Remember When Australia Was Touted as the Shining Example of Covid Shutdowns?

I'm 70 with a heart condition. I've had both the Alpha and Omicron variant a year apart. I don't mask and I am not getting the genetic therapy and I'm still here--so much for the scamdemic panic porn.
You were lucky...many others were not.
I'm very happy you're still alive, I wish all the deceased victims of the Covid Reaper were still alive too.
You were lucky...many others were not.
I'm very happy you're still alive, I wish all the deceased victims of the Covid Reaper were still alive too.
There are so many ways that this scam is fraudulent that it isn't funny. Mortality rates for all causes have NOT increased. There was NO flu. By the WHO/CDC admission, they overstated fatalities by 94%. The recovery rate is 99+%. The vax is proving to be unsafe and has never been effective at preventing infection or spread and MASKS DO NOT WORK any better than chain link will keep mosquitos out of your home. If you are so easily led as to believe any of the garbage that you've been spoon fed for two years, I've got a bridge that runs from Sidney to LA to sell you.
There are so many ways that this scam is fraudulent that it isn't funny. Mortality rates for all causes have NOT increased. There was NO flu. By the WHO/CDC admission, they overstated fatalities by 94%. The recovery rate is 99+%. The vax is proving to be unsafe and has never been effective at preventing infection or spread and MASKS DO NOT WORK any better than chain link will keep mosquitos out of your home. If you are so easily led as to believe any of the garbage that you've been spoon fed for two years, I've got a bridge that runs from Sidney to LA to sell you.
Not having multiple medical/research/degrees, and not being a professor of pandemics, I have to read everything I can, watch doctors and health professors on tv and make pandemic decisions based on their info/opinions provided.
I also have to obey the laws of the land even if I don't agree with them....or suffer the consequences.
The consequences are never to my liking, so I try as best I can to obey all laws.

Mayo Clinic;

Can face masks protect against COVID-19?

Can face masks help slow the spread of the virus that causes coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19)? Yes. Face masks combined with other preventive measures, such as getting vaccinated, frequent hand-washing and physical distancing, can help slow the spread of the virus that causes COVID-19.

The CDC says that you should wear the most protective mask possible that you'll wear regularly and that fits. Respirators such as nonsurgical N95s give the most protection.


The masks I use...N95/P2.
Not much of a burden, and anyway, these days my face looks behind behind a mask. :cool:
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Why are we wearing masks?

What is the best face mask to wear to stop the spread of COVID-19?

The US Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) is reported to be considering updating its mask advice to recommend people wear N95 masks.


Many in bambuworld have been wearing N95/P2 masks from the beginning of 2021.
Best if everyone wears masks to stop the spread.
Yeah, Anthony Fauci's original stance was the "masks are not effective" Then he said "masks are effective" Then he said "masks are not effective unless you wear multiple masks" Now, as it was then, "only N95/KN95" The US is beginning to get more N95/KN95 from, you guessed it, CHINA. They created this scam and I am supposed to trust their masks. LMAO--not on YOUR life.


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Yeah, Anthony Fauci's original stance was the "masks are not effective" Then he said "masks are effective" Then he said "masks are not effective unless you wear multiple masks" Now, as it was then, "only N95/KN95" The US is beginning to get more N95/KN95 from, you guessed it, CHINA. They created this scam and I am supposed to trust their masks. LMAO--not on YOUR life.
...make that: "these days my face looks better behind a mask". :cool:

My N95/P2 masks are made in Australia by an Australian company.
Things changed here in 2020...China gave us the flick, so we're returning serve...manufacturing as many things as possible in Australia.
"Made in China"...baaah!
Dr Fauci is not my trusted source for anything.
"Made in China"...baaah!
Unfortunately, and this is my own little conspiracy theory, I believe the Chinese were feeling the effects of the Trump tariffs and figured this was as good a time as any to test out their weaponized virus. I don't knowingly buy anything made in China.
Thanks for displaying your ignorance even more.
My bad, I didn't realise that the "privately owned guns" in America are Taliban-like, ready to shoot it out with the ruling govt and take over the country if it imposes Covid lockdowns etc.
Police kicking down doors for simply posting masks don’t work on social media, deported to concentration camps for fully vaccinated people who were simply around someone infected, etc etc.

Australia now averages more than 100,000 new Covid cases per day – equal to about 1.5 million in the United States. One fine day last week, it reported 175,000, the equivalent of about 2.5 million, maybe the highest per-capita total any country has ever reported.

Deaths are still relatively low by American standards (Omicron). But they have risen sixfold in the last two weeks and are now at their highest level ever, equal to almost 700 deaths in the United States a day.

Narrative Fail.
You are a raving lunatic.
No such thing is happening.
...make that: "these days my face looks better behind a mask". :cool:

My N95/P2 masks are made in Australia by an Australian company.
Things changed here in 2020...China gave us the flick, so we're returning serve...manufacturing as many things as possible in Australia.
"Made in China"...baaah!
Dr Fauci is not my trusted source for anything.
I spoke with a friend in Brisbane and he said restrictions on tourism require double vax to enter the country. I guess that's a bucket list trip that will never happen.

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