of the United States, from the 1865 Special Field Orders No. 15 ("Forty acres and a mule") to the 2020 Democratic Party presidential primaries.[1] This compensation has been proposed in a variety of forms, from individual monetary payments to land-based compensation related to independence. The idea remains highly controversial and no consensus exists as to whether and how it could be implemented.” Reparations for slavery debate in the United States - Wikipedia

3. Well….I don’t see why it shouldn’t be dealt with in a court of law, just like any tort is.
A tort is an act or omission that gives rise to injury or harm to another and amounts to a civil wrong for which courts impose liability.
Tort | Wex | US Law | LII / Legal Information Institute

In order to prevail, the plaintiff in the lawsuit, commonly referred to as the injured party, must show that the actions or lack of action was the legally recognizable cause of the harm. The equivalent of tort in civil law jurisdictions is "delict".
Tort - Wikipedia › wiki › Tort

4. Now…..reduce the discussion to it’s simplest terms.

Say two men are waiting on line in a bakery, and the one second in line attacks the man ahead of him. A third man intercedes to protect the man being attacked.

Police detain all three, sorting out the details, and the result is a civil suit for damages.

Who has damages?

Who is responsible for those damages?

Who is blameless, and/or should receive a commendation?

Can you guess where this is going?
Your propaganda mill fails to realize that it is minorities(blacks) that are holding an elected office that are Democrats that are calling for reparations...It is time to pay the labor bill that some folks thought they could get out of. It is a shame that humans do this to each other but your denial of the facts only makes you the racist you are.
The girl is conflicted. She suffers from internalized racism.

Democrats need the black vote, so they pretend they favor reparations. The funny thins is, agreeing to reparations for black Americans will supersize the Republican Party! I'll explain why.....

1.We, on the Right, always know more than our Leftist pals, because we read, and that means both sides, our authors, and theirs. I just began this book on reparations for black Americans. The very first thing that occurred to me, is that it is the path to a far larger Republican Party….and the end for the Democrat Party.

You’ll see why it is obvious.

View attachment 361268

2. This is what it is all about:

Reparations for slavery is a proposal that some type of compensation should be provided to the descendants of slaves from the Atlantic slave trade.

This idea has been recurring in the politics of the United States, from the 1865 Special Field Orders No. 15 ("Forty acres and a mule") to the 2020 Democratic Party presidential primaries.[1] This compensation has been proposed in a variety of forms, from individual monetary payments to land-based compensation related to independence. The idea remains highly controversial and no consensus exists as to whether and how it could be implemented.” Reparations for slavery debate in the United States - Wikipedia

3. Well….I don’t see why it shouldn’t be dealt with in a court of law, just like any tort is.
A tort is an act or omission that gives rise to injury or harm to another and amounts to a civil wrong for which courts impose liability.
Tort | Wex | US Law | LII / Legal Information Institute

In order to prevail, the plaintiff in the lawsuit, commonly referred to as the injured party, must show that the actions or lack of action was the legally recognizable cause of the harm. The equivalent of tort in civil law jurisdictions is "delict".
Tort - Wikipedia › wiki › Tort

4. Now…..reduce the discussion to it’s simplest terms.

Say two men are waiting on line in a bakery, and the one second in line attacks the man ahead of him. A third man intercedes to protect the man being attacked.

Police detain all three, sorting out the details, and the result is a civil suit for damages.

Who has damages?

Who is responsible for those damages?

Who is blameless, and/or should receive a commendation?

Can you guess where this is going?
Your propaganda mill fails to realize that it is minorities(blacks) that are holding an elected office that are Democrats that are calling for reparations...It is time to pay the labor bill that some folks thought they could get out of. It is a shame that humans do this to each other but your denial of the facts only makes you the racist you are.
The girl is conflicted. She suffers from internalized racism.

The beatings will continue until I see the light of learning on your part......

.....and then, they may continue simply for the sheer joy of it.

Be very afraid.
7. So, ancient slavery of the indentured variety was not a motivation for reparations for the American version of slavery.

August 31, 1619
The first 20 blacks are purchased as indentured servants by Jamestown colonists from a dutch man of warre”-from John Rolfe’s diary. The first people of African heritage were brought to Virginia by the Dutch. A Dutch ship which either traded for the slaves or stole them from the Spanish entered Chesapeake Bay and sold 20 slaves in August of1619. Virginia's first white settlers did not automatically assume that the Africans were to be slaves always. They treated some blacks as indentured servants, which would grant them personal freedom after 4 to 7 years.

How and when this changed to perpetual slavery for blacks is unclear, but by the 1640’s, Africans brought to Virginia no longer had indenture contracts. Yet as late as 1651, some Negroes whose period of indenture expired were still being assigned land for themselves, as were the white indentured servants.
Franklin, “From Slavery to Freedom,” p. 71-72.

However it morphed into the Democrat’s version, a brutal, life-long, and total slavery. If it can be shown that current black Americans have, and are currently suffering from the events some eight generations since the freedom that resulted from Republican efforts, then reparations from the Democrats are in order.

Certainly, some infractions of the RICO Act can be found to apply against the Democrat Party.
There is no Democrat Party in the US that has ever held power.
7. So, ancient slavery of the indentured variety was not a motivation for reparations for the American version of slavery.

August 31, 1619
The first 20 blacks are purchased as indentured servants by Jamestown colonists from a dutch man of warre”-from John Rolfe’s diary. The first people of African heritage were brought to Virginia by the Dutch. A Dutch ship which either traded for the slaves or stole them from the Spanish entered Chesapeake Bay and sold 20 slaves in August of1619. Virginia's first white settlers did not automatically assume that the Africans were to be slaves always. They treated some blacks as indentured servants, which would grant them personal freedom after 4 to 7 years.

How and when this changed to perpetual slavery for blacks is unclear, but by the 1640’s, Africans brought to Virginia no longer had indenture contracts. Yet as late as 1651, some Negroes whose period of indenture expired were still being assigned land for themselves, as were the white indentured servants.
Franklin, “From Slavery to Freedom,” p. 71-72.

However it morphed into the Democrat’s version, a brutal, life-long, and total slavery. If it can be shown that current black Americans have, and are currently suffering from the events some eight generations since the freedom that resulted from Republican efforts, then reparations from the Democrats are in order.

Certainly, some infractions of the RICO Act can be found to apply against the Democrat Party.
You know if the oppression had stopped when slavery ended, you opinion on the matter may have more merit. But it didn't and the democrats are not the only ones responsible for what happened AFTER SLAVERY! The republican party was started by anti slavery democrats, so the right wing racist narrative you spew daily is a display of dunce.

Is this what the Ivy League teaches? From now on, I'm calling it the poison Ivy league because every student I've debated from one of those schools has been stump stupid and arrogant in their stupidity.
The Democrats might owe reparations, but my Republican ancestors already paid their debt through blood shed in the Civil War to free black slaves.
No they did not do that.
So now we are on thread 50,000 about reparations. And this thread is started by an Asian. I suppose that she will be suggesting that every Asian repay the reparations they received.

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