Religions will End.

Yes it is a benefit. Would you rather die and have to tell him you never believed in him?

You're not grasping the concept.

No, you're not grasping the concept.

Not having faith is the definition of not believing in him, so if you fake faith, you still don't "believe," I thought that part was obvious.

No, you're not grasping the concept.

To live your life as though there is a God would entail all of the above, faith, belief, etc. Otherwise you're NOT living your life as though there is a God.

Was that really so hard to understand, or do you just like to hear yourself talk?

lol if you're doing it for the reason of "what if," as you proclaimed, than that presupposes that you have no faith. Jesus christ.
No, you're not grasping the concept.

Not having faith is the definition of not believing in him, so if you fake faith, you still don't "believe," I thought that part was obvious.

No, you're not grasping the concept.

To live your life as though there is a God would entail all of the above, faith, belief, etc. Otherwise you're NOT living your life as though there is a God.

Was that really so hard to understand, or do you just like to hear yourself talk?

lol if you're doing it for the reason of "what if," as you proclaimed, than that presupposes that you have no faith. Jesus christ.

Quote the scripture that lays that out.

We grow in faith over time, and it waxes and wanes; the bible addresses this in detail. Nobody has 100 percent solid faith 100 percent of the time, and people who are new in Christ are lucky to have 10 percent faith....
No, you're not grasping the concept.

To live your life as though there is a God would entail all of the above, faith, belief, etc. Otherwise you're NOT living your life as though there is a God.

Was that really so hard to understand, or do you just like to hear yourself talk?

lol if you're doing it for the reason of "what if," as you proclaimed, than that presupposes that you have no faith. Jesus christ.

Quote the scripture that lays that out.

We grow in faith over time, and it waxes and wanes; the bible addresses this in detail. Nobody has 100 percent solid faith 100 percent of the time, and people who are new in Christ are lucky to have 10 percent faith....

If you say "I believe because ....what if he's real," asking the question at all presupposes doubt.....not faith.
lol if you're doing it for the reason of "what if," as you proclaimed, than that presupposes that you have no faith. Jesus christ.

Quote the scripture that lays that out.

We grow in faith over time, and it waxes and wanes; the bible addresses this in detail. Nobody has 100 percent solid faith 100 percent of the time, and people who are new in Christ are lucky to have 10 percent faith....

If you say "I believe because ....what if he's real," asking the question at all presupposes doubt.....not faith.

In other word, your presumption is just that, and not supported by scripture.
Quote the scripture that lays that out.

We grow in faith over time, and it waxes and wanes; the bible addresses this in detail. Nobody has 100 percent solid faith 100 percent of the time, and people who are new in Christ are lucky to have 10 percent faith....

If you say "I believe because ....what if he's real," asking the question at all presupposes doubt.....not faith.

In other word, your presumption is just that, and not supported by scripture.

I don't support my beliefs with scripture. That would make no sense, obviously.
You are claiming there are certain "requirements" to being a Christian, but won't back up those ridiculous assertations with any scripture.

You can't provide the scripture, so anything you say about the subject is irrelevant and nothing but your own biased and uninformed opinion. That's fine, but you're presenting it as biblical fact. It's not.
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When man finally figures out he is God, then religion will end. So how will he know? I think technology is opening new doors, intelligence is advancing, and man will learn to control his mind and make it work for him. You never hear much about it, but while I was studying at a University a professor in paranormal studies approached me, and discussed a society that conducts studys of mind control, and asked if I wanted to join into that group to send messages directly to targeted individuals, much like a telephone call. I was buried in other studies so passed it up. But it is something ongoing I assume.

When we get several of the powers down of the mind, making life everlasting, then I think religion will disban. Much of religion is pretty much debunked anyway.

Your thoughts.

Far far far far far far far far more science has been debunked than religion.
You are claiming there are certain "requirements" to being a Christian, but won't back up those ridiculous assertations with any scripture.

You can't provide the scripture, so anything you say about the subject is irrelevant and nothing but your own biased and uninformed opinion. That's fine, but you're presenting it as biblical fact. It's not.

wtf? i claimed there were requirements to be christian?


i was having a side conversation with pale, when he said that it's better to live as if god exists because "what if"

you dont know what the fuck you're talking about. sit down.
What is all this droning on about "scripture"? None of it was written by the BeJeebus. It was all "assembled" by the Romans in an obvious attempt to control the new jews that believed in the myths surrounding jebus. You people bring up this ancient crap like it was documented on the spot by eye witnesses. Most of this shit was passed on word of mouth by hundreds of sequential accounts before it was even scribed. Knowing all this you people still cling to it because of course.."god" was supervising the whole line of gossip. Even if there was something authentic about the earliest notes..the Romans scrubbed the whole thing and left out massive accounts. Yet..still you think this shit is true. It is what the Romans wanted it to be to keep morons like you in line.
What is all this droning on about "scripture"? None of it was written by the BeJeebus. It was all "assembled" by the Romans in an obvious attempt to control the new jews that believed in the myths surrounding jebus. You people bring up this ancient crap like it was documented on the spot by eye witnesses. Most of this shit was passed on word of mouth by hundreds of sequential accounts before it was even scribed. Knowing all this you people still cling to it because of course.."god" was supervising the whole line of gossip. Even if there was something authentic about the earliest notes..the Romans scrubbed the whole thing and left out massive accounts. Yet..still you think this shit is true. It is what the Romans wanted it to be to keep morons like you in line.

I suppose you have proof of your B.S. that this was gossip passed between many before it was scribed? Or that the Romans scrubbed the whole thing and left out massive accounts?

A reading of the Dead Sea Scrolls that were written well before, during & after the time of Jesus shows the modern bible is virtually word for word translation from the scribes.
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What is all this droning on about "scripture"? None of it was written by the BeJeebus. It was all "assembled" by the Romans in an obvious attempt to control the new jews that believed in the myths surrounding jebus. You people bring up this ancient crap like it was documented on the spot by eye witnesses. Most of this shit was passed on word of mouth by hundreds of sequential accounts before it was even scribed. Knowing all this you people still cling to it because of course.."god" was supervising the whole line of gossip. Even if there was something authentic about the earliest notes..the Romans scrubbed the whole thing and left out massive accounts. Yet..still you think this shit is true. It is what the Romans wanted it to be to keep morons like you in line.

I suppose you have proof of your B.S. that this was gossip passed between many before it was scribed? Or that the Romans scrubbed the whole thing and left out massive accounts?

A reading of the Dead Sea Scrolls that were written well before, during & after the time of Jesus shows the modern bible is virtually word for word translation from the scribes.

I'm not trying to crush your faith. But nigga please... You nor none of your like minded religious followers have no fucking idea what was said and done for a fact in the time of jesus. Sell it in your churches..believe what you want. Selling that crap out in the open requires a higher test. When it is clear that you drift into faith and desire as your evidence you will be called on it.
Hate to say it, but G.T. is right on that one.

If you act christian "in case" there's a God...which is what Pascal's wager is all about...that means you dont believe.

And I can quote the J-man himself who said "there is no way to the Lord but through me." So you have to believe in Jesus ...not just act like he MIGHT exist.

I ,personally, dont.
You are claiming there are certain "requirements" to being a Christian, but won't back up those ridiculous assertations with any scripture.

You can't provide the scripture, so anything you say about the subject is irrelevant and nothing but your own biased and uninformed opinion. That's fine, but you're presenting it as biblical fact. It's not.

wtf? i claimed there were requirements to be christian?


i was having a side conversation with pale, when he said that it's better to live as if god exists because "what if"

you dont know what the fuck you're talking about. sit down.

I know exactly what I'm talking about, and you're full of shit. Thanks for sharing.
You are claiming there are certain "requirements" to being a Christian, but won't back up those ridiculous assertations with any scripture.

You can't provide the scripture, so anything you say about the subject is irrelevant and nothing but your own biased and uninformed opinion. That's fine, but you're presenting it as biblical fact. It's not.

wtf? i claimed there were requirements to be christian?


i was having a side conversation with pale, when he said that it's better to live as if god exists because "what if"

you dont know what the fuck you're talking about. sit down.

I know exactly what I'm talking about, and you're full of shit. Thanks for sharing.

:lol: as evidenced by this post which had nothing of the like :lol:
What is all this droning on about "scripture"? None of it was written by the BeJeebus. It was all "assembled" by the Romans in an obvious attempt to control the new jews that believed in the myths surrounding jebus. You people bring up this ancient crap like it was documented on the spot by eye witnesses. Most of this shit was passed on word of mouth by hundreds of sequential accounts before it was even scribed. Knowing all this you people still cling to it because of course.."god" was supervising the whole line of gossip. Even if there was something authentic about the earliest notes..the Romans scrubbed the whole thing and left out massive accounts. Yet..still you think this shit is true. It is what the Romans wanted it to be to keep morons like you in line.

This is almost as good as your posts about waiting for those new, cloned bodies that will assure eternal (oh, sorry, 300-year) life.
What is all this droning on about "scripture"? None of it was written by the BeJeebus. It was all "assembled" by the Romans in an obvious attempt to control the new jews that believed in the myths surrounding jebus. You people bring up this ancient crap like it was documented on the spot by eye witnesses. Most of this shit was passed on word of mouth by hundreds of sequential accounts before it was even scribed. Knowing all this you people still cling to it because of course.."god" was supervising the whole line of gossip. Even if there was something authentic about the earliest notes..the Romans scrubbed the whole thing and left out massive accounts. Yet..still you think this shit is true. It is what the Romans wanted it to be to keep morons like you in line.

This is almost as good as your posts about waiting for those new, cloned bodies that will assure eternal (oh, sorry, 300-year) life.

Ya...almost:lol: My desires for the future of our species involve something tangible and beneficial. Not some bogus promise that can NEVER be proven. I think that is what makes me angry at the is the obvious lies that you all pass around. If ya just stuck to what even remotely COULD have happened you would have a lot more credibility in my book.
The concept of a new body, but nothing to support the likelihood of it actually occurring.

That's exactly what Christians are aiming for, hypocrite.
The concept of a new body, but nothing to support the likelihood of it actually occurring.

That's exactly what Christians are aiming for, hypocrite.

Don't be openly stupid. Please. I am bending over backward to try to hold a civil discussion...your neg reps aside. Cloning is well documented. It hasn't been tried on humans yet for obvious reasons. Personally I believe it is being done...just kept secret. You can't tell me that Bill Gates or Paul Allen haven't considered funding this somewhere on the planet.
What is all this droning on about "scripture"? None of it was written by the BeJeebus. It was all "assembled" by the Romans in an obvious attempt to control the new jews that believed in the myths surrounding jebus. You people bring up this ancient crap like it was documented on the spot by eye witnesses. Most of this shit was passed on word of mouth by hundreds of sequential accounts before it was even scribed. Knowing all this you people still cling to it because of course.."god" was supervising the whole line of gossip. Even if there was something authentic about the earliest notes..the Romans scrubbed the whole thing and left out massive accounts. Yet..still you think this shit is true. It is what the Romans wanted it to be to keep morons like you in line.

I suppose you have proof of your B.S. that this was gossip passed between many before it was scribed? Or that the Romans scrubbed the whole thing and left out massive accounts?

A reading of the Dead Sea Scrolls that were written well before, during & after the time of Jesus shows the modern bible is virtually word for word translation from the scribes.

I'm not trying to crush your faith. But nigga please... You nor none of your like minded religious followers have no fucking idea what was said and done for a fact in the time of jesus. Sell it in your churches..believe what you want. Selling that crap out in the open requires a higher test. When it is clear that you drift into faith and desire as your evidence you will be called on it.

Nigga please... I just called you out on your faith and desire B.S. that the Romans scrubed the Bible. You failed & posted shuck & jive B.S. with no evidence. You have been called on it & branded an idiot.:cuckoo:
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