Remember that 'Emergency Funding' the States Needed Last March? Here's What Happened to It


Diamond Member
Feb 16, 2016

Remember that 'Emergency Funding' the States Needed Last March? Here's What Happened to It​

3 Oct 2021 ~~ By Rick Moran
Last March, Joe Biden signed a $1.9 trillion pandemic relief bill. It had cash for taxpayers, for businesses, and — most controversially — $350 billion for state and local governments.
Republicans objected because Democrats at the state level were going to spend the money on non-pandemic-related issues. Most notably, some states like Illinois wanted the cash to bail out their state and local employee pension plans that had been robbed for years by Democrats and now threatened to explode in a massive “pension bomb” that would put taxpayers on the hook for billions of dollars.
Republicans wanted more strings attached to the funding, but Democrats said there was no time, that the states would run out of money otherwise.
But now, an analysis by the Associated Press has found that nearly 7 months after Joe Biden signed the American Rescue Plan, precious little of that $350 billion for state and local governments has been spent.
As of this summer, a majority of large cities and states hadn’t spent a penny from the American Rescue Plan championed by Democrats and President Joe Biden, according to an Associated Press review of the first financial reports due under the law. States had spent just 2.5% of their initial allotment while large cities spent 8.5%, according to the AP analysis.​
Many state and local governments reported they were still working on plans for their share of the $350 billion, which can be spent on a wide array of programs.​
Though Biden signed the law in March, the Treasury Department didn’t release the money and spending guidelines until May. By then, some state legislatures already had wrapped up their budget work for the next year, leaving governors with no authority to spend the new money. Some states waited several more months to ask the federal government for their share.​
So, not quite the emergency we were led to believe by Democrats and the president.
Recall that the $1.9 trillion Biden plan followed a $900 billion pandemic relief measure signed by Donald Trump in December of 2020 and the first coronavirus stimulus bill worth $2 trillion — the CARES Act signed in March of 2020. That’s nearly $5 trillion in assistance during the pandemic.
And nearly a trillion dollars remain unspent from the CARES Act.
Some of that unspent money was tapped to fund the $1.2 trillion bipartisan infrastructure bill. “New” spending in that bill totaled $550 billion. Considering the tens of billions of dollars floating around in Washington, it’s good that someone somewhere is trying to use a portion of it.
We could complain about the massive waste of taxpayer funds except that taxpayers never saw the money in the first place. It’s all borrowed money, borrowed from Americans yet to be born.
Is this a great country, or what?

So Blue Plantation State commies pockets are stuffed with panic cash in the name of "'Emergency Funding' and 'Infra Structure'" but they want trillions more.
"The bailout came despite a mere 0.2% drop in state revenue from 2019 to 2020, according to the Tax Foundation. Few strings are attached to the funds so state and local lawmakers are taking their time. New York, California and others have passed record budgets while tapping only a portion of their federal aid."
While in Colorado Gov. Polis simply took control of the entire amount, refusing to distribute it to the Counties as intended.
Blue Plantation States don't need to worry about their bloated defined benefit pension plans anymore. Biden's Inflation and proposed $3.5 Trillion "Infra Structure" is taking care of the problem for them. Which is why no one is doing anything to assess the problem - it's just another payback. All at the expense of Americans who have been relying on their pensions for retirement.
It will all go to the DNC and their benefactors.
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Nobody cares when it's somebody else's money. No matter what the issue is, there is nobody in politics today that gives a damn about who eventually pays for whatever it is that we spend tax dollars on. And quite frankly that is ultimately on us, the taxpayers for not holding our elected reps and their appointees' feet to the fire. There doesn't seem to be any appetite out there to curb the profligate spending, and until that happens nothing will be done about it. Maybe if inflation really gets out of control and enough people realize that their income isn't keeping up with the prices they have to pay for stuff, then something might change.
Yes, but the only way that taxpayers can do that is with our vote. The Democrats have destroyed election integrity so where does that leave us?

Not sure I'd say that election integrity has been destroyed, although it will be if the democrats pass and sign into law the legislation that allows the federal gov't to control state elections. Legislatures around the country are trying to improve that integrity, so I guess I'm not ready to throw in the towel. Yet.

Remember that 'Emergency Funding' the States Needed Last March? Here's What Happened to It​

3 Oct 2021 ~~ By Rick Moran
Last March, Joe Biden signed a $1.9 trillion pandemic relief bill. It had cash for taxpayers, for businesses, and — most controversially — $350 billion for state and local governments.
Republicans objected because Democrats at the state level were going to spend the money on non-pandemic-related issues. Most notably, some states like Illinois wanted the cash to bail out their state and local employee pension plans that had been robbed for years by Democrats and now threatened to explode in a massive “pension bomb” that would put taxpayers on the hook for billions of dollars.
Republicans wanted more strings attached to the funding, but Democrats said there was no time, that the states would run out of money otherwise.
But now, an analysis by the Associated Press has found that nearly 7 months after Joe Biden signed the American Rescue Plan, precious little of that $350 billion for state and local governments has been spent.
As of this summer, a majority of large cities and states hadn’t spent a penny from the American Rescue Plan championed by Democrats and President Joe Biden, according to an Associated Press review of the first financial reports due under the law. States had spent just 2.5% of their initial allotment while large cities spent 8.5%, according to the AP analysis.​
Many state and local governments reported they were still working on plans for their share of the $350 billion, which can be spent on a wide array of programs.​
Though Biden signed the law in March, the Treasury Department didn’t release the money and spending guidelines until May. By then, some state legislatures already had wrapped up their budget work for the next year, leaving governors with no authority to spend the new money. Some states waited several more months to ask the federal government for their share.​
So, not quite the emergency we were led to believe by Democrats and the president.
Recall that the $1.9 trillion Biden plan followed a $900 billion pandemic relief measure signed by Donald Trump in December of 2020 and the first coronavirus stimulus bill worth $2 trillion — the CARES Act signed in March of 2020. That’s nearly $5 trillion in assistance during the pandemic.
And nearly a trillion dollars remain unspent from the CARES Act.
Some of that unspent money was tapped to fund the $1.2 trillion bipartisan infrastructure bill. “New” spending in that bill totaled $550 billion. Considering the tens of billions of dollars floating around in Washington, it’s good that someone somewhere is trying to use a portion of it.
We could complain about the massive waste of taxpayer funds except that taxpayers never saw the money in the first place. It’s all borrowed money, borrowed from Americans yet to be born.
Is this a great country, or what?

So Blue Plantation State commies pockets are stuffed with panic cash in the name of "'Emergency Funding' and 'Infra Structure'" but they want trillions more.
"The bailout came despite a mere 0.2% drop in state revenue from 2019 to 2020, according to the Tax Foundation. Few strings are attached to the funds so state and local lawmakers are taking their time. New York, California and others have passed record budgets while tapping only a portion of their federal aid."
While in Colorado Gov. Polis simply took control of the entire amount, refusing to distribute it to the Counties as intended.
Blue Plantation States don't need to worry about their bloated defined benefit pension plans anymore. Biden's Inflation and proposed $3.5 Trillion "Infra Structure" is taking care of the problem for them. Which is why no one is doing anything to assess the problem - it's just another payback. All at the expense of Americans who have been relying on their pensions for retirement.
It will all go to the DNC and their benefactors.
That's what democRats and their dumber that dirt voting block do. Gee everybody knows that.

Remember that 'Emergency Funding' the States Needed Last March? Here's What Happened to It​

3 Oct 2021 ~~ By Rick Moran
Last March, Joe Biden signed a $1.9 trillion pandemic relief bill. It had cash for taxpayers, for businesses, and — most controversially — $350 billion for state and local governments.
Republicans objected because Democrats at the state level were going to spend the money on non-pandemic-related issues. Most notably, some states like Illinois wanted the cash to bail out their state and local employee pension plans that had been robbed for years by Democrats and now threatened to explode in a massive “pension bomb” that would put taxpayers on the hook for billions of dollars.
Republicans wanted more strings attached to the funding, but Democrats said there was no time, that the states would run out of money otherwise.
But now, an analysis by the Associated Press has found that nearly 7 months after Joe Biden signed the American Rescue Plan, precious little of that $350 billion for state and local governments has been spent.
As of this summer, a majority of large cities and states hadn’t spent a penny from the American Rescue Plan championed by Democrats and President Joe Biden, according to an Associated Press review of the first financial reports due under the law. States had spent just 2.5% of their initial allotment while large cities spent 8.5%, according to the AP analysis.​
Many state and local governments reported they were still working on plans for their share of the $350 billion, which can be spent on a wide array of programs.​
Though Biden signed the law in March, the Treasury Department didn’t release the money and spending guidelines until May. By then, some state legislatures already had wrapped up their budget work for the next year, leaving governors with no authority to spend the new money. Some states waited several more months to ask the federal government for their share.​
So, not quite the emergency we were led to believe by Democrats and the president.
Recall that the $1.9 trillion Biden plan followed a $900 billion pandemic relief measure signed by Donald Trump in December of 2020 and the first coronavirus stimulus bill worth $2 trillion — the CARES Act signed in March of 2020. That’s nearly $5 trillion in assistance during the pandemic.
And nearly a trillion dollars remain unspent from the CARES Act.
Some of that unspent money was tapped to fund the $1.2 trillion bipartisan infrastructure bill. “New” spending in that bill to
So put another blue ribbon on Joe Biden's chest. What a leader, uh, I mean a liter, of piss in a bucket,
which is all Joe is worth.

He's now arguing that he never claimed that sanctions would deter Russia and help save Ukraine
which caught all of Joe's little policy advisers off guard and absolutely contradicted what all of them
were telling the world and now this leader of the free world is contradicting himself and making a huge
horses' ass of himself.

So which is it Joe? Are sanctions going to make Putin buckle and throw in the towel, as Joe has said?

Or will sanctions fail to deter Russia because they aren't designed to deter Russia, as claimed on his recent
visit to Belgium, making every NATO official think WTF is going on?

This man couldn't manage a bowel movement. What makes anyone think he can manage a conflict
with Putin and Russia? Thanks for stealing the election for dumb fuck Joe.
Good going Zuckerberg and all you "geniuses".

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