Religion; Hype and Hysteria


Aug 23, 2015
Forms of religion have existed since the beginning of time, yet I have failed to witness any positive effects from it. Aside from the fact that billions of people throughout the course of history have been subjected to murder and torture in the name of religion, where are the positives?? Is it the fact that people are so scared of death that they need a crutch to rely on, or that those same people are so weak minded that they need something to follow in order to cope with their worthless existence? Religious zealots continue to discredit scientists and their factual findings in regards to the earth and its evolution, yet still believe that Jonah could survive in the belly of a whale. Truthfully, if I were to read the Bible with no prior knowledge of knowing what it was, I would have thought that the writer(s) was suffering from a bad hallucinogenic trip.
Since "the beginning of time"? No.

Religion, the Bible, the Torah, the Book of Mormon, and the Koran are filled with nothing but allegory symbolism and interpretation.

If we could all just follow some of the 10 simple rules, the world would be a much better place.


  1. You shall have no other gods before Me. Sez who? :dunno:
  2. You shall not make idols. Does that include blow-up dolls?
  3. You shall not take the name of the LORD your God in vain. You're Goddamn right!
  4. Remember the Sabbath day, to keep it holy. Which Sabbath? Saturday or Sunday?
  5. Honor your father and your mother. This is a good one.
  6. You shall not murder. Well, duh.
  7. You shall not commit adultery. I should have stayed in my 13 year abusive relationship?
  8. You shall not steal. Steal what? Hubcaps or weed?
  9. You shall not bear false witness against your neighbor. Why not just say "don't lie, bitch"?
  10. You shall not covet. Sorry, Liberals Socialists Progressives and Communists.
Forms of religion have existed since the beginning of time, yet I have failed to witness any positive effects from it. Aside from the fact that billions of people throughout the course of history have been subjected to murder and torture in the name of religion, where are the positives?? Is it the fact that people are so scared of death that they need a crutch to rely on, or that those same people are so weak minded that they need something to follow in order to cope with their worthless existence? Religious zealots continue to discredit scientists and their factual findings in regards to the earth and its evolution, yet still believe that Jonah could survive in the belly of a whale. Truthfully, if I were to read the Bible with no prior knowledge of knowing what it was, I would have thought that the writer(s) was suffering from a bad hallucinogenic trip.

"Fight for your people. It's okay if you die. You'll be rewarded in the herafter."

Occurs as a reason for religion. ;)
Forms of religion have existed since the beginning of time, yet I have failed to witness any positive effects from it. Aside from the fact that billions of people throughout the course of history have been subjected to murder and torture in the name of religion, where are the positives?? Is it the fact that people are so scared of death that they need a crutch to rely on, or that those same people are so weak minded that they need something to follow in order to cope with their worthless existence? Religious zealots continue to discredit scientists and their factual findings in regards to the earth and its evolution, yet still believe that Jonah could survive in the belly of a whale. Truthfully, if I were to read the Bible with no prior knowledge of knowing what it was, I would have thought that the writer(s) was suffering from a bad hallucinogenic trip.

From the beginning of time up through the present, there have been people who have experienced the feeling of God's unconditional love, and have grasped the fact that we are meant to love and be loved. They understand that this world is a mere shadowy reflection of the next phase of our eternity which will be thousands of times more beautiful and vital than what we have now.
So I guess the movement to end slavery in the UK and united states wasn't good?
So I guess the movement to end slavery in the UK and united states wasn't good?
You lost me here. Are you saying that only "godly" people were in support of the abolishment of slavery? I truly believe it was more of a humanitarian effort to ensure freedom and safety from their oppressors. Millions of people across the globe are subjected to slavery in the name of religion to this day. At least if it's not happening in America it's not a problem.
Forms of religion have existed since the beginning of time, yet I have failed to witness any positive effects from it. Aside from the fact that billions of people throughout the course of history have been subjected to murder and torture in the name of religion, where are the positives?? Is it the fact that people are so scared of death that they need a crutch to rely on, or that those same people are so weak minded that they need something to follow in order to cope with their worthless existence? Religious zealots continue to discredit scientists and their factual findings in regards to the earth and its evolution, yet still believe that Jonah could survive in the belly of a whale. Truthfully, if I were to read the Bible with no prior knowledge of knowing what it was, I would have thought that the writer(s) was suffering from a bad hallucinogenic trip.

From the beginning of time up through the present, there have been people who have experienced the feeling of God's unconditional love, and have grasped the fact that we are meant to love and be loved. They understand that this world is a mere shadowy reflection of the next phase of our eternity which will be thousands of times more beautiful and vital than what we have now.
Lol, show me some proof. Until then, I'll rely on science and common sense. "God" has a weird way of showing unconditional love to the children who are continuously maimed, disfigured and murdered by the hands of the American government. My mistake, children in the Middle East are protected and "loved unconditionally" by a different "God".
So I guess the movement to end slavery in the UK and united states wasn't good?
You lost me here. Are you saying that only "godly" people were in support of the abolishment of slavery? I truly believe it was more of a humanitarian effort to ensure freedom and safety from their oppressors. Millions of people across the globe are subjected to slavery in the name of religion to this day. At least if it's not happening in America it's not a problem.

There is a reason it was faithful men and women leading the charge to free slaves.
So I guess the movement to end slavery in the UK and united states wasn't good?
You lost me here. Are you saying that only "godly" people were in support of the abolishment of slavery? I truly believe it was more of a humanitarian effort to ensure freedom and safety from their oppressors. Millions of people across the globe are subjected to slavery in the name of religion to this day. At least if it's not happening in America it's not a problem.

There is a reason it was faithful men and women leading the charge to free slaves.
It was also faithful men and women leading the charge to keep slaves.
So I guess the movement to end slavery in the UK and united states wasn't good?
You lost me here. Are you saying that only "godly" people were in support of the abolishment of slavery? I truly believe it was more of a humanitarian effort to ensure freedom and safety from their oppressors. Millions of people across the globe are subjected to slavery in the name of religion to this day. At least if it's not happening in America it's not a problem.

There is a reason it was faithful men and women leading the charge to free slaves.
It was also faithful men and women leading the charge to keep slaves.

Two requirements to join the Ku Klux Klan. One had to be White. One had to be a Christian.

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So I guess the movement to end slavery in the UK and united states wasn't good?
You lost me here. Are you saying that only "godly" people were in support of the abolishment of slavery? I truly believe it was more of a humanitarian effort to ensure freedom and safety from their oppressors. Millions of people across the globe are subjected to slavery in the name of religion to this day. At least if it's not happening in America it's not a problem.

There is a reason it was faithful men and women leading the charge to free slaves.
It was also faithful men and women leading the charge to keep slaves.

Two requirements to join the Ku Klux Klan. One had to be White. One had to be a Christian.


Being democrat was more important than both of them.
So I guess the movement to end slavery in the UK and united states wasn't good?
According to the bible slavery is ok and teaches you how to treat them. It took man, not God to abolish slavery. As jesus said he is not here to change the old law only to fulfill prophecy, so you really can't say the New Testament even says slavery is bad.

And it took almost 2000 years to end slavery, in the western world anyway, I am sure if Jesus said something about slavery was evil they may have ended it well before that. As I said it took man, not God.
Forms of religion have existed since the beginning of time, yet I have failed to witness any positive effects from it. Aside from the fact that billions of people throughout the course of history have been subjected to murder and torture in the name of religion, where are the positives?? Is it the fact that people are so scared of death that they need a crutch to rely on, or that those same people are so weak minded that they need something to follow in order to cope with their worthless existence? Religious zealots continue to discredit scientists and their factual findings in regards to the earth and its evolution, yet still believe that Jonah could survive in the belly of a whale. Truthfully, if I were to read the Bible with no prior knowledge of knowing what it was, I would have thought that the writer(s) was suffering from a bad hallucinogenic trip.
Just be glad that western religion does not keep faith to the bible absolutely. Christianity has changed drastically since its inception. I would rather have it as it is now then what it was 500 years ago, or even the way the first christians were.

if people in the western world need God to act like they are good people, I can tolerate it.

They do have good concepts, but employing fear to convert is bad. A person does not need religion to be a good person. Yet christians act as if the Ten Commandments are the only reason people are good. Lol

I think christianity has had some good as well as bad. Music compositions ie Bach Mozart, numerous others, are awesome and architecture. Are a couple good things.
Forms of religion have existed since the beginning of time, yet I have failed to witness any positive effects from it. Aside from the fact that billions of people throughout the course of history have been subjected to murder and torture in the name of religion, where are the positives?? Is it the fact that people are so scared of death that they need a crutch to rely on, or that those same people are so weak minded that they need something to follow in order to cope with their worthless existence? Religious zealots continue to discredit scientists and their factual findings in regards to the earth and its evolution, yet still believe that Jonah could survive in the belly of a whale. Truthfully, if I were to read the Bible with no prior knowledge of knowing what it was, I would have thought that the writer(s) was suffering from a bad hallucinogenic trip.
Just be glad that western religion does not keep faith to the bible absolutely. Christianity has changed drastically since its inception. I would rather have it as it is now then what it was 500 years ago, or even the way the first christians were.

if people in the western world need God to act like they are good people, I can tolerate it.

They do have good concepts, but employing fear to convert is bad. A person does not need religion to be a good person. Yet christians act as if the Ten Commandments are the only reason people are good. Lol

I think christianity has had some good as well as bad. Music compositions ie Bach Mozart, numerous others, are awesome and architecture. Are a couple good things.
I completely agree, if someone needs religion in order to live a morally good life so be it. On the other hand, I believe that the most pious individuals are usually the most hypocritical. Why was there no outrage from the religious community when accusations of child sexual abuse within the catholic churches were verified? Yet they completely lost their minds when gay marriage was legalized. Apparently child rape and molestation isn't as serious as two women who want to marry.

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