Religious People. Are they really?

All the relatives in my family that claim to be Christians only claim it as well, they don't live it. As the OP says they are the most judgemental of anyone I know. One of them her father left her a house and money and she has not worked a day in her life but feels qualified to judge all others on work, money, spending, yada yada. It's sad to me. I've only met one person in my life that actually LIVED a Christ-like life. She was a great pleasure to be around at all times.
All the relatives in my family that claim to be Christians only claim it as well, they don't live it. As the OP says they are the most judgemental of anyone I know. One of them her father left her a house and money and she has not worked a day in her life but feels qualified to judge all others on work, money, spending, yada yada. It's sad to me. I've only met one person in my life that actually LIVED a Christ-like life. She was a great pleasure to be around at all times.
My grandmother also didn't work a day in her life. Her son, my father, myself, brother, sister, and mother live close to my grandmother. she has a daughter 2 states away with 2 grandchildren. They never do a thing for her. We take care of her, she is 93 years old and legally blind. take her grocery shopping, doctor appts, hair saloons ect. We all have a great work ethic and bust our buts. She can never acknowledge anything we do for her(not that we expect her to). but she always brags about her 2 grandchildren that are 2 states away and don't even call her to wish her a happy bday. Her daughter my fathers sister started an argument with my father saying that grandma was telling her that we steal from her don't do anything for her this and that. We do everything for her and she talks bad about us. She was visiting her daughter 2 states away y father her son got very sick had 1 week to live you would think his mother would come home as soon as possible. She didn't even go to his funeral. its not like there wasn't any time. the day we found out he had 1 week to live we notified her and 2 days for funeral. She had 9 days to see her son before he was put in the ground.
Most of my family are various forms of Protestant Christians. My Grandmother was a Baptist but not the fire and brimstone type. She was the best. They are all "good" people who are not judgemental. They know I am a Deist and they don't try to gang save me or point fingers of condemnation. I'm sure they pray for me and that's cool. Now Outside of my family, I've known a mixed bag of really good people, not so good and complete dirt bags all of whom claim to be "Christian". So maybe a person is who he/she is regardless of whether they are Christian, Atheist, Agnostic or whatev.
All the relatives in my family that claim to be Christians only claim it as well, they don't live it. As the OP says they are the most judgemental of anyone I know. One of them her father left her a house and money and she has not worked a day in her life but feels qualified to judge all others on work, money, spending, yada yada. It's sad to me. I've only met one person in my life that actually LIVED a Christ-like life. She was a great pleasure to be around at all times.
My grandmother also didn't work a day in her life. Her son, my father, myself, brother, sister, and mother live close to my grandmother. she has a daughter 2 states away with 2 grandchildren. They never do a thing for her. We take care of her, she is 93 years old and legally blind. take her grocery shopping, doctor appts, hair saloons ect. We all have a great work ethic and bust our buts. She can never acknowledge anything we do for her(not that we expect her to). but she always brags about her 2 grandchildren that are 2 states away and don't even call her to wish her a happy bday. Her daughter my fathers sister started an argument with my father saying that grandma was telling her that we steal from her don't do anything for her this and that. We do everything for her and she talks bad about us. She was visiting her daughter 2 states away y father her son got very sick had 1 week to live you would think his mother would come home as soon as possible. She didn't even go to his funeral. its not like there wasn't any time. the day we found out he had 1 week to live we notified her and 2 days for funeral. She had 9 days to see her son before he was put in the ground.

People are bizarre.
All the relatives in my family that claim to be Christians only claim it as well, they don't live it. As the OP says they are the most judgemental of anyone I know. One of them her father left her a house and money and she has not worked a day in her life but feels qualified to judge all others on work, money, spending, yada yada. It's sad to me. I've only met one person in my life that actually LIVED a Christ-like life. She was a great pleasure to be around at all times.
My grandmother also didn't work a day in her life. Her son, my father, myself, brother, sister, and mother live close to my grandmother. she has a daughter 2 states away with 2 grandchildren. They never do a thing for her. We take care of her, she is 93 years old and legally blind. take her grocery shopping, doctor appts, hair saloons ect. We all have a great work ethic and bust our buts. She can never acknowledge anything we do for her(not that we expect her to). but she always brags about her 2 grandchildren that are 2 states away and don't even call her to wish her a happy bday. Her daughter my fathers sister started an argument with my father saying that grandma was telling her that we steal from her don't do anything for her this and that. We do everything for her and she talks bad about us. She was visiting her daughter 2 states away y father her son got very sick had 1 week to live you would think his mother would come home as soon as possible. She didn't even go to his funeral. its not like there wasn't any time. the day we found out he had 1 week to live we notified her and 2 days for funeral. She had 9 days to see her son before he was put in the ground.
Well you are getting into family dynamics which is the Twilight Zone. Good on you for looking after your Grandma.
One of the easiest paths to peace of mind is to remember that much of the time, people don't behave as you'd like them to.
Seems to be a few atheists/agnostics around here who are somewhat judgemental too. Pretty quick to decide who is an idiot or hypocritical. The numbers might not square up, but I also think being judgemental shows itself in politics and many other arenas dealing with human behavior.

You guys really ought to look at the high horse you're on because you're drowning in irony.

ALL human beings are judgmental. That includes theists, atheists, RWs, conservatives, liberals, Repubs, Dems and anyone else you can name.

Saying that theists are somehow above that is just nonsense. If you doubt that, read this board, read this forum, read MY posts and read this post.
All the relatives in my family that claim to be Christians only claim it as well, they don't live it. As the OP says they are the most judgemental of anyone I know. One of them her father left her a house and money and she has not worked a day in her life but feels qualified to judge all others on work, money, spending, yada yada. It's sad to me. I've only met one person in my life that actually LIVED a Christ-like life. She was a great pleasure to be around at all times.
My grandmother also didn't work a day in her life. Her son, my father, myself, brother, sister, and mother live close to my grandmother. she has a daughter 2 states away with 2 grandchildren. They never do a thing for her. We take care of her, she is 93 years old and legally blind. take her grocery shopping, doctor appts, hair saloons ect. We all have a great work ethic and bust our buts. She can never acknowledge anything we do for her(not that we expect her to). but she always brags about her 2 grandchildren that are 2 states away and don't even call her to wish her a happy bday. Her daughter my fathers sister started an argument with my father saying that grandma was telling her that we steal from her don't do anything for her this and that. We do everything for her and she talks bad about us. She was visiting her daughter 2 states away y father her son got very sick had 1 week to live you would think his mother would come home as soon as possible. She didn't even go to his funeral. its not like there wasn't any time. the day we found out he had 1 week to live we notified her and 2 days for funeral. She had 9 days to see her son before he was put in the ground.


I've written about similar relatives of mine, including some who give lip service to being christian but whose behavior is anything but. (That's me, being judgmental.) We have one who we have supported in the past, almost always pay to keep a roof over her head. Another has never ever worked. NEVER. They're very good at scamming the system. All of them are thrilled that they finally have a president who is on their side and will help them.

Other family members have given up on the RW, christian freeloaders. We talk about this constantly and always decide to help them again.

Its hard to wrestle with this issue.
Everybody judges people. But is it right to treat your loved ones like crap for no reason when they do everything for you and treat you with nothing but respect? Is it ok to get your child children against you and have them so mad that they wont talk to their own mother? Is ok for a loved one to talk bad to other people about you for no reason at all?

It's better not to worry about what others do or attempt to measure their actions ... That is in turn being judgmental regardless whether it is warranted.

Never try to be better than someone else ... Always try to be better than yourself.
If you do the best you can to be the type person you admire and respect ... It doesn't matter what anyone else does ... :thup:

My point is not about being judgmental. I was just simply pointing out that I see, the ones who claim to be good and dedicated to their religion and always pointing at wrongs in people, are not always what they seem. I feel as though they are disrespecting their religion and I just don't agree with it. that's all
Seems to be a few atheists/agnostics around here who are somewhat judgemental too. Pretty quick to decide who is an idiot or hypocritical. The numbers might not square up, but I also think being judgemental shows itself in politics and many other arenas dealing with human behavior.

You guys really ought to look at the high horse you're on because you're drowning in irony.

ALL human beings are judgmental. That includes theists, atheists, RWs, conservatives, liberals, Repubs, Dems and anyone else you can name.

Saying that theists are somehow above that is just nonsense. If you doubt that, read this board, read this forum, read MY posts and read this post.
My point is not about being judgmental. I was just simply pointing out that I see, the ones who claim to be good and dedicated to their religion and always pointing at wrongs in people, are not always what they seem. I feel as though they are disrespecting their religion and I just don't agree with it. that's all
I stated that everyone is judgmental, never said I wasn't. My point is that a lot of religious people are the most judgmental people I ever met, And some treat people worse then I ever saw.
Reading this board will do nothing to make you feel admiration for those who are quick to spout their religion but refuse to behave as Jesus taught. Most "christians" here use it as a political club. Start ad thread about food stamps and they line up to tell you why children should go hungry. If the subject is race, they will tell you whites are superior, apparently forgetting that Jesus was not himself white. Marriage equality? Nope. Equality of any kind - no way, no how.

I've also noticed they are, in general, a very unhappy lot. Most do not seem to get much happiness or serenity from their god. Most are very angry, very bitter and need to blame others - mostly liberals and atheists - for their own shortcomings.

BUT, there are a few true Christians here as well.

I also had a very religious grandmother who I adored. She never knew I am atheist because it wasn't important. She was very liberal, a suffragette who knew Eleanor Roosevelt and marched with other women to get the vote. Whether or not you agree with your grandma, be grateful you still have her. Listen, write it down, take photos - when she's gone, you will not have any way to learn what she has to teach you. As obvious as it might seem, you can never get that back and just that fact alone will leave a hole in your heart.

ThatDude, I suspect this is the answer you were seeking.
Yes it was K9Buck

I appreciate your honest response.

There are a LOT of people who have professed to be followers of Christ who are, in reality, anything but. There are also, however, a LOT of Christians who have done immense charity and good for others.

There are some that take joy in attacking Christians for their beliefs and their failings while virtually never giving them credit for their charitable acts. What you won't see them doing is condemning the infamous atheists such as Joseph Stalin, Mao, Pol Pot, Castro, the North Korean regimes, etc., etc., etc., that have literally murdered tens of millions just with the last century. Oceans of blood and mountains of dead bodies is what modern atheism has given to humanity.

As you see, if you're being honest, it cuts both ways.

There is the axiom 'Going to church doesn't make you a Christian any more than standing in a garage makes you a car.'
My point is that a lot of religious people are the most judgmental people I ever met,

Fortunately for YOU, you never met Stalin, Mao, Pol Pot, the North Korean stooges, Castro, etc. Those atheists judged and murdered tens of millions in just the past century. I'm guessing your grandma didn't murder those that she judged.

I get it, you despise those who believe in Jesus. You might consider living in North Korea. You'd love it because religion is BANNED there!
No I believe That jesus Christ is the son of god and that he died for our sins. Nothing you said has anything to do with the point I'm making. So its not ok to practice what you preach? Isnt the point of religion is to have faith in believing there is a higher power and to do good to go to heaven not hell? I'm pointing out the religious people I have encountered and their actions contradict what they say. So its ok to have people think you are this kind god obeying person and behind closed doors you are really evil? Please if you don't understand something ask so I can make myself clearer. I also don't agree with people who add input on a topic and it has nothing to do with point being made.
My point is not about being judgmental. I was just simply pointing out that I see, the ones who claim to be good and dedicated to their religion and always pointing at wrongs in people, are not always what they seem. I feel as though they are disrespecting their religion and I just don't agree with it. that's all

It IS disrespectful to their religion, Christians are not supposed to be judgmental of others. "Judge not lest ye be judged" is supposed to be the mantra to follow but human nature makes that a difficult maxim to live by. By everybody, not just Christians. Personally, I got enough trouble trying to be a better person each and every day without worrying about how everyone else is doing.
Reading this board will do nothing to make you feel admiration for those who are quick to spout their religion but refuse to behave as Jesus taught. Most "christians" here use it as a political club. Start ad thread about food stamps and they line up to tell you why children should go hungry. If the subject is race, they will tell you whites are superior, apparently forgetting that Jesus was not himself white. Marriage equality? Nope. Equality of any kind - no way, no how.

I've also noticed they are, in general, a very unhappy lot. Most do not seem to get much happiness or serenity from their god. Most are very angry, very bitter and need to blame others - mostly liberals and atheists - for their own shortcomings.

BUT, there are a few true Christians here as well.

I also had a very religious grandmother who I adored. She never knew I am atheist because it wasn't important. She was very liberal, a suffragette who knew Eleanor Roosevelt and marched with other women to get the vote. Whether or not you agree with your grandma, be grateful you still have her. Listen, write it down, take photos - when she's gone, you will not have any way to learn what she has to teach you. As obvious as it might seem, you can never get that back and just that fact alone will leave a hole in your heart.


What makes you think all the posters here are Christian?



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