Rep. Tulsi Gabbard Smokes CNN Shill: 'US Is Funding Terrorists' in Syria (Video)

The more I hear her, the more I like her... A Democrat with common sense very rare
Rep. Tulsi Gabbard Smokes CNN Shill: 'US Is Funding Terrorists' in Syria (Video)
Desperado, I did not click any links on your "Russia Insider" news to listen to the "Chutzpah News Network" (is that an anti-semitic slam?) video because I do not want them 'cookie-ing' me. Do you have any other source to back up this claim of America funding terrorists in Syria? I'm sorry to admit that I don't know if there are any good guys in Syria. I know Assad, backed by our new BFF Putin, is not a good guy, but what about the rebels, insurgents, whatever? There have been calls to arm them, and even a few to send some 'boots', but if they win, will they be any better than Assad? Will they turn on us? Does this woman know what she is talking about? Who IS she?
Kind of old news, re the Obama administration's arming of 'rebels' in Syria, Libya, and of course putting the Iranian nuclear program on steroids and upgrading their missile delivery systems. All of this has blown up in their faces, naturally, since they're stupid and dumber than rocks, which makes it all the more hilarious when they now try to smear Trumps appointees as 'having no experience n Stuff', as if they themselves ever had any worth bragging about.
The more I hear her, the more I like her... A Democrat with common sense very rare
Rep. Tulsi Gabbard Smokes CNN Shill: 'US Is Funding Terrorists' in Syria (Video)
Desperado, I did not click any links on your "Russia Insider" news to listen to the "Chutzpah News Network" (is that an anti-semitic slam?) video because I do not want them 'cookie-ing' me. Do you have any other source to back up this claim of America funding terrorists in Syria? I'm sorry to admit that I don't know if there are any good guys in Syria. I know Assad, backed by our new BFF Putin, is not a good guy, but what about the rebels, insurgents, whatever? There have been calls to arm them, and even a few to send some 'boots', but if they win, will they be any better than Assad? Will they turn on us? Does this woman know what she is talking about? Who IS she?

You don't know how to get rid of cookies and the like???

getting rid of super cookies - Yahoo Search Results
The more I hear her, the more I like her... A Democrat with common sense very rare
Rep. Tulsi Gabbard Smokes CNN Shill: 'US Is Funding Terrorists' in Syria (Video)
Desperado, I did not click any links on your "Russia Insider" news to listen to the "Chutzpah News Network" (is that an anti-semitic slam?) video because I do not want them 'cookie-ing' me. Do you have any other source to back up this claim of America funding terrorists in Syria? I'm sorry to admit that I don't know if there are any good guys in Syria. I know Assad, backed by our new BFF Putin, is not a good guy, but what about the rebels, insurgents, whatever? There have been calls to arm them, and even a few to send some 'boots', but if they win, will they be any better than Assad? Will they turn on us? Does this woman know what she is talking about? Who IS she?

So you dont know how to remove cookies?
Jesus,your computer must be riddled with them.
Do you know what Chutzpah even means?
The more I hear her, the more I like her... A Democrat with common sense very rare
Rep. Tulsi Gabbard Smokes CNN Shill: 'US Is Funding Terrorists' in Syria (Video)
Desperado, I did not click any links on your "Russia Insider" news to listen to the "Chutzpah News Network" (is that an anti-semitic slam?) video because I do not want them 'cookie-ing' me. Do you have any other source to back up this claim of America funding terrorists in Syria? I'm sorry to admit that I don't know if there are any good guys in Syria. I know Assad, backed by our new BFF Putin, is not a good guy, but what about the rebels, insurgents, whatever? There have been calls to arm them, and even a few to send some 'boots', but if they win, will they be any better than Assad? Will they turn on us? Does this woman know what she is talking about? Who IS she?
Here is the you tube link to the CNN video


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TRUMP WAS RIGHT! Congresswoman Just Confirmed America’s Worst Nightmare on Live TV!

Congresswoman Tulsi Gabbard is an Iraq war veteran and an Army Captain who has finally had ENOUGH of Obama and just EXPOSED him on life TV…. AND SHE’S A DEMOCRAT!

Gabbard went on Tucker Carlson about Obama and ISIS and she confirmed America’s worst nightmare!

(Scroll down to see Video and Announcement)


Here is Tucker’s exchange with Congresswoman Gabbard: (Video Below)

Tucker: The average American, you, me, are not allowed to send weapons to terror groups.

Rep. Gabbard: We would be thrown in jail

Tucker: But the U.S. government, as a matter of policy, arms and aides these groups?

Rep. Gabbard: This is the problem tucker, is that… there’s a double standard here… For years now, our government, working with countries like Saudi Arabia, turkey and Quatar, have been through the CIA, quietly arming and supporting these groups that are directly working with groups like Al quada and ISIS. All in this effort to overthrow the Syrian government.

Rep. Gabbard: They have ben funneling support through countries like Saudi Arabia, and others, who are also directly supporting these groups.

Rep. Gabbard: This is MADNESS that this has been allowed to occur for so long. and MADNESS that we have allowed the devastating consequences to occur as a result, without checking it.

Gabbard went on to describe her new bill that will stop Obama’s SICK policies. It is called the “Stop Arming Terrorists” act and she is urging Americans to tell their Reps about it!




TRUMP WAS RIGHT! Congresswoman Just Confirmed America's Worst Nightmare on Live TV!


i propose a trade: John McCain becomes a Democrat and Tulsi Gabbard becomes a Republican...
Works for me!
She needs to be involved in the Trump administration in some degree!

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