Religion and politics

so you think if someone works hard and becomes successful he is the problem? Then you think the person that doens't want to work should be supported by the people working? Got it the public school system taught you well.

No, silly. I was asking if you would be okay if a teacher decided to share the Pope's ideas with schoolchildren ;)

I think schoolchildren should be taught math, english, history and science. Social matters should be taught at home.
Religion doesn't belong in ANY institution comprised of people with different beliefs.

That's right! People should not be allowed to say anything in any institution regarding everything. The institutions would be quiet at least, even if nonproductive.:eusa_silenced::eusa_eh:
so you think if someone works hard and becomes successful he is the problem? Then you think the person that doens't want to work should be supported by the people working? Got it the public school system taught you well.

No, silly. I was asking if you would be okay if a teacher decided to share the Pope's ideas with schoolchildren ;)

I think schoolchildren should be taught math, english, history and science. Social matters should be taught at home.

I think children should be taught how to be quiet and listen to birds chirping. History cannot be taught because it would reflect just a secular view on only secular things and real history doesn't exist in a vacuum. Science cannot be taught because it cannot be proven with absolute certainty. English cannot be taught because this is offensive to all our immigrant friends who bring us the gift of diversity. One cannot correct a child in school because that would be a social matter.... This leaves us math, and as long as problems are not written in a way to make a child feel insecure about their abilities to comprehend, one could simply stick to the numbers and signs. However, ∞ would have to be left out, as it is too representative of an attribute which is commonly applied to a god we cannot speak of... I'm so glad you left out Art and music, because we all know how individual expression can offend others or bring motive into question. And terms such as "talent" and "gift" suggest that attibutes are somehow the reward of something outside the individual. Such notions must be prevented and "self" expression might move into the spiritual and that would never do. And sports, well that goes without saying. Those players might just kneel and pray out on the field and the atheists would be aghast. It also makes those who cannot afford the time to practice or who lack coordination to feel bad about themselves. And then there is the silly notion of school spirit, team spirit, spirit week. We cannot have this as it suggests that such a thing as "spirit" actually exists to those who hold that there is no such thing. There! that fixes everything and no one is offended.
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