Remember When It Was Acceptable for Government to Allow BLM Block Freeways?

Lol I did not support them blocking freeways. Don't support those truckers getting between me and my favorite casino around here. Also clean bathroom s. You can take a dump in a bar in Windsor. Further more doing it to an Island when the lake is iced and can't even get there by boat is horse pucky. F them
It’s not all about you.
The Left - Political leaders, MSM, and 95% of Leftards supported BLM blocking roads.

But now that WORKING people are protesting against the government and not calling for criminals to be allowed to go unhindered it’s a bad thing.
When was that when BLM and ANTIFA could block freeways with the blessing of government? 50 years ago?

Check out this genius.
Yes. Slash the tires and drain the gas tanks and THEN try to move the 25,000 pound vehicles off a bridge.

I know this reads like a parody account, but this is a Harvard professor, CNN contributor, and Obama admin "national security expert". These people are actually this stupid. This shit right here is why there's a "Death of Expertise", in that most of our self proclaimed expert class are dumber than a bag of hammers.

(Also, don't forget what happens when you "slash" a 100 PSI truck tire. Good luck with that, professor).

Did he ever stop to think that:

1. Like you said, trying to move hundreds of disabled trucks is not a trivial task.
2. Now you've removed hundreds of trucks from the fleet that was moving the goods they think magically appear on the shelves.
3. Now you've ticked off a whole lot MORE truck drivers who weren't at the blockade who will gladly walk away from their trucks.

All of a sudden, you've ignited a mass trucker strike that spreads into other countries and the tofu farters can't find any tofu anymore.

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