Reminder: Nearly two-thirds of US young adults unaware 6m Jews murdered in the Holocaust


Diamond Member
Mar 3, 2013
Right coast, classified
Says everything about what’s going on today with the younger generation and the state of public education. Younger generations are just oblivious and blindly follow lies. It’s one reason Democrats want the voting age lowered to 16.

Says everything about what’s going on today with the younger generation and the state of public education. Younger generations are just oblivious and blindly follow lies. It’s one reason Democrats want the voting age lowered to 16.

Teaching history in K-12 either has to be 'sanitized' or it's not taught @ all. The statist left, busy making sure history repeats itself!!!
You missed out the key word , OP .
Allegedly .

How many have been killed so far from deliberate Covid mistreatment and then from the toxic Killer Shots ?
How long before deaths reach that figure and then long term far exceed it ?
When I was in school in the 60's and 70's, we were taught how the Germans killed millions of Jews to provide soap and lampshades for the national socialist economy of Germany and were appalled. As a result, we stood up against the German goosestepping as we understood the danger.
Says everything about what’s going on today with the younger generation and the state of public education. Younger generations are just oblivious and blindly follow lies. It’s one reason Democrats want the voting age lowered to 16.

Like the man said, those who forget the past are doomed to repeat it
Says everything about what’s going on today with the younger generation and the state of public education. Younger generations are just oblivious and blindly follow lies. It’s one reason Democrats want the voting age lowered to 16.

It's truly amazing to watch interviews with college students who don't know simple historical facts. They are so impressionable, which is why teachers from preschool on up to college professors can indoctrinate them so easily.
This reminds me of what my neighbor told me about his public High School son. This didn't apply to my sons because we sent them to private school.

The kid was taking a Senior level course in American History.

They spend three class days discussing WWI to the end of the Cold War. No quiz or class assignments. Just barely mentioned WWII.

They spent three weeks discussing the goddamn Civil Rights movement including quizzes and a class project.

No wonder kids don't know jackshit about anything.
This reminds me of what my neighbor told me about his public High School son. This didn't apply to my sons because we sent them to private school.

The kid was taking a Senior level course in American History.

They spend three class days discussing WWI to the end of the Cold War. No quiz or class assignments. Just barely mentioned WWII.

They spent three weeks discussing the goddamn Civil Rights movement including quizzes and a class project.

No wonder kids don't know jackshit about anything.
Not to mention that they have totally 'redwashed' all education.

There are zero classes k-12 and only electives regarding Marxism, Leninism, and Maoism.
It seems people also did not learn that just as many non-jews were killed by the Germans.

The figure is around 13,000,000 murdered, jews and non-jews
WWII was a shit sandwich for many people, including my mother who lost a brother and a close cousin in the war.

I really feel sorry for the Poles. They really got the bad end of the stick.
You missed out the key word , OP .
Allegedly .

How many have been killed so far from deliberate Covid mistreatment and then from the toxic Killer Shots ?
How long before deaths reach that figure and then long term far exceed it ?
I don't see "allegedly" mentioned. Did I miss it?
Parenthetically, I went to highly rated parochial schools from 1955 through '67, and never got much WWII history for a very practical reason. That time in history was at the end of the textbooks, and we never finished the text. Also, since our teachers had EXPERIENCED WWII, they unwittingly assumed that we just knew about it through our parents (I suppose). I never knew much about that war until I started reading on my own.

As for the Holocaust, I understand why K-12 teachers would gloss over it. It is incomprehensible, and when thinking about it, it is easy to be embarrassed to be a human being, or in many cases, of German ancestry.

Still, the statistic at the top of the OP is shocking and disheartening. Those who don't know history...
Says everything about what’s going on today with the younger generation and the state of public education. Younger generations are just oblivious and blindly follow lies. It’s one reason Democrats want the voting age lowered to 16.

They didn't teach us about the Holocaust in the 1960-1970s in public schools.
Says everything about what’s going on today with the younger generation and the state of public education. Younger generations are just oblivious and blindly follow lies. It’s one reason Democrats want the voting age lowered to 16.

The left has to hide this as much as possible. The national socialists murdered between 15-20 million people.....their crimes were exposed to the rest of the world while the leftists in Russia, and China managed to keep their crimes hidden. So the left wants people to forget as much as possible that after 1917, the worst mass murders in history all happened under the control of leftist governments....

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