Renewable Energy Will Be Consistently Cheaper Than Fossil Fuels By 2020

How do you fly an airplane with solar energy?

Asking for a friend.

Don't take the red-eye.

do you remember how expensive cell phones were when they came out compared to now??

And do you remember the government mandating their use? Yeah, me neither. Amazingly enough technologies that are truly revolutionary SELL THEMSELVES!

Hey Westwall----------------> if someone produces an energy source CHEAPER than the one we have, you gonna ignore it?

Me either! I will buy it INSTANTLY!

So Leftists, produce it! Invest! Put your money where your mouth is! Become wealthy, so you can give your wealth away! (I wanna see that)

We are ALL IN if you can do it. You are soooooooo smart, we know you can do it yesterday!

OK, where is it, lololololol!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!

that kinda chickensht isnt it??

"youre in as long as someone else does it" what a putz

and just so you know since your brain isnt working, solar has been advancing for decades

We ARE WIATING for YOU to give us cheaper energy! Do it, and we are all on board.

If you can't do it, then STFU!

what a lazy sit on your ass while others do the work
What would you want him to do? Force him to reach into his savings and help fund the development of it?
You know what that's called, comrade?
Give me a break! If you don't know what to show us, then why post in this thread?

It is YOUR position that today, right now, renewable energy is/can/will be cheaper.

OK, we are all ears! Show us, because we want in too.

cheaper than what???

I aint no prophet

what I did say was like all tech as time goes by it gets better and cheaper...give it time

and when fossil fuels run out cheaper is kinda irrelevant isnt it???

and since I dont know how old you are I cant say you will be alive to see that day,,,I sure wont be

Now you see, we can agree on something!

When the lack of fossil fuel makes it MORE expensive the renewable, then renewable will become the dominant force in energy. There is absolutely nothing wrong with that!

Personally, I wish it was yesterday. But that is NOT the case.

I am not an oil man, a coal man, nor even a natural gas person. What I am is a person that wishes for America to have the CHEAPEST source of energy at all times, so as their standard of living continues upwards.

in the mean time it will keep evolving,

whos to know what the next source of power will be, there are several in the making, and if they can figure out how to turn the great pyramids on then all will be solved

and if trumps uncle didnt help the government take and hide all of nichola teslas work that day might have already passed

What? You had me, then you lost me.

Again, I am willing to sing with you, IF, and only IF, you have proof.

If Tesla was stolen by Trump somehow, then sing dude.

I will not dislike you because it appears you hate Trump, but I will ask for you to provide the proof why that is, otherwise...……… my opinion, you are just another brainwashed minion of the MSM...……..and to be honest, I never even heard the MSM address something Trump did to Tesla, which really puts you not only in left field...…….but outside the park trying to catch homeruns. Good luck with that!

you didnt know trumps uncle was the scientist that went through teslas papers for the governemnt after he died???

I would provide a link but im new here and it wont let me post links

Did not know that!

Well then, post more so you get access.

I am willing to learn anything; even that which is against my original thoughts. Still, you must PRODUCE!

I will hold judgement until you can, and keep an open mind. That is the FAIR way to do things.

I used to be a Democrat, then turned to Republican/Conservative. My Democratic friends who followed me, before they had the intelligence to do so always asked me why! I always responded with--------------->show me WHY the Left is better!

I will tell you that when they could NOT tell me anything, and in fact turned to my point of view as they got older; it all came down to that old BTO song---------------->"You Ain't Seen Nothing Yet!" And we still haven't!

Sooooooooooo, maybe you will be the 1st on this board to back up your claims.

Let us know when you can post a link!
cheaper than what???

I aint no prophet

what I did say was like all tech as time goes by it gets better and cheaper...give it time

and when fossil fuels run out cheaper is kinda irrelevant isnt it???

and since I dont know how old you are I cant say you will be alive to see that day,,,I sure wont be

Now you see, we can agree on something!

When the lack of fossil fuel makes it MORE expensive the renewable, then renewable will become the dominant force in energy. There is absolutely nothing wrong with that!

Personally, I wish it was yesterday. But that is NOT the case.

I am not an oil man, a coal man, nor even a natural gas person. What I am is a person that wishes for America to have the CHEAPEST source of energy at all times, so as their standard of living continues upwards.

in the mean time it will keep evolving,

whos to know what the next source of power will be, there are several in the making, and if they can figure out how to turn the great pyramids on then all will be solved

and if trumps uncle didnt help the government take and hide all of nichola teslas work that day might have already passed

What? You had me, then you lost me.

Again, I am willing to sing with you, IF, and only IF, you have proof.

If Tesla was stolen by Trump somehow, then sing dude.

I will not dislike you because it appears you hate Trump, but I will ask for you to provide the proof why that is, otherwise...……… my opinion, you are just another brainwashed minion of the MSM...……..and to be honest, I never even heard the MSM address something Trump did to Tesla, which really puts you not only in left field...…….but outside the park trying to catch homeruns. Good luck with that!

you didnt know trumps uncle was the scientist that went through teslas papers for the governemnt after he died???

I would provide a link but im new here and it wont let me post links

Did not know that!

Well then, post more so you get access.

I am willing to learn anything; even that which is against my original thoughts. Still, you must PRODUCE!

I will hold judgement until you can, and keep an open mind. That is the FAIR way to do things.

I used to be a Democrat, then turned to Republican/Conservative. My Democratic friends who followed me, before they had the intelligence to do so always asked me why! I always responded with--------------->show me WHY the Left is better!

I will tell you that when they could NOT tell me anything, and in fact turned to my point of view as they got older; it all came down to that old BTO song---------------->"You Ain't Seen Nothing Yet!" And we still haven't!

Sooooooooooo, maybe you will be the 1st on this board to back up your claims.

Let us know when you can post a link!

well you can take trumps word for it since hes the one that said it,,,or you could just google it

since I learned at a young age how corrupt both partys are I've never been either a dem or republican,,,my stomach couldnt handle it...let alone my soul
How do you fly an airplane with solar energy?

Asking for a friend.

Outside of the long hauls, the Electric Passenger Planes are near to being introduced. They aren't as fast as the Jet Counterpart but, believe it or not, the short haul of 600 miles and shorter, they get there quicker at half the speed. This is why the Turbo Props never died out. But the Electric Plane can get it's power from anywhere.

Montrose Colorado is trying to break it's agreement with their current electric provider. Their current provider only uses coal and nat gas power. The one they want to go to offers them better rates and has a 20% renewable power rating and it gets better every year. Renewables like Wind, Water and Solar are far cheaper and cleaner than the Coal, Oil and Nat Gas plants. While we are not completely off the dependency of the fossil fuels and coal, we are slowly moving to rely on it less.

So the answer to your question is, no you can't at this time. But part of the power to fly it can come from Solar Power when coupled with the new battery power. And with the new batteries on the horizon, it becomes more of a reality. Let's face it, states like New Mexico, Arizona, Texas, Utah are prime movers for solar and wind farms. States like Colorado, Wyoming and Montana are prime movers for Wind. There is one city in Texas (I can't remember the name) that has a zero power rate. For every unit of power they take in, they put back in. And it's a Republican controlled City.

Flights from Denver to Kansas City might well be Electric Passenger Planes one day powered by Solar and Wind Power one day. Flights from one east coast city to another might also be the same using power taken from wave generators from the ocean. The only real thing blocking seriously going this route is the billions of petro dollars that lobbiest are investing in our Bought and Paid for Politicians.
How do you fly an airplane with solar energy?

Asking for a friend.
ask the richest country on earth

Norway aims for all short-haul flights to be 100% electric by 2040 ...

Jan 18, 2018 - All of Norway's short-haul airliners should be entirely electric by 2040, the ..... But you are right about the potential for solar-powered airplanes.

"AIMS" is a long way from "doing". You need to learn the difference.
Better than tripling down on dirty subsidized power that kills us and our necessary environment. Youd have to be an absolute fool to think fossil fuels are our future.

Better than tripling down on dirty subsidized power

Dirty and subsidized? You mean solar?
Now you see, we can agree on something!

When the lack of fossil fuel makes it MORE expensive the renewable, then renewable will become the dominant force in energy. There is absolutely nothing wrong with that!

Personally, I wish it was yesterday. But that is NOT the case.

I am not an oil man, a coal man, nor even a natural gas person. What I am is a person that wishes for America to have the CHEAPEST source of energy at all times, so as their standard of living continues upwards.

in the mean time it will keep evolving,

whos to know what the next source of power will be, there are several in the making, and if they can figure out how to turn the great pyramids on then all will be solved

and if trumps uncle didnt help the government take and hide all of nichola teslas work that day might have already passed

What? You had me, then you lost me.

Again, I am willing to sing with you, IF, and only IF, you have proof.

If Tesla was stolen by Trump somehow, then sing dude.

I will not dislike you because it appears you hate Trump, but I will ask for you to provide the proof why that is, otherwise...……… my opinion, you are just another brainwashed minion of the MSM...……..and to be honest, I never even heard the MSM address something Trump did to Tesla, which really puts you not only in left field...…….but outside the park trying to catch homeruns. Good luck with that!

you didnt know trumps uncle was the scientist that went through teslas papers for the governemnt after he died???

I would provide a link but im new here and it wont let me post links

Did not know that!

Well then, post more so you get access.

I am willing to learn anything; even that which is against my original thoughts. Still, you must PRODUCE!

I will hold judgement until you can, and keep an open mind. That is the FAIR way to do things.

I used to be a Democrat, then turned to Republican/Conservative. My Democratic friends who followed me, before they had the intelligence to do so always asked me why! I always responded with--------------->show me WHY the Left is better!

I will tell you that when they could NOT tell me anything, and in fact turned to my point of view as they got older; it all came down to that old BTO song---------------->"You Ain't Seen Nothing Yet!" And we still haven't!

Sooooooooooo, maybe you will be the 1st on this board to back up your claims.

Let us know when you can post a link!

well you can take trumps word for it since hes the one that said it,,,or you could just google it

since I learned at a young age how corrupt both partys are I've never been either a dem or republican,,,my stomach couldnt handle it...let alone my soul

My friend, that is the wrong attitude, and I say that sincerely!

What would you rather do if you had to---------->cut off your arm or your leg? You must have a preference.

What you choose NOT to be cut off, is what you have to vote for. It is just, that, simple.

People always say to me, "there are no good choices."

Agreed in many instances; but there are always "less bad" choices.

You would probably vote opposite of me, but that is ok! I would rather people like you vote and be involved, and then pay attention for the next vote, then just sit idly by waiting for someone to save you. THAT IS NOT GOING TO HAPPEN!

Listen----------->we have to save ourselves, this country, and our children and grandchildren. At least you really care and are passionate, and that is all we can ask from a voter.

You and I may not agree, but that is ok. If I was forced to war and had to share a foxhole that had to be defended, I would have no problem with you...……..and that is an honor one person can give to another. We don't have to agree...… fact we can agree to disagree...…...but at least I have confidence that WE are fighting for the same thing...…..our right to do so!

Have a great evening!
How do you fly an airplane with solar energy?

Asking for a friend.
Let's burn the witches like they did with middle age scientists!

Maybe you should take a look outside and see how fast and far we've come. Anything is possible in 20 years. We should kill the oil tycoon subsidies and shift it to new energy tech. Planes will be what they are until new technology becomes feasible. Oh heavens no, right?

Addressing OP. If we suddenly killed fossil, how is the airline industry going to survive.

If we create and establish planes that run on renewable energy, I am all for it.

Let’s be sure to keep the horse in front of the cart.
Horse powered planes. Genius. Bring back the horse jobs! Maga
it means end of states gas-stations : KSA, "Russia", all Gulf states , etc. how our world without states gas-stations will be look like?

Renewable Energy Will Be Consistently Cheaper Than Fossil Fuels By 2020,
The organisation – which has more than 150 member countries – says the cost of generating power from onshore wind has fallen by around 23% since 2010 while the cost of solar photovoltaic (PV) electricity has fallen by 73% in that time. With further price falls expected for these and other green energy options, IRENA says all renewable energy technologies should be competitive on price with fossil fuels by 2020.Globally, onshore wind schemes are now costing an average of $0.06 per kilowatt hour (kWh), although some schemes are coming in at $0.04 per KwH, while the cost of solar PV is down to $0.10 per KwH. In comparison, the cost of electricity generation based on fossil fuels typically falls in a range of $0.05 to $0.17 per KwH.
Renewable Energy Will Be Consistently Cheaper Than Fossil Fuels By 2020, Report Claims

The only way that will happen is by government adding exorbitant taxes to fossil fuels to make it so. Here is the IPCC laying out their case for a 240 dollar per gallon gas tax. When you have governments doing this sort of nonsense, then yeah, you can make renewables "viable". But only by cheating.

Yeah, it isn't that high in France and see how it's working for them.

How do you fly an airplane with solar energy?

Asking for a friend.
ask the richest country on earth

Norway aims for all short-haul flights to be 100% electric by 2040 ...

Jan 18, 2018 - All of Norway's short-haul airliners should be entirely electric by 2040, the ..... But you are right about the potential for solar-powered airplanes.

"AIMS" is a long way from "doing". You need to learn the difference.
Better than tripling down on dirty subsidized power that kills us and our necessary environment. Youd have to be an absolute fool to think fossil fuels are our future.

Better than tripling down on dirty subsidized power

Dirty and subsidized? You mean solar?
No I mean coal and oil. They win the awful prize a thousand times over. Coal ash kills. Crude oil kills. The gulf of Mexico is a disaster zone.
How do you fly an airplane with solar energy?

Asking for a friend.
ask the richest country on earth

Norway aims for all short-haul flights to be 100% electric by 2040 ...

Jan 18, 2018 - All of Norway's short-haul airliners should be entirely electric by 2040, the ..... But you are right about the potential for solar-powered airplanes.

"AIMS" is a long way from "doing". You need to learn the difference.
Better than tripling down on dirty subsidized power that kills us and our necessary environment. Youd have to be an absolute fool to think fossil fuels are our future.

Better than tripling down on dirty subsidized power

Dirty and subsidized? You mean solar?
No I mean coal and oil. They win the awful prize a thousand times over. Coal ash kills. Crude oil kills. The gulf of Mexico is a disaster zone.

No I mean coal and oil.

Coal and oil aren't subsidized, they tax the shit out of them.
Renewable Energy Will Be Consistently Cheaper Than Fossil Fuels By 2020, Report Claims

This would be wonderful, but it's too optimistic. On the other hand, even if it's off by a few years, that would STILL be great.

Of course, being the short-sighted creatures that we are, we're not preparing for this at all from a jobs perspective.

Something this complicated would require creativity, collaboration and innovation, and we have lost those skills.
Last edited:
ask the richest country on earth

Norway aims for all short-haul flights to be 100% electric by 2040 ...

Jan 18, 2018 - All of Norway's short-haul airliners should be entirely electric by 2040, the ..... But you are right about the potential for solar-powered airplanes.

"AIMS" is a long way from "doing". You need to learn the difference.
Better than tripling down on dirty subsidized power that kills us and our necessary environment. Youd have to be an absolute fool to think fossil fuels are our future.

Better than tripling down on dirty subsidized power

Dirty and subsidized? You mean solar?
No I mean coal and oil. They win the awful prize a thousand times over. Coal ash kills. Crude oil kills. The gulf of Mexico is a disaster zone.

No I mean coal and oil.

Coal and oil aren't subsidized, they tax the shit out of them.
They are both subsidized and taxed. It's weird and I'm not sure why off hand. I read that theres a 20b a year mostly direct subsidy and a 200b a year estimated indirect subsidy. My guess is that the extractors and processors get the benefit of the subsidies to keep supply and prices in check at state and federal level then the states go and assess a consumption tax at the pos.
"AIMS" is a long way from "doing". You need to learn the difference.
Better than tripling down on dirty subsidized power that kills us and our necessary environment. Youd have to be an absolute fool to think fossil fuels are our future.

Better than tripling down on dirty subsidized power

Dirty and subsidized? You mean solar?
No I mean coal and oil. They win the awful prize a thousand times over. Coal ash kills. Crude oil kills. The gulf of Mexico is a disaster zone.

No I mean coal and oil.

Coal and oil aren't subsidized, they tax the shit out of them.
They are both subsidized and taxed. It's weird and I'm not sure why off hand. I read that theres a 20b a year mostly direct subsidy and a 200b a year estimated indirect subsidy. My guess is that the extractors and processors get the benefit of the subsidies to keep supply and prices in check at state and federal level then the states go and assess a consumption tax at the pos.

I read that theres a 20b a year mostly direct subsidy and a 200b a year estimated indirect subsidy.

When 3rd world countries subsidize fuel for their citizens, that does nothing to help US producers who are heavily taxed.
How do you fly an airplane with solar energy?

Asking for a friend.
Ion-powered aircraft flies with no moving parts
Cool beans, moon.

Not going to be real useful for anything other than what you see there. Ion Power is very low powered. It's best suited for outspace where it can take very little resources, do a very slow and gentle push for a long period of time reaching some astronomical speeds where the flight will be months and possibly years. NASA is planning on launching one sometime next year headed for Mars and beyond.
How do you fly an airplane with solar energy?

Asking for a friend.
ask the richest country on earth

Norway aims for all short-haul flights to be 100% electric by 2040 ...

Jan 18, 2018 - All of Norway's short-haul airliners should be entirely electric by 2040, the ..... But you are right about the potential for solar-powered airplanes.

Any projection of more than 10 years is people virtue signaling.

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