Remember The Dems Screaming About Voter Fraud?


Diamond Member
Nov 22, 2003
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Looks like some of them want to make sure it continues:

Rendell vetoes voter identification bill
By Larry Eichel

On Presidents' Day at the National Constitution Center, Gov. Rendell announced his veto of a bill that would have required all voters to show identification when they go to the polls.

Rendell said that the bill, which passed the legislature last week on largely parti-line votes, would have the effect of disenfranchising those without easy access to identification, including nursing-home residents, displaced families, the very poor and those without a driver's license.

In addition, he said that the identification requirement, which now applies only to people voting at a polling place for the first time, would slow the voting process on election days, likely causing some would-be voters who are pressed for time to leave without casting ballots.

The governor said the bill also might be unconstitutional.

Eileen Melvin, who chairs the state Republican Party, called the bill "incredibly responsible," citing other provisions that would enhance access to voting for the disabled and for military personnel serving overseas. As for the identification requirement, she noted that people now need to show identification to write a check, board an airplane, even to walk into an office building.

An override of the veto is highly unlikely, given the relatively narrow margins by which the bill passed the state House and Senate and the solid Democratic opposition to the bill.
BS. Him and Street got caught trying to cheat for Kerry in 2004 and he doesnt want his way to cheat out of the way.
Avatar4321 said:
BS. Him and Street got caught trying to cheat for Kerry in 2004 and he doesnt want his way to cheat out of the way.
:thup: My new fellow cynic!
THose without access to identification? WTF?!
Somehow I doubt someone without a freakin ID is going to get out and vote anyway. Is it really too much to ask to prove who you say you are when you're voting? :poke:
theHawk said:
Somehow I doubt someone without a freakin ID is going to get out and vote anyway. Is it really too much to ask to prove who you say you are when you're voting? :poke:

I think not. :smoke:
These are the same idiots that want mandatory ID checks whenever an officer feels like asking you for it. So if we can have a gustapo Police force being able to arrest us for not showing our papers, then how come we cant have ID checks at the voting booth? Oh thats right Dems are in charge in Philly and PA. Go figure. :lame2:
insein said:
These are the same idiots that want mandatory ID checks whenever an officer feels like asking you for it. So if we can have a gustapo Police force being able to arrest us for not showing our papers, then how come we cant have ID checks at the voting booth? Oh thats right Dems are in charge in Philly and PA. Go figure. :lame2:

If everybody needs a freakin' ID to get

a bank account
a social security card
a passport
a drink
a pack of cigarettes
a room
a driver's license
a car's tabs
a job
a check by the police
a grocery card
a fishing license
a hunting license

then why NOT show it when you are voting? Seems quite appropriate to prove that you are who you say you are. One man, one vote.
ScreamingEagle said:
If everybody needs a freakin' ID to get

a bank account
a social security card
a passport
a drink
a pack of cigarettes
a room
a driver's license
a car's tabs
a job
a check by the police
a grocery card
a fishing license
a hunting license

then why NOT show it when you are voting? Seems quite appropriate to prove that you are who you say you are. One man, one vote.

Nawww, makes TOO much sense. :salute:
Abbey Normal said:
I can't wait to see Rendell sink politically like one of Ted Kennedy's dates. Maybe Lynn Swann can be the one to do it.

I was thinking that Swann was going to have a real shot. Partly because of Rendall's incompetence and partly because of His Steeler popularity. Then today my Boss's Dad clued me into something i hadnt thought about. See he looks at nothing but politics all day since he's 68 years old. He's been a stone conservative for 30+ years. He's lived in PA his whole life. In his opinion, Swann will never get elected because the middle, redneck populace will never elect a "******" to anything. I dismissed that at first because i thought, they will overlook that cause he's a steeler, but he did make sense. Some of the people in rural PA are some of the most racists country hicks you could possibly imagine. And Swann will have a hell of time winning Philly as an "R".

Who knows though? Stranger things have happened.
Abbey Normal said:
I can't wait to see Rendell sink politically like one of Ted Kennedy's dates. Maybe Lynn Swann can be the one to do it.

Now THAT is funny, "one of Ted Kennedy`s dates." :beer:

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