Remember When ALL The "Tea Party" People Were Saying "We Wan't Our Country Back!?!"


Diamond Member
Aug 12, 2009
Remember that? They were repeating that one, simple saying over and over for how least a year...a summer? What was it now?

They were all over the place when they first popped up. One minute saying this, the other saying that. Remember when MANY of the TBers were claiming that Obama was going to "took durr gunz?"

Many of them showed up at rallies with guns attached to their hips claiming fears that Obama was going to "take their guns." Meanwhile, Obama had ALREADY enacted MORE GUN FREEDOM than any other previous Administration.

Remember how pre-#OccupyWallStreet these were the same set of people who were CONSTANTLY screaming and going on and on and on about how they're a grass roots movement and how that because they are a grass roots movement that they had no one singular leader or MESSAGE?!?

Now look them. All of a sudden they are CLAIMING, read pretending, that their major beefo with the #OWS movement is that they don't have a clear SINGLE message.

Now isn't that somethhing.

Hypocrisy much?
thats why they're called t-baggers ;)

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Remember that? They were repeating that one, simple saying over and over for how least a year...a summer? What was it now?

They were all over the place when they first popped up. One minute saying this, the other saying that. Remember when MANY of the TBers were claiming that Obama was going to "took durr gunz?"

Many of them showed up at rallies with guns attached to their hips claiming fears that Obama was going to "take their guns." Meanwhile, Obama had ALREADY enacted MORE GUN FREEDOM than any other previous Administration.

Remember how pre-#OccupyWallStreet these were the same set of people who were CONSTANTLY screaming and going on and on and on about how they're a grass roots movement and how that because they are a grass roots movement that they had no one singular leader or MESSAGE?!?

Now look them. All of a sudden they are CLAIMING, read pretending, that their major beefo with the #OWS movement is that they don't have a clear SINGLE message.

Now isn't that somethhing.

Hypocrisy much?

Those kids are fucking retards .... They don't even have a flipping message, besides most are just there because they're being paid and the others just want to party.

Funny how it took them a week to make some sort of demands and when they did they couldn't even agree on them..

Not to mention those demands were crazy shit like open borders, free education and other socialist bullshit ..

The occupy movement is a fucking joke... The only serious intelligent people are the libertarians calling for an end to crony capitalism and Keynesian economics, who want true capitalism...

I support the libertarian Austrian School message 100%...

However, the rest of the movement is shit - its garbage socialism... A bunch of rich kids who hate their parents who support them...

They're fucking morons and career students who want to live the college life for the rest of their existence for free..
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Remember that? They were repeating that one, simple saying over and over for how least a year...a summer? What was it now?

They were all over the place when they first popped up. One minute saying this, the other saying that. Remember when MANY of the TBers were claiming that Obama was going to "took durr gunz?"

Many of them showed up at rallies with guns attached to their hips claiming fears that Obama was going to "take their guns." Meanwhile, Obama had ALREADY enacted MORE GUN FREEDOM than any other previous Administration.

Remember how pre-#OccupyWallStreet these were the same set of people who were CONSTANTLY screaming and going on and on and on about how they're a grass roots movement and how that because they are a grass roots movement that they had no one singular leader or MESSAGE?!?

Now look them. All of a sudden they are CLAIMING, read pretending, that their major beefo with the #OWS movement is that they don't have a clear SINGLE message.

Now isn't that somethhing.

Hypocrisy much?
Difference is the Tea Party isn't full of a bunch of nasty fanatics who want to turn this country into a third world socialistic society.
Remember When ALL The "Tea Party" People Were Saying "We Wan't Our Country Back!?!"

I recall the ignorant idiocy of ‘taking back’ the Constitution, I’ve yet to hear a member of the TPM explain what that’s supposed to mean.

The best I can infer from their rhetoric is all Amendments and Supreme Court rulings after 1795 are ‘wrong.’
I don't know who the RepubliCON$ think they're fooling with this pretense that the only reason they don't like the #OWS movement is because they don't have a single, clear message.

Not anyone with sense.
I don't know who the RepubliCON$ think they're fooling with this pretense that the only reason they don't like the #OWS movement is because they don't have a single, clear message.

Not anyone with sense.
Libtards are the ones with no sense.
Remember When ALL The "Tea Party" People Were Saying "We Wan't Our Country Back!?!"

I recall the ignorant idiocy of ‘taking back’ the Constitution, I’ve yet to hear a member of the TPM explain what that’s supposed to mean.

The best I can infer from their rhetoric is all Amendments and Supreme Court rulings after 1795 are ‘wrong.’

It's about the Bill of Rights...

Our present government does not follow or honor the Bill of Rights...

It's not very difficult to understand..
I don't know who the RepubliCON$ think they're fooling with this pretense that the only reason they don't like the #OWS movement is because they don't have a single, clear message.

Not anyone with sense.

They have a message and it's "I want something for nothing and I want our government to give me something for nothing."

Their message is "no fair I cant be a career student."
I don't know who the RepubliCON$ think they're fooling with this pretense that the only reason they don't like the #OWS movement is because they don't have a single, clear message.

Not anyone with sense.

And who is saying that. Poster x

Absolutely comical.
Remember When ALL The "Tea Party" People Were Saying "We Wan't Our Country Back!?!"

I recall the ignorant idiocy of ‘taking back’ the Constitution, I’ve yet to hear a member of the TPM explain what that’s supposed to mean.

The best I can infer from their rhetoric is all Amendments and Supreme Court rulings after 1795 are ‘wrong.’

It's about the Bill of Rights...

Our present government does not follow or honor the Bill of Rights...

It's not very difficult to understand..

Nor did the previous one... or the one before that... happily, the TEAs got pissed about Bush and finally, they started protesting. Now, apparently, a bunch of others have decided they speak on behalf of us all. At least the TEA Parties don't have that arrogance. That's how we know the OWS is a puppet of the left.... the left always insist on speaking for everyone.... the right tend to speak for themselves alone.
Right! The Tea Party hid behind the no leader / differing opinions excuse for a full year. Everytime a dem would post pics and vids of their racist signs, gun totting, ambiguous threats. They whined "NO FAIR!!"

They condemn OWS for not having a single message then condemn everyone with single message as being "sheep" delivering "talking points". Republicans are like Goldilocks who never find the bowl of just right. Because they are not being honest.
I don't know who the RepubliCON$ think they're fooling with this pretense that the only reason they don't like the #OWS movement is because they don't have a single, clear message.

Not anyone with sense.

It's not that they don't have a single, clear message,'s that they don't have a single message that makes any sense.

The Tea Party was primarily against Big Government and excessive spending. All the rest of the issues you progressives like to lampoon them for were important only to small factions.

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