Religious People. Are they really?

My point is not about being judgmental. I was just simply pointing out that I see, the ones who claim to be good and dedicated to their religion and always pointing at wrongs in people, are not always what they seem. I feel as though they are disrespecting their religion and I just don't agree with it. that's all

Every sin is equal in the eyes of God and we are all sinners ... Clean your own house was my point ... :thup:

Some people claim to be very religious. They go to church faithfully, they prey, they preach, and point out all your wrongs. My problem is some people that claim to be religious and kind and follow jesus,and are overly excessively religious, are the most judgemental people I have ever met! My own grandmother is one of them. "God this and God that""You are going to hell". Some of things my grandmother has told me. They act all holy in front of their church friends and treat their loved ones so horrible. My girlfriends mother also is the same way and all she does is yell at my girlfriend and her kids. She manipulates her kids to be against their own mother. She will just hate anyone for no reason at all. Are they actually religious if they are constantly judging people and treating people bad?

I find this kind of behavior disturbing... for me I have a spiritual relationship with Jesus not with a religion that makes up man made rules ..
But being human I probably judge too ...


How do you determine which are made up rules and which are from God?
To answer the op, it depends.

There are some people trying to sincerely follow Christ. But He has always warned us there would be tares growing among the wheat.

I can't judge someone's heart but i think it wise to remember James' counsel. "pure religion undefiled before God is to take care of the widow and the fatherless and to keep yourself unspotted from the world."

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