Religion, and free sex

Don't run away so fast, you pervert! All research points to the fact that you believe in a religion that allows and promotes sex with minors.
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What if it was your kid? What would you think then? Would it still be ok, because stuff happens?
But then, you don't have a kid, do you... except for that special one that's not your kid...
ok, let's pick a random state....

New Mexico!

Let's see what I find...

Pick a state!

Or country!

Sexual abuse in the clergy of Christianity, is like a cockroach infestation that continues to spread, until somebody does something about it. But nobody does, they just ignore it.
I ask this question for believers, that don't think this stuff should be happening in your religion. What can you do, who can you reach out to, to try to do something about this?

You can't vote. And your priest is probably guilty, or is protecting others who are guilty, and if not, their higher ups are protecting someone who is guilty. Who can you reach out to? The Pope says he's ashamed by all of this, but he doesn't do anything to prevent it or curb it. The status quo is good for him. Won't even think about allowing priests to marry to curb homosexuals joining the clergy. What can you do?

I say, stop funding the church! And you'll see how quickly they change things.

Save your money, spend it on your loved ones, help the economy, give money to associations not related to the church, help a homeless person with food, and things will get better for everyone.

The church, with their billions, if not trillions of dollars, will not suffer for many years. And they should continue to do their contributions to charity unabetted. But if they say they cannot contribute as much because of lack of donations... or cannot keep up your church because of lack of donations... wow, there's something wrong there.
If the billions of dollars donated every year to the church, from the US, got diverted to the economy and the poor, wow, well this would be a different thing. A much better thing.
So, me... being an atheist, I would invade the Vatican and take all their money, and distribute it in a righteous way. And put all the cocksucking babyfuckers to fry in hell forever.
Forcing recruits to abstain from sex, is not going to bring normal human beings forward. Many, if not most, will be repressing deviant sexual desires, which eventually will break through. And the unfortunate victims are innocent children.

I'm sorry, but if you don't see that, you're a religious shrill... You're part of the problem... Move to France...
Have you ever been to France?
Easy enough fix. ALL people going into religious practices must be spayed and neutered.

That would solve a lot of problems right there, on so many levels.
Interesting idea but I imagine it would be difficult to recruit many people for the clergy.
Thank you. That is the truth right there.

The reason that idea exists is to control people.
Interesting idea but I imagine it would be difficult to recruit many people for the clergy.
Men that are willing to go into the clergy have already given up all thoughts of having sex with women. So they should agree to have their balls chopped off. It still doesn't mean they won't like little boys. But at least some of the testosterone is removed.

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