Reopen 911 Inquiry Into Saudi Financing Sources


Diamond Member
Dec 27, 2009
Los Angeles, California
A former US Senator who served as co-chair for the Congressional Joint Inquiry into 9/11 is calling for a new investigation into who paid for the terror attacks of 9/11/2001. In the following interview with TRNN's Paul Jay, Graham lays out the Saudi connection and why he believes it has never been fully investigated, starting with twelve year-old NSA transcripts:

"JAY: You're not concerned this same culture of protecting the Saudis might have acted like a filter there as well. I mean, if the NSA did have anything that implicated the Saudis, if there was a culture had been created not to implicate the Saudis, then maybe they wouldn't have been so forthcoming.

"GRAHAM: In a way, that question causes me to wish that we could turn the clock back to 2001 and 2002 and go into that issue. Assumedly, the NSA has maintained the records from that time period. And maybe even 12 years after the fact, there would still be the opportunity to find out what was known through intercepts about the plot.

"JAY: So that leads me to something you've said several times, that you think this should all be reopened, there needs to be another inquiry. So, I mean, if there was another inquiry, what are a few of the most pressing questions or lines of inquiry that should be followed?

"GRAHAM: I think the basic questions are: was there one or more entities that were assisting the 19 hijackers? Or were they in fact acting alone? Since most of the questions about support have focused on the Saudis--specifically, what do we know or can we learn about the extent of Saudi involvement? Was it limited to San Diego? Or was it more broadcast in terms of its impact? And then why would the Saudis have taken this action? We discussed earlier some of the possible reasons. And then finally, why did the United States go to such lengths to disguise, to conceal the Saudi involvement or the involvement of any other outside force to assist the 19 hijackers? What was the U.S. interest in withholding this from the American people?"

Anybody think the NSA might have records that would shed some light on this issue?

The 9/11 Conspiracy: Did Bush/Cheney Create a Culture of Not Wanting to Know? - Sen. Bob Graham on Reality Asserts Itself pt4
Now would be a politically opportune time to do so. Pound per pound Saudi is most vile country in the ME and now they want nukes and I think they had their filthy paws all over 911 personally.
"JAY: It seems to me--I know you can't or may not agree with what I'm saying, but there seems to be a pattern of a culture being created to stop inquiry into possible terrorist attacks. So, Senator Graham, there was a documentary made about Richard Clarke, and we did a story about this, where Clarke says that information about the two al-Qaeda operatives that are living in this house that you talked about earlier, with the Saudi elderly man, who was apparently an FBI informant, Clarke said he didn't know anything about this at the time, and he should have, because both the FBI knew and the CIA knew and nobody told him. And here's a little clip in this documentary of him saying that.
"RICHARD CLARKE, FMR. CHIEF COUNTER-TERRORISM ADVISER ON THE NATIONAL SECURITY COUNCIL: You have to intentionally stop it. You have to intervene and say, no, I don't want that report to go. And I never got a report to that effect.
If there was a decision made to stop normal distribution with regard to this case, then people like Tom Wilshire would have known that.

"JAY: So, Senator Graham, that's kind of an alarming thing for Richard Clarke to say. The counterterrorism czar is saying that critical information, it was deliberately kept from him.

"GRAHAM: Well, he wasn't the only one it was kept from. The first thing that we did when we started our congressional investigation in late 2000, 2001 was to ask all the agencies to hold any information materials they had relevant to al-Qaeda and the 9/11 attack and that we would be asking for that as appropriate. We assumed that the agencies had complied with that.
It wasn't until the summer of 2002, more than halfway through our investigation, that we discovered that there was information in the office of the San Diego FBI about the two hijackers..."

The 9/11 Conspiracy: Did Bush/Cheney Create a Culture of Not Wanting to Know? - Sen. Bob Graham on Reality Asserts Itself pt4
And the reason this shouldn't be moved to conspiracy theory is because it's not a theory. A conspiracy took place on 911 mostly by Saudi nationals. That's a conspiracy and not a theory. What was the only plane left in the air on 911? Who was on it?
Now would be a politically opportune time to do so. Pound per pound Saudi is most vile country in the ME and now they want nukes and I think they had their filthy paws all over 911 personally.
Agreed. It will be much easier to find the answers to the sort of questions Graham is posing if we don't wait until all the Principals are dead. Dick and Dubya on CSPAN under OATH...
Now would be a politically opportune time to do so. Pound per pound Saudi is most vile country in the ME and now they want nukes and I think they had their filthy paws all over 911 personally.

Why bother, we know it was financed with Saudi money, killers were mostly Saudi outcasts. There will likely be no President in the near future that sucks up to the Saudis the way Baby Bush did.
Now would be a politically opportune time to do so. Pound per pound Saudi is most vile country in the ME and now they want nukes and I think they had their filthy paws all over 911 personally.

Why bother, we know it was financed with Saudi money, killers were mostly Saudi outcasts. There will likely be no President in the near future that sucks up to the Saudis the way Baby Bush did.
One of Graham's principle requests concerns the redaction of 28 pages of his committee's report dealing with who paid the 15 "outcasts" to perform on 911. Those pages are still being withheld from US taxpayers twelve years after they were first written. Do you think those redacted pages should be made available to those who paid for Graham's labors?
A former US Senator who served as co-chair for the Congressional Joint Inquiry into 9/11 is calling for a new investigation into who paid for the terror attacks of 9/11/2001. In the following interview with TRNN's Paul Jay, Graham lays out the Saudi connection and why he believes it has never been fully investigated, starting with twelve year-old NSA transcripts:

"JAY: You're not concerned this same culture of protecting the Saudis might have acted like a filter there as well. I mean, if the NSA did have anything that implicated the Saudis, if there was a culture had been created not to implicate the Saudis, then maybe they wouldn't have been so forthcoming.

"GRAHAM: In a way, that question causes me to wish that we could turn the clock back to 2001 and 2002 and go into that issue. Assumedly, the NSA has maintained the records from that time period. And maybe even 12 years after the fact, there would still be the opportunity to find out what was known through intercepts about the plot.

"JAY: So that leads me to something you've said several times, that you think this should all be reopened, there needs to be another inquiry. So, I mean, if there was another inquiry, what are a few of the most pressing questions or lines of inquiry that should be followed?

"GRAHAM: I think the basic questions are: was there one or more entities that were assisting the 19 hijackers? Or were they in fact acting alone? Since most of the questions about support have focused on the Saudis--specifically, what do we know or can we learn about the extent of Saudi involvement? Was it limited to San Diego? Or was it more broadcast in terms of its impact? And then why would the Saudis have taken this action? We discussed earlier some of the possible reasons. And then finally, why did the United States go to such lengths to disguise, to conceal the Saudi involvement or the involvement of any other outside force to assist the 19 hijackers? What was the U.S. interest in withholding this from the American people?"

Anybody think the NSA might have records that would shed some light on this issue?

The 9/11 Conspiracy: Did Bush/Cheney Create a Culture of Not Wanting to Know? - Sen. Bob Graham on Reality Asserts Itself pt4


Would be excellent.

It's about time we get to see what pieces of shit the Saudis actually are..
A former US Senator who served as co-chair for the Congressional Joint Inquiry into 9/11 is calling for a new investigation into who paid for the terror attacks of 9/11/2001. In the following interview with TRNN's Paul Jay, Graham lays out the Saudi connection and why he believes it has never been fully investigated, starting with twelve year-old NSA transcripts:

"JAY: You're not concerned this same culture of protecting the Saudis might have acted like a filter there as well. I mean, if the NSA did have anything that implicated the Saudis, if there was a culture had been created not to implicate the Saudis, then maybe they wouldn't have been so forthcoming.

"GRAHAM: In a way, that question causes me to wish that we could turn the clock back to 2001 and 2002 and go into that issue. Assumedly, the NSA has maintained the records from that time period. And maybe even 12 years after the fact, there would still be the opportunity to find out what was known through intercepts about the plot.

"JAY: So that leads me to something you've said several times, that you think this should all be reopened, there needs to be another inquiry. So, I mean, if there was another inquiry, what are a few of the most pressing questions or lines of inquiry that should be followed?

"GRAHAM: I think the basic questions are: was there one or more entities that were assisting the 19 hijackers? Or were they in fact acting alone? Since most of the questions about support have focused on the Saudis--specifically, what do we know or can we learn about the extent of Saudi involvement? Was it limited to San Diego? Or was it more broadcast in terms of its impact? And then why would the Saudis have taken this action? We discussed earlier some of the possible reasons. And then finally, why did the United States go to such lengths to disguise, to conceal the Saudi involvement or the involvement of any other outside force to assist the 19 hijackers? What was the U.S. interest in withholding this from the American people?"

Anybody think the NSA might have records that would shed some light on this issue?

The 9/11 Conspiracy: Did Bush/Cheney Create a Culture of Not Wanting to Know? - Sen. Bob Graham on Reality Asserts Itself pt4


Would be excellent.

It's about time we get to see what pieces of shit the Saudis actually are..
It would be excellent, indeed; however, it would seemingly require a massive groundswell of public opinion to transcend widespread governmental inertia.

From June 2009:

"Documents gathered by lawyers for the families of Sept. 11 victims provide new evidence of extensive financial support for Al Qaeda and other extremist groups by members of the Saudi royal family, but the material may never find its way into court because of legal and diplomatic obstacles.

"The case has put the Obama administration in the middle of a political and legal dispute, with the Justice Department siding with the Saudis in court last month in seeking to kill further legal action.

"Adding to the intrigue, classified American intelligence documents related to Saudi finances were leaked anonymously to lawyers for the families.

"The Justice Department had the lawyers’ copies destroyed and now wants to prevent a judge from even looking at the material.

"The Saudis and their defenders in Washington have long denied links to terrorists, and they have mounted an aggressive and, so far, successful campaign to beat back the allegations in federal court based on a claim of sovereign immunity."

Given the extent of the Royal Family in Saudi Arabia, sovereign immunity might apply to any and all "charitable donations" by thousands of Saudi princes to jihad and 911.

"Even if the 9/11 families were to get their trial in the lawsuit, they might have difficulty getting some of their new material into evidence. Some would most likely be challenged on grounds it was irrelevant or uncorroborated hearsay, or that it related to Saudis who were clearly covered by sovereign immunity.

"And if the families were to clear those hurdles, two intriguing pieces of evidence in the Saudi puzzle might still remain off limits.

"One is a 28-page, classified section of the 2003 joint Congressional inquiry into the Sept. 11 attacks. The secret section is believed to discuss intelligence on Saudi financial links to two hijackers, and the Saudis themselves urged at the time that it be made public. President George W. Bush declined to do so.

"Kristen Breitweiser, an advocate for Sept. 11 families, whose husband was killed in the World Trade Center, said in an interview that during a White House meeting in February between President Obama and victims’ families, the president told her that he was willing to make the pages public.

"But she said she had not heard from the White House since then."
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