Rep. Louie Gohmert, (Republican, schizophrenic)


Platinum Member
Jul 20, 2011
Don't harsh my zen, Jen!
Did you know that President Obama’s jobs bill is really a covert effort to destroy marriage in America!! You didn’t? Well you’re obviously not listening to the paranoid, delusional thinking of some of those wise Texas politicians who are quite sure they are more in touch with God and the truth than anyone else.

Rep. Louie Gohmert, (Republican, schizophrenic) announced on the floor of the United States Congress this past Tuesday, that he is sure, that President Obama’s jobs bill is actually part of covert effort to destroy marriage in America? How? Gohmert knows something about the bill that not another living soul can verify, the jobs bill provides tax credits to unmarried couples that married people don’t have.

And please don’t mention to the congressman that the vast majority of unmarried couples in this country are heterosexual. He is quite sure they are all gay. After all, didn’t the President promote his jobs bill last week when he spoke to the homo-group in New York?

Republican Congressman Says Obama’s Jobs Bill Is Really An Effort to Destroy Marriage in America | Addicting Info

:eusa_shhh: Don't say anything. He probably thinks he's normal. :eusa_shhh:

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Yes, it most assuredly would.

I wonder how it would work, though? Like, my sister's partner won't carry her on her insurance, because she "doesn't want anybody at work to know" she's gay. Honey? They've seen you. Believe me. They know.

Any rate. How would a 'couple' qualify? These two have been living together going on 20 years. Good enough?
Yes, it most assuredly would.

I wonder how it would work, though? Like, my sister's partner won't carry her on her insurance, because she "doesn't want anybody at work to know" she's gay. Honey? They've seen you. Believe me. They know.

Any rate. How would a 'couple' qualify? These two have been living together going on 20 years. Good enough?

Having a Domestic Partner registry is one way. That is all that is required for me to have my partner on my work insurance and for there to be granted married tax breaks in California.
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There are, FA. Or are you another who refused to watch the speech, because the President never says anything new.

How does the infrastructure get worked on without jobs. Hmm? Just to name ONE of the very many points.
There are, FA. Or are you another who refused to watch the speech, because the President never says anything new.

How does the infrastructure get worked on without jobs. Hmm? Just to name ONE of the very many points.

Allow me to answer for the fringe. The infrastructure is necessary for commerce. If the government would only get out of the way, private business, especially small business would hire contractors to built roads, keep the electricity flowing, police the streets and provide fire protection. Each small business would have a clinic with a doctor to provide emergency treatment to their customers - of course their employees would need to hire their own - and if attacked by the forces of Islam or those damn commies, the militias they privately formed would defend America.

It's really that simple (I love that phrase, so I steal it!).
Check out this comment on the article from the link:
Simply because I am opposed to the Republican Party & think that they are despicable with their support of Corporate America, it in no way means that I do not believe in God or that I am pro-gay. Your site has many great ideas, but you seem to think that we people who support the President’s leadership all support gay marriage & abortion & are not Christians. This is in no way true. This country seriously needs a 3rd Party to step up for the silent majority, the many, middle America willing to compromise & let the voters decide.
What's this? Liberals who are NOT pro-gay? Say it aint so! :lol:
The jobs bill is a piece of shit like the libs that put it together and the ones here defending it.

Shit makes shit, go figure.
It sure would be nice if it WAS in the jobs bill...

It would be nice if there were jobs in the jobs bill.......

There are.

Obama Jobs Plan Prevents 2012 Recession in Survey of Economists

Thanks for the link. Since you posted it, I would encourage you to use the language in the amendment and start a thread to poll which members of the USMB support the effort.

I singed the petition; it appears to be the only way to prevent our Republic from becoming an oligarch of the rich, i.e. a plutocracy, if we are not already one.
It would be nice if there were jobs in the jobs bill.......

There are.

Obama Jobs Plan Prevents 2012 Recession in Survey of Economists

Thanks for the link. Since you posted it, I would encourage you to use the language in the amendment and start a thread to poll which members of the USMB support the effort.

I singed the petition; it appears to be the only way to prevent our Republic from becoming an oligarch of the rich, i.e. a plutocracy, if we are not already one.

There have already been a couple of threads on the "Get the Money Out" campaign. There didn't seem to be a lot of support from the more conservative posters on this board.
There are, FA. Or are you another who refused to watch the speech, because the President never says anything new.

How does the infrastructure get worked on without jobs. Hmm? Just to name ONE of the very many points.

Why would I watch a speech from the blowhard in the white house? Hes lied on too many occasions to count.

Now address the statement.

It would be nice if there were jobs in the jobs bill.

You know something that isnt temporary, something that isnt a party based payoff.
The jobs bill is a piece of shit like the libs that put it together and the ones here defending it.

Shit makes shit, go figure.

Look at ANY poll across the country and the number one problem facing this country, according to its citizens, is JOBS.

President Obama has put forth a plan for job creation...which according to economists will do just that. Where is an alternative from ANY law maker? Where is the Republican jobs plan? I can tell you that a lot of Republican ideas are in the President's job plan, but that's inconvenient for Republicans. They've agreed to go against ANYTHING this president proposes...even if it is THEIR idea.
Let's see...

Obamination spent billions before on his "job plans" but the economy still flounders, but of course it will work this time.

Meanwhile his Czars and regulators are making life hard on companies going after them over unions, carbon emissions, etc but you can't figure out why the companies are afraid to expand business in this hostile climate.

Oh, let's not forget the constant threats from Obamination to increase the world's highest tax rate on companies even higher to pay for his scams.

We can also move on to Obamacare costing jobs because increased costs on companies means they hire less people or in some cases lay off people to pay the bills you idiots have forced upon them.

So now you see why actual Economics graduates like me say you and Obamination are full of shit (see Solyndra).

The jobs bill is a piece of shit like the libs that put it together and the ones here defending it.

Shit makes shit, go figure.

Look at ANY poll across the country and the number one problem facing this country, according to its citizens, is JOBS.

President Obama has put forth a plan for job creation...which according to economists will do just that. Where is an alternative from ANY law maker? Where is the Republican jobs plan? I can tell you that a lot of Republican ideas are in the President's job plan, but that's inconvenient for Republicans. They've agreed to go against ANYTHING this president proposes...even if it is THEIR idea.
Let's see...

Obamination spent billions before on his "job plans" but the economy still flounders, but of course it will work this time.

Meanwhile his Czars and regulators are making life hard on companies going after them over unions, carbon emissions, etc but you can't figure out why the companies are afraid to expand business in this hostile climate.

Oh, let's not forget the constant threats from Obamination to increase the world's highest tax rate on companies even higher to pay for his scams.

We can also move on to Obamacare costing jobs because increased costs on companies means they hire less people or in some cases lay off people to pay the bills you idiots have forced upon them.

So now you see why actual Economics graduates like me say you and Obamination are full of shit (see Solyndra).

The jobs bill is a piece of shit like the libs that put it together and the ones here defending it.

Shit makes shit, go figure.

Look at ANY poll across the country and the number one problem facing this country, according to its citizens, is JOBS.

President Obama has put forth a plan for job creation...which according to economists will do just that. Where is an alternative from ANY law maker? Where is the Republican jobs plan? I can tell you that a lot of Republican ideas are in the President's job plan, but that's inconvenient for Republicans. They've agreed to go against ANYTHING this president proposes...even if it is THEIR idea.

Anyone can CLAIM to be anything on an anonymous message board. Your use of language, vocabulary and syntax, suggests maybe a high school diploma.
Typical dumbass lib, you didn't try to pick apart what I said, instead you made up bullshit claiming I only graduated from HS.

Please tell us how raising the highest corporate Tax rate in the world increases business in this country.

Please tell how Obamination's regulators chasing down every claim against "big business" and threatening fines, lawsuits, etc helps the economy.

Please tell how forcing employers to insure their employees makes them hire more people or even keep people on the payroll.

Come on dumbass, try it for once in your pathetic life.

Let's see...

Obamination spent billions before on his "job plans" but the economy still flounders, but of course it will work this time.

Meanwhile his Czars and regulators are making life hard on companies going after them over unions, carbon emissions, etc but you can't figure out why the companies are afraid to expand business in this hostile climate.

Oh, let's not forget the constant threats from Obamination to increase the world's highest tax rate on companies even higher to pay for his scams.

We can also move on to Obamacare costing jobs because increased costs on companies means they hire less people or in some cases lay off people to pay the bills you idiots have forced upon them.

So now you see why actual Economics graduates like me say you and Obamination are full of shit (see Solyndra).

Look at ANY poll across the country and the number one problem facing this country, according to its citizens, is JOBS.

President Obama has put forth a plan for job creation...which according to economists will do just that. Where is an alternative from ANY law maker? Where is the Republican jobs plan? I can tell you that a lot of Republican ideas are in the President's job plan, but that's inconvenient for Republicans. They've agreed to go against ANYTHING this president proposes...even if it is THEIR idea.

Anyone can CLAIM to be anything on an anonymous message board. Your use of language, vocabulary and syntax, suggests maybe a high school diploma.
Did you know that President Obama’s jobs bill is really a covert effort to destroy marriage in America!! You didn’t? Well you’re obviously not listening to the paranoid, delusional thinking of some of those wise Texas politicians who are quite sure they are more in touch with God and the truth than anyone else.

Rep. Louie Gohmert, (Republican, schizophrenic) announced on the floor of the United States Congress this past Tuesday, that he is sure, that President Obama’s jobs bill is actually part of covert effort to destroy marriage in America? How? Gohmert knows something about the bill that not another living soul can verify, the jobs bill provides tax credits to unmarried couples that married people don’t have.

And please don’t mention to the congressman that the vast majority of unmarried couples in this country are heterosexual. He is quite sure they are all gay. After all, didn’t the President promote his jobs bill last week when he spoke to the homo-group in New York?

Republican Congressman Says Obama’s Jobs Bill Is Really An Effort to Destroy Marriage in America | Addicting Info

:eusa_shhh: Don't say anything. He probably thinks he's normal. :eusa_shhh:


A blog, from a site called Addicting Info... and you wonder why no one takes you seriously?

Addicting Info started as a resource to discredit all the lies and propaganda that the right-wing spreads.
yup. Completely non-partisan site you found there.
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