Remember when the left made ivermectin political and not about health? Then the left as we all already knew, were totally wrong? Remember that?


In the next few weeks, the Biden administration will launch a national vaccine promotional campaign aimed at encouraging hesitant Americans to get immunized, a marketing executive close to the project told CNN.

The advertisements are part of a $250 million Covid-19 education campaign run by the US Department of Health and Human Services, which will include a podcast hosted by “a well-known person” outside of government, the executive said.

In addition to the podcast, Henry Louis Gates Jr., a Harvard professor and host of the PBS series “Finding Your Roots,” has narrated an ad about the vaccines for the government campaign, according to the executive and a Biden administration official.

Dr. Marcella Nunez-Smith, the Biden administration’s Covid-19 equity task force leader, said on CBS’ “Face the Nation” Sunday that the administration is “on the cusp” of launching a national education campaign timed with the increase of vaccine supply.

Asked by CBS’ Margaret Brennan about how the White House will convince younger Republicans and non-Biden supporters who are more reluctant to get the vaccine, Nunez- Smith said there would unique messages for different groups within the US


Geeeeeeeee, follow that bouncing ball

We remember what you Nazis wanted to do to us and to our children:

It was Trump and the GOP that made covid a political issue instead of a medical one.
Over 5 times the unvaxinated died
That's just not true.

A lot of tremendous nations had very few numbers of covid deaths, and also very low vax rates as well- from the Central African Republic to Chad and the unfortunately named nations of Guinea and Niger.
About 50,000 otherwise healthy people under 60 died in USA with effects of COVID.
The remaining 900K were 95% over65 with at least two serious to critical pre existing conditions that most likely would take their lives in any event from one day to 2 years max

The fellow I knew who died of covid had stage 4 liver cancer, emphysema , COPD and sugar diabetes when he croaked at age 67.
Personally, I prefer Herd Immunity while injecting bleach
AstraZeneca admitting that its COVID vaccine can cause side effects

Ivermectin efficacy finally proven in ‘gold-standard’ RCT – Prof Colleen Aldous
23rd January 2023 by Editor BizNews
Ivermectin and its use as a treatment for COVID-19 was catapulted to centre stage when the pandemic erased all rhyme and reason in 2020. However, even as the totality of evidence demonstrated Ivermectin’s efficacy, mainstream media and governments across the world dismissed its use based on the absence of randomised control trials. Further to that, virtually anything related to Ivermectin that made mainstream media was negative coverage of a drug that could’ve saved countless lives. Now, at last, a large randomised control study on Ivermectin efficacy for preventing and treating COVID-19 has been released, as discussed in this article by Professor Colleen Aldous, one of the drug’s fiercest advocates. Aldous, a geneticist and clinical researcher at the University of KwaZulu-Natal, raises some critical questions that we ignore at our peril. – Nadya Swart

Well that's weird. I mean Joe Rogan was railroaded for having the unmitigated gall to tell his audience that he was taking ivermectin

Then he confronted cnns so called doctor. Gupta for allowing cnn to pass along flat out known lies when Gupta knew damn well it wasn't just a "horse dewormer."

The left can and will rot in eternal hell.

Professor Collen Aldous from the University of KwaZulu-Natal in South Africa says, Ivermectin is good.

This woman couldn't even get a license to practice medicine in the USA. But you'll take her word for it.

As for your source, it's no great screaming hell either:

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he is a sensitive one,,
feelings get hurt real easy,,
He? I thought Lesh was a girl.
Or, maybe one of those.......:cuckoo:
What is known is that Ivermectin saved a lot of lives, and there were reasons why it was downplayed by the left.
Big Pharma had to have a paycheck.
Remember how many old people democrats intentionally killed in NY to bump up the covid deaths?

Also, the flu took 2 years off...

ABSOLUTELY NONE! Don't even try to pull your covid lies on us asshole.

In fact, Texas and Florida killed a lot more people in old folks homes than New York. Out of 50 states, New York was 20th in the rate of Nursing Home deaths. Texas was 10th, Florida was 16th.


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