Remember when Trump said he downplayed COVID-19 because he didn't want people to "panic"? This cost many lives, Deborah Birx says


Diamond Member
Jul 21, 2019
Let's begin with the observation that Donald Trump lied about the panic excuse.
He don't play covid because he wanted people to think that the crisis was not as bad as it really was.
Now let's examine his fake excuse. Hos supportees in message boards and elsewhere defended him (obviously. They always do) because they said panic is oh so bad.
People were not going to "panic" of course. They simply would have been cautious about the pandemic, which would have led to more mask wearing and less gathering.
Trump appointee Deborah Brooks said that Donald Trump's approach cost many lives.
Trump is partly responsible for the death of many Americans:
Let's begin with the observation that Donald Trump lied about the panic excuse.
He don't play covid because he wanted people to think that the crisis was not as bad as it really was.
Now let's examine his fake excuse. Hos supportees in message boards and elsewhere defended him (obviously. They always do) because they said panic is oh so bad.
People were not going to "panic" of course. They simply would have been cautious about the pandemic, which would have led to more mask wearing and less gathering.
Trump appointee Deborah Brooks said that Donald Trump's approach cost many lives.
Trump is partly responsible for the death of many Americans:
Waah waah waah whining again about your secret love Trump
Panic causes blame and it was at a sensitive time. He blame Obama for a pandemic. Saying that Obama should resign because of the way (obama) handle it. History is funny that way.

Trump fears blame but he likes to take credit. He doesn't like to loose and in his mind he never loses. So lying, downplaying, minimizing, and misdirection is the first half. The second half is taking credit when it is over but all you need is misdirection. Everybody loves misdirection but Trump is a master at it. Well at least in his mind he is. The first half is "I am not at fault" and the second half is " Look what I did".

Create a situation and then correct that situation. Well at least in his mind it works. Blame the other guy and then take credit for fixing it. Politics 101. Then the next guy takes over.
Let's begin with the observation that Donald Trump lied about the panic excuse.
He don't play covid because he wanted people to think that the crisis was not as bad as it really was.
Now let's examine his fake excuse. Hos supportees in message boards and elsewhere defended him (obviously. They always do) because they said panic is oh so bad.
People were not going to "panic" of course. They simply would have been cautious about the pandemic, which would have led to more mask wearing and less gathering.
Trump appointee Deborah Brooks said that Donald Trump's approach cost many lives.
Trump is partly responsible for the death of many Americans:
Ever seen a Panic? So what did you want ,Red? for Trump to scream ,"Run for your LIVEs" ? That it? Of course it is. During that Ferguson incident ,OBAMA caused the riots.
Let's begin with the observation that Donald Trump lied about the panic excuse.
He don't play covid because he wanted people to think that the crisis was not as bad as it really was.
Now let's examine his fake excuse. Hos supportees in message boards and elsewhere defended him (obviously. They always do) because they said panic is oh so bad.
People were not going to "panic" of course. They simply would have been cautious about the pandemic, which would have led to more mask wearing and less gathering.
Trump appointee Deborah Brooks said that Donald Trump's approach cost many lives.
Trump is partly responsible for the death of many Americans:
Let's assume you're full of crap.....and that is the basis of your post.
Let's begin with the observation that Donald Trump lied about the panic excuse.
He don't play covid because he wanted people to think that the crisis was not as bad as it really was.
Now let's examine his fake excuse. Hos supportees in message boards and elsewhere defended him (obviously. They always do) because they said panic is oh so bad.
People were not going to "panic" of course. They simply would have been cautious about the pandemic, which would have led to more mask wearing and less gathering.
Trump appointee Deborah Brooks said that Donald Trump's approach cost many lives.
Trump is partly responsible for the death of many Americans:
Seek help soon. :itsok:
Let's begin with the observation that Donald Trump lied about the panic excuse.
He don't play covid because he wanted people to think that the crisis was not as bad as it really was.
Now let's examine his fake excuse. Hos supportees in message boards and elsewhere defended him (obviously. They always do) because they said panic is oh so bad.
People were not going to "panic" of course. They simply would have been cautious about the pandemic, which would have led to more mask wearing and less gathering.
Trump appointee Deborah Brooks said that Donald Trump's approach cost many lives.
Trump is partly responsible for the death of many Americans:

OK, so you like starting panics. Shout "Fire" in a crowded mall lately?

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