Religion and politics

We have a "Godless" Constitution. Therefore, all religions are treated equally. Religious institutions should be taxed like everyone else.

The Government of the United States of America is not, in any sense founded on the Christian religion

Not God's Army: The Front Lines of the Fight Against Proselytizing in the U.S. Military

Anyone who mixes religion and politics is a fool. Anyone who preaches anything political from the pulpit is a damned fool.

I would disagree. That is one of the main problems with this nation. When the country started UNCONSTITUTIONALLY applying the 501c law to the churches, the nation started going down the drain. If the flocks of the faithful don't hold their leaders to the same moral standards that they themselves hold their communities to, what do we get? SHIT for leaders. CORRUPT ASS-WIPES NOT WORTH A BUCKET OF SPIT. And that is what we have now.

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We have a "Godless" Constitution. Therefore, all religions are treated equally. Religious institutions should be taxed like everyone else.

The Government of the United States of America is not, in any sense founded on the Christian religion

Not God's Army: The Front Lines of the Fight Against Proselytizing in the U.S. Military

Anyone who mixes religion and politics is a fool. Anyone who preaches anything political from the pulpit is a damned fool.

I would disagree. That is one of the main problems with this nation. When the country started UNCONSTITUTIONALLY applying the 501c law to the churches, the nation started going down the drain. If the flocks of the faithful don't hold their leaders to the same moral standards that they themselves hold their communities to, what do we get? SHIT for leaders. CORRUPT ASS-WIPES NOT WORTH A BUCKET OF SPIT. And that is what we have now.

Churches are not prevented from endorsing candidates and even busing "souls to the polls" after church.

Well... except in states where the teabaggers tried to rollback Sunday voting...
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Anyone who mixes religion and politics is a fool. Anyone who preaches anything political from the pulpit is a damned fool.

I would disagree. That is one of the main problems with this nation. When the country started UNCONSTITUTIONALLY applying the 501c law to the churches, the nation started going down the drain. If the flocks of the faithful don't hold their leaders to the same moral standards that they themselves hold their communities to, what do we get? SHIT for leaders. CORRUPT ASS-WIPES NOT WORTH A BUCKET OF SPIT. And that is what we have now.

Churches are not prevented from endorsing candidates and even busing "souls to the polls" after church.

Well... except in states where the teabaggers tried to rollback Sunday voting...

That's illegal. It's hasn't been strictly enforced the past several elections, but it is illegal. The only reason it hasn't been enforced, is that recently, it has worked to the advantage of both liberals and conservatives. In the past when it only served to benefit the proletariat? It was strictly against the rules. The elites never tolerated it, it was a threat to their power.
I would disagree. That is one of the main problems with this nation. When the country started UNCONSTITUTIONALLY applying the 501c law to the churches, the nation started going down the drain. If the flocks of the faithful don't hold their leaders to the same moral standards that they themselves hold their communities to, what do we get? SHIT for leaders. CORRUPT ASS-WIPES NOT WORTH A BUCKET OF SPIT. And that is what we have now.

Churches are not prevented from endorsing candidates and even busing "souls to the polls" after church.

Well... except in states where the teabaggers tried to rollback Sunday voting...

That's illegal. It's hasn't been strictly enforced the past several elections, but it is illegal. The only reason it hasn't been enforced, is that recently, it has worked to the advantage of both liberals and conservatives. In the past when it only served to benefit the proletariat? It was strictly against the rules. The elites never tolerated it, it was a threat to their power.

So it is illegal... but the law making it illegal is unconstitutional? :confused:
I see the left takes away religion out of every aspect of life. Recently from the military, and now from a christian school here in south carolina. It's time for christians to get together and face the iberal agenda. Take the religion of global cooling, global warming,or climate change out of schools. It hasn't been proven, only by changing the name of it. Take out the gay ageda, and teach math and english instead. Take out the idea of being sucessful is bad, and that everyone should be equal in monetary wise. Quit teaching amerca is bad because we are sucessful. Get rid of the liberals, and we can be great again.

Liberals missed the point again, i'm not surprised.
1. A priest in the army can get court marshalled for giving a fatally wounded soildier his last right.
2. An athiest enrolls their child in a christian school, signs a contract stating they know their child will be taught from the bible. Then complains about t.
3. The myth of global warming being taught as fact in schools. Telling children they are destroying the world.
4. Teaching young kids the gay agenda is normal, instead of teaching english, math or history.
5. Teaching kids being succesful is bad. The liberal ageda is destroying america and it needs to end. That's the point of this thread.
SHUT your mouth, really. If no one agrees with your little whiny ass that is your statement.
Well, Shut your christian crybaby fucking ass up.

We have a "Godless" Constitution. Therefore, all religions are treated equally. Religious institutions should be taxed like everyone else.

The Government of the United States of America is not, in any sense founded on the Christian religion

Not God's Army: The Front Lines of the Fight Against Proselytizing in the U.S. Military

Shut your mouth, you witless imp.

"Believing with you that religion is a matter which lies solely between Man & his God, that he owes account to none other for his faith or his worship, that the legitimate powers of government reach actions only, & not opinions, I contemplate with sovereign reverence that act of the whole American people which declared that their legislature should 'make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof,' thus building a wall of separation between Church and State."

Thomas Jefferson's Letter to the Danbury Baptist Association, 1802
I see the left takes away religion out of every aspect of life. Recently from the military, and now from a christian school here in south carolina. It's time for christians to get together and face the iberal agenda. Take the religion of global cooling, global warming,or climate change out of schools. It hasn't been proven, only by changing the name of it. Take out the gay ageda, and teach math and english instead. Take out the idea of being sucessful is bad, and that everyone should be equal in monetary wise. Quit teaching amerca is bad because we are sucessful. Get rid of the liberals, and we can be great again.

And here I thought this was going to be a good discussion revolving around the effects of people's religious beliefs on politics, both pro and con. Instead I find that this is just another thread from a nutter who thinks we should kill off all the liberals, and make America a Christian theocracy where everyone must live by the word of Christian Fundamentalists.

Surprise, surprise.

True. Countered by the other nutters who either fail to or refuse to understand the nature of a 501C corporation and the tax code. Same old pointless diatribe on both sides.
I see the left takes away religion out of every aspect of life. Recently from the military, and now from a christian school here in south carolina. It's time for christians to get together and face the iberal agenda. Take the religion of global cooling, global warming,or climate change out of schools. It hasn't been proven, only by changing the name of it. Take out the gay ageda, and teach math and english instead. Take out the idea of being sucessful is bad, and that everyone should be equal in monetary wise. Quit teaching amerca is bad because we are sucessful. Get rid of the liberals, and we can be great again.

Liberals missed the point again, i'm not surprised.
1. A priest in the army can get court marshalled for giving a fatally wounded soildier his last right.
2. An athiest enrolls their child in a christian school, signs a contract stating they know their child will be taught from the bible. Then complains about t.
3. The myth of global warming being taught as fact in schools. Telling children they are destroying the world.
4. Teaching young kids the gay agenda is normal, instead of teaching english, math or history.
5. Teaching kids being succesful is bad. The liberal ageda is destroying america and it needs to end. That's the point of this thread.

Got the point. It's idiotic. I'm a conservative and it's silliness like this which makes me grind my teeth.
And anyone who falls for that is a goddamned fool.

I ain't sayin that it's right. It's just reality. Did you see the Democratic National Convention?

Yes I suffered through some of it, and they are sheep.

I see the left takes away religion out of every aspect of life. Recently from the military, and now from a christian school here in south carolina. It's time for christians to get together and face the iberal agenda. Take the religion of global cooling, global warming,or climate change out of schools. It hasn't been proven, only by changing the name of it. Take out the gay ageda, and teach math and english instead. Take out the idea of being sucessful is bad, and that everyone should be equal in monetary wise. Quit teaching amerca is bad because we are sucessful. Get rid of the liberals, and we can be great again.

Liberals missed the point again, i'm not surprised.
1. A priest in the army can get court marshalled for giving a fatally wounded soildier his last right.
2. An athiest enrolls their child in a christian school, signs a contract stating they know their child will be taught from the bible. Then complains about t.
3. The myth of global warming being taught as fact in schools. Telling children they are destroying the world.
4. Teaching young kids the gay agenda is normal, instead of teaching english, math or history.
5. Teaching kids being succesful is bad. The liberal ageda is destroying america and it needs to end. That's the point of this thread.

So would it be okay with you if kids were being taught things like:

"And here I think of the difficulties which, in various countries, today afflicts the world of work and business; I think of how many, and not just young people, are unemployed, many times due to a purely economic conception of society, which seeks selfish profit, beyond the parameters of social justice."


"let us be 'protectors of creation, protectors of God’s plan inscribed in nature, protectors of one another and of the environment. Let us not allow omens of destruction and death to accompany the advance of this world!"

so you think if someone works hard and becomes successful he is the problem? Then you think the person that doens't want to work should be supported by the people working? Got it the public school system taught you well.
so you think if someone works hard and becomes successful he is the problem? Then you think the person that doens't want to work should be supported by the people working? Got it the public school system taught you well.

No, silly. I was asking if you would be okay if a teacher decided to share the Pope's ideas with schoolchildren ;)

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