Remembrance Of Things Past


Diamond Member
Oct 6, 2008
Brooklyn, NY
We just saw a referendum on traditional values including respect for law, versus a more socialistic nation with an omniscient government.
No President has ever been more a champion of personal and religious liberty than Trump, yet the Wehrmacht….er, Democrats, claim that Americans voted for the very opposite. Simply counter-intuitive.

1.With deepest apologies to Marcel Proust I’ve purloined the title of his work, as it is appropriate to this loss for America. The election was an opportunity to either reaffirm our heritage and birthright, as American citizens, our belief in justice and the values of our Founders, ascendancy of the innocent, or to announce our cynicism and advertise how jaded and accepting of the sort of film noire where the villain walks into the sunset, undeterred….and the claim is that we voted for the latter.

Instead, Americans and whoever else voted, stated that free speech, free exercise of religion, an even-handed press, and an independent judiciary, and even law and order, are no longer necessary, or even of value.
And that is what happened.


2. From the Democrat Debates, I compiled these admissions of their candidates….

The Democrat Party is now running on full-blown anti-white racism, socialism, infanticide, opposition to free speech, substituting illegal alien voters for the American citizenry, support for rioters, arsonists, murderers, and anarchists, and anti-Semitism… the knuckle-dragging, atavistic pagan party.

A number of Democrat voters offered their ‘is not,’ or ‘sez you’….but none have been able to dispute the fact. Yet, this is were they cast their vote.

In their analysis, ridding themselves of Trump, a proven effective President, is worth the loss of our most basic freedoms, and economic capitalism.

A foolish decision.

3. Trump’s alleged loss to Biden is less an individual’s loss than it is the proof that there are not enough Americans to stand up to the forces of evil and of ignorance. Becoming a lawless violent culture is the Third-worlding of America. Criminal culture because the Democrats are criminal and violent.

It was a long time coming….the end of free speech.

End of capitalism.

Rioter are released and the mob is right and police are the villains.

The iron grip on what is laughingly called the law allows Kyle Rittenhouse charged, a St. Louis couple charged for simply defending what they own, and media censorship is favor of the candidate bought and paid for by Communist China.


Proust would have recognized what we have lost.
Bye bye Donnie, time to golf and grab private things once again, oh and will you still lie constantly when no one is around to listen. If a lie is told by a failed president what does it mean given he told over eleven thousand as president. Our Russian troll is happy see link.

And for the reader:

Pointing fingers at media is a interesting tactic and one you see everywhere. It is as old as history. It absolves the person / critic / etc of looking into the whys of the criticism and abandons thought and reasoning to the childish 'no, you are.' At bottom is an excellent article on the whys of Trump and the reasons for those who live in reality and not just finger pointing and grievance. And check out the three N's in piece below, helps explain a lot of the American right, the so called conservative follower of today.

'Communities of Hate Why People Join Extremist Movements'

Trump chants explained.

"What is patriotism? Let us begin with what patriotism is not. It is not patriotic to dodge the draft and to mock war heroes and their families. It is not patriotic to discriminate against active-duty members of the armed forces in one's companies, or to campaign to keep disabled veterans away from one's property. It is not patriotic to compare one's search for sexual partners in New York with the military service in Vietnam that one has dodged. It is not patriotic to avoid paying taxes, especially when American working families do pay. It is not patriotic to ask those working, taxpaying American families to finance one's own presidential campaign, and then to spend their contributions in one's own companies. It is not patriotic to admire foreign dictators. It is not patriotic to cultivate a relationship with Muammar Gaddafi; or to say that Bashar al-Assad and Vladimir Putin are superior leaders. It is not patriotic to call upon Russia to intervene in an American presidential election. It is not patriotic to cite Russian propaganda at rallies." Timothy Snyder
Bye bye Donnie, time to golf and grab private things once again, oh and will you still lie constantly when no one is around to listen. If a lie is told by a failed president what does it mean given he told over eleven thousand as president. Our Russian troll is happy see link.

And for the reader:

Pointing fingers at media is a interesting tactic and one you see everywhere. It is as old as history. It absolves the person / critic / etc of looking into the whys of the criticism and abandons thought and reasoning to the childish 'no, you are.' At bottom is an excellent article on the whys of Trump and the reasons for those who live in reality and not just finger pointing and grievance. And check out the three N's in piece below, helps explain a lot of the American right, the so called conservative follower of today.

'Communities of Hate Why People Join Extremist Movements'

Trump chants explained.

"What is patriotism? Let us begin with what patriotism is not. It is not patriotic to dodge the draft and to mock war heroes and their families. It is not patriotic to discriminate against active-duty members of the armed forces in one's companies, or to campaign to keep disabled veterans away from one's property. It is not patriotic to compare one's search for sexual partners in New York with the military service in Vietnam that one has dodged. It is not patriotic to avoid paying taxes, especially when American working families do pay. It is not patriotic to ask those working, taxpaying American families to finance one's own presidential campaign, and then to spend their contributions in one's own companies. It is not patriotic to admire foreign dictators. It is not patriotic to cultivate a relationship with Muammar Gaddafi; or to say that Bashar al-Assad and Vladimir Putin are superior leaders. It is not patriotic to call upon Russia to intervene in an American presidential election. It is not patriotic to cite Russian propaganda at rallies." Timothy Snyder

I thought the thread was going to be about her usual polishment off of the second box of donuts.

The country has lost's gained a statesman.
Bye bye Donnie, time to golf and grab private things once again, oh and will you still lie constantly when no one is around to listen. If a lie is told by a failed president what does it mean given he told over eleven thousand as president. Our Russian troll is happy see link.

And for the reader:

Pointing fingers at media is a interesting tactic and one you see everywhere. It is as old as history. It absolves the person / critic / etc of looking into the whys of the criticism and abandons thought and reasoning to the childish 'no, you are.' At bottom is an excellent article on the whys of Trump and the reasons for those who live in reality and not just finger pointing and grievance. And check out the three N's in piece below, helps explain a lot of the American right, the so called conservative follower of today.

'Communities of Hate Why People Join Extremist Movements'

Trump chants explained.

"What is patriotism? Let us begin with what patriotism is not. It is not patriotic to dodge the draft and to mock war heroes and their families. It is not patriotic to discriminate against active-duty members of the armed forces in one's companies, or to campaign to keep disabled veterans away from one's property. It is not patriotic to compare one's search for sexual partners in New York with the military service in Vietnam that one has dodged. It is not patriotic to avoid paying taxes, especially when American working families do pay. It is not patriotic to ask those working, taxpaying American families to finance one's own presidential campaign, and then to spend their contributions in one's own companies. It is not patriotic to admire foreign dictators. It is not patriotic to cultivate a relationship with Muammar Gaddafi; or to say that Bashar al-Assad and Vladimir Putin are superior leaders. It is not patriotic to call upon Russia to intervene in an American presidential election. It is not patriotic to cite Russian propaganda at rallies." Timothy Snyder

I hope you stay to see the rest of my posts.

Get the antacids ready.
Bye bye Donnie, time to golf and grab private things once again, oh and will you still lie constantly when no one is around to listen. If a lie is told by a failed president what does it mean given he told over eleven thousand as president. Our Russian troll is happy see link.

And for the reader:

Pointing fingers at media is a interesting tactic and one you see everywhere. It is as old as history. It absolves the person / critic / etc of looking into the whys of the criticism and abandons thought and reasoning to the childish 'no, you are.' At bottom is an excellent article on the whys of Trump and the reasons for those who live in reality and not just finger pointing and grievance. And check out the three N's in piece below, helps explain a lot of the American right, the so called conservative follower of today.

'Communities of Hate Why People Join Extremist Movements'

Trump chants explained.

"What is patriotism? Let us begin with what patriotism is not. It is not patriotic to dodge the draft and to mock war heroes and their families. It is not patriotic to discriminate against active-duty members of the armed forces in one's companies, or to campaign to keep disabled veterans away from one's property. It is not patriotic to compare one's search for sexual partners in New York with the military service in Vietnam that one has dodged. It is not patriotic to avoid paying taxes, especially when American working families do pay. It is not patriotic to ask those working, taxpaying American families to finance one's own presidential campaign, and then to spend their contributions in one's own companies. It is not patriotic to admire foreign dictators. It is not patriotic to cultivate a relationship with Muammar Gaddafi; or to say that Bashar al-Assad and Vladimir Putin are superior leaders. It is not patriotic to call upon Russia to intervene in an American presidential election. It is not patriotic to cite Russian propaganda at rallies." Timothy Snyder

I thought the thread was going to be about her usual polishment off of the second box of donuts.

The country has lost's gained a statesman.

Roy Orbison - Candy Colored Clown

Bye bye Donnie, time to golf and grab private things once again, oh and will you still lie constantly when no one is around to listen. If a lie is told by a failed president what does it mean given he told over eleven thousand as president. Our Russian troll is happy see link.

And for the reader:

Pointing fingers at media is a interesting tactic and one you see everywhere. It is as old as history. It absolves the person / critic / etc of looking into the whys of the criticism and abandons thought and reasoning to the childish 'no, you are.' At bottom is an excellent article on the whys of Trump and the reasons for those who live in reality and not just finger pointing and grievance. And check out the three N's in piece below, helps explain a lot of the American right, the so called conservative follower of today.

'Communities of Hate Why People Join Extremist Movements'

Trump chants explained.

"What is patriotism? Let us begin with what patriotism is not. It is not patriotic to dodge the draft and to mock war heroes and their families. It is not patriotic to discriminate against active-duty members of the armed forces in one's companies, or to campaign to keep disabled veterans away from one's property. It is not patriotic to compare one's search for sexual partners in New York with the military service in Vietnam that one has dodged. It is not patriotic to avoid paying taxes, especially when American working families do pay. It is not patriotic to ask those working, taxpaying American families to finance one's own presidential campaign, and then to spend their contributions in one's own companies. It is not patriotic to admire foreign dictators. It is not patriotic to cultivate a relationship with Muammar Gaddafi; or to say that Bashar al-Assad and Vladimir Putin are superior leaders. It is not patriotic to call upon Russia to intervene in an American presidential election. It is not patriotic to cite Russian propaganda at rallies." Timothy Snyder

I thought the thread was going to be about her usual polishment off of the second box of donuts.

The country has lost's gained a statesman.

No, it has gained a corrupt ccp owned fraud.
rEsPeCt f0r tHe LaW. :laughing0301:

lol. he just pardoned Bannon for stealing border wall funds.

Trump himself is currently wanted by multiple jurisdictions To say nothing of his ongoing second impeachment :rolleyes-41:

rEsPeCt f0r tHe LaW. :laughing0301:

lol. he just pardoned Bannon for stealing border wall funds.

Trump himself is currently wanted by multiple jurisdictions To say nothing of his ongoing second impeachment :rolleyes-41:

"St. Louis Prosecutor Elected With Soros Money Released “Every Single Looter And Rioter”
Many people do not find this surprising, considering that the many organizations funded by George Soros seek to release prisoners constantly."

"Remember: leftist rioters killed people, ransacked D.C., while Democrats cheered them on
Riots throughout May and the start of June led to the injury of nearly 1,000 police officers in a matter of weeks"

"Democrats Claim Stopping Two Months Of Portland Rioting Is An ‘Attack On Democracy’

‘Please pack up and go home’ was the response from Oregon Gov. Kate Brown when acting Department of Homeland Security Secretary Chad Wolf called to offer federal assistance."

4. There are no surprises when posters like RealDumb, or the ReptileFromCanada post ignorance and lies, but when the guy with the Wall Street avi claims not to understand that persons are less important as President than the policies they bring with them, well, then the victory of evil is a fait accompli.

Me: I can list dozens of Biden policies that are anti-American, and that I can attack.

Him: “This isn't about policies.
Trump and his cult are attacking the fundamental premise of the republic and the sovereign will of the people. It's a disgrace.”
Why We Lost America…. post #21

5. The one bright spot is the poll of more intelligent Democrat voters, who, when they found out that the media had hidden the truth about the Biden employment by Communist China, and social media having censored the NYPost proof of the deals that the Bidens had with Communist China, Ukraine, Russia…..

“17% of Biden Voters Would Not Have Voted for Him Had They Known Scandals Liberal Media Censored”
17% of Biden Voters Would Not Have Voted for Him Had They Known Scandals Liberal Media Censored

Bye bye Donnie, time to golf and grab private things once again, oh and will you still lie constantly when no one is around to listen. If a lie is told by a failed president what does it mean given he told over eleven thousand as president. Our Russian troll is happy see link.

And for the reader:

Pointing fingers at media is a interesting tactic and one you see everywhere. It is as old as history. It absolves the person / critic / etc of looking into the whys of the criticism and abandons thought and reasoning to the childish 'no, you are.' At bottom is an excellent article on the whys of Trump and the reasons for those who live in reality and not just finger pointing and grievance. And check out the three N's in piece below, helps explain a lot of the American right, the so called conservative follower of today.

'Communities of Hate Why People Join Extremist Movements'

Trump chants explained.

"What is patriotism? Let us begin with what patriotism is not. It is not patriotic to dodge the draft and to mock war heroes and their families. It is not patriotic to discriminate against active-duty members of the armed forces in one's companies, or to campaign to keep disabled veterans away from one's property. It is not patriotic to compare one's search for sexual partners in New York with the military service in Vietnam that one has dodged. It is not patriotic to avoid paying taxes, especially when American working families do pay. It is not patriotic to ask those working, taxpaying American families to finance one's own presidential campaign, and then to spend their contributions in one's own companies. It is not patriotic to admire foreign dictators. It is not patriotic to cultivate a relationship with Muammar Gaddafi; or to say that Bashar al-Assad and Vladimir Putin are superior leaders. It is not patriotic to call upon Russia to intervene in an American presidential election. It is not patriotic to cite Russian propaganda at rallies." Timothy Snyder

I thought the thread was going to be about her usual polishment off of the second box of donuts.

The country has lost's gained a statesman.

No, it has gained a corrupt ccp owned fraud.

Your blob seems to have accepted his crushing defeat. You should do.
6. “Trump did win an election-night electoral landslide -- before Democrats apparently stole it with massive fraud in key states, in the middle of the night.”
If Democrats Stole the Election, Here's the Only Way to Win It Back

Give credit due to the Satanists…they used the Wuhan Red Death scam and engineered mail-in and early voting to help steal the election….

But as the truth eked out……

‘Can I Change My Vote’ Searches Spike on Google”


It's Not Who Votes That Counts, It's Who Counts The Votes!
Attributed to Stalin

God is on your side?
Is He a Conservative?
The Devil's on my side, he's a good Communist.
(to Churchill) At Tehran
rEsPeCt f0r tHe LaW. :laughing0301:

lol. he just pardoned Bannon for stealing border wall funds.

Trump himself is currently wanted by multiple jurisdictions To say nothing of his ongoing second impeachment :rolleyes-41:

"St. Louis Prosecutor Elected With Soros Money Released “Every Single Looter And Rioter”
Many people do not find this surprising, considering that the many organizations funded by George Soros seek to release prisoners constantly."

"Remember: leftist rioters killed people, ransacked D.C., while Democrats cheered them on
Riots throughout May and the start of June led to the injury of nearly 1,000 police officers in a matter of weeks"

"Democrats Claim Stopping Two Months Of Portland Rioting Is An ‘Attack On Democracy’

‘Please pack up and go home’ was the response from Oregon Gov. Kate Brown when acting Department of Homeland Security Secretary Chad Wolf called to offer federal assistance."

View attachment 445823

The ‘funny’ emoticon appears to mean ‘Ouch!! That hurt…I wish I had a way to dispute it.”
rEsPeCt f0r tHe LaW. :laughing0301:

lol. he just pardoned Bannon for stealing border wall funds.

Trump himself is currently wanted by multiple jurisdictions To say nothing of his ongoing second impeachment :rolleyes-41:

"St. Louis Prosecutor Elected With Soros Money Released “Every Single Looter And Rioter”
Many people do not find this surprising, considering that the many organizations funded by George Soros seek to release prisoners constantly."

"Remember: leftist rioters killed people, ransacked D.C., while Democrats cheered them on
Riots throughout May and the start of June led to the injury of nearly 1,000 police officers in a matter of weeks"

"Democrats Claim Stopping Two Months Of Portland Rioting Is An ‘Attack On Democracy’

‘Please pack up and go home’ was the response from Oregon Gov. Kate Brown when acting Department of Homeland Security Secretary Chad Wolf called to offer federal assistance."

View attachment 445823

So typical of rightards to compare protests to an attempt to overthrow the duly elected government.

Now do you understand why y'all can't be taken seriously?
rEsPeCt f0r tHe LaW. :laughing0301:

lol. he just pardoned Bannon for stealing border wall funds.

Trump himself is currently wanted by multiple jurisdictions To say nothing of his ongoing second impeachment :rolleyes-41:

"St. Louis Prosecutor Elected With Soros Money Released “Every Single Looter And Rioter”
Many people do not find this surprising, considering that the many organizations funded by George Soros seek to release prisoners constantly."

"Remember: leftist rioters killed people, ransacked D.C., while Democrats cheered them on
Riots throughout May and the start of June led to the injury of nearly 1,000 police officers in a matter of weeks"

"Democrats Claim Stopping Two Months Of Portland Rioting Is An ‘Attack On Democracy’

‘Please pack up and go home’ was the response from Oregon Gov. Kate Brown when acting Department of Homeland Security Secretary Chad Wolf called to offer federal assistance."

View attachment 445823

So typical of rightards to compare protests to an attempt to overthrow the duly elected government.

Now do you understand why y'all can't be taken seriously?

You can always be counted on to peddle the, Democrat, propaganda.


‘Leftist Antifa Among Mob Storming US Capitol’

– Facial recognition experts and backers of American President Donald J. Trump said members of the hardline leftist Antifa movement infiltrated protestors who stormed the U.S. Capitol on Wednesday.

Several witnesses and reports monitored by Worthy News suggested radical leftist vandals broke into the building housing the U.S. Congress while most Trump supporters were loud but peaceful.”

There is no disputing that the Democrats have had far more practice at riots than the Right.

“Analysis concludes Antifa provoked shooting of Ashli Babbitt at Capitol
'The ones who were agitating the crowd were not Trump supporters'

An analysis of videos of the death of Air Force veteran Ashli Babbitt at the U.S. Capitol indicates Antifa activists provoked the fatal gunshot from a police officer. Japanese investigator Misako Ganaha explained in a video interview with Epoch Times reporter Joshua Philipp on his “Crossroads” program that she analyzed two lengthy videos, affording two different angles of the incident near the House chamber…. just prior to the shooting, two men who had been agitating the crowd broke the glass on a set of doors.

… the same Marxist “agitate and divide” tactics employed by leftists in her home country…. part of the tactic, she said, is for someone in collaboration with the agitators to serve as a “witness” to mainstream media, which tells the story “without analyzing.” Media simply repeats what the witness says, explained Ganaha, “so the world does not know the truth.” Analysis concludes Antifa provoked shooting of Ashli Babbitt at Capitol


“BLM instigator of Capitol riots, John Earle Sullivan, arrested

The Utah Black Lives Matter "activist" has been bragging about his involvement in instigating the Capitol riots. Now, he's been arrested.

The deadly riots at the Capitol last week that have sparked Big Tech cancelations and prompted another impeachment of President Trump were instigated in part by Black Lives Matter and Antifa “activists,” according to multiple media reports. One of the highest profile suspects, John Earle Sullivan from Utah, has been arrested.”

This story will be buried by mainstream media and suppressed by Big Tech. The arrest of John Earle Sullivan, a known Black Lives Matter leader and provocateur, belies the accepted narrative that Trump-supporters alone caused the riots.” BLM instigator of Capitol riots, John Earle Sullivan, arrested

“James, brother of accused leftist provocateur John Sullivan, claims 226 Antifa members started Capitol riots
John Sullivan was arrested yesterday in connection with instigating the Capitol riots on January 6th. A video of him and CNN photojournalist Jade Sacker emerged this week that shows them giddy following the murder of Trump-supporter Ashli Babbitt. Now, Trump attorney Rudy Giuliani is wondering why a text message from James Sullivan was not revealed during the President’s second impeachment hearings in Congress.

According to the text, James Sullivan makes a very bold claim: “I’m currently working with the FBI to expose and place total blame on John and the 226 members of antifa that instigated the Capitol ‘riot’ I was able to get my agent out of trouble along with three other uthan’s.”

…every day brings more evidence that Antifa and other left-wing “activists” incited the crowd to commit crimes. Videos of Antifa members secretly embedded with the Trump-supporters appear to reinforce these claims.

This all jibes with the credible conspiracy theory that Democrats or other interested parties planned this “false flag” attack in order to push for impeachment.” James, brother of accused leftist provocateur John Sullivan, claims 226 Antifa members started Capitol riots

. “Verified twitter user Amuse breaks everything down in further detail in a series of tweets.

"To make this clear. CNN was embedded with BLM/Antifa pretending to be Trump supporters taping them incite a riot. This is freaking huge. If CNN is allowed to maintain its press access anywhere in DC there needs to be a serious overhaul of our entire system," he tweeted.

Here's another one, who showed up with furs, and also got himself arrested. According to the New York Post:

Aaron Mostofsky was busted Tuesday at his brother’s house in Brooklyn by federal agents on multiple charges, including theft of government property for allegedly stealing a police riot shield and bulletproof vest, the source said.

Mostofsky, who is the son of Shlomo Mostofsky, a Supreme Court judge and a prominent figure in the Orthodox Jewish community, was photographed with both items.

Video circulating on Twitter following Mostofsky’s arrest shows FBI agents swarming the home and carting out what appeared to be the fur pelts and walking stick he had on him during the insurrection.

His politics? According to this report, registered Democrat.
7. As per the title, these are some of those things past: Trump achievements.

“Before the China Virus invaded our shores, we built the world’s most prosperous economy,” the statement begins, noting the administration achieved an “unprecedented economic boom.”

In addition to 7 million new jobs — “more than three times government experts’ projections” — the administration said that annual income for middle-class families grew by nearly $6,000, or “more than five times the gains during the entire previous administration.”

Weeks before state and local governments began shutting down their economies, the U.S. unemployment rate fell to 3.5 percent, “the lowest in a half-century,” the administration said.

In fact, in March 2019, CBS News reported that there were a million more jobs available in the U.S. than unemployed workers — a fact noted by the administration, which said it “achieved 40 months in a row with more job openings than job hirings.”

Nearly 160 million Americans were employed pre-pandemic, another record, as “jobless claims hit a nearly 50-year low,” the White House said.

As incomes gained “in every single metro area” in the country for the first time in almost 30 years, the number of people “claiming unemployment insurance as a share of the population hit its lowest on record,” the administration said.

The list of accomplishments also noted an oft-repeated point — that during Trump’s term, blacks and Hispanics, as well as Asian-Americans and Native Americans all achieved record low unemployment rates. So, too, did Americans with disabilities and workers without a high school diploma, the administration said.

“The bottom 50 percent of American households saw a 40 percent increase in net worth,” said the administration, adding: “Wages rose fastest for low-income and blue collar workers – a 16 percent pay increase.”

Meanwhile, “African American homeownership increased from 41.7 percent to 46.4 percent,” the White House noted.

More than 1.2 million factory and construction jobs were created, as the president enacted “policies to bring back supply chains from overseas,” the list notes.

The administration also touted the meteoric growth in the various U.S. stock indices, which have been good for businesses as well as average Americans’ retirement accounts tied to the markets.

One of President Trump’s 2016 campaign pledges that went unfulfilled was the passage of a massive infrastructure rebuilding project to repair and replace aging, crumbling bridges, roads, sewers, and water systems. But the administration did manage to invest “over $1.3 billion through the Agriculture Department’s ReConnect Program to bring high-speed broadband infrastructure to rural America,” the list notes.

The administration also touted the president’s COVID-19 policies that included a rejection of “blanket lockdowns” as vital to the economic rebound seen in recent months.

“During the third quarter of 2020,” the White House said, “the economy grew at a rate of 33.1 percent — the most rapid GDP growth ever recorded.”

“Since coronavirus lockdowns ended, the economy has added back over 12 million jobs, more than half the jobs lost,” says the White House. “Jobs have been recovered 23 times faster than the previous administration’s recovery.”

The White House said that under President Barack Obama, “it took 49 months for the unemployment rate to fall from 10 percent” following the Great Recession” to under 7 percent compared to just 3 months for the Trump Administration” following the mass joblessness created by mandated business closures and the pandemic.

At the same time, “80 percent of small businesses are now up, up from just 53 percent in April.”

Additional accomplishments noted by the administration include:

— The creation of more than 9,000 “Opportunity Zones” to attract business investment and create jobs;

— Tax relief for corporations, businesses, and the vast majority of American workers;

— The elimination of reams of regulations, which has added to the country’s economic growth;

— Pursued “fair and reciprocal trade” agreements that put the United States first, including withdrawal “from the job-killing Trans-Pacific Partnership” and replacing the North American Free Trade Agreement (NAFTA) with the U.S.-Mexico-Canada Agreement (USMCA);

— “Historic support for American farmers”;

— Making the U.S. “a net energy exporter” for the first time in seven decades;

— Approved the Keystone XL and Dakota Access pipelines;

— Increased access to the country’s “abundant natural resource in order to achieve energy independence”;

— Built more than 450 miles of new border wall and secured agreements with countries to house migrants there instead of in the U.S.;

— “Fully enforced the immigration laws” of the country;

— Got NATO countries to significantly increase their contributions to the alliance, as per their initial agreement;

— Strengthened and rebuilt the U.S. military;

— Reduced U.S. troop presence in war zones overseas;

— Brokered several historic peace deals between long-time enemies in eastern Europe and the Middle East;

— Moved the U.S. embassy in Israel to the capital of Jerusalem, though the three previous presidents pledged to do so;

— Defeated ISIS

— Sped development of two new vaccines for the COVID-19 pandemic in record time.

Now, let's see what Democrats voted for.


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