Reid: No one’s talking about reconciliation

Dems need to do what is right and say the hell with political consequences.

Show some balls Dems...tell the Repubs to get with the program or get the hell out of the way.

Use Reconcilliation ...the Republicans would if they were in your position

They would huh ? .....:eusa_liar:

Could you possibly be any more of a cheerleading homo ? .........
Where are you, Driveby, in a high school locker room? That's what immature teenage jocks say. Trashy talk that adds nothing other than to show you are an idiot.
Where are you, Driveby, in a high school locker room? That's what immature teenage jocks say. Trashy talk that adds nothing other than to show you are an idiot.

Says the fully mature left wing hack posing as a moderate republican who maturely leaves nasty messages on visitor boards but has his turned off in a cowardly fashion..........
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Cheney supported TARP, wanted to privatize SS, and masterminded the worst foreign policy disaster in American history.

Cheney supported TARP, FACT, but that saved the financial industry ! .... :lol:

Cheney wanted to privatize SS, FACT, so what ?

Cheney masterminded the worst foreign policy ever, OPINION, back to the cave, moonbat ........

Yep, you walked into it just like I knew you would. You are a failed lefty, a neo-con, trying to defend the indefensible. That's OK, now that we know what you are.

Wow, you got me there moonbat .........:cuckoo:
Simple question..

What would the Republicans do if the situation were reversed?

Hey some fucking balls!

I agree, do it and the VA, NJ and MASS elections will be a drop in the bucket compared to the backlash these pompous assholes will have created........:eusa_whistle:

Once again.....who the fuck cares at thsi point? Do the right thing and show some fucking balls and get the thing passed.

If you don't get elected..tough
We will bury the Democrats in the November elections and then reverse every law this Congress has passed. This health care bill will not be allowed to stand, I don't care what you and your socialist loving friends want and hope for. America is about to reject liberalism once and for all.
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51 votes. Thats what it will be. Wine, bitch, scream righty's. Its happening and there is nothing you can do about it.
We will take this to the Supreme Court. No government of mine is going to force me to buy an insurance policy when I don't want one. It is not a condition of my citizenship.
:lol::lol::lol: Like Cheney followed that principle. :lol::lol::lol:

Dick Cheney proposed something that bankrupted the country and effected 1/6th of the economy ? .....:cuckoo:
Yes, war with Iraq.

Simple question..

What would the Republicans do if the situation were reversed?

Hey some fucking balls!

The republicans did it back in 2006, and what was the result?

It doesn't go over very well with the voters. It goes over very badly with the voters.

Something to remember when you are looking toward November
51 votes. Thats what it will be. Wine, bitch, scream righty's. Its happening and there is nothing you can do about it.

Slim chance to none. Democrats likely don't have the House votes for reconciliation and may not even have the Senate votes after todays big Republican win at the summit. Good luck with that hope for change though.

Even Democrats are running from the bill. (Senate, House or Obama's bill, take your pick)
Hot Air Blog Archive Cantor, Stupak: Pelosi’s 15 votes short of passing ObamaCare; Update: Boehner calls on Dems to invite Stupak to summit

In fact, Jason Altmire, one of the Blue Dogs whom NBC cites as a potential flip, told the AP that he’s highly skeptical that there are enough votes to pass anything. The nightmare for The One is that any Democrat, left or center, who’s eager to find an excuse to not vote for this thing can find something in the compromise bill to latch onto as a “dealbreaker.” And that being so, given the current political climate, why would anyone think Pelosi’s likely to get more people flipping yes than flipping no?

As for the sudden burst of enthusiasm among Senate moderates for reconciliation, that’s an even bigger bluff than the recent revival of public option fee-vah. If you’re Blanche Lincoln or Ben Nelson or Mary Landrieu, why on earth would you commit to reconciliation until you knew for sure that Pelosi had the votes to sneak the Senate bill through the House? You’d be accepting a fantastic political risk — a toxic procedural bypass — with the prospect of absolutely no reward. Exit quotation from an unnamed House Democrat who voted for Pelosi’s bill: “This is a career-ending vote.”
I wonder whether we are capable of discussing anything without idiots sidetracking into the continual rants about Iraq. Fucking thread is about healthcare people. Focus.
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The purpose of yesterdays show and tell was to prove to the American public that there is no middle ground to be had on healthcare. The Republicans are unwilling to negotiate.

It is obvious that reconcilliation is the only way to go.

Time to play hardball
The purpose of yesterdays show and tell was to prove to the American public that there is no middle ground to be had on healthcare. The Republicans are unwilling to negotiate.

It is obvious that reconcilliation is the only way to go.

Time to play hardball

Once again, why have the Democrats not already passed it? They have had a super majority for over a year. Why no reform yet? What the hell is the matter with Democrats? If the majority of Americans want it (as they claim) and they had the votes they needed to pass it, why the hell has it come to this?

And why is it now not against the principles that the Founders initiated now to use reconciliation?
Cons got called out for their misrepresentation of the facts. Woo Hoo

Actually the Conservatives were there to talk about the health care reform bill, and even brought a copy of it to the meeting. What did Obama do? Oh, he just called the bill a "prop" and here we all thought that "prop" was what they were there to talk about. No, the Democrats just wanted to talk about a couple of stupid letters they've received to try to sway anyone watching on television.

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The purpose of yesterdays show and tell was to prove to the American public that there is no middle ground to be had on healthcare. The Republicans are unwilling to negotiate.

It is obvious that reconcilliation is the only way to go.

Time to play hardball

"Republicans" are unwilling to negotiate ? ...... :lol:

Hardball = fuck what the majority of americans want, we have to please our 21% kook base.......:eusa_whistle:
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