Remember when Biden said sending in offensive weapons like tanks would be WWW3?

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Diamond Member
Oct 31, 2012

Now I'm sure dementia Joe does not remember saying that, but this is the miracle of YouTube

So, who wants to send their children off die in the Ukraine in the soon to be draft?


It certainly won't be Hunter and the other Swamp elitist children.
Will democrats drive their children to the Canadian border again like they did trying to save their children from LBJ"s Vietnam war?

Or will they finally embrace what they voted for?

Incidentally, every major US war saw a democrat President over seeing it.
Would it be enough to cause a Russian retaliatory action against Washington DC?
It is just like the start of WW1. Wilson, on the one hand, preached neutrality. Meanwhile he was arming the Allies with weapons.

Wilson first had to get the voters behind him, so he waited till the Germans sank the Lusitania that was a passanger ship with Americans on board. I mean, that is an act of war, right?

Problem is, divers found war supplies on board that ship Wilson claimed was not a war ship

So once Wilson created this fake outrage over "killing" innocent civilians, he no longer had to withstand the wrath of the American people as their children came home in body bags.

This is how Democrats roll

LBJ did the same thing in Vietnam. He simply made up an attack on the US to justify war

But Americans love their democrat party and subsequent wars.

They just can't get enough.

Speaking of which, they do well these days just to get enough to eat.

Let's go Brandon!!

Trump, the only US President in a very, very, long time not to start a war

Screw you democrats!! Warmongers!!
Does that make you feel better?

No, because they are all in NATO. The question is do the Russians think we have the balls to come to their aid if a few cruise missiles hit the depots sending armored vehicles to Ukraine.
Not to go all Fox-News on all of you, but the proponents of our Ukraine adventure have not actually made the case as to why we should be spending billions and billions of dollars propping up a corrupt regime. The enemy of our enemy may not really be our friend.
Not to go all Fox-News on all of you, but the proponents of our Ukraine adventure have not actually made the case as to why we should be spending billions and billions of dollars propping up a corrupt regime. The enemy of our enemy may not really be our friend.
The way I look at it as a Boomer Conservative that live most his life in the Cold War.

We shouldn't be giving money or aid to anyone. We are $31 trillion in debt and have massive inflation and a piss poor economy and plenty of other problems to worry about than protecting Ukraine borders. Potatoheand and his Moon Bat buddies have really fucked up this country.

The Ship of Fiscal Responsibility has sailed a long time ago. This country is fucked and out of control with big bloated spending, a disastrous welfare state and tremendous debt.


What we give the Ukrainians doesn't even change the roundup in calculating our fiscal irresponsibility. So if we are going to give money away to every welfare queen in the world I would just as soon have it go to kill the Z-Orcs as to provide welfare to the goddamn Illegals that Potatohead is allowing to flood in.
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